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Devilʼs Brew: The Janna Chronicles 5

Page 27

by Felicity Pulman

  “My tunic’s in the brew house,” Janna called after her. Once Mary had disappeared, Sybil surveyed Janna quietly for some moments.

  “You’ve worked well for me. Indeed, I could be dead and the tavern in the hands of Alan if not for you, so I will send you on your way with my blessing, Janna, and my hope that your father will prove worthy of your trust in him.”

  Janna stayed silent, struck by the sincerity of Sybil’s good wishes. This was more than she’d hoped for, or expected. “Thank you, mistress,” she said at last. “Thank you also for taking me in and giving me a chance, just as you’re doing now for Mary.”

  “What do you know of her?” Sybil asked quickly.

  “Nothing – except that she was hungry, and in need of honest work.” Janna smiled at the taverner. “I’m sure she’ll find a good home with you, mistress, and I expect that she will earn her keep.”

  “I hope so.” Sybil returned Janna’s smile. “Remember, you can always come back here if that father of yours lets you down.” She leaned forward and gave Janna’s cheek a farewell peck. “Go with God,” she advised. “And good luck to you.”

  “And to you, mistress.” Janna left the tavern with a light step. She’d dreaded having to face Sybil, but their parting had gone much better than she’d expected. She just hoped that she would survive the rest of the day so well. The sound of bells tolling from the cathedral hastened her steps. She didn’t want to be too late to witness Hugh and Eleanor exchanging their vows. That wouldn’t suit her purpose at all. As for Godric and Cecily…

  She quickened her steps, trying to outpace her thoughts. Her shoes were beginning to pinch badly, but she ignored the pain, for she knew they looked well with her dress. As she neared the cathedral she found a far greater crush of witnesses than she’d expected. She raised her eyes above the crowds to the wedding party standing on the stairs beside the great door. Hugh, looking ill at ease in a new red tunic, with elaborate embroidery at neck, cuff and hem. His bride beside him, resplendent in gold cloth, looking happy and content. Janna sent the couple a silent wish for their health, long life and happiness together. Her gaze traveled on, seeking those whom she most hoped – or dreaded – to find.

  Beside Hugh stood Dame Alice and her husband, Robert of Babestoche, ruddier of face and appearing more self-important than ever. At once Janna ducked her head, although she was fairly confident that she hadn’t been seen. After all, there were other things of more immediate concern to the wedding party than a close scrutiny of all the witnesses. She risked another look and saw she’d guessed right. All attention was on the priest. Her gaze sharpened. They were not part of the wedding party, but they were here. Godric and Cecily, standing at the front of the crowd. Janna watched them closely, seeking signs. Cecily kept stealing glances at Godric, but he kept his face steadfastly forward, seemingly intent on the ceremony unfolding before them. Although they stood close together, Janna noticed they were not holding hands.

  She was too far away to hear what the priest was saying, but she thought the bride and groom might now be exchanging their vows, particularly when Hugh took Eleanor’s hand and slid a ring onto her finger.

  There, she thought. It’s done. She watched him kiss Eleanor on her cheek, heard Eleanor’s delighted laughter ring out clear above the hum of the crowd. Janna smiled at her evident joy. Even Hugh looked cheerful as he began to shake hands with the well-wishers gathered around him. In trepidation, she waited for Godric and Cecily to take their place in front of the priest, but Godric walked over to Hugh while Cecily stood still, looking about her. Her gaze fell on Janna, moved on, and then came back again. She began to make her way through the crowd in Janna’s direction. Realizing that she’d been recognized, Janna resigned herself to the meeting.

  “Janna! It really is you. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” Cecily seemed nervous. Janna wondered why, until she remembered the young woman’s secret – and her hopes for the future.

  “Mistress Cecily. And I see Godric is here too. Are you…?” Janna’s throat constricted. She could not continue.

  Cecily shot her a worried glance. “Now that you’re here I really need to talk to you,” she said, and lowered her voice. “You may already know that it’s Sire Hugh’s wish that we should be wed, Godric and I, and that I should wait on his new wife. I want to ask you – beg you – not to tell anyone about what happened to me in the past, lest it endanger my future in Sire Hugh’s household and my chance of happiness with Godric.”

  “But…Godric already knows about your past,” Janna said faintly, feeling quite dizzy with relief that he and Cecily were still not betrothed.

  “So he does, for I told him all about it,” Cecily said firmly. “But while he does not hold it against me, I fear that Sire Hugh and Dame Eleanor might consider me unfit for employment in their household if they should hear about my downfall. Godric is Sire Hugh’s steward and I would not jeopardize his position either. Please, Janna, I beg you, hold your peace – for Godric’s sake, if not for mine.”

  “I’ve held my peace all these years, Cecily. I’m unlikely to break my silence now.” Janna found she could not go so far as to wish them happiness. Although she dreaded Cecily’s reply, she needed to find out the worst. “How long is it before you and Godric are wed?”

  Cecily hesitated. “He has not asked me yet.” She brightened. “But I am sure it is only a matter of time.”

  “Why the delay, if your liege lord is in favor of the match?” Janna was genuinely interested in the reason, while desperately hoping that she might not be too late after all.

  The young woman scowled. “I fear you are still in his heart, Janna. He has not forgotten you, even though you turned your back on him all those years ago. You hurt him more than you can ever imagine when you turned your affection to Sire Hugh. By his courage, his wisdom and his strength, Godric has risen high in Sire Hugh’s employ, while my love and kisses have coaxed him back to joy. Our future lies together now. Even though Sire Hugh was wed today and is now lost to you, Godric is not for you either.”

  “But I don’t – ” But Janna didn’t get the chance to correct Cecily’s misunderstanding.

  “We’ve heard that you are related to our old king and that your fortunes have risen far beyond us,” Cecily interrupted. “You’ll be able to wed anyone you wish in the future. You have everything before you, while I will have nothing if Godric is lost to me.” Betraying her agitation, she caught Janna’s hand and pressed it tight. “Please,” she begged, “please don’t come back into our lives now. Please let us be.”

  It was impossible to ignore the heartfelt emotion behind Cecily’s plea, even though Janna had the thought that it was not for Cecily to warn her off. She was chastened by the knowledge of how badly she’d hurt Godric, but surely it was for him to decide whether or not he could forgive her – or love her again. She couldn’t give Cecily the assurance she wanted, but fortunately was saved from having to reply by a happy shout.

  “There you are, Cecily! I’ve been looking for you.” Hamo’s intervention was doubly welcome, for Janna was delighted to see him again. She smiled at the lad as he bounced up to them. He blinked a moment before recognition came, and a smile split his face. “Janna!” His enthusiasm helped restore some of Janna’s confidence, although she could only hope that his parents weren’t watching him. “Are you here to see my cousin? Does he know you are here?”

  “I’ve just come to see him wed, no more.” Janna hoped that Cecily would understand the meaning behind her words.

  “Stay away from us, Janna. Don’t meddle where you’re not wanted.” It was said too low for Hamo to hear. Before she could respond, Cecily gave her a stiff nod and walked away. But Hamo stayed where he was.

  “Why is Cecily looking so cross?” he asked.

  Janna shook her head, thinking it too complicated to explain. She looked about for Godric. With a sinking heart, she realized that Cecily was heading in his direction with the intention, no doubt, of keeping hi
m well away from her. Nevertheless, Janna was determined to speak to him, even if it was only for the last time. But she needed to see him on his own, to apologize and ask for his forgiveness and understanding. And then, if he loved her still, she could tell him how they might be able to choose a new path and be together.

  In the meantime she needed to pursue the next part of her scheme. She turned to Hamo. “Tell me,” she asked, “have you met John fitz Henry and his wife? Are they here today to witness your cousin’s marriage?”

  “I don’t know them.” Hamo shook his head. “But I’ll help you look for them if you like,” he said, brightening with self-importance as he took Janna’s hand. Smothering a grin, Janna allowed herself to be towed around the crowd while she searched for her father, or even for his obnoxious son.

  She found the family standing off to one side, waiting to offer their good wishes to Hugh and his bride. Her steps faltered as she saw the bishop standing beside them, conversing earnestly with her father. She hadn’t expected to find him here. And yet, Hugh had told her that her father was staying at the bishop’s Wolvesey Palace, so it was hardly surprising that they would also keep in company here.

  “Is that him?” Hamo asked, following the direction of Janna’s gaze. Without giving her a chance to reply, he tugged her forward.

  Janna swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. Now that the moment she’d been waiting for was upon her, she felt unable to deal with it, or with the aftermath that must follow. “Hamo, wait!” But it was too late, for her father had seen her. He broke off his conversation with the bishop, and stared at her in disbelief.

  Wanting desperately to run away, Janna was yet towed forward by the determined Hamo, who wanted only to make himself useful.

  “Johanna,” her father greeted her.

  “My lord.” She sank into a curtsy before him. She hadn’t called him “father.” It was up to him to recognize her or not. She would let him decide how their relationship would develop from here on.

  He stretched out a hand, put it under her arm and pulled her up. Around him, the family had grown quiet. Even the bishop had ceased speaking. John looked at her, his searching gaze taking in everything from her apparel to her presence at the cathedral in the company of a young lord who was dressed in wedding finery equal to Hugh’s own, and who obviously regarded her with affection.

  “I am ready, sire, to be your dutiful daughter,” said Janna, speaking so quietly that only her father could hear her words.

  He cleared his throat. Beside him, Blanche stiffened. The two girls in the party looked at Janna with undisguised curiosity. Her glance flicked to Giles and, as quickly, flicked away. She was shocked by the hostility of his expression, understanding that the same hostility would be matched in Blanche’s heart, even if it didn’t show on her face.

  “My dear, may I present my daughter, Johanna,” John said formally, all the while retaining his hold on Janna’s arm. It was both a comfort and a support to her as she bobbed a curtsy to acknowledge his family.

  “My lady,” she said.

  Beside him, Blanche drew a deep breath. “Johanna. My husband has told us all about you.”

  Janna risked a look at Blanche, and flinched at the depths of hatred she could read in her eyes.

  “My daughters,” said her father. “This is Richildis.” He indicated the older girl, who tossed her head and wouldn’t meet Janna’s eye. “And this is Rohesia, whom we call Rosy.” His face softened into a smile as he pointed to the sturdy child standing beside her older sister. He nodded toward his son. “Giles you have already met.”

  “Giles,” Janna murmured politely. Unsure how to greet them all, she held out her hand. Nobody took it. After an agonizing few moments, she withdrew her hand and tucked it behind her back. Her father let go of her arm, and she felt instantly abandoned. All her instincts urged her to flee. Only pride kept her standing still. She wished Hamo would drag her off somewhere else, anywhere, so she could make an excuse and leave them.

  “I didn’t know you had another daughter, John.” The bishop’s voice interrupted her panicked thoughts. He sounded kindly enough; more, he held out his hand to her. With great relief, Janna took it and heard Blanche’s indrawn breath of disapproval. Was she meant to shake his hand or kiss his ring? Flustered, she snatched her hand away and looked to her father for guidance.

  “It’s an old story, and now is not the time for its telling,” John said firmly. “I bid you, wife, make Johanna welcome. And you, my children, greet your half-sister.” His sweeping gaze encompassed them all before moving on to the bishop. “With your permission, Henry, I’d like Johanna to stay with us at Wolvesey. She and I have a lot to talk about, for it is only recently that I have come to know of her existence.”

  “Of course!” But the bishop couldn’t keep the surprise and curiosity from his face as he turned to Janna. “I bid you welcome, long-lost daughter of my cousin. I look forward to hearing all about you.”

  You’ll only hear what I choose to tell! Janna didn’t put her thoughts into words, but it was hard to keep her dismay from showing. She’d suddenly realized, now that it was too late, that she was about to go into the fortress of the enemy. True, Bishop Henry had seemed to support the empress’s cause while his brother was imprisoned, but Janna knew, even if the present company did not, that he had always supported his brother and had worked actively to bring about the empress’s downfall.

  With a prick of alarm, Janna wondered if the bishop had heard of her own role in making sure his treachery was known to the empress. She must hope for the best, and be very careful indeed to hide her involvement with his agent. Nor must she let her thoughts show, never indicate by word or deed that she was at odds with the king and his brother, the bishop. So she pressed her lips tight shut and sank into another deep curtsy, thinking it safer than saying or doing anything else.

  Apparently the bishop was pleased enough with her, for he helped her up, gave her a warmer smile than any other member of John’s family had done, and then excused himself to talk to Eleanor’s father, who had materialized at his elbow. Janna was left facing her new family.

  “May I present Hamo, sire, cousin to Sire Hugh, whose marriage is being celebrated today,” she said, hoping Hamo might ease the tension with his usual irrepressible high spirits.

  “And how do you come to be on such familiar terms with a young lord?” Blanche demanded coldly, clearly having learned something of Johanna’s upbringing.

  “Janna rescued me!” Hamo said, not giving Janna a chance to reply as he continued, “Our reeve kidnapped me when I was staying with my cousin Hugh on his manor farm. Janna and Godric found me just in time. She’s very brave. Hugh says she’s also very clever.”

  Janna did her best not to smile, although she was delighted that Hamo had given her such a glowing testimonial. Perhaps it would help wipe away the sour expression on Blanche’s face.

  “Johanna has learned the art of healing from her mother,” John added quickly, as if hoping to increase his daughter’s standing in the eyes of his wife.

  “She helped my cousin Hugh get better after he was stabbed at the fair in Wiltune,” Hamo chimed in eagerly, happy to heap praise on someone he regarded as both a friend and an ally.

  Janna was beginning to blush at all the unaccustomed attention she was receiving. “I have some knowledge of herbs and healing,” she said modestly.

  Blanche’s mouth pulled down, apparently unwilling to think well of this cuckoo in their midst. Giles continued to scowl at her, but Janna hoped that she might be able to persuade the two girls into friendship. She smiled at them. “How old are you?” she asked, thinking to make them her allies, if she could.

  “Richildis is the eldest of my children,” Blanche answered quickly. “But you, of course, are some years older than she is.” She looked Janna up and down with increasing disfavor. “At your age I’m surprised you are not wed.”

  “’Tis just as well she is not, for now it is in my power to find a suitab
le husband for her,” John interposed.

  Dismayed, Janna opened her mouth to protest, then quickly closed it again. It wouldn’t do to antagonize her father right at the start. When she’d first pondered the consequences of finding him, and the price she might have to pay for being his daughter, she hadn’t taken an arranged marriage into consideration. With a sinking heart, she wondered if she’d just made the biggest mistake of her life. She heard Hamo’s joyful shout, and turned to see what had attracted his attention.

  “Hugh!” He was jumping up and down and waving to his cousin. Janna watched Hugh’s mouth open in shock as he recognized her. Feeling suddenly self-conscious, she smoothed her hands over the silky woolen fabric of her gown and flicked back her hair. For the first time ever, she would meet him as an equal. She savored her triumph as she watched Hugh hurry toward her, closely followed by his new wife.

  Janna smiled at them both as they approached. She saw puzzlement give way to shock as Eleanor finally recognized her, and noticed the light die in her joyful face as she hurried to keep pace with her lord. It was enough to make Janna feel deeply uncomfortable. She had wanted to meet Hugh and Eleanor this last time just to show them who she truly was: not a drudge in a tavern but the granddaughter of a king. So focused had she been on her own ambition, she hadn’t given any thought as to how her presence might spoil Eleanor’s joy on this day of all days. But it was too late now to run, to pretend she hadn’t seen them, so she kept her smile fixed firmly in place.

  “My congratulations on your nuptials,” her father said. His glance went from Hugh to Eleanor, who stood silent by Hugh’s side. “I am John fitz Henry. Did you wish to speak to my daughter?”

  “I…” There was such an expression of regret on Hugh’s face that Janna turned away, lest she betray what she was thinking. She listened to his mumbled introduction, which seemed to meet with her father’s approval, for he then introduced his own family in turn. There was a short silence, broken by Janna, who was desperate to do what she could to retrieve the situation.


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