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Deeper Than the Ocean PP 1

Page 5

by Dee Carney

  "What you said is horrible, Danyl. Are you sure it's him? Will you really kill your father?"

  He glanced over his shoulder at the sun that had long since risen above the horizon.

  Soon enough, people would be wandering the beach and just as she'd stated, someone would see. He had to convince her to hand over the key quickly. "He murdered my mother for having me. And I'm the only one who cares enough to avenge her, Di. He's a very powerful being and where he lives is inaccessible normally. But with that key…"

  "Is he powerful enough to kill you, instead?"

  He should have known she would ask. "Yes. Perhaps if I'm not fast enough, not smart enough, he'll destroy me long before I get the chance to kill him."

  "Danyl," she gasped, "you sound like you accept that." She shook her head. "No, like you want that."

  "I have to leave before someone sees, Di."


  "The sun is up and people will be coming soon."

  She pushed away and bore into him with her piercing gaze. "Even if I could forget about my situation, I am not going to stand here and hand you the key to your death. I won't."

  Her green eyes brimmed with concern. For him. That recognition was enough to make him stop breathing from stunned joy. Gods, could he really dare to dream, to hope, that the life he once dreaded living might instead forever include her? Because if it did, an early death no longer called to him as it once did.

  "What if I gave you a promise, a guarantee, would that satisfy you? If I could borrow the coin, as you call it, from you and then give it back to you when I'm done, we would both get what we want." Once he handed over the key, he wouldn't be able to give her back this one, but others like it had to exist. He'd make sure he led her to them. That assumed, of course, he made it out alive. He couldn't be certain of course, but he'd do his damnedest to try. It would have to be enough.

  She regarded him suspiciously, her head cocked. "You wouldn't take any unnecessary risks? You would … wait, how can you guarantee me something like that?"

  There was no way she would make this easy. He recognized that now. "It's all I have to offer. My word."

  "Which doesn't matter if you're dead, you idiot!"

  Another impasse. Did other men have such a hard time reasoning with their mate?

  The thought startled him. Mate? When had Di gone from being that beautiful human to mate?

  Di planted her feet into the ground and balanced her fists on either side of her hips.

  Looking him dead center in his eyes, she said, "If you want this key, Danyl, the only way you'll get it is if you have someone to watch your back going with you. And that someone, baby, is gonna be me."

  Chapter Seven

  Nothing he said would sway her. Even now, she stood balancing on one leg as she slipped the other into the wetsuit. How in Hades had it gotten to this point? Danyl wanted to scream with frustration. Instead, he paced the beach, cursing under his breath.

  Gods, it would take everything he had to keep her safe when he sought Ancelin, but the infuriating woman barged right into the danger with her eyes wide open. Whether he liked it or not, he would have to make sure he survived this trip. Her life depended on it.

  "I'm ready."

  His curt nod was all the response he could muster without starting an argument all over again. Why would she do this?

  For heavens' sake, look at the preparations she had to go through. He hated that she needed to outfit herself thusly, but the morning sun wouldn't have warmed the ocean enough yet. Then again, her preparations also meant one less thing they had to worry about in their travels. He'd already explained that the underwater cave, the passageway to the underworld, sloped up until they would be able to walk above ground with ease.

  Closer to the top, the water would be tolerable for her to swim in, if not altogether pleasant. He only had to guide them there and then the hard part would begin.

  She started forward, but stopped when she reached the water's edge and he wasn't beside her. "Danyl?"

  He had one last chance to stop this madness. Danyl raced to her side and swept her into his arms. He stared at her lips, her beautiful full lips, and crushed his mouth to hers.

  All of his frustration, all of his passion reverberated in that kiss. It was his last plea, his last hope that she would stay behind and let him handle his family's affairs by himself. It was his promise that he would return.

  But Di wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Her lips parted, her tongue teasing between his to toy with his teeth before sliding over his tongue with equal fervor. And as he breathed in the sweetness that was her, he knew it was her winning play, her final say on the matter. It was her promise that she would stay by his side, no matter what the consequence.

  A catcall in the distance cleared his fuzzy mind as he began to lose himself in that kiss. They still stood on a public beach and his nudity wouldn't be appreciated by others.

  Especially now with his arousal on proud display.

  With a final groan of resignation, he pulled away and slipped his hand in hers. "Let's go, goddess. Let's go find my father."

  * * * *

  Being underwater had always filled Di with a calming peace she'd yet to replicate elsewhere. The smooth, rhythmic flow of her breathing was the only sound. Under the sea, it was just her and her thoughts. Right now, her thoughts revolved around the merman swimming at her side.

  She'd forgotten to ask him about mer-people and how he knew the English language.

  Every time he left, she reprimanded herself for forgetting to ask about his legs and his ability to change his tail. She'd meant to ask about his life, his family … everything. The moment he appeared, however, none of those things mattered any more. She wanted to bask in whatever time they had together.

  Now she was accompanying him on some crazy quest to avenge his mother and on any other day she might have chastised herself for agreeing to go along. Today though, she couldn't think of another place she would rather be. She had no family; her friends could be counted on a single hand. Her life centered around one stupid little coin, but so did his.

  He swam much faster this time, and everything whirred by. At one point, she closed her eyes, and luxuriated in the magical pull of the water as they sliced through it, hand in hand. Soon, they dove deep and she forced herself to focus on their surroundings when he changed their position to ascending. She couldn't see shit. Just blackness on all sides.

  Danyl tightened his hand around hers and the little flurries of fear that tripped her heart ebbed somewhat.

  They broke the surface, but instead of the light she'd assumed would be there, more darkness greeted them.

  He laid her hands on a ledge. "I'll create some light for you. Stay here." A loud crack sounded a moment later and she had to squint against the flare.

  "What is that?" Now able to see where she was going, Di hauled herself over the ledge. Despite the use of the oxygen tank, her chest rose and fell quickly. She only now realized the exertion, and subsequent fatigue, of travelling next to him. Danyl, on the other hand, didn't seem the least bit fazed.

  "I think you call it quartz. When rubbed together, it produces a little bit of light.

  Wrapped in a solastine casing, the property intensifies to what you see now. If it starts to dim, you only need shake it and it'll light up again."

  "I've never heard of solastine," she murmured, eyeing the light source. "Amazing."

  She held up the light and scanned the cave. It was nondescript and really looked like every other cave she'd ever ventured into. Stalagmites, stalactites and little streams of trickling water decorated the ceiling and ground. If she tried to peer into corners, tiny creatures with multiple sets of legs scurried away. The air smelled and tasted damp. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but still not one she wanted to linger in if at all possible.

  Beneath her feet, sand crunched and shifted.

  "Let's get moving, goddess. When we've completed this task, I'll
show you sights of the ocean that you've never before witnessed, I promise you."

  Her pulse surged a little at that. "Lead the way."

  About fifty yards in, they stopped before a large stone face, apparently the end of the cave. She held the light up, shaking the little device harder to see if it would stretch to the reaches of the corners, to no avail.

  "We're here," he said softly to her unspoken question.

  Question was, here where?

  "Charon!" Danyl bellowed. He called that name twice more and waited. She thought she recognized the name, but couldn't place her finger on where she knew it from.

  The last thing in the world she expected to see was the wall slide open like two elevator doors to reveal another cave, this one darker and more terrifying than the one in which they stood. The even greater difference flowed down its center.

  Still, Danyl reacted to the river that abruptly halted at their feet as if bored. Arms crossed over his chest, he stared into the darkness. Di took the time to drop the oxygen cylinder from her back, but kept the wetsuit and accompanying booties in place. If they had to leave in a hurry, the fewer items she had to put on, the better.

  Charon. She knew that name. She was sure of it. "Danyl, who is Charon? I feel like I should know, but it escapes me now."

  It could have been a play of the light, but his enigmatic silver eyes turned stormy. A shadow hung over his fine features and for the first time, she realized how determined he was about completing his quest.

  "Charon is the ferryman for the river Acheron … which flows before you now."


  It all flooded back to her in a single outrageous moment of remembrance. To get to Hades, the underworld, souls were transported across the river Acheron by a ferryman.

  He exacted his fee in the form of a single obolus—her coin—that family members usually buried on or in the mouths of the dead. Perchance a family was too poor to perform this ritual, the soul could still cross Acheron, but only by spending a hundred years on the shore line, waiting its turn.

  With trembling fingers, she searched beneath the silver skin and pulled out the little coin. In its day, the beautifully handcrafted piece was worth a pittance. The miniscule price served as a reminder to both poor and rich that almost anyone could gain admittance to Hades.

  "Come with me," Danyl said, holding his hand out. "Let's go wait by the water's edge. I think it'll be several hours before he gets here and I'm sure by now you're hungry."

  She put the coin back and pressed a hand against its hard edges as if reminding herself of where she placed it. Her stomach chose that moment to rumble, and a smile curved her lips. "Wow. I don't remember the last time I've had something to eat. It's been several hours at best."

  "I'd like you to be clear-headed when we meet my father. I'm afraid I don't have anything you're used to, but I saw some plants over there that will provide nourishment."

  He wrinkled his nose. "Be forewarned, goddess, they don't taste very good."

  After glancing over her shoulder into the mysterious hollow, she nodded and walked with him. They plucked a few of the bitter plants that continued to repeat in her mouth, long after she'd swallowed them. Every time she took a mouthful, she had to close her eyes and clench her stomach against the viscous coating that refused to come off the plant no matter how she scrubbed.

  "Ugh. Does this taste ever go away?"

  Lying on his back and reclined on one elbow, Danyl dangled a long stem above his mouth. With great relish, he sucked on its end until the entire thing disappeared. He swallowed, and with a grin said, "In about an hour."

  Her stomach turned over once at that thought and another small burp escaped her lips. "I think I'm gonna be sick," she muttered.

  Danyl was on his feet in a flash. The look on his face was heart attack serious as he rushed to her. He gripped her chin between strong fingers and searched her eyes. "Are you ill? What's the matter?"

  Somersaulting insides fairly melted at the concern in his voice. "No, I'm fine. Really.

  It's just an expression of sorts."

  "You're certain? It's not too late to go back."

  She shook her head. "You don't get rid of me that easily. I've already told you once, and I still mean it. If you're going to face off against your father, you need someone there who's got your back. That someone is me."

  The grip on her chin softened until his fingers grazed gently across her jaw. The brooding rage had long since left his eyes and been replaced by an almost hopeful glint.

  " Agapimeni, how did I live without you in my life before? You are one of few who would stand by my side in this."

  The corners of her mouth lifted in a smile. "You were supposed to tell me what that means."

  With casual ease, he backed away until his hand on her face dropped to her neck and then arm in a suggestive caress. A low burn smoldered in his gaze and she knew that look well.

  "Come with me into the water," he murmured, "and I'll show you."

  Chapter Eight

  He dove into the water, heedless of any danger. Di on the other hand, eyed it cautiously. The bout with hypothermia still registered too sharply in her mind to forget.

  Danyl did a form-perfect flip into the water, the grace of his tail a wonder to behold before it disappeared beneath the dark depths. He came up to the surface again and held his arms out. "The water's fine without your clothing. Trust me."

  She did.


  Watching her remove the clothing almost took every vestige of restraint he possessed to not join her on land and couple with her there. But with a drumming heart, he watched and waited. He almost went to the ledge for an up-close view, but didn't think his fingers could stand the pressure of him digging into the compact earth. Already his jaw took a beating as he clamped his teeth together to fight back the urge to impale her on his cock.

  He knew with certainty that at this moment, if he went too close, he would forget himself.

  He took a deep cleansing breath because he wanted to share this with her.

  Still, it was torture when dark nipples on rounded breasts were revealed. His throat went dry and he forced his tongue over his lips. Then that damnable skin dropped lower to reveal her tummy and its perfect smoothness. Di shimmied a little, the flare of her hips an immediate draw. A low sound echoed in the cavern and it took him a minute to realize he made it. By the time her slit was bared before him, his mind was hazy with lust.

  Thoughts of mating and fucking and loving tumbled upon each other until only the cadence of her name would drown them out.

  Aphrodite. Agapimeni. Mate.

  Di squatted down and his gaze dropped to the slit between her legs. Its pink folds glistened as she moved and he groaned another guttural sound. Somehow he'd drifted closer to her and had to force himself to back up. But knowing that her body was already waiting for him to take her made his heart ache with longing. He would go slow. He would make this her pleasure. But he needed to do so now.

  She dropped into the water feet first and let out a squeal as soon as she came up for air. The locks of her golden hair tightened into a crown around her face, and the effect was dazzling. Her broad smile called to him. "You said it wasn't cold."

  "It's not."


  He chuckled. Each slow circle he made around her might have seemed puzzling from where she bobbed, but to him, it was the only way to cool down his maddening urges. He drew in closer though, his gaze locked with hers as she treaded water. Surrounded by the lapping waves, she was grace and beauty and he wanted to admire her there a little while longer.

  "Danyl, how do you… In the water, I mean."

  That's exactly what he was going to show her. "To me, goddess."

  Her arms wrapped around his neck when he pulled her into his embrace. The tight buds of her nipples scraped across his chest and sparked a bolt of electricity that ricocheted through his tail. The last time he would be able to kiss for a while, he covered her mout
h with his hungrily. He left her intoxicating lips to drag his mouth to the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat before travelling up again. To stay in that moment with her as his mouth learned hers could have fed at least part of his need for hours, but by now, his body all but screamed for more.

  "Hold your breath, Di."

  She looked deep into his eyes and nodded. The intensity behind her green eyes told him much. Her complete and absolute trust resided with him. Her chest expanded and when it did not lower, he secured his grip and took them beneath the surface.

  At first, he waited. If she couldn't handle this, if she needed to resurface, he would do so immediately. Whatever she needed. But when she relaxed in his arms and allowed him to direct their movement, it was a gift.

  Using one arm, he guided her leg around his waist. She caught his intent and wrapped the other around him as well. The moment he released his cock from its sheath and probed her slit with it, her hands tensed on his back. Lazily, he pushed them toward the surface, allowing the drag on her body to slide her down on him until her slit engulfed his tip.

  "Where did that come from?" Surprised laughter amplified into the air the moment she caught her breath. His hands gripped the rounded globes of her ass and pulled her further onto him. Her laughter morphed into a moan.

  "Feel." He moaned this time when her hand gripped the base of his cock still not yet embedded in her soft walls. She rocked forward and he pushed further inside. Still, her hand pumped on the base of his cock, the sensation shooting through him and making him dizzy. "A sheath encases my organ until I'm ready to use it. Hold your breath."

  The water swallowed them as soon as she nodded. Surrounded by its cool caress, it became a third in their love making. But all Danyl could focus on was being buried in Di's heat. Every time he withdrew, the ocean stroked his cock and urged him to find her center again. He would have loved to stare into her eyes in those moments, but settled on watching the ecstasy rippling in her expression.

  Twice more they resurfaced only to descend a minute or two later. All of his life he'd waited to love one of the maids like this. The chance to love Di instead was worth the price of another thousand lifetimes of waiting. They rose to the surface again and he swam them toward the embankment ledge until her back pressed against it. "My goddess.


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