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Alpha Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 4

Page 2

by Janelle Peel

  Thumbing it to life, Sora’s face popped up on the screen as I brought the speaker up to my ear.

  “Dammit, Natalie! It’s about time you answered, this is the third time I’ve called. Bex is-”

  “Hey, Sora. It’s Viv.”

  She paused, “Where’s Nat?”

  “I don’t know, actually. We broke into her room, but she isn’t here. What’s going on with Bex?”

  Rowe joined me beside the bed holding a wadded rag at arm’s length. Her other hand covered her mouth and nose, “I found it.”

  Sora’s voice rang in my ear, “You found what?”

  “Just sec, I’ll put you on speaker.” Pressing the appropriate icon, I asked, “Can you hear me?”

  “Yes, I’m still here,” she answered. “What did you find, Rowe?”

  She shook her head and lowered her hand, “I don’t know. A cloth that smells horrible. Like chemicals or something.”

  “Viv?” Sora questioned.

  “On it,” I mumbled, taking the material from Rowe. Bringing it to my face, I inhaled and promptly coughed. “Oh shit, that is disgusting!”

  Rowe gave me an ‘I told you so’ look.

  Sora’s voice took on a worried pitch, “What does it smell like, Viv?”

  “I’ve never smelled anything like it. Give me a sec.” My thoughts raced, what the hell was that? “It smells like Rowe said. Like a chemical, mixed with herbs or something.”

  “Find her bag, NOW!” Sora screeched into the phone.

  Confused, I met Rowe’s gaze.

  Shrugging, she dropped to the floor to look under the bed.

  “What’s going on, Sora?” I queried.

  The sound of wind met my ears through the speaker for a moment before she spoke again. “Blaze, give me your phone.” A tone sounded before what I assumed to be Blaze’s phone began to ring.

  “Hello?” Daisy’s voice answered as Sora hit the speaker function.

  “Daisy, it’s Sora. Quick question, what is the recipe for Nightshade?”

  “Oh, you don’t want to mess with that. It’s a chemical concoction of belladonna, ether, and a few other herbs. Once you quicken it with magic, it gains the ability to put almost anyone to sleep. Vampires are immune, but it can be deadly to Shifters and humans if given in the wrong dose.” Daisy paused, “Why?”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Sora screamed.

  What the hell is going on?

  “What’s happened?” Daisy asked, mirroring my thoughts.

  Sora’s voice cracked, “I’ll call you back, Daisy.”

  “Bu-” an audible click cut her off.

  “Viv, did you find her bag?”

  Rowe answered, “It’s not here.”

  Sora replied with despair coloring her voice, “Goddess, this is my fault. I never should have sent her there. What was I thinking?”

  “What the fuck is going on?” I snarked, irritated with all the conversations going on around me.

  “Viv, where’s Jackson?” Sora asked.

  “Taking a shower. Now tell me, what the hell is happening?”

  She whispered, “Take the cloth to Jackson, he will know for sure what it is.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath and flashed back to my room. Ripping open the shower curtain, I shoved the rag above the spray of the water and growled, “Smell this.”

  Jackson looked from me to the cloth then back again. Without a word, he leaned closer and sniffed. Instantly, he recoiled, “Where did you get that from?”

  Gritting my teeth, I yelled, “What is it?”

  “I came across that scent nearly 800 years ago,” his nostrils flared, “it’s Enhanced Nightshade.”

  My thoughts spun as I sank down to the floor in shock.

  Jackson reached out and plucked the phone from my shaking fingers, “Hello? What’s going on?”

  Sora answered in a reedy voice, “Someone’s taken Nat. Her things are missing and Rowe found that rag in her room.”

  Jackson’s entire body flexed with rage as he rumbled, “We’re on it. Sasha isn’t without her own tracking skills. I’m confident we will find her.” Disconnecting the call, he softened his tone and tipped my chin up to meet his darkening gaze, “We will find her, I promise.”


  Blaze took my shoulders in a firm grasp, “Jackson will find her, Love.”

  I stared up into his cobalt eyes somberly, “I want to go.”

  He jerked his head once, sending the tips of his blonde hair across his brow with the motion, “No. Absolutely not.”

  “She’s my responsibility, Blaze.” I pleaded, “I need to go.”

  His jaw cracked as he gritted his teeth in frustration, “What about your responsibilities here? Lila isn’t old enough to travel to another country, let alone one where a member of our Clutch has already gone missing. It’s too risky.”

  Leaning my cheek onto his thick shoulder, I muttered, “I know, but I have to do something. I can’t just sit here.”

  He sighed, “You can. I have a better idea, anyway.”

  My fingers traced the broad muscles of his lower back of their own accord. Inhaling, I calmed as the oceanic scent of home entered my body. Defeated, I mumbled, “What do you suggest?”


  Pushing the door all the way open, I hesitated on the threshold with my mouth open in shock. The woman before me was absolutely stunning, in that classic Marylin Monroe kind of way. Her sandy blonde hair was up in a messy no-nonsense bun atop her head and didn’t do a dammed thing to distract from her natural beauty. High cheekbones accentuated her creamy face and bow shaped lips. Wearing a grey flannel and dark jeans, her sneakers squeaked against the hardwood floor as she repositioned herself. Sitting on the side of the tub, she swirled her hand around in the water. Nodding, she grabbed a purple bath ball off the ledge and tossed it in with a plunk. Lifting her crystal blue eyes to mine, she said, “Hello, Natalie. I’m Justine, Mage to the Pack.”

  Her dulcet tones struck me stupid for a moment and I snapped my open mouth closed with a click. Lifting my hand, I wiggled my fingers before I remembered that I was supposed to be mad. Mentally face palming myself, I grouched, “Where the hell am I and why was I taken?”

  Her cheeks dimpled as she smiled warmly, “All will be explained. Perhaps you’d like to get cleaned up, first?”

  I shook my head, “No. I want to know what’s going on.”

  Standing, she took a few steps toward me and offered her hand.

  Not seeing the harm in a handshake, I took her fingers in a strong grip. Silver light flashed briefly across our joined hands and a feeling of tranquility entered my well. Sister…

  Her lips opened and she sucked in a sharp breath. Grinning, she sighed wistfully, “It’s been too long since I’ve touched another Mage. Well met.”

  My thoughts tumbled like loose stones on a riverbed as I released her hand. Only Sora, Cooper, and Daisy had that effect on me. What was going on?

  Justine answered my unspoken thought, “I’ve read that this is what always happened when Mages met one another. It stopped sometime, long ago and no one knew why. I assume,” she rolled a shoulder, “that it has something to do with what your Clutch accomplished back in California.”

  My brow furrowed. Was that true? I hadn’t met any other Mages before Sora… Was it the joining? Her Chosen status? Or maybe the purge of evil? Shelving the thought for later contemplation, I asked, “Why was I taken?”

  She frowned, “That is a question that I will leave for Kane. He’s the Alpha of our Pack. I believe you spoke with him on the phone before you arrived?”

  Ah, yes. My handsome captor… Wait, what? Focus! Pissed at my reaction, I growled, “The asshole that shot me?”

  Grimly, she nodded, “The very one. He’s really not that bad, but I think you caught him off guard. I’ve never seen a female Alpha, and I doubt he ever has either. Not only that, but an Alpha Mage.” Her blue eyes widened in excitement, “Tell me, how did that even happen? Were you bitten, or b
orn? Bitten Mages never survive the change.”

  Raising a brow, I jerked my head sharply, “Nope, you answer my questions, and I’ll answer yours. Just because we’re,” I waved my hand back and forth between us, “the same, doesn’t mean we are friends.”

  While I watched, her face took on a hurt expression. Jesus, it looked like I’d kicked her puppy or something. It was probably better to play it safe. Swallowing my pride, I softened my tone, “Not that we couldn’t be friends, it’s, well… How would you feel if someone took you in the middle of the night, and you woke up in a prison cell? Then someone shot you, twice?”

  Her cheeks pinked as she smirked, “Oh, I like you. Honest, fiery. This should be fun to watch. But, to answer your questions, I would be pretty mad. Unfortunately, that’s all I can answer. Do you want to get cleaned up, or should I call Kane in?” She tipped her chin down at my ragged state of dress.

  Clenching my torn tank and sleep shorts tighter, I growled, “This is what happens when you’re kidnapped. Don’t judge me.”

  Grin back in place, she hooked a thumb over her shoulder, “I had your bag brought in. Take a bath, relax. Answers will come soon enough.” Sidestepping me, she added, “Are you hungry?”

  My stomach betrayed me with a rumbled gurgle.

  Laughing, she said, “I’ll come back with food,” and closed the door.

  Looking at the nearly full claw footed tub, I debated my options. I didn’t really want to run around half naked in front of a bunch of unknown Shifters. Shucking my clothes, I stepped into the warm water.


  Sitting on a rotating barstool, his eyes lit with an amber hue as his Wolf struggled to be released. Shoving the beast aside, he rumbled, “What do you mean she’s missing?”

  Blaze lifted a brow, “Exactly what I said. She’s been taken. Jackson, Viv, Sasha, and Rowe are speaking with the European Clutch now. Unfortunately, it happened sometime during the night, and all of the scents have dissipated. I’m waiting for an update.”

  He growled, “How could she have been taken?”

  Sora answered, “Rowe found a rag inside her room. It had been dosed with Enhanced Nightshade.”

  “WHAT?” He roared. “That’s poisonous to Shifters!”

  She nodded, “We know. I think it’s safe to say that they want her alive, though. Why go through the trouble to take her, and her belongings, otherwise?”

  Her words soothed his Wolf. Taking a deep breath, he asked, “What’s the plan?”

  Blaze grabbed a bottle of whiskey from behind the bar and filled two cups to the brim. Handing one to him, he said, “You’re going to Europe.”

  Lifting the glass to his lips, his Wolf whined in impatience, Mate… Emptying its contents, he barely noticed the burn. Yes, they would find their Mate, and this time, they would never let her go.

  Julian’s shoes whispered across the carpet, announcing his arrival. Bending at the waist to issue his standard half bow, he was cut short when Lila smacked him in the face as she reached for Sora. Chuckling, he straightened, “Master Blaze, Sora. I believe it is nap time.”

  Sora grinned in delight and took the flailing toddler from him. “Hey, little one. Are you being a handful?”

  Lila cooed in response and immediately began tugging at the neck of her band tee.

  “A hungry handful?” She laughed and grasped Lila’s chubby, seeking fingers. Kissing her knuckles, she met Mel’s gaze, “Will you take anyone?”

  “I cannot,” he shook his head. “It will be seen as a challenge for the Pack’s territory. I’ll go alone.”

  Nodding, she padded to his side at the bar. Giving him a one-armed hug, her starlit sapphire eyes glistened with unshed tears, “I wish I could go with you.”

  Brushing his fur against Mel’s skin from within, his Wolf took in Lila’s scent. Pack, home. Gently, he kissed Lila’s platinum crown, “No. Your place is here. I will bring her home, I swear it to the Goddess.”

  Thunder shook the walls of the rec room as the All Mother bore witness to his oath.

  Sora’s expression softened. With a sniff, she bobbed her head.

  After she and Julian left, Blaze crossed his thick arms over his wide chest, “I don’t think that was wise.”

  Mel’s brow furrowed, “I will bring her home.”

  Blaze shook his head, “You don’t know what’s going on over there. If you can’t find her, if she’s…” his voice caught as he paused. “Or if she doesn’t want to come home… You may have signed your own death warrant.”

  His Wolf growled in annoyance as his eyes flashed to gold, “She is coming home.”


  The Paris Clutch was a bunch of stodgy, stuck up, full of themselves assholes. Hmm, I wondered. Was this the basis for the term Eurotrash? Smiling internally, I tuned back in to Jackson’s words.

  “You’re either going to help us, or not. But,” his eyes darkened to black as he looked to each member of their Clutch, “if we don’t find her, or if you do not help…” his voice dropped to an even lower bass, “you will regret it.”

  Their Mistress stood abruptly, “You would threaten us?” Her blue eyes flashed in outrage as she smoothed the front of her Gucci dress. “We have done nothing wrong!”

  Her Mate, Gordan, answered her in a placating tone, “Jane, sit. I’m sure Jackson is just upset because they’ve lost their pet.”

  Outraged, my fangs dropped with a snick. Flashing to the other side of the boardroom, I took his throat in an iron grip before he could react. “Pet!” I shrieked.

  Jackson zipped behind me as Sasha took point in front of Jane.

  Rowe growled as she lithely hopped onto the table and readied herself to shift.

  “She is not a pet, dickhead,” I hissed, inches from his face. “She is a member of our Clutch!”

  Gordan back peddled, “Apologies! It was a poor choice of words! I meant no offense!”

  “Release my Mate!” Jane screeched, looking for an opening in Sasha’s guard.

  “Try it,” Sasha whispered as her six-foot height towered over the smaller Vampire. “Mistress or not, I’ll tear you apart.”

  Jane shrank back and sputtered, “You can’t speak to me like that!”

  “ENOUGH!” Jackson boomed. “Viv, Darling. Let the worm go. Sasha, don’t play with your food. Rowe, back down. Our business is finished here.”

  His words slowly penetrated the rage filtering through my body. Did he really say worm? Smirking, I let Gordan go.

  Rubbing his neck, he sniffled, “We do not have your ClutchMate, and we do not know where she is.” Sasha allowed Jane to pass and she flocked to her Mate in fear. Taking her beneath his arm, he continued, “You need to understand, our Clutch abhors violence. That is the entire reason for your coming here, to help us build a treaty with the Pack. We want to expand, but cannot do so without an agreement in place.” He shook his head, sending his comb over off kilter with the motion, “Filthy creatures. Perhaps it is best if you begin your search there.”

  I met Rowe’s gaze and jerked my head sharply. This guy was an absolute idiot and not worth our time.

  Her jade eyes squinted in annoyance.

  “What is the Pack’s location?” Jackson rumbled.

  Jane answered with a sob, “Their territory is on the outskirts of London. You can take the Eurostar. It’s roughly a two hour train ride.”

  Gordan’s face took on a sour expression, “We don’t travel there. All we know is that their Den in somewhere inside of Epping Forest.”

  Jackson turned on his heel and opened the door to the boardroom. Gesturing with his hand, Sasha and Rowe exited.

  Throwing one last glare at Gordan, I followed.

  “When will you return?” Jane asked.

  Jackson slammed the door.

  Back in our room, I paced in agitation, “What the hell was that?”

  Jackson stopped packing our bags and sighed. Rubbing his face, he answered, “That, is what most Clutches are like. Unfortunately, it’s
going to take a lot longer to break the grudge between Shifters and Vampires than we’d previously thought.”

  “Grudge? That’s not a fucking grudge, Jackson. That was absolute bullshit back there. Pet? Den? What the fuck?”

  “I know,” he said, sitting on the bed. “I need to call Blaze and Sora with an update. Could you go check on Rowe and Sasha? Our train leaves in about an hour.”

  “Fine,” I muttered.


  “No, Mel is on his way,” Blaze said into the phone.

  Standing on my tiptoes to better hear the conversation, I leaned against his shoulder and placed my ear near his.

  “They said that?” Blaze growled, shaking my chest with his deep bass. “No, wait in London. Do not engage the Pack.”

  “Okay, I’ll call you when we get a room,” Jackson answered. “I assume you’ve changed Mel’s flight to London?”

  “Yes. He’ll call you when he lands in about 12 or 13 hours.”

  “All right,” Jackson replied.

  Ending the call, Blaze met my gaze with a grim expression.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  He shook his head, “It appears that the grudge between our factions is alive and well in Europe.”

  My brow furrowed, “What do you mean by that? They aren’t going to help?”

  “No, they aren’t.”

  Incredulous, I snarked, “What the hell? They want us to help them, but they won’t help us find Nat?”

  He nodded, “It gets worse. Master Gordan called Natalie a pet.”

  I sucked in a gasp.

  Holding up a finger, he continued, “Viv didn’t take it very well, as I’m sure you know. She tried to strangle him. Suffice it to say, I do not think we will be helping their Clutch.”

  I was floored. How could anyone be so ignorant? “That’s insane. When does Mel leave?”

  “Soon,” he said. “I need to call the airline. Do not mention this to Mel, I don’t want his focus to become obscured.”

  Nodding, I picked up the baby monitor as Lila’s eyes opened. “Duty calls,” I said with a grin.

  Blaze shifted closer to see the screen.

  Lila stared at the camera as the stars in her eyes began to spin. She cooed once before lifting her hand. Silver flames broke out along her fingers and she giggled. Popping her fist into her mouth, she sucked for a moment before taking it out again and inspecting each digit.


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