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Baby Lust: A Navy SEAL Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants #1)

Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

“What work?”

  “Are you kidding me? Companies are lining up left and right to hire me for security work. And the money is good too.”

  “Won’t it be dangerous? Would that be a good decision for the father of a newborn?”

  “Team leader. I can do everything without actually putting myself, or our future, in any danger.”

  Damn, I wanted to kiss her. Part of me didn’t like all these questions, but I admired her logic in such an emotional time. I was a freight train coming at her full speed and she was staying the course.

  “And you’ve been planning this for how long?”

  “Months. The financial and logistical aspects at least. My feelings? They’ve always been there.”

  She turned her head sideways and stared at her front entrance.

  “If you don’t want this, just tell me. Tell me to go. But if you do, you’ll be lying to yourself, and missing out on what will be the best thing that ever happened to you. I’m going to make sure of that. But if you want me to go, just say so.”

  She quickly turned back toward me, pausing a moment before speaking. “You know I don’t want you to go.”

  I leaned in and kissed her hard. Her lips parted easily and I felt her hand along my obliques making its way toward my back. I brought up one hand and moved her hair behind her ear. I reached down with my other hand and grabbed her juicy ass hard. I could feel her raise up on her tip toes.

  I leaned back. “And that’s how I prove that I want you as mine. And that I want everyone to know you’re mine. I’m going to claim you. I’m going to own you. And I’m going to fill you with my cum until you’re pregnant with our child.”

  She breathed out hard.

  “This is it. You’re it. There’s nothing else. No one else. Just us and the lives we create together. I want to pick you up and carry you inside right now and fuck you so long and so hard you can’t even get out of bed to call in sick tomorrow. To make you remember why you’re alive. To fill you with my cum so deep that you get pregnant with triplets.”

  “Aaah,” she moaned.

  “And I’m going to keep fucking you tonight, tomorrow, the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year, and forever. Fast and hard. Slow and soft. Deep thrusts and shallow teases. I want to kiss every inch of you. To consume you like you consume my thoughts.”

  Her upper lip tucked behind her lower and she exhaled through her nose, her arms trembling around my core.

  “What do you have to say about that, beautiful?”

  “Yes, please. Yes, yes, yes!”



  Damn, this was so fast. Out of left field.

  A mother to his child?

  His woman forever?

  I’d wanted to hear those words for a long, long time, but had given up. He’d had plenty of chances, but I thought I’d always just be his best friend’s little sister. That our relationship could never grow beyond that.

  But things had changed. He had really given up everything to be with me. Here and now. And I couldn’t lie, I wanted him here and now as well. Inside me. Owning me.

  I knew he was hard. I could see it and I could feel it when he leaned in against me. Damn it felt so good pressed against my body. Knowing what I was doing to this warrior of a man. Wondering how it would feel inside me was driving me crazy.

  Is this really going to work? Could it work? Can I really be everything he wants?

  I could already see it. Kids, a dog or two, a white picket fence. And of course the alpha stud that was right here in front of me offering it all to me. Me and only me.

  I knew now that I’d felt his mouth against mine there was no turning back. Logic be damned.

  “We’re going for a ride tomorrow, when you get off. A proper ride on my bike.”

  “Where to?”

  “Don’t you wish you knew? That’s my little secret, but I can tell you this. It’s our first official date. I’m going to show you just how special you are. Treat you like you are my woman, because you are my woman. Not just my friend’s little sister. Those days are over. You’re all grown up and you’re all mine.”

  He ran his hand along my belly again. “And we’re going to make a life together.”

  I just smiled.

  “But it’s getting late, and as much as I want to go inside with you right now and unleash a whole lot of passion in more ways than I can count, I know the time isn’t right. Not until after tomorrow. Let’s start this thing off right. Let’s start this off beautifully, in a special way we can both remember.”

  I nodded my head.

  “See you tomorrow, after your shift.”

  I nodded again. Just watching him walk away.

  It was so sexy the way he slung his leg over his bike. When he slid his helmet on he looked so sleek and aerodynamic. It was like he was a futuristic warrior, or sex God sent to please me. And please me he did. His words. His touch. His passion. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.




  n three hours?” Ben asked.

  “Yep. As soon as I finish up here.”

  “Where is he taking you?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Everything about him is a surprise. Always has been, always will be.”

  “Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I like him.”

  Ben just looked off into the distance, squinting.

  He had insisted on a video call as soon as I told him. He was in God knows where doing something that was surely beyond Top Secret, but he found a way to make it to a computer. I was on my last break of the day. I had fifteen minutes tops.

  My big brother’s gaze returned to the screen. “And you’re sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, Ben. What are you worried about?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Of course. I’m a grown woman. I can take care of myself.”

  “The world’s not getting any safer, sis.”

  “Okay, but back to the point. What are your concerns with Noah?”

  “Actually…I don’t have any concerns with him.”

  “Really? That was easy.” Of course I could make my own decisions, and would, but it was nice to hear this from him.

  “Well, it’s not that easy. I mean he is a bit rough around the edges at times. A bit unpredictable. Fly by the sea of his pants.”

  “Keep going, you’re turning me on.”

  “Okay, too much information.”

  “Sorry, but really, Ben. These things all sound fun and exciting. I could use a little bit of that in my boring bookkeeping life.”

  “That’s what scares me. You’re going to get an emotional roller coaster of a high right away. The question is can you sustain it? It’s not easy keeping up with him. Hell, I can barely do it, and I’m the best at it.”

  “Like I said, this is all making me more excited about him.”

  “Sis, I know. And I’ll be honest. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. I’ve seen it for years. It was never a question of whether or not this moment would come. It was just a question of when. I guess it’s just one of those things. No matter how much you prepare yourself for it, you’re still not fully ready for it when it finally arrives.”

  “Are you going to be okay with everything?”

  “More than okay. There’s no one I’d rather you be with.”

  “That’s a bit surprising.”

  “That guy will fight for you tooth and nail. He’ll have your back to the death. He’s passionate about everything he does, and he may look like a hellion, and maybe he is, but he sure has a heart of gold underneath it all. Underneath all that ink. Once you get to know him, he’ll do anything for you.”

  “And we already have quite a history.”

  “Exactly. It’s why I know you’re in safe hands.”

  “Well that’s good to hear.”

  Ben just smiled. “Okay, sis. I’ve got to run. Duty calls. T
hanks for giving me the head’s up. Watching my six. I’m glad I found out this way, sort of.”

  “Ben…what do you mean, sort of?”

  The size of my brother’s smile grew exponentially. “He asked me a few months ago. Before he decided to retire. Said he wanted to make sure I was cool with it before he approached you. Before he gave up his career. I thought about it and gave him my blessing. Of course after the fact he told me he appreciated it, but it really didn’t matter. He had already turned in his paperwork. He was coming for you no matter what anybody thought. He didn’t care. All he cared about was you.”



  I carefully scooped her mixed vegetables and fillet form the camping stove. I arranged it on a plate and then did the same with my portion.

  “Is this gourmet camping?” she asked.

  “The Four Seasons for four seasons,” I said.

  “I’m impressed.”

  “One thing I learned over the years was how to cook outside. I already enjoyed nature, but when I found myself living in it for days at a time it took things to a whole new level.”

  She turned and placed her fork in my vegetables. She poked one and held it up to my mouth. I took it and chewed quickly. I wanted to finish the bite as quickly as I could so I could kiss her. And that’s exactly what I did.

  “My turn,” I said, returning the favor.

  “It’s delicious, Noah. Now I’m really, really impressed.”

  “Wait until you sink your teeth into your fillet.” She smiled. “And I’m going to sink my teeth into you later.”

  “So you’re a biter?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.”

  “The suspense is killing me,” she said as she winked at me.

  And the suspense was killing me too. I had picked her up on my bike and taken us here to a secluded wilderness area. It was late at night, and we could hear a few coyotes in the distance, but it was nothing to be worried about. I was here to protect her, and plus they were all they way on the other side of the lake. The lake we were overlooking which sparkled in her eyes. Her big, beautiful eyes.

  We made ourselves comfortable on the blanket. The smell of pinecones all around us. We took turns feeding ourselves and each other. As far as first dates go I’d give it a perfect score.

  As much as I wanted her, as much my cock was reminding me of that constantly, I was lost in the moment. Everything was absolutely perfect. Most importantly was the company. Even in the most perfect surrounding, with the perfect meal, it’s the company that makes it. And it was her. Without her, it would have meant nothing. She made it mean everything.

  I wanted to show Mia that I deserved her.

  I wanted to show her what it would be like to be my woman.

  I wanted to give her an inside look at the romantic side she’d never seen. A side that only came out for her.

  And above all else I wanted to show her that I could provide and be a good father. A father for the baby I wanted with her so damn bad. Want was the wrong word. It was a need. A primal pull from the core of my being. An insatiable desire that only she could fulfill with me.


  The way he listened to me so intently made me feel like everything I said was so interesting and exciting. I’d always thought I lived a bit of a boring life, but he had been able to see the finer details. He had pulled out their significance simply by changing his expressions. He never interrupted me once. It really made me feel special, appreciated, and more interesting as a person. My self-esteem was riding high. Just being around him made me feel so good, so warm inside. So happy about just being me.

  And he looked so deeply into my eyes the whole time. He never complained that my gaze rotated between his beautiful eyes, the lake, or of course his sexy inked body. The way his tattoos peaked out from underneath his white t-shirt turned me on more than he could ever know.

  God, how did a girl get so lucky? I was scared at how lucky I had got with Noah. It was like a fairy tale and I didn’t want to wake up.

  The cool evening air in my face was refreshing as we drove back to my place. I guess my car would have to spend another night in the lot at work. Suddenly I had my own bad boy to drive me everywhere. And not in a old, used, get me from point a to point b automobile. Not anymore. On his bike I felt the pavement underneath me. It was something small that I had never noticed or appreciated. But all the small things seemed bigger with him. I like the way the bike felt underneath me. The power, the vibration, the movement. But of course all I could think about was being underneath him. To feel his raw power and everything it would bring.

  The smooth transitions he made as we turned corners led my mind directly to the bedroom. How his hips would expertly navigate my tight corners and numerous curves. How he would alternate speeds perfectly and never miss a beat. I was already so wet and I was only on his bike. I’d be a waterfall when I felt his skin on mine.

  When we pulled in front of my house he had the bike parked and was helping me off almost immediately. Our helmets were off and our mouths collided instantly. I could feel his tongue working the curves as perfectly as he had done with the bike. But these were the curves of my mouth. And the glass of wine he had given me increased the pleasure.

  He insisted on not drinking since he was driving. I admired his restraint, and it was paying off now. I noticed the slight taste of meat mixed from his mouth mixing with the wine in mine. It was an aphrodisiac of culinary pleasures.

  It was clear how he wanted the night to go. And my thoughts were the same.

  He pulled his head back and put two fingers between our faces.

  “If these two fingers slid down below you’re belly button, underneath your panties and to your pussy would they be covered in your juices?” his gravelly voice asked.

  But it sounded more like a promise of what he already knew he would find than a question.

  “What do you think?” I said. The wine was giving me liquid courage and his masculinity giving me boldness to be the woman I wanted to be in the presence of a man who exuded true strength.

  “I think you’re going to show me right now,” he said. He reached down with his other hand and took mine, raising it and placing his fingers inside my grip.

  I took a deep breath and stared into his eyes. His look was feral. Hot.

  I put my fingers between my chest and slowly started descending down my body. I got to the top of my pant line and stopped.

  “Deeper,” he said.

  I slid my hand underneath my panties, finding my folds. His hand still over the top of mine.

  He placed his index and middle fingers on top of mine and began moving in a circular motion over my swollen bud. I was praying he would slide our four fingers in so I could cum right then and there.

  But he didn’t. He was going to drag this out. Torturing and teasing me, allowing me to suck out every last bit of pleasure from our first experience.

  He started rubbing slowly, in a circle. Then he alternated between circles and tracing my folds. His speed gradually quickening.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Amazing,” I moaned.

  “What feels amazing?”

  “Your fingers.”

  “You mean our fingers on your pussy. Say it.”

  “Our fingers on my pussy feel amazing.”

  I was fighting cumming with all my might.

  “Noah,” I said.

  “I’m right here.”

  “What do you want?”

  He smirked. “I want to shove these four fingers deep inside you and watch your eyes roll back in your head and your knees buckle as you cum.”

  Oh. My. God.

  “Do it, please.”


  “No?” I feebly moaned.

  “No, because I know what you want even more, and I’m going to tell you. You want me to pick you up, take you inside, and ram my huge cock deep inside your tight little pussy. And keep ramming
it until I explode inside you filling you with cum until your so full of my seed it’s dripping from your pussy. So much of my juice inside you, your pussy drinks it up like a desert oasis. And then your body takes my gift and turns it into our first beautiful baby.”

  “Yes. Yes, that’s what I want,” I moaned between short, shallow half breaths.


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