The 2012 Story
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Wikman, Monika. Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness. Berwick, ME: Nicolas-Hays, 2004.
Wilber, Ken. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. Revised edition. Boston and London: Shambhala Publications, 2001.
———. No Boundary. Boston and London: Shambhala Publications, 1981.
Wind, Edgar. Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance. Revised and enlarged edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1968.
Zarandi, Mehrdad M. (ed.) Science and the Myth of Progress. Bloomington, IN: World Wisdom, 2003.
Zerzan, John. Twilight of the Machines. Port Townsend, WA: Feral House, 2008.
Alejandro, Don
Alexander, Helen
Alli, Antero
Alten, Steve
Alvarado, Pedro de
anagogical symbols
Anastas, Ben
Ancient Maya, The (Morley)
Andrews, Synthia and Colin
Apocalypse 2012 (Joseph)
Apocalypto (Gibson)
Archaic Maya Inscriptions (Goodman)
Argüelles, José
Charles Henry and the Formation of a Psychospiritual Aesthetic
correlation used
Crazy Wisdom school
Dreamspell system
Earth Ascending
galactic synchronization concept
Harmonic Convergence
Mayan Factor
as mythmaker
Omega Point and noosphere concepts
on start date of final Katun
13-moon calendar
Transformative Vision
260-day sacred calendar
Aronofsky, Darren astronomy
Atlantis legend and
Creation date and
ecliptic crossings
hearthstone triangle of stars
Maya skill at
naked-eye observations
13-Baktun cycle and
See also Milky Way galaxy
Atlantis myth
Aveni, Anthony
at academic 2012 conference
on Coba date
on galactic alignment theory
on Izapa solstice orientation
on Maya precessional knowledge
start- and end-date calculations
“Water, Mountain, Sky,”
Aztec Calendar Stone (Sunstone)
Aztec civilization
Calendar Round
mental sophistication
in modern Mexican heritage
settlement in Central Mexico
subjugation by Cortés
worldview and cosmology
Bache, Christopher
Bakan, Joel
Baktunian movement
Baktuns. See 13-Baktun cycle
Balin, Peter
Barrios, Carlos
Bartholomew, Marko
Bash, Frank
Bauval, Robert
Bear & Company
Behak, Jon
Beneath the Moon and Under the Sun (Shearer)
Bera, Mike
Beyond 2012: A Shaman’s Call… (Endredy)
Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy (Stray)
Biologia Centrali-Americana (Maudslay)
Book of the Gods and Rites of the Ancient Calendar, The (Durán)
Book of the Year (Edmonson)
Books of Chumayel (Brinton, trans.)
Bowditch, Charles
Braden, Gregg
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Étienne
Breaking Open the Head (Pinchbeck)
Bricker, Harvey
Bricker, Victoria
Bringers of the Dawn (Marciniak)
Brinton, Daniel
Brotherston, Gordon
Brown, Vinson
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
building dedication ceremonies
Bullock, William
Burroughs, William
Bush, George
calendar priests. See day-keepers
Calendar Round
Calleman, Carl Johan
Campbell, Joseph
on cultural institutions and priorities
definition of myth
Inner Reaches of Outer Space (Campbell)
on key precessional numbers
on Perennial Philosophy and mythology patterns
recognition of universal ideas
subjectivity of
on symbolic meaning of mythology
Canek, Jacinto
Careri, Gemelli
Carlson, John B.
Catherwood, Frederick
Cayce, Edgar
Center of Mayan Time, The (Jenkins)
Chac Mool
Chalice and the Blade, The (Eisler)
Champollion, Jean François
Chanchabac, Rigoberto Itzep
Chardin, Teilhard de
Charles Henry and the Formation of a Psychospiritual Aesthetic (Argüelles)
Chichén Itzá
Chilam Balam
Chomsky, Noam
Cleveland, Grover
Clow, Barbara Hand
Coe, Michael
on 2012 as cataclysmic event
on 13-Baktun cycle ending
on Jacinto Cunil
end-date calculation
on Izapan civilization
on Maya belief in World Age ending
on racism
action and community-building
Dreamtime state
five sheaths
higher level
meditation practice sacred plants
sensory isolation/LSD
shift in
three stages of development
transrational perspective
Cook, Garrett
Coomaraswamy, Ananda
Copernicus, Nicholas
Corbin, Henry
Corporation, The (Bakan)
codependent partnerships with government
dysfunctional workplace relationships
as Seven Macaw figures
correlation problem
260-day calendar and
“Equation of Maya Time,”
Goodman-Martínez-Thompson (GMT)
settlement of
zero date
Cortés, Hernando
Cotterell, Maurice
Covarrubias, Miguel
Crazy Wisdom
Creation Myth
astronomy and
cosmic Crossroads
earliest depictions of
as expression of Perennial Philosophy
Hero Twin narrative
transformation and renewal
World Age doctrine and
See also hieroglyphic texts
Creation Mythology
astronomy and
Black Hole
building dedication ceremonies and
dark rift references
Galactic Center
Izapan monuments depicting
passage of kings through power stations
start date
three hearthstones
Creation texts. See hieroglyphic texts
Creo, Izzi
Cueva, Flavia
Cunil, Jacinto
cyclic time philosophy
dark rift
in Creation Mythology
in definition of galactic alignment
hieroglyphic text references
in Milky Way galaxy
during total lunar eclipse
Darwin, Charles
Daumal, René
Davis, Erik
day-keepers (calendar priests)
initiation process
as spiritual guides
in traditional Maya culture
n placement
day-signs in 260-day tzolkin calendar
Day Signs (Scofield)
Dee, John
de Landa, Diego
Del Rio, Antonio
de Pauw, Cornelius
de Waal, Frans
Diagnosis 2012 website
Discovery Channel ”Places of Mystery,”
Dixon, Alice
Domain (Alten)
Dreamspell system
Dresden Codex
Durán, Diego
Eagle Bowl (Sunstone)
Earth Ascending (Argüelles)
Eberl, Markus
Edmonson, Munro
destructive attitude toward nature
transcendence of, through sacrifice
in Western thinking
world’s problems and
See also Seven Macaw in modern society
ego reorientation
action and community-building
sacred plants
sensory isolation/LSD
Eisen, Gustav
Eisler, Riane
Elgin, Duane
Emmerich, Roland
end date . See also correlation problem
end-date alignment theory. See galactic alignment theory
Endredy, James
cessation of time
in embrace of death
Jenkins’s experience of
progressive revelation of
Fash, William
Fifth Gate, The (Milton)
final Katun
Fingerprints of the Gods (Hancock)
Fiorenza, Nick
fire ceremony
Flight of the Feathered Serpent (Balin)
Förstemann, Ernst
Fountain, The (Aronofsky)
Fox, Matthew
Frawley, David
Frazer, James
Freidel, David
Frost, Charlie (fictional character)
Fuentes, Carlos
“Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations” (Nuttall)
Galactic Alignment (Jenkins)
galactic alignment theory
astronomical features
confusion with other phenomena
critique by astronomers
early publications on
galactic equator
illustration of
magnetic field effect
in Maya cosmology
meaning to future humanity
misrepresentation of
precession of the equinoxes
precision of end-date calculation
See also dark rift; Galactic Center; Milky Way galaxy
Galactic Center
axis of precession and
confusions concerning
in Creation Mythology
in galactic alignment theory
galactic synchronization
Geithner, Timothy
Geryl, Patrick
Giamario, Daniel
Gilbert, Adrian
Gimbutas, Marija
Glastonbury, England
GMT (Goodman-Martínez-Thompson) correlation
Goddess Lunar Calendar
Godwin, Joscelyn
Goebbels, Joseph
Gonzales, Patrisia
Gonzalez, Erick
González, Gaspar Pedro
Goodman, Joseph
Goodman-Martínez-Thompson (GMT) correlation
Göring, Hermann
government as Seven Macaw figure
Govinda, Anagorika
Great Dreams website
Grof, Stanislav
Grofe, Michael
on accuracy of Maya astronomy
on Classic Period inscription from Tikal Stela
on king’s cosmological mandate
on Maya astronomical observations
on precessional and sidereal-year calculations
Serpent Series
on Serpent Series numbers
on text associated with lunar eclipse
understanding of astronomy and epigraphy
Gronemeyer, Sven
Grube, Nikolai
genocide and repression of Maya
survival of 260-day tzolkin
Guénon, René
Hagan, Mike
Hamlet’s Mill (von Dechend and Santillana)
Hancock, Graham
Haramein, Nassim
Harbury, Jennifer
Harmonic Convergence
Hartmann, Thom
Hatch, Marion Popenoe
Henry, William
Hero Twin. See Creation Myth
Hesse, Hermann
hieroglyphic texts
Black Hole
calendar glyphs
dark rift references
18 Rabbit
forward and backward projections
Long Count
three hearthstones
2012 reference
hieroglyphic writing system
anagogical symbols
deciphering of
development of
photographic documentation of
reconstruction of Maya knowledge through
Histoire des Nations Civilisées du Mexique et de l’Amérique Centrale (Brasseur de Bourbourg)
History Channel
History of the Conquest of Mexico (Prescott)
Hoagland, Richard
Honshin, Nicholas Kirsten
Hoopes, John
Horizon Project
Houston, Stephen
How to Survive in 2012 (Geryl)
Hunt, Eva
Huxley, Aldous
I, Rigoberta (Menchú)
I Ching
Idiot’s Guide to 2012, The (Andrews and Andrews)
Incidents of Travel in Central America and Yucatan (Stephens)
Inner Reaches of Outer Space (Campbell)
“Into the Blue” (Jenkins)
Invisible Landscape, The (McKenna and McKenna)
Irvin, Jan
“It’s Not the End of the World” (Van Stone)
ballcourt solstice orientation
Long Count inscriptions
region of
solar zenith transit dates
Izapan civilization
arms-outstretched symbolism
awareness of precessional shift
ballcourt symbolism
calendrical and mythological traditions
canoe symbolism
connection of World Age doctrine with galactic alignment
cosmic centers
frog’s mouth symbolism
One Hunahpu symbolism
Seven Macaw symbolism
as transitional civilization
tripartite cosmology of
See also Maya
James, William
Jayne, Charles
Jenkins, John Major
Center of Mayan Time
experience of eternity
Galactic Alignment
“Into the Blue,” v
Journey to the Mayan Underworld
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012,
“Mayan Cosmogenesis,”
7 Wind
See also galactic alignment theory
Jeremias, Alfred
Johnson, Georgeann
Joseph, Lawrence
Journey to the Mayan Underworld (Jenkins)
Joy, Curt
Juan, Rodolfo
Justeson, John
Kaivalya Navanitam, The
Katun, final
Keen, Sam
Kekulé, Friedrich August
Kingsborough, Lord
Kingsley, Peter
Klein, Joe
Knorosov, Yuri
Kollerstrom, Nick
Kuhn, Thomas
Lacandon Maya
Lavoie, Franklin
Lawlor, Robert
León y Gama, Antonio de
Le Plongeon, Augustus
Liddy, G. Gordon
Lilly, John
Long, Richard
Long Count
Calendar Round and
Coba date
combination with tzolkin dates
components and basics of
as cosmological artifact
Creation Mythology and
dot and bar notation
earliest carvings of
final Katun
functions and applications of
inscriptions of
loss of
mathematical system in
origins of
Short Count and
365-day haab and
260-day tzolkin and
zero date
See also correlation problem; 13-Baktun cycle
Looper, Matthew
Lord of the Dawn, Quetzalcoatl (Shearer)
Lounsbury, Floyd
Lucero, Stevon
lunar calendar
Lungold, Ian
MacLaine, Shirley
MacLeod, Barbara
connection of three hearthstones to Orion
“Cycle 7,”
on end date
interests and scholarly activities
on Maya tracking of Uranus
3-11 Pik formula
on precessional inscriptions
Madrid Codex
magic mirrors
Makemson, Maud
Malmström, Vincent
Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta (Guénon)
Mandala (Argüelles)
Man Who Killed the Deer, The (Waters)
Marciniak, Barbara
Mardyks, Raymond
Martínez Hernández, Juan
Mathematical Astronomy Morsels (Meeus)
Matthews, Chris
Maudslay, Alfred
adaptation to new ideas and needs
Classic Period
cultural activity
jade tradition
loss of calendar system
Maya renaissance
meaning of 2012 for
noble savage characterization
present-day survival
prohibition of rituals within archaeological sites
racist attitudes toward
sacred plant use
subjugation and genocide
visual acuity
See also Izapan civilization
Maya, The (Coe)
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (Jenkins)
Maya Cosmos (Schele, Freidel, and Parker)
Maya Intellectual Renaissance (Montejo)
Mayan Calendar, The (Calleman)
“Mayan Cosmogenesis” (Jenkins)
Mayan Factor, The (Argüelles)
“Mayanism” (Hoopes)
Mayan Prophecies (Cotterell and Gilbert)
Maya prophecy. See 2012 prophecy
Maya renaissance
Baktunian movement