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Protector (Little Death Bringer, #2)

Page 12

by Banks, Catherine

  I turned around slowly and said, “I am not an elf and therefore I could give a rat’s ass whose Prince you are. Go talk to Amile. I’m sure she would fall to her knees at your requests.”

  “Marin. Favian. You both need to stop. Whatever is going on between the two of you can be figured out another day. You are both stressed and exhausted from this ordeal.”

  “Don’t do this, Marin. Do not do this to me,” he pleaded.

  I walked away, heading over to Fire and mounting her instead of heading to the bar. I could not stay here. I could not see his face anymore. If he cornered me I would give in. I would give up because I truly did not want to end our partnership. I wanted our partnership to last fifty more years!

  Fire galloped away and then slowed to a walk two miles away. She walked the rest of the way home, not stopping even after an entire day had passed. We reached the Elven Kingdom’s gates and Favian stood before them with his arms crossed waiting for me.

  I cursed under my breath and tried to walk past him. He grabbed Fire’s reins and looked up at me. “I will not allow you to dissolve our partnership. Tomorrow we will head out on our next mission and we will do so as partners. You and I have been partners since you came to live here and I will not allow you to try to dissolve our partnership just because you think you are endangering me.”

  How did he know? I hadn’t even said…

  “I know you Marin,” he said as he stared into my eyes. “And I will not let you kill yourself by working alone just because you are worried that I might get hurt like you did. I know it was hard to see that man killed, but that won’t happen to me. I am not as easily killed as an old human man.”

  “I could not live with myself if you are killed protecting me because of how weak I am,” I whispered.

  He tugged on Fire’s reins and she lay down so that I was eye level with Favian now. He stared straight into my eyes and said, “I will follow you wherever you go. I will follow you to the ends of the earth and back.”

  Every ounce of my body wanted to leap for joy at his words and to kiss him, but I could not. “You know what I said was true,” I whispered.

  “That time will come, but not for a while. Don’t you want to enjoy what time we have left?” he asked.

  I climbed off of Fire and let her stand up so that she was not uncomfortable. “Favian, I…”

  He grabbed my arms and stared into my eyes with fear in his own. It was a fear I had not seen before and it frightened me. “Please, Marin. Please let me enjoy these last years of mercenary work with you. Do not force me to retire so soon after we graduated.”

  I had been afraid of this, which is why I had left. Dammit, why did I always give into his eyes?! “Promise that you will try harder to stay safe,” I whispered.

  “Only if you promise to stop trying to throw yourself into every dangerous situation,” he said with a smirk, “It’s not my fault if I’m in danger because you lead me there.”

  I smiled and then he hugged me. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Soon we will go on another mission and you will get to kill something and all of this will behind us like a bad dream.”

  “Promise?” I asked.

  He laughed and said, “Yes.”

  I walked around him, leading Fire towards the stables and felt defeated and yet happy at the same time.

  “Hello, Marin,” Alex said cheerily.

  I smiled at him despite everything spinning in my head. “Hello.”

  He took Fire and helped me unsaddle her. “You look even more worried than you had when you left.”

  I groaned, sat down on the straw in Fire’s stall and buried my face in my knees. “Why does life have to be so complicated?”

  Alex sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. “It will all work out. I know you can handle anything that is thrown at you.”

  “You haven’t heard about my recent mission, have you?” I asked, peeking up at him from under my eyelashes.

  “That you were fried to a crisp? Yes, we have all heard.”

  I groaned. Why did elves have to gossip so much?!

  “We also heard that you saved a little boy and your partner’s life and even when you were so close to death you killed the man responsible. That sounds like a positive end to me.”

  “My family had to save me again,” I whispered.

  “True, but you did complete the mission without Favian.”

  He was right. I had. Even though I would have died had mother not shown up, I had completed a mission without Favian! I sat up and kissed his cheek. “Thank you Alex.”

  He stared at me blankly and mumbled, “Sure.”

  I kissed Fire’s nose and then headed out of the stable. I had some research to do.

  I ran into the castle and straight to the library. The library was an acre big with shelves that went from the floor all the way to the twenty foot ceiling. Several rolling ladders were set up and yet it still seemed like quite the task just to get to the books at the top. Momo, the very old librarian smiled warmly at me. “Princess Marin, it is good to see you.”

  “Momo, do you have any books that talk about half-gods or beings who were thought to be the offspring of the God or Goddess?”

  Momo nodded his head. “Yes, right this way.” He led me deep into the shelves and stopped at a bookshelf which had five books on it. “Here you go. The demigod section.”

  I took the first book and blew the dust off of it. Obviously I was the first one to use these books in a long time. I sat down and opened the book, only to find out it was written in old Elvish. I grabbed the other books and headed out to find Favian. “I’ll bring them back as soon as I am finished,” I called.

  “Don’t burn them,” Momo called after me.

  I groaned. You accidentally set fire to one child’s book and you’re forever damned by the librarian. “I will protect them,” I called back.

  I started to head to Favian’s room, but decided it would be better if I went to someone else. Father and Kato would not have arrived yet. Who else knew old Elvish?

  “Marin, what are you doing walking around? You should be resting,” Sebastian said behind me.

  I turned around and smiled at him. “I was just looking for you.”

  “For me?” he asked unbelievingly. “What for?”

  I held up the books and said, “I need a translator.”

  “Ah, so you wish to use me for my brain.”

  Why did it sound bad when he said it like that? “Well, I supposed. I just need someone to help me.”

  “Why aren’t you seeking out Favian?” he asked. “Are you two still quarreling?”

  “If it is such a bother than I won’t waste your time,” I said angrily. I turned around and started to storm off to my room.

  Sebastian placed a hand on my arm and said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so rude.”

  “Apology accepted,” I said and started walking again.

  “Do you still want my help?” he asked.

  “Perhaps after you’ve rested and are in a better mood you can come find me,” I said angrily.

  “You can’t accept someone’s apology and then still be angry with them.”

  I ignored him and continued up to my room. I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Just let them wait and see.

  Chapter Nine

  I ended up sleeping for an entire day and when I finally woke up there was a small paper Pegasus sitting on the table beside my bed. I smiled, knowing that Sebastian had made it for me and put it with the other animals we had made. My body was stiff, but I did not feel any pain from the burns I had had yesterday.

  Mother had left one burn mark on my wrist as requested and it was good to have as a reminder. I hurried down and bathed before heading to the dining hall. When I entered I was glad to see that everyone was home again. I sat across from Sebastian and took the lid off of my plate to begin eating. “Thank you for the gift,” I said to Sebastian.

  He smiled, pleased with my
thanks. “You’re welcome.”

  “How are you feeling?” Mother asked.

  “A little sore, but otherwise I feel very well. Thank you.”

  Favian glanced at me a few times while I ate, but I kept my eyes on the plate of food in front of me. I felt a little awkward after our interaction yesterday, but knew it would fade soon.

  “Do you still want my help today?” Sebastian asked.

  Favian looked at me and I felt his eyes burning a hole into me. I stood up and started heading towards the door. “Yes, if you have time.”

  Sebastian followed me and said, “I always have time for you.”

  I went to my room and grabbed the books and then we went outside to get some fresh air while he translated for me. I let him read the books in silence for a while and then he relayed the information to me. Most of it was unimportant, some of it tales of men with extraordinary strength, but so far nothing helpful.

  How did one determine if they were a demigod? Could I talk to my father?

  I laughed and Sebastian glanced at me curiously. “You think if I tried talking to him that he would respond?”

  He shrugged. “You never know unless you try.”

  Maybe, but I was not going to try right now.

  After three hours we still hadn’t found anything except hungry stomachs. We returned the books to the library and then stretched in the hallway. After sitting for three hours stretching felt wonderful.

  “I’m sorry those books weren’t much help,” Sebastian said.

  “It’s not your fault,” I said, “I appreciate you reading them and helping me.”

  “I’d do almost anything to spend time with you,” he said, picking up my hand and kissing the back of it. “Why don’t we go on a mission together?” He asked me. “Just you and me. You can show me the ropes.”

  Before I could register what happened Sebastian was against the wall with Favian’s arm pressed against his throat.

  “Favian!” I yelled, “What the hell are you doing?”

  “If you’re going to attack me at least take this outside,” Sebastian said with a sneer.

  “Gladly,” Favian said, pushing off of Sebastian and heading towards the door.

  I grabbed Favian’s arm. “Stop this. Why are you trying to fight him?! He didn’t do anything wrong!”

  “He and I have boundaries to discuss. For now, why don’t you go see Mother in the dining hall,” Favian said angrily, jerking his arm away from me.

  Sebastian smiled and said, “Don’t worry, Marin this will be over with quickly.”

  “I’m glad you realize that you’re weaker than me,” Favian said, “Perhaps you should stop flirting with Marin now that you realize that you are not her equal.”

  “Favian!” I said in shock. I hadn’t heard him speak so cruelly to someone in a long time. What had gotten in to him?

  “Are you going to keep talking or are we going to settle this?” Sebastian asked angrily.

  Favian and he marched down the hallway and I felt torn. Should I go outside and stop them? Or was this something that they needed to do?

  I groaned in frustration and hurried to the dining hall. Mother and Kato were whispering to each other conspiratorially, but stopped when I walked in. “What’s wrong?” Kato asked me.

  “They’re fighting again,” I said. “I think Favian’s mad at me and taking it out on Sebastian.”

  Kato stood and patted my shoulder. “I’ll make sure they don’t permanently harm each other. Boys fight, it’s natural.”

  I plopped down in the chair beside Mother and sighed. “I don’t understand what’s angering Favian so much.”

  “What was Sebastian doing before Favian incited the fight?” Mother asked.

  “He was flirting with me and asked if I would take him on a mission. I didn’t even get a chance to respond and Favian came in there.”

  “Why would that upset Favian so much?” Mother asked.

  “Because I tried to end our partnership yesterday,” I said honestly.

  Mother’s eyes widened in shock. “Why would you do that?” she asked. “You fought us for years to allow you to go to mercenary school so you could be partners. You only recently graduated.”

  “It’s complicated,” I mumbled.

  “Tell me,” she ordered.

  “Favian is going to start courting females and will soon take over here. So I said we should just separate now before his wife tells him to stop going on missions with me.”

  Mother smiled softly and laughed. “Oh, Marin.”

  I stood up angrily, knocking over my chair. “I’m glad my pain amuses you.”

  I started to leave, but Father entered the room and said, “Sit down.” I picked up my chair and obeyed. “Kato is keeping an eye on them, but Favian is furious. What happened?”

  “He’s afraid that she might leave him for Sebastian,” Mother answered.

  “You say that as though we are a couple,” I grumbled. “We’re only partners and we all knew that eventually our partnership would end so he could take over the realm and become a king.”

  Father sat back in his chair and sighed. “I see.”

  “Can I go?” I asked.

  “Why do you think Favian is so upset about the thought of you leaving with Sebastian on a mission?” Father asked.

  “Because he doesn’t fully trust Sebastian and is over protective of me.”

  Mother laid her hand on Father’s arm and he smiled at me. “Things will work out, Marin.”

  That settled it. “I’m leaving tomorrow to continue on my path of becoming a Protector,” I said angrily.

  “Marin, you need to calm down and think rationally,” Father said, “I understand that you’re upset, but leaving won’t solve anything.”

  “Don’t you understand?” I asked him with tears brewing in my eyes. “There is no true happiness for me except in my work.”

  I ignored whatever they said behind me and walked out of the dining hall despite my grumbling stomach. I climbed up the stairs and packed my bag for tomorrow’s departure. I shouldn’t have come back here at all. I should have just gone to Macon after the mission.

  I finished packing and went out to see how Favian and Sebastian were faring. Kato was leaning against the fence focused on the twins. I started sneaking towards him and he said, “You still stomp around like a crazed boar.”

  I climbed up onto the fence and sat down on it. Favian and Sebastian were both breathing heavily and sweating. They were also bleeding from various small cuts on their arms. “They’re stupid,” I told Kato. “This fight will solve nothing.”

  “It might unite them,” Kato said, “Your father and I fought several times before becoming friends.”

  I spoke louder so that the twins would hear. “Favian is only mad because he thinks I’m going to stop being his partner to be Sebastian’s. Perhaps you should have let me answer for myself first.”

  They had paused in their fighting to look at me and to catch their breath.

  “I’m just as good of a fighter as he is,” Sebastian said, walking towards me, “Why won’t you let me be your partner?”

  “Favian has been my partner since I was four. When I don’t have him as a partner than I will just go solo,” I said.

  “You can’t go solo,” the twins said at the same time.

  “I can do whatever I want,” I said defensively.

  “You’ve been hiding something from me for a while now and it’s not just that you’re worried that me being around you will endanger me. What is it?” Favian asked.

  I shook my head and walked away from them all. “You don’t understand and you never will.”

  “Try explaining it to me,” Favian said from in front of me.

  I had seen him move quickly before, but this was ridiculous.

  “No,” I said, avoiding his eyes and continuing walking.

  “You’re running away from your problems again!” he yelled.

  I stopped and turned to face him. �
�You have no idea what I’m doing!”

  “Then tell me!” he said.

  “I can’t,” I whispered, looking down at the ground.

  He yelled angrily and stormed into the castle.

  “I’ll make sure he doesn’t break anything,” Kato whispered as he walked by.

  “Marin,” Sebastian began.

  “I cannot court you,” I said to him. “You’re wonderful, but…”

  “You’re in love with Favian,” Sebastian said. I grimaced, but nodded my head. “So why aren’t you with him then? It is obvious you both have feelings for each other.”

  “He’s going to be king and he will need an elf female as his queen. I cannot let him find out my feelings for him. I cannot lose him as a friend,” I said as I leaned against the wall of the castle, my energy on very low reserve. “That’s why I’m hiding it from him.”

  “Why couldn’t you be queen? You’re the king and queen’s daughter,” he said.

  I shook my head. “He is going to start courting females next year and I can’t interfere. The only thing that would happen if I told him I loved him would be that it would ruin our friendship.”

  “Then why can’t I court you?” he asked as he moved closer to me.

  “Because I love Favian.”

  “And?” he asked, “That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t love me in time.”

  I shook my head. “I could not do that to you.”

  He stepped closer to me and stared into my eyes. “You want Favian? Then pretend I’m Favian.” I stared at him in shock, not knowing what to say to that and then he kissed me. I felt like all the bones had disappeared from my body and I was mud. I kissed him back and reached up to rest my hand on the base of his throat.

  That was when I realized that he had no necklace. He was Sebastian, not Favian and I did not love him.

  I stepped back from him and shook my head as tears fell. “I’m sorry. I cannot be with you if I do not love you. It would be cruel to you and would only cause us both heartaches.”

  “In time you would think differently,” he said confidently.

  He might have been right, but I couldn’t do it. Could I? I shook my head.


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