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SEAL's Promise (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 5)

Page 11

by Makenna Jameison

  Chapter 14

  Troy’s lips quirked as he glanced down at Caitlyn, asleep against his side. She’d grabbed the remote earlier, scrolling through an assortment of movies, and they’d started it, sitting beside one another on her sofa. She’d curled up with a blanket, but halfway through, had ended up snuggled against his side.

  He thumbed a text to his teammates, letting them know he’d see everyone early for PT the following morning. A couple of them were meeting for drinks and dinner later on with their women, but he knew Caitlyn wouldn’t be up for that today. And he didn’t want to leave her side.

  She looked so small, nestled there against him. He’d wrapped an arm around her shoulders when she’d still been awake, and she’d willingly let him hold her close. Now her pretty red hair fell in soft waves around her face, her pink lips were slightly parted, and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to be holding this woman in his arms.

  He’d have to wake her up soon. The movie had ended, and he didn’t want to freak her out just sitting there on her sofa for hours holding her. At the moment he was content as hell just to be with her though. Last night had been gut-wrenching. He was used to rescuing civilians, even dealing with hostage situations. Those usually involved strangers though. People he’d never see again. Every person he rescued mattered, and every life was important, but when he saw Caitlyn in the hallway outside the cabin? It’s like someone had ripped his heart out.

  Flipping through the channels, he turned on a football game, keeping the volume low. He’d give her thirty more minutes or so. If she was still out, he’d have to reluctantly wake her up.

  His phone buzzed with a text from his CO, and he glanced down at the screen.

  Navy divers found the body of the missing gunman.

  Troy breathed a sigh of relief. Although Caitlyn and the other passengers weren’t likely to have been in further danger, the fact that she recognized one of the men concerned him. It’s not like he’d wanted to show her photos of dead bodies to eliminate the one she recognized. She’d been through enough. Although there still was no update on the one who’d escaped by boat.

  The crowd roared on TV, and she stirred slightly. He grabbed the remote, turning down the game, but she sleepily looked up at him. “Sorry. I can’t believe I fell asleep on you,” she said softly.

  “I don’t mind,” he said, helping her to sit up. She remained right at his side though, snuggled under the blanket.

  “Did the movie just end?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.

  “Yep. I was planning to wake you up in thirty minutes,” he said glancing at the clock on her DVR. “Sorry if the game was too loud.”

  “No, it’s fine. Man. I needed that rest,” she said with a laugh. “I promise I’m not usually so lazy on Sundays.”

  “Hey, no apologizing,” he said. “Last night was brutal, even for me. I may be used to going on missions, but everyone eventually crashes after the adrenaline rush. I slept like a baby when I finally crawled into bed this morning.”

  She flushed as her stomach rumbled. “Well, that was embarrassing. I didn’t really eat much last night since we never got to the dinner portion of the evening. And like I said, I just woke up before you texted.”

  “I could go for some food. Want me to order pizza? Or if you’d rather I get out of your hair, that’s fine, too. I know I sort of just showed up earlier.”

  “We could order pizza,” she said.

  “Awesome. It doesn’t count as our dinner date though. This week’s kind of crazy for me with training a couple of evenings, but how about next Friday or Saturday? Assuming you don’t have events you’ll be busy with or other plans.”

  “How about Saturday? I actually have plans with Harper and some friends Friday night.”

  “Sure thing, Butterfly. Do you like seafood?”

  “Love it. Maybe we can eat somewhere and then walk along the boardwalk? It’ll be easier now that I don’t have crutches.”

  “That sounds perfect. How’s your ankle doing anyway?”

  “A little bit sore,” she admitted. “Being tied up last night didn’t help. It just throbs every once in a while. I’ve been meaning to start physical therapy just so it heals properly.”

  “That’s a good idea. I busted my leg a few years ago. I could show you a few stretches if you want.”

  “Um, sure, I guess.”

  Troy got up from the sofa and knelt down, his large hands taking hold of her bare foot. “I guess I should’ve asked first. Is this okay?”

  “Yeah,” she said, watching as he carefully rotated her foot. She pointed out where the break had been, and his thumb gently slid over the bone. It shouldn’t have been sexy looking at his muscular hands on her skin, but goodness. She felt feminine and small next to his strength. At least she’d gotten a pedicure after her cast had been removed. Her toenails were painted a pale pink.

  He told her about resistance bands and recommended a few stretches for her to try after she purchased one. Then they ordered a pizza, watching the rest of the football game. It was amusing to see Troy so excited. Caitlyn wasn’t really into sports and didn’t have any brothers. She didn’t mind watching it with Troy though.

  After several hours, he finally said he’d have to go. They’d spent literally the entire day together, and Caitlyn knew he had work early in the morning. Luckily, she didn’t have any meetings scheduled tomorrow, knowing she’d potentially be wrapping things up from Saturday’s party. Little did she know exactly how much that would involve.

  She walked with Troy to her front door, thanking him again for coming over.

  “I had fun, Butterfly. I wish it had been under better circumstances, but you have all of your belongings back. And like I said, the investigation is ongoing, but if you notice anything or anyone suspicious at your office, let me know. Call 911 too, of course, but we have no idea how deep this goes.”

  “I will,” she assured him.

  “And I’ll be in touch about Saturday. Can I pick you up at your place?”

  “Do you even live near me?”

  His lips quirked. “I’m closer to base, but I don’t mind. We’ll eat, walk on the beach, and hopefully catch the sunset.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she said with a smile.

  Butterflies began to fill her stomach as they hovered there in her doorway. He was so close, she wondered if he was going to kiss her. She’d literally fallen asleep on the man, and she wouldn’t be opposed to a kiss. This wasn’t even a real first date though.

  Before she could wonder anymore, he gently cupped her chin, tilting her head up. Moving slowly, so as not to spook her, he lightly brushed his lips over hers. The kiss was soft and sweet, but that didn’t stop her heart from racing. Anytime she was near Troy she felt goosebumps. Her body reacted to him without any rhyme or reason to it. She felt the warmth radiating off his large frame. She inhaled his delicious, clean scent. And when those soft, full lips brushed over hers? She wanted to throw herself against him and paw at the man. Not that she’d be doing any of that at the moment.

  “I’ll talk to you soon, Butterfly,” he said as he pulled away. She swore his voice sounded deeper than before, like he was equally affected.

  “Okay. Bye Troy,” she said softly.

  He stepped out into the breezeway of her garden-style apartment building, but he didn’t leave until she closed her door. Her skin heated at the memory of their chaste kiss as he walked away. It was almost six at night. This was the longest “first date” ever, and she couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Chapter 15

  Troy smiled to himself as he crossed the parking lot of Caitlyn’s apartment building three weeks later. They’d gone out several times since he’d taken her for seafood, with each date growing more intimate than the last. Two nights ago, they’d eaten at a quiet, romantic restaurant and then stood kissing in her doorway until she’d tugged him into her apartment. They’d ended up on her sofa, and while they’d remained fully clothed, he’d been hard as a ro
ck when he’d left.

  Caitlyn had invited him over for dinner tonight, and since he’d taken her out a few times, he loved that she wanted to do something for him. She’d offered to split the bill on their dates, but he’d declined, saying he enjoyed paying for her meals. There was no way he was letting a woman buy him dinner. Cooking for him, he’d happily accept though.

  He clutched the bouquet of flowers he’d bought for her in his hand. A moment later, he was jogging up the steps to the second floor and knocking on her door. He felt eager as hell to see her, and given the string of texts she’d sent him throughout the past few days, he knew she missed him, too. It was crazy how quickly things had progressed between them, but it was like after their reconnection on the boat, they’d each known they had to see where things went between them.

  Caitlyn opened the door a minute later, grinning up at him in another sundress and sweater. “You look amazing,” he said, ducking down for a kiss. “And wow. Dinner smells fantastic.”

  “I like to cook,” she admitted. “It’s a new recipe, which I realized after the fact was probably a bad idea.”

  “No such thing when it comes to food,” he said with a grin. He stood there in her doorway smiling like an idiot. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked up at him, and she’d clipped back some of that gorgeous red hair. A pretty necklace hung low in her cleavage, and he had to remind himself to keep his gaze on her face. Not that he’d mind exploring more of her later. The dress was appealing as hell on her though. The top seemed to crisscross and wrap around her gorgeous breasts, drawing his gaze. It wasn’t meant to be overtly sexy, but it was scorching hot on her. Hell. Caitlyn could’ve answered the door wrapped in a towel, and he wouldn’t have complained. He liked everything about her.

  She took his hand, tugging him inside.

  “I brought you flowers,” he said after he’d locked her door. She took them from him, guiding Troy toward the kitchen.

  “They’re amazing. So beautiful! I don’t think a guy’s ever brought me flowers before.”

  “Seriously?” he asked in amazement. Maybe it was because he had sisters and realized women liked girly things, but damn. He thought flowers were a classic date move.

  She shrugged, getting a vase from her cupboard. “Fill this with water, will you? I need to flip the pork chops.”

  “Is that some kind of fruit in them?” he asked, peering over her shoulder at the stovetop.

  “Apricot. And I’ve got rice in the air fryer. It tastes better that way,” she assured him. “It crisps it up a bit.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” he said, setting the vase filled with water down on her counter. He watched as she arranged the flowers in it, smiling as she carried it to the table. “Hell. I’ll bring you flowers every time I come over if it makes you smile like that.”

  “Every time?” she teased.

  He stalked across the kitchen toward her, loving how she squealed when he grabbed her. Caitlyn was playful and fun, and damn if he didn’t love bringing out that side of her. Troy’s large hands spanned her waist, and then he was lifting her onto her counter. She grasped his shoulders in surprise, but he didn’t hesitate, just leaned down and kissed her.

  She tasted sweet, like the white wine she’d sipped moments ago while cooking. He was more of a beer guy, but hell. He loved the sweetness of the wine on her lips. Gently trailing his tongue along the seam of her mouth, his chest swelled as she opened to him. Troy loved the feel of her curves against him and stepped even closer, claiming her mouth in a searing kiss. Her chest rose and fell as he kissed her more deeply, and it was all he could do not to sweep her off to the bedroom right then and there.

  Caitlyn was whimpering on the counter as the food began to sizzle, and then she yelped to take the pan off of the stove.

  “Sorry,” he said, not feeling sorry in the least. He turned off the burner, waving his hand at the smoke that had just started to fill the air.

  “Oh no,” she said, hopping down from the counter, and then he did feel a bit of remorse at her crestfallen face.

  “They’ll be fine,” he soothed. “I think just part of the fruit in the sauce began to burn. We’ll avoid that part and eat the rest.”

  “I know. I just wanted to make something special for you.”

  “Hey,” he assured her, tilting her face up toward him. He couldn’t resist once again kissing those pink lips. “You could’ve ordered pizza and I’d be happy. I just love that I get to see you.”

  She nodded, but he could see that her eyes were watery. “I’ll cook for you next time, Butterfly. I promise it won’t be anywhere near as amazing as this.”

  Caitlyn plated the food while Troy poured them each some more wine, and they carried their plates to the table. “Sorry if I was flustered. I just wanted everything to be perfect.”

  “It is,” he said.

  She shrugged. “I’m a perfectionist. It makes me a good event planner but a lousy girlfriend. Not that I’m your girlfriend,” she hastily added. “I just meant—”

  “I know what you meant. And I haven’t seen or thought about another woman in weeks. Hell, I haven’t actually dated someone since the tire lady.”

  Caitlyn burst into laughter. “The one that ditched you when your sister had a flat?”

  “The very one,” Troy said, taking a sip of his wine. “I told you I tried to find you after we met at the beach and I didn’t hear from you. And after that night on the yacht? Hell. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.”

  “Me either,” she admitted. “I mean, I hadn’t dated in a while anyway. I think I told you that when we first met, but….”

  “But what?” he asked, pinning her with a gaze. He knew Caitlyn was a little hesitant about jumping headfirst into things. He liked how she’d opened up to him though, both emotionally and physically. And he loved kissing her and making out with her on the sofa. But he didn’t want her to have any qualms about him. Or them as a couple. Maybe they hadn’t outright made it official yet, but he sure the hell wasn’t interested in dating any other woman.

  “I’m falling for you, and it scares me.”

  “Don’t be scared. I haven’t felt this way—well, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way. Sure, I’ve dated plenty over the years. I’m thirty years old. A lot of times, I was just going through the motions though. I’d ask a woman out, try to get to know her, and we just didn’t click for whatever reason. With you, it was instant. Hell, I jogged across the beach just to meet you. And when I first touched you? I know we were only shaking hands, but damn. That was electric, Butterfly.”

  “You did jog across the beach just to meet me,” she said, smiling shyly at him.

  “And I love that you text me just to let me know you’re thinking about me. I can’t always answer immediately because of training, but it feels good. The guys were even ribbing me the other day about how often I check my phone.”

  “Harper teases me, too,” Caitlyn said.

  “We’ll have to all get together sometime. Hey, Logan’s single. Maybe they’d hit it off.”

  “Probably, but Harper would chase after any guy. She’s the total opposite of me. We balance each other out,” she said with a laugh.

  They began eating, Troy praising how awesome it tasted. The burned portions of the sauce were still in the pan, and what they were eating was spectacular. “You could be a chef,” he said appreciatively. “Seriously,” he added when she raised her eyebrows. “I can grill a burger or maybe cook some mac and cheese—from a box. This is something you’d order in a restaurant.”

  “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll make you dinner again sometime,” she teased.

  “Oh, I can be good,” Troy said, waggling his eyebrows. He chuckled as she flushed. He would love to know what she was thinking. “You sit while I clear the table,” he said, standing up and getting their plates. She followed him into the kitchen anyway, and after she’d set their glasses on the counter, he pounced.

  “I told you to
relax,” he mock growled. Caitlyn laughed as he swung her up into his arms, carrying her toward the sofa. “You’re not very good at taking orders,” he joked, ducking down and nipping at a tender spot on her neck. His teeth grazed her soft skin, and she gasped and clung onto him. Troy carefully set her on the sofa, prowling on top of her as he laid her back.

  Hell, Caitlyn was beautiful. He’d love to kiss and explore every inch of that creamy skin. He nipped at her neck again, smiling as she arched her neck to give him better access. She might be a little shy, but damn if he didn’t love how she opened up to him. Her cheeks were flushed, her chest heaving, and her eyes wide with arousal. Troy carefully slipped her cardigan off, smiling as he revealed more of her strappy sundress. She was both sexy and sweet—a killer combination.

  Although his hands had roamed over her curves before, he couldn’t stop himself from palming one full breast as he trailed his kisses lower. Damn. He’d never get enough of this woman.

  “Troy,” she whimpered, as he softly kissed across her cleavage. She did have freckles trailing down her chest. He wondered if her breasts were covered as well or pale like the skin on her inner arms.

  “What Butterfly?” he asked, boldly tugging one strap of her dress down and pulling one breast free. He growled as he saw all that pale, creamy flesh. She watched him, gasping, as he kissed her pale nipple. He lightly flickered his tongue over the taut bud, loving how she arched up toward him. Unable to resist, he sucked part of her breast into his mouth. She was soft and warm and so damn responsive to his touch.

  Caitlyn moaned when he released her breast, but he kissed his way to the other one, freeing it from the bodice of her dress as well. “This might be my favorite dress you own,” he said, his voice thick. “I love how your breasts spill over the top.”

  Caitlyn gasped, clutching onto his head as he suckled her other nipple. He lightly bit down, and she cried out. “Troy, please,” she murmured.

  “Tell me what you need,” he said, licking her nipple to soothe the sting. She was so gorgeous, he swore he could stay here for hours simply worshipping her full breasts. Caitlyn’s hips were lightly bucking up though, and when she didn’t answer him, he slid a hand between her creamy thighs. “Should I make you come, sweetheart?” he asked.


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