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A Little Something More

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by Rachel De Lune

  A little something More

  (The Evermore Series, Book 2.5)

  A Christmas novelette

  Rachel De Lune

  A Little Something More

  The Evermore Series Book 2.5

  Copyright © 2016 Rachel De Lune

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted, with the exception of a reviewer who may quote passages in a review, without written prior permission from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, events, incidents and places are of the author’s imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

  WARNING: The author and publisher would solemnly advise you not to attempt any of the sexual or non-sexual actions of any of the characters in this book. Any damage physical, mental or emotional is the sole responsibility of the person/persons attempting such actions. Please be aware that this is a work of fiction and you are responsible for yourself and the consequences caused thereof.

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  Happy Christmas to my wonderful readers.


  “Isabel, get down here, now! I swear you’re going to be late to your own wedding,” Jess barks up the stairs.

  The cheval mirror reflects delicate patterns of pearls embroidered on ivory silk that traverses the curves of my body and flows effortlessly into a small train around my feet. The boning of the corseted bodice is subtle but will provide Seb a delicious treat when he gets to untie me later. The perfect dress for a perfect fairy tale day.

  I inch up the hem to reveal my white lace, Louboutin wedding heels. The flash of red on the trademark sole and the delicate black and grey anklet tattooed onto my skin send a bolt of confidence to my erratic nerves. A few months ago I could never have imagined this future. Seb had turned my world around and brought me back to life. Today, I’ll perform the ultimate public act of submission and marry him.

  I smile to myself and take a deep breath before navigating the stairs in my four-inch heels.

  “We need to leave now, Izzy! What’s the hold…” Jess stops mid-yell as I glide into the front room.

  “Okay. Now I’m ready, Jess.”

  Jess smiles, and I see warmth and pride shine in her eyes. She teeters across the carpet in her own ‘death heels’ and wraps me up in a hug.

  The nerves I fail to keep at bay swarm into a ball of emotion that lodges in my throat threatening to break my composure. “Stop it, Jess, or I’ll cry, and you’ll have to do my make-up again.” I sniff. “Have you got my bouquet?” I need to focus on something other than the happy tears.

  “Just a minute.” She ducks out of the room. “Here it is.” Jess walks back in, carrying a bouquet.

  I freeze in the middle of her lounge. “Jess, you’ve got the wrong flowers. That isn’t my bouquet.”

  “I know, but these are what you’re having. They’re from Seb.”

  “Seb? Why is he choosing my flowers? They aren’t anything like…”

  “Stop! Calm down. Read this.” She passes me a hand-addressed envelope, my name written in a scrawl of dark ink. Seb’s elegant, personal stationery is familiar to me. I perch on the edge of the sofa and gently peel the heavy paper open.

  Dearest Isabel,

  It was once tradition for the husband to pick flowers for his wife and leave them on her doorstep. These flowers are the closest I could come to that tradition, and I wanted to give you one final message.

  So that we are clear, this is the meaning behind these flowers.

  The red rose signifies our love. I love you with everything I am, and that will never fade.

  The lily is for majesty. You hold all of the splendour I could wish for. Our story is just that—it’s ours, and I am going to cherish it.

  Blue hyacinths are for constancy. I am your constant. You’ve come so far in believing that, and I need you to hold on to that forever. I’m not saying that everything will be smooth sailing, but we will remain constant.

  The baby’s breath is for everlasting love.

  I’ll look forward to seeing you walk towards me, ready to become my wife, holding the message I want to share with you.

  I love you, Isabel York.

  Always yours,


  The words swim in front of me as tears pool in my eyes. I grit my teeth, and my eyes tingle with the effort to stop them falling and smudging my face.

  Seb has always made such romantic gestures. I haven’t always understood them, but he’s certainly topped them all with this. He’s so much more than I ever could have dreamed of. The friendship that had first blossomed between us had grown immeasurably. I’d always trusted Seb, but somehow that trust had strengthened with time. His care as my Dom and as my partner allowed me to grow in confidence and express myself. I was finally the woman that had been imprisoned within my insecurities. I was Seb’s partner—yes, I submitted to him, but I knew that he cherished that submission and the D/s element of our lives enriched the rest of our time together. He let me grow and didn’t want to hold me back. It was part of the reason why I finally agreed to marry him. With his gentle guidance and constant support, he let me find my own path. I felt like a new Izzy. One that could hold her head up and didn’t have to lock her fantasies away on the computer. With Seb, I live them every day.

  I pick up the flowers and can’t help but love every single bloom. He’s banished the nerves and given me something to hold onto as I walk down the aisle.

  Jess hovers beside me, exuding impatience. As she’s already pointed out, we’d better get moving. There was no way I wanted to be late for Seb.


  Jess’ Dad drives us to the hotel in Seb’s Audi A5. I wanted him to be part of my day. He’s been a surrogate father figure to me as I’ve seen far more of Jess’ parents than my own over the years.

  We’re quiet on the short drive into Bath. The Royal Crescent Hotel is our destination, and the weather couldn’t be better. A crisp, winter's day greets us. The sunshine lights up the day and banishes the usual grey. The bare branches of an oak tree are silhouetted against a bright blue sky as we drive up towards the Crescent.

  I feel a shiver of excitement as we approach our final destination. The building’s soft sandstone gleams in the winter sun. Jess leans forward and takes my hand in support as the car slows down and pulls up outside the pillared entrance. I take a deep breath and clutch at the flowers resting in my lap.

  The name of the hotel was certainly appropriate. The stately venue was stunning, from the liveried doorman to the luxurious textured fabrics that swathed the windows and softened each grand room within. I even felt regal when Seb and I came to visit. Nothing was too much trouble, and I felt like the most important woman in the world. Of course, most of that was due to Seb.

  The Georgian building was awe-worthy, and the suite that Seb and I would share tonight was the pinnacle of opulence. It held enough space to host a small party, although I know Seb had something more private in mind. The antique four-poster bed with its silk and velvet bed linens looked small in the spacious room. Down-cushioned armchairs and loveseats were arranged in front of the working fireplace. Hues of pale, egg-shell blue complimented lush olive green across the walls and furnishings. The marble bathroom was like stepping into your personal spa and came fully stocked with lotions and creams from Aromatherapy Associates. The small dressing table held an antique hand mirror and brush set, with a cut glass scent bottle to the side. Not a single detail was out of place.

  At first, I didn’t want to get married at such a desirable a
ddress. But I fell in love with the romance of the place. Hundreds of years of visitors and guests through the doors. I found it hard not to get swept up in the thrill. The hotel would be a perfect backdrop to our day.

  I see Natasha standing outside the front of the hotel. She’s her usual stunning self. Her burgundy lace dress fits her like a glove. I can’t help but smile as I think how intimidating she can be. Now, all I see is a strong, beautiful woman. Until we enter Solace.

  Natasha opens the car door once we’re stationary and Jess offers me her hand to help me out of the car. She fluffs my train to ensure it’s neatly flared before I take Mr. Riley’s arm. He escorts me through the entrance where I see my parents. My Dad looks extremely handsome in his tailored suit, and Mum smiles warmly as she catches my eye.

  “We’ll see you in there, Izzy. You look wonderful.” Mr. Riley gives me a brief squeeze before handing me over to my Dad.

  “All okay?” he asks.

  “Yes, Dad. A few nerves perhaps.”

  “Oh, that’s only natural, dear. You look radiant.” Mum leans in to air kiss my cheek. “I’ll see you in there.” She squeezes my hand and heads into the library where the ceremony will take place.

  My limbs begin to buzz with a shaky nervousness. I take a few steps around, fidgeting with my dress, my flowers, anything to distract myself.

  “Izzy, relax. Now.” Natasha's firm words cut through the butterflies and centre me.

  I can do this. I want to do this.

  “Get out of your head, Izzy and think about Seb. You good?”

  I stare at her beautiful, composed face and wish I could be calm.

  “Yes. Thank you, Natasha.”

  “No problem.” She turns away and lingers by the double doors that lead our way into the library. Jess joins her, waiting for me to signal that I’m ready.

  Today might not be the first time I’ve stood waiting to walk down the aisle to the man I love, but I knew, in the very heart of my soul, that this time would be different. Seb was my missing piece. He completes me, and I’m able to complete him. He made me happy and set me free.

  All the reasons why I’m standing here fill my heart with sheer joy. I nod to Jess, take Dad’s arm and stand behind Jess and Natasha.

  The door to the ceremony room opens, and I hear the rustle of bodies twisting in their chairs to watch as I walk towards Seb. The piano begins the first few notes of Christina Perri’s, A Thousand Years and we wait for the strings to join in the melody. Jess and Natasha take a few steps forward and move gracefully down the chair-lined aisle.

  I take a breath and straighten. I smile at my Dad and then lock my focus on my man.

  Seb steps into view at the front of the room and sets my heart racing. Those pesky tears are burning my eyes, and I force myself not to give in. I want Seb to see me happy, not tear-stained.

  My cheeks quiver as I try and hold my smile, fighting with the emotion that is now pulsating around my body. Dad takes controlled steps forward, keeping pace with the music and I let him lead. Seb is devastating in his tailored suit. The fabric sculpts his broad shoulders and reminds me of what’s under the shirt.

  My steps bring me closer and closer to Seb, and I see his handsome face taut with the same emotion that I’m fighting inside.

  Jess peels off to sit to one side while Natasha takes her place next to Seb. Dad comes to a stop, and Seb nods towards my Dad and then his gaze rests on me.

  “Hi,” I whisper.

  “Hi,” Seb replies.

  “Thank you for the flowers. They are perfect.”

  “Couldn’t resist one last message to you.” He takes my hand, and we turn towards the registrar.

  The ceremony proceeds with a welcome address. Seb maintains a firm grip on my hand, and I use his strength to conquer my overwhelming emotions. I may have opposed getting married again, but right now, I know I want to be Seb’s wife just as much as he wants to be my husband.

  The registrar continues with the formalities before turning to Seb.

  “Sebastian, you have a few words.” Seb faces me. He takes the flowers from my grasp and hands them to Jess.

  “Izzy. I love you with everything I am, and that will never fade. You hold all the splendour I could wish for, and I promise to cherish you and our love. I am your constant, and I’ll guide you to wherever you want to go in life. You hold my vows in your hands, and I am proud to stand before our family and friends and share my love for you. I promise compassion and love in everything we do.”

  My heart bursts with the love I have for this man. Every atom of my being begs to echo his words back to him. I resist throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him to me as closely as I can.

  “Sebastian, will you repeat after me… I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, Sebastian York may not be joined in matrimony to Isabel Fields.”

  I stare, transfixed at Seb’s lips as he speaks the words that will bind us as man and wife.

  I follow the registrar's words and make my declaration. The registrar again turns to Seb. “Will you, Seb, take Izzy to be your wedded wife, to share your life, to love her and support her, whatever the future may hold?”

  “I will.” The deep timbre of Seb’s reply pulls at my heart, and another wave of euphoria crashes over me.

  “Will you, Izzy, take Seb to be your wedded husband, to share your life, to love him and support him, whatever the future may hold?”

  “I will.” I push the words past the lump in my throat and feel the tension ease from my body at my decree. I look into Seb’s aqua eyes and feel our connection hum through my body. My words are more to him than just agreeing to be his wife. I’m giving him my submission.

  “Izzy, I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage. May it always remind you of our unwavering love and commitment. A symbol of our love and our forever more.” Seb slides the platinum band dotted with tiny diamonds along my finger and brushes over it with his thumb.

  I take Seb’s ring from Natasha and mirror the words he just spoke to me. My voice catches as the power of this moment hits me in my chest.

  Seb is my husband.


  Jess and Natasha follow us from the library into the garden room as man and wife.

  Seb has a death-grip on my hand but a wicked smile on his lips. I suddenly don’t want to be social and celebrate with friends. I want to be alone with my husband.

  A waiter approaches and presents a silver platter with bubbling glasses of champagne. Seb takes a glass and hands me a flute.

  “Cheers, Mrs. York.”

  “Cheers, Mr. York.” The chime of our glasses is drowned out as our guests flood into the room behind us. Our friends and family engulf us with congratulations. I can’t shift the smile from my face, and I don’t want to. I can’t remember a happier time.

  For the next two hours, my feet are hardly still. They only rest for the quick snap of a photo before being manoeuvred into another position. I’m sure that I’ll look back fondly on all of the images and be glad that I can re-live this day with such a detailed photographic account. But right now, I want to sit down with my husband.

  “Are we nearly done?”

  “We can be done as soon as you say the word.”

  “I’m done. I don’t need any more pictures.” Seb’s smile lights me up, and I watch as he turns towards the photographer and takes him to the side.

  “What’s Seb doing, Iz?” Jess asks.

  “Moving things along I believe. I’m done with the photos.”

  “Oh thank god. I need to be out of these heels. Why did you have to make me wear them again?” Jess huffs and bends down to remove her shoes. “Arr, that’s better. If we’re done, I’m not putting these back on.”

  “Okay, hun. Thank you for tolerating them today.”

  “Only for you, Izzy. Only for you.” She leans in and gives me a quick kiss before heading off on her own.

  Seb crosses the room towards me, and I feel his eyes trail ove
r my body. His look alone can heat my blood and send my pulse into orbit. Now that the important part is complete, my mind strays to what Seb has in store for this evening.

  Seb’s fingers caress my bare arms and send a ripple of goosebumps over my body.

  “It won’t be much longer until I can have you all to myself, Mrs. York. Don’t think for one moment that I won’t savour every second we’re alone tonight.” His whispered promise resonates as if he shouted the words at me. His fingers find my hands and he leads me into the banquet room across from the quaint room we’ve been using.

  Half a dozen round tables are decked out in pristine linen table cloths. Cream covers encase the chairs, and all of the neutral tones are set off against elegant displays of stargazer lilies in the centre vases. It’s everything I could have wished for. The room oozes warmth with its neutral shades and low light, the romance of the day follows us. I squeeze Seb’s hand a little harder. As we make our way to our table and he seats me, I catch sight of a flustered hotel employee heading out the other door. I guess Seb moved up the schedule.

  “Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention.” Seb’s commanding voice leaves our guests no room to disobey.

  “Thank you. We are breaking with tradition when it comes to the speeches. Natasha, as my best woman won’t be causing me any embarrassment. Thank you, Natasha.” I tilt back in my chair to catch the smug look she wears. “But I would still like to say a few words. You’ve already heard me make my vows to Izzy, and I can say that nothing in the world will make me happier than she has done today by marrying me. She is the woman I’ve been waiting to come into my life, and now I have her...” he turns to me before finishing his sentence...“I won’t be letting you go.” A vice-like grip squeezes my heart at his words. The communal murmur that follows tells me it’s not just me feeling the meaning behind them.


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