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Alpha Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 4

Page 4

by Janelle Peel

  Picking up the pace before the rain could wash away her trail, he squelched through the mud and followed her.

  By the time he caught up with her near a bog, it was nearly noon.

  She sat on a log and looked up to the cloudy sky. Her grey sweater was soaked through and highlighted every curve of her feminine frame.

  Shift, his human half begged.


  Silently, he prowled toward her.

  Her soft sigh carried to his ears as his snout smashed against an invisible wall.

  Turning, her tired green eyes met his with a smirk, “Never encountered a ward before?”

  He chuffed in irritation. Pawing at his nose, he paced a circular line around her to the murky water’s edge.

  She snickered, “I didn’t think so.”

  He growled from the back of his throat; equal parts threat and promise.

  “No.” She shook her head, “I don’t want to have a dammed thing to do with you, Wolf. Now shift.”

  He sat. Lifting a lip, he showcased the sharp points of his teeth.

  Her voice lowered, “You know, while I’ve been sitting here, I’ve had some time to reflect.” She grinned mockingly, “And I remembered something. Before, in the cell. My howl called your Pack.” She tapped her throat with one slender finger, “So, maybe I can do it again?”

  Confusion littered his thoughts as Kane’s voice penetrated his brain, She can, you saw it. They’ll tear her apart. Shift.


  Within a blink, a naked man sat on the damp ground.

  I blushed and immediately averted my eyes; all the while cursing myself for noticing how well-endowed he was. Focus!

  His voice held amusement as he spoke, “I shifted. Now what?”

  Rolling my eyes, I answered with my face turned toward the bog, “Tell me why you need my help.”

  “My Pack is cursed.”

  My eyes snapped to his, “Cursed?”

  Shifting one thick thigh, he hid his member from my view and adopted a monotone, “Yes. About thirty years ago, my uncle took this land from some native magic dwellers. It was a gruesome battle; or so I’m told. I had yet to be born. Casualties were high on both sides, but ultimately, our Pack won.”

  My brow furrowed, “Okaaaaay?”

  “Before the last native left, she cursed our Pack. Her words have been passed down ever since.” His tone hardened, “For what you have done, all your females will become barren.”

  I gave him a skeptical expression, “That would take a ridiculous amount of magic.”

  He glared, “It’s true.”

  “Right,” I quipped. “You’re like what, 25? So, I assume you were bitten?”

  “No, my Father wasn’t here when it happened and neither was my Mother. They were in Germany with the younger members of our Pack; waiting for their new home. Shortly thereafter, every pregnant female became sick. They lost their pups. Eventually, they died. They seemed to have lost the will to live.”

  I gestured in an ‘out with it’ motion.

  Somberly, he continued, “My mother refused to move here from Germany. After a few years, she became pregnant with me. Then,” he swallowed, “she died birthing me. My father moved us here and searched for the cure to the curse. He slowly went mad and I had to put him down.”

  Horrified by the thought of killing anyone I loved, I squeaked, “You had to kill your own father?”

  He nodded.

  “Why not move then?” I threw my arms out, “I mean, the world is huge.”

  He shook his head, “We can’t. The other part of the curse is… we can’t leave.”

  My thoughts froze. They couldn’t leave? Did that mean I couldn’t leave?

  Softly, he answered my unspoken thought, “I believe so, yes.”

  Every bit of compassion I had previously felt flew right out the window as I clenched my fists, “So, by bringing me here, you’ve… cursed me?”

  Dropping his gaze, he jerked his head once in the affirmative.

  This could not be happening! I came here to see the world, to help, and this was the thanks I got? No fucking way! Standing, I recalled my ward with a flash of light, “Take me to the border.”

  “It won’t help.”

  I bared my teeth, “Now.”

  Sighing, he got to his feet and walked back the way we’d come.

  Lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t even notice his perfect ass, nor the silence of the forest.

  An hour later, my bare feet ached as we came to a road. Roughly poured asphalt met my eyes as I found Kane’s emerald gaze.

  He tipped his sculpted chin, “There’s the boundary.”

  I hesitated for a moment. This was it. Pulling together every ounce of courage I could muster, I lifted my foot to step onto the road and promptly slammed into an invisible wall. Panic coursed through me as I crouched to the ground and closed my eyes. Raising my hand, I touched what felt like a cold wall of ice and immediately recoiled. It was freezing! Taking a deep breath, I repeated the motion and called to my magic. Heat emitted from my palms as it met the smooth surface once more. It crackled and hissed in response. The foreign magic was a vibrant gold with interlacing blue streaks. Pain shot up my arm and I was forced to release the tether as I fell back on my ass.

  Kane’s strong arms wrapped around me from behind, “Are you okay?”

  My eyes snapped open. Lifting my hand, I looked at my palm. Bloody meat met my inquiring gaze as I looked past it to the wall.

  There, in the perfect shape of my handprint, was my skin; frozen to its surface.

  He sucked in a sharp breath, “Christ. Can you heal it?”

  On autopilot, I reached for my flames. Warmth answered my call as the skin reformed and knit itself back together.

  Kane took my healed hand and drew me up to stand, “Now do you believe me?”

  Dumbfounded, I could only continue to stare at my hand print. Slowly, the skin whitened and flaked off onto the ground. I swallowed hard at the bile pooling in the back of my throat. “Take me back. I have to call my Clutch.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  Flexing my newly healed hand, I cocked my fist back and decked him.

  He dropped like a stone.

  Rubbing his cheek, her stared up at me in shock as I towered over him.

  “Take me back, now. They will have already begun their search and brought reinforcements.” My voice lowered threateningly, “If any of my family comes here, I will kill you.”


  Packed into the VW van like sardines, their entire group traveled down a rough asphalt road. Why were European vehicles so small, he wondered?

  The brakes squeaked as Jackson slowed down. “There’s a sign up ahead for the forest. I want to pull over and begin our search. If Nat’s been within a few miles of this location, we should be able to scent her despite the storm earlier.”

  Everyone nodded their agreement as he pulled off to the side of the road.

  As they exited, Viv’s phone began to ring.

  “Hello?” She answered.

  Bex put her nose to the ground and was halfway across the pavement when Viv sucked in a sharp breath. “Stop!”

  Curious, he looked to Viv’s frightened face.

  “Bex! STOP, NOW!” She screeched in panic.

  Bex continued her forward motion regardless of Viv’s order.

  “What’s going on, Viv?” Jackson asked.

  Silence reigned as she closed her emerald flecked orbs for a moment, “We’re on the road near the entrance. Bex crossed.” Holding up a hand, she signaled for everyone to wait. “Right… Okay.” Looking to Mel, she silently strode over, and handed him the phone.

  What was happening? “This is Mel,” he rumbled.

  Nat’s voice was music to his ears, “Tell me what they’re doing.”

  Relief rushed through him. She was okay, thank the Goddess. “Viv’s walking across the road now.” He paused. While he watched, every time she tried to step of
f the road, she was pushed back by an invisible force. “Viv can’t move off the road.”

  Nat’s voice cracked, “Don’t move an inch. I’m coming.”

  “What’s going-” he rushed, but she’d already disconnected.

  “Nobody move!” Viv shouted. “Rowe, you and Mel especially. I mean it.”

  Rowe froze beside Sasha.

  Viv sighed, “Wait for Nat. Bex, try to walk to me, okay?”

  She snorted once in annoyance and lifted one white paw to step onto the road. Promptly, she was pushed backward. Disgruntled, she shook out her ruff and tried again with the same results.

  Sasha spoke next, “Viv, what the hell is going on?”


  Shit, shit, shit!

  Rushing into the bathroom, I stripped out of my wet clothes and pulled a clean tank and shorts from my bag. Calling to my flames, I shifted in the blink of an eye. Four silver tipped black paws met the floor as I took my bundle of clothing in my maw and rushed out of the room.

  My sharp nails clattered down the stairs as they left deep grooves in the wood in my haste.

  Kane was standing by the open door to the house waiting for me.

  I growled low in response to make my interests clear. He would stay here.

  Without a word, he lifted his hands and wisely backed away.

  The wind rushed through my ruff as I ran faster than I ever had before and retraced my previous steps to the road.

  The scent of the ocean entered my nose and my heart kicked up into an excited beat. Home.

  Putting on an extra burst of speed, the road came into sight. I followed it for a short distance when a white van came into view. My muffled yip carried to them as Bex answered with a happy howl.

  Why had they allowed her to come? Sure, I understood why Sora had sent Mel, but why Bex?

  Slowing my pace to a trot, a flash of white shot out from the underbrush and tackled me. My bundle of clothing went flying as Bex lathered my face in excited kisses.

  I chuffed in amusement so she would know that I was happy to see her, too.

  Using my snout, I pushed her back so I could shift. A flash of silver light colored her fur as I sprawled in the mud on my rear.

  She snorted with a canine grin.

  Evidently, dirt in my lady bits was hilarious. “Hush up,” I shoved her playfully. “I need to speak with everyone.”

  Sobering, her ears flattened in shame.

  Ah, so she wasn’t authorized to come. Lifting a brow, I pulled my tank over my head and slipped into my shorts. “You stowed away, didn’t you?”

  With a soft whine, she tucked her tail.

  Shaking my head, I walked parallel to the barrier toward my family.

  “Thank the Goddess you’re all right!” Viv waved excitedly as I approached.

  Mel’s grin mirrored Rowe and Sasha’s.

  Jackson crossed his arms and rumbled, “Explain.”

  The severity of the situation came crashing down and tears pooled in my eyes.

  Viv slapped Jackson’s thick chest, “Shut up, stupid.” Softening her tone, she met my gaze, “What’s going on, Babe?”

  I shook my head. How was I going to explain this? “I’ll start at the beginning. The European Pack hired someone to,” I hooked a thumb back the way I’d come, “abduct me.” Mel growled. Holding up one finger, I continued, “They say they need my help. Their Pack is cursed. Some crap went down almost thirty years ago when they took this forest by force. In turn, the previous residents, some native magic dwellers, cursed them. They can’t leave.”

  Viv’s nose wrinkled, “So? Come home. We’ll figure it out with Sora.”

  My voice cracked, “I can’t. By bringing me here, I’m now cursed with them.”

  Rowe sucked in a breath, “And… and Bex?”

  Nodding, I answered, “She is, too. There’s more,” I hesitated for a moment. “All of their females were hit with an additional curse.”

  “How so?” Jackson asked.

  “They… their wombs were cursed. They could no longer have children. They lost their will to live and died because of it.”

  Silence rent the air at my words.

  Having children had never been something I’d wanted before. I didn’t want to bring a new life into this fucked up world. Then I’d met Sora; my family. Bex and Lila, too. My heart pinched, was this to be my fate?

  A low howl began in the back of Mel’s throat; colored with despair. Bex picked up the call in one sorrow filled wave.

  Tears leaked down my cheeks as their chorused notes touched deep inside my soul. My Pack was mourning.

  Viv looked to Jackson, “What do we do?”

  He shook his head, “We need to speak with Sora. Find any and all information on who lived here before.” His upper lip lifted, “The Paris Clutch might know.”

  Viv barked a humorless laugh, “No, they won’t. They’ve never been outside of their little snobby bubble. You know they won’t know a dammed thing.”

  “We have to do something!” Rowe screeched.

  Mel answered her with a cluck of his tongue and tossed me my phone, “We will. We’re staying.”

  Tucking the shiny piece of plastic beneath the strap of my tank, my brow furrowed, “Like hell you are! I’ll not have any more of our family cursed!”

  Rowe took a step forward, “I’m staying, too.”

  My eyes glowed as I met her gaze commandingly, “No. You will not take one more step, nor will you cross this road. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” she muttered with her foot one inch from the asphalt.

  Mel stalked forward, “You can’t make me stay.”

  My heart broke. Sure, he was kind of an asshole, but he’d grown on me. No matter what, he was a part of my family. “Please,” I whispered.

  Indecision flashed across his face for a moment before his shoulders slumped in defeat. Nodding, he whispered, “We will figure this out. I swore an oath to bring you home.”

  His words shocked through me. He’d sworn an oath? If that was true, he was as cursed as I. He couldn’t go home, couldn’t lead our Pack… Fuck. Frustrated, I crossed my arms, “Why the hell would you do that?”

  He snorted as his eyes flickered to amber, “Because you’re our Mate, and we will not leave you behind.”

  Equal parts touched and irritated, I shelved the emotions and turned toward Viv, “Go back to your hotel. I’ll try to find out as much information as I can and call you.”

  Somberly, she replied, “Okay. I love you, Bitch.”

  I laughed, “Love you too, Hooker.”

  Bex and I settled on the damp ground as they drove back down the road. Burying my hands into her soft ruff, I wondered if we both were truly fucked.

  Chapter 5


  The soft clatter of tiny paws brought him to the entryway before he’d even fully registered the sound.

  It wasn’t possible, was it?

  The door handle turned and the front door opened to reveal Natalie in nothing but a tank and bike shorts. Her pert breasts budded at the warmer temperature of the farmhouse and drew his gaze like lasers to their perfect peeks.

  Throwing him a venomous glare, she tossed her unbound raven hair in a haughty roll of her head and gave him her back before pulling the door open wider.

  A black nose hesitated near her hip for a moment. With a snort, the click clack of sharp nails pattered on the hardwood floor as a gorgeous snow colored Wolf emerged.

  Shock iced his veins as he inhaled her feminine scent and placed the pup in her adolescent years. Why would Natalie bring her into this mess?

  “Bex,” She barked in a clipped tone. “Meet the asshole. Kane is the Alpha here, but you are mine. Engage him if you like, or do what you do best and cause mayhem inside his home. I’ll leave the choice up to you.”

  Bex lifted her upper lip in disgust and gave him an unimpressed snort.

  Kane could only stare in wonder at the beautiful young Wolf. He’d never seen a pup be

  Natalie snapped her fingers, “I need a room with a bed big enough for the both of us.”

  Recovering, he nodded, “Of course. There’s a spare across the hall from Justine. Your things are already inside.” Pausing for a moment, he attempted get his thoughts in order, “Why… why did you bring a pup here?”

  Squaring her shoulders, she met his questioning gaze with menace written in every line of her body, “I didn’t. She followed with a portion of my Pack, just like I said they would. She caught my scent and crossed the boundary line before I could make contact. If anything,” her nostrils flared, “happens to her, you’d better pray the Goddess has mercy on you.”

  Dismissing him, she pivoted on her bare heel and ascended the stairs two steps at a time.

  Bex chuffed in laughter; conveying her thoughts that he was well and truly screwed before following Natalie.

  Shaking his head to clear it, he called after them, “Dinner’s on the table in twenty minutes, if you’re hungry.”

  Cooking for them was the least he could.


  Closing the door, I knelt on the floor and looked into Bex’s eyes imploringly, “I need you to shift, Babe.”

  Her breath whispered across my face as she shook her head no.

  “Please?” I pleaded. “I need to talk to you.”

  Stubbornly, she sat and flattened her ears against her skull.

  “I know you’re scared, but I need you right now.”

  She yawned by way of reply.

  “Dammit, Bex.” I couldn’t really blame her, though. Our situation was a lot to take in. Sighing, I straightened and padded to the bed where my bag had been placed and wondered what the hell we were going to do.

  My stomach rumbled loudly. Well, at least it was one problem I could solve.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She snorted.

  Yeah, what a dumb question. She was always hungry.

  Slipping out of my dirty clothes, I pulled on a black tank and loose sweat pants. Might as well get this over with, I thought.

  The scent of grilled steak and potatoes filled the air with a delectable aroma.


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