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Billionaire Bear Brotherhood Box Set

Page 22

by Lily Cahill

  "Here we are, folks," the cab driver said, and Caleb nearly jumped. He was no prude, but he had never come quite so close to getting a hand job in public. The woman was driving him completely crazy. And he was determined to return the favor.

  He tossed a bill at the cab driver, not bothering to wait for change, and pulled Kam out of the cab with him. He didn't bother to pop the umbrella as he strode the few feet to the door of his building. The freezing rain did nothing to cool his ardor. He nodded at the doorman, grateful that his long coat hid his aching erection, and tugged Kam through the lobby to the elevator.

  The second the doors closed, he backed her against the wall and kissed her with all the pent-up desire roaring inside him. She responded in kind, flipping open the buttons on his coat so she could slip her desperate hands inside. The hunger inside him kicked up to starving when she tugged his dress shirt out of his pants, finally finding his skin.

  He knew there were cameras in the elevator. The doorman could be watching them, even now. He didn't care. He couldn't stop.

  He was dimly aware that he had never wanted a woman this badly before, never felt desire so powerful that it washed away every last ounce of civilized behavior. Normally, the bear that lurked inside him was only roused when he had gone too long without shifting. But now, he felt a raw need that was more animal than human.

  He tore his mouth from hers and ran his lips over her jaw, her neck, her ear. He could hear her soft whimpers, feel her hot, soft hands. His cock was throbbing with need, and for the first time in his life he thought he might actually come in his pants.

  When the elevator dinged, he hauled her up into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and he kept his face buried in her neck as he staggered across the hall to his penthouse apartment.

  He pinned her against the wall, and her "oof" of protest quickly became a moan as he ran his hands up and over her chest. She repaid the attention he had lavished on her neck, nipping and sucking at his sensitive skin until he was wild with need.

  "Jesus, where the fuck are my keys?" he mumbled. He could barely take his hands off her to dig in his pockets. He had to get her inside the apartment, where he could strip her naked and drive his cock inside her so deep the rest of the world disappeared.

  Finally, he found the key and managed to open the door. He kicked it shut behind him as he carried her through the darkened apartment. She was missing a stupendous view of Seattle, but he wasn't about to distract her from her current activities.

  "Hurry, hurry," she chanted, and he knew she was just as desperate as he was. She was yanking at his tie, trying to get the knot loose. "Why are you wearing so many clothes?"

  "I could ask the same of you." They were in his bedroom, finally, and though he hated to give up the contact he put her down long enough to strip off his coat and leave it in a crumpled heap on the floor. "Leave my tie alone, you're choking me with it."

  She toed her way out of her boots and unzipped her own coat, dropping it next to her own. "Did you know that the first neckties were worn by Croatian mercenaries in the 17th century?"

  He hadn't expected to laugh when he was on the verge of orgasm, but laugh he did. "Thank you, Professor. What else do you have to teach me?"

  She shucked off her sweater and wiggled out of her pants. "Something tells me you already know quite a bit about this subject."

  He could barely hear her over the roaring in his ears. "Fuck, look at you. You're fucking perfect."

  She froze. For the first time, she looked at him with something like vulnerability in her eyes. "No, I'm not."

  He finally managed to get rid of his tie, and it took only a moment to strip to his bare chest. That was as long as he could stand to keep his hands off her. "I'm the one looking at you, so I think my opinion is the one that matters. And I say you're perfect."

  She may have protested, but he finally had her full breasts in his hands, and whatever she planned to say trailed off as a moan. The bra was simple white cotton, no lace or frills. The way her dark nipples showed through the fabric was more than enough decoration. He lowered his mouth, suckling her through the cloth.

  He could smell her arousal, which set the bear inside him to roaring. He wanted to plunge inside her, wanted to slake his lust instantly. But more than that, he wanted her pleasure.

  He lifted her breasts out of the bra, nipping and kissing at her until she was clutching his head and crying out. Only then did he unhook the clasp at her back, letting her breasts fall free. He only had to push her back a step to have her tumbling onto the bed.

  Her legs fell open. The front of her blue panties was wet with her desire. Her belly and thighs were perfectly rounded, generous and lush. He lifted her hips, tugging off her underwear until he could see all of her.

  "Tell me what you want," he said, his voice hoarse.

  "Please touch me," she begged. Her green eyes were as bright as jewels.

  "Teach me, Professor," he teased. "Show me what you like."

  She groaned and slid her hand down her belly. He watched hungrily as she parted her dark pubic hair, exposing the pink lips of her pussy.

  "Touch me here," she said, circling her clit with her fingers.

  Watching her made him groan with desire. "Just there?"

  "No," she gasped, then slipped a finger inside herself. "Here, too."

  She was wet and glistening. "What if I taste you instead?"

  Her groan was all the answer he needed. He knelt between her thighs and indulged himself in the scent and flavor of heaven.

  It took only moments before she was bucking beneath him, moaning and sobbing his name. He forced himself to wait until he had made her come again, until her legs were slack and trembling with satisfaction. He didn't want to stop, but he had to have her, had to be inside her.

  He left her for only an instant, long enough to get rid of his pants and boxers and grab a condom from the bedside drawer. He couldn't think of the last time he had wanted a woman this badly. Maybe never. His heart was pounding, his head was spinning, and his body was screaming for release.

  She was just beginning to stir when he stepped back between her legs, hitching his hands under her knees so her could pull her to the edge of the bed. Her breasts bounced and her lips parted in a gasp as he fit the head of his rigid cock at the entrance to her pussy.

  Her hair was coming loose from her braid in a wild halo around her head. She was still wearing her glasses. He couldn't say why that was so adorable, but it made his heart lurch with affection. He leaned down so he could cover her mouth with his as he slipped inside her.

  Instantly, he felt something wash over him that was as shocking as the freezing rain that had doused them in Pioneer Square. His mind reeled and his heart shuddered. In all his travels, with all his women, he had never felt anything like this.

  Shifter lore promised that a shifter would know his mate the first time they made love. Caleb hadn't dismissed it, exactly, but he figured it was a romantic way of describing a really good lay. But this--this was like every doubt or fear he'd ever had was reduced to ash by the power of his certainty. She was his, the only one for him, his fated mate.

  When her crystalline eyes fluttered open and she bucked her hips to take him deeper, joy filled him so deeply that he could barely breathe.

  He couldn't stop now. Nothing could stop him from taking her, claiming her, making her his. He had no idea how long he lasted, no desire to hold back. When she cried out again, her pussy clenching his cock, he came with a roar of satisfaction and collapsed on top of her.

  His mouth was on her collarbone, his arms wrapped around her. They were both sweating, both panting, both glowing with satisfaction. He needed to think, needed to figure out how to tell her. How was he supposed to explain about the bear inside him, about the secret society of shifters known as B3, about the fact that they were destined to be together? If he hadn't grown up in the world, he wouldn't have believed it himself.

  When he finally pulled back long en
ough to get rid of the condom, she simply curled on to her side with a satisfied smile on her face. There was no need to discuss it now, he decided. Tomorrow would be soon enough to tell her that life as she knew it was over.

  He tucked her under the blankets, brushing her hair back as she sighed peacefully. He slipped her glasses off her nose and folded them carefully, setting them on the bedside table. Tenderness welled inside him, as unfamiliar as it was overwhelming. Then he slipped under the covers as well, spooning her body with his. They would spend tomorrow together. Tomorrow, and the rest of their lives.

  The next time he opened his eyes, it was day. And she was gone.

  Chapter Four


  At 9:50 a.m, Kam was sitting in the opulent waiting room of InTech International, sipping from a bottle of fancy water, wearing a tailored suit and her one and only pair of high heels. She would much have preferred to be in the middle of nowhere, on her knees in the dirt. But nothing could ruin her mood today.

  She had never had such incredible sex. Such glorious, mind-blowing, delightful sex. Her whole body felt like it was glowing. Every time she pressed her legs together, she felt a dull ache that made her quiver with the memory of how Caleb had made her come over and over.

  Every woman should get laid the night before an important meeting, she thought. Her confidence was off the charts, even if she was about to do something she wasn't particularly good at.

  She checked her watch, sighing when she saw that only two minutes had passed since the last time she looked. The watch was the battered outdoor model her father had given her for her sixteenth birthday. It wasn't pretty, but it was waterproof and featured a highly accurate altimeter, barometer and compass. Kam preferred practicality over fashion. If she had any choice in the matter, the rest of her outfit would be just as functional as the watch.

  But Alex had been clear--if Kam was going to ask a multi-billion dollar corporation to fund her dig, she had to dress as if she didn't need the money. Kam didn't understand that particular bit of logic, but she had long since accepted that Alex knew more about this kind of thing than she did.

  Dr. Alex Winter had been Kam's research partner since grad school, and they had worked out a system. Kam did the archaeological grunt work--mapping the site, securing the permits, and managing the interns who helped with the dig. For her part, Alex did the computer modeling and made sure they had enough funding to continue the work.

  But now Alex was laid up with a bad case of West Nile Virus, which she had caught during a scouting trip to the Badlands. She would recover, but her illness couldn't have come at a worse time. Their most recent round of funding from InTech was up for a review, and they provided seventy-five percent of the funding for the project. Alex was too sick to handle the presentation, so Kam had no choice but to put on her only fancy outfit and make the trek to Seattle herself.

  She looked out over the city's skyline, noting the iconic Space Needle outlined against Mount Rainier. Last night's rain had given way to sunshine, and the city glittered like freshly-polished silver. It was a lovely view, she admitted, but it would have been better without all the buildings and people.

  Although, Kam thought with a secret smile, she might have to revise her opinion of a city full of people. After all, she had met Caleb. Wasn't that worth something?

  She could live on the memory of their encounter for quite a while. She knew the score--she would go back to Pasco after this meeting, with her funding or without, and Caleb would go on with his jet-setting urban lifestyle. For her, it was the single greatest sexual experience of her life.

  For him, it was probably no more than a typical Tuesday night.

  She shook off that thought. She counted herself lucky that he had even taken an interest in her. Kam had a healthy awareness of her own appearance, and she knew she wasn't in Caleb's league.

  A secretary strode down the hall, the click of her heels announcing her approach. "Ms. Hutchinson?"

  "Dr. Hutchinson," Kam corrected.

  "Mr. Mancini is ready for you."

  Her mind flashed over the key points of her presentation. She had to nail this, had to make sure InTech continued funding the project. Surely her most recent discoveries about the Yursui's religious ceremonies would be important enough to get their notice.

  Kam gathered her laptop bag and followed the secretary down the hall. The nerves that had been plaguing her all week were wiped away. If she could pull down a man like Cal, she could do anything.

  She pinned a professional smile on her face as the blond gestured her through massive oak doors into a large conference room.

  A middle-aged man rose from the table. He was almost as short and wide as Kam, with greasy black hair brushed over his balding head. He didn't smile. "Dr. Hutchinson? I'm Charles Mancini, head of InTech's philanthropic division."

  "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mancini," Kam said, shaking the man's hand. "I think you'll be very excited by the progress we're making on the dig."

  "He's not the one you need to impress," another voice said. A voice she recognized. A voice she had last heard whispering "Sleep well, Professor," in her ear as he wrapped his body around her.



  Caleb. She suddenly realized where she had seen him before.

  Caleb Ingram.

  She had heard about Caleb Ingram, of course. She didn't ... okay, maybe she did kind of live under a rock. But she had heard of him. He had been the subject of media attention since InTech had broken all kinds of sales records with the release of their ground-breaking PCs and smart phones. Ingram was a prodigy whose genius got almost as much attention as his social life. He had been linked with actresses and models, photographed on yachts and in palaces, and chased thrills from skydiving to deep sea exploration.

  She had seen him looking out at her from tabloids when she went to the grocery store. She had seen him on the Internet as she flipped through the news. She had seen him on TV, on the arm of some actress when she and Alex had watched the Oscars last year.

  And last night, she had run her hand over his chest and watched him shudder, go blind, and pour himself in to her.

  She fell back on professionalism. "Mr. Ingram," she said, embarrassed when her voice squeaked. "I wasn't aware you were joining us."

  "Neither was Mr. Mancini," Caleb said, rising to his feet from where he'd been seated in the corner of the conference room. His jaw was tight. "Dr. Hutchinson, is it?"

  Kam's mouth went dry. It was only a few steps from one end of the table to another, but it was as if time slowed so she had what felt like hours to appreciate how gorgeous he was. That was why she hadn't recognized him--photographs didn't do him justice. He was like a golden god. His hair was the color of honey, his eyes as rich as the finest chocolate. And she knew from personal experience that underneath the tailored gray suit, he had a body that left her speechless.

  Then his hand was in hers, and it was like fireworks were exploding all around them. She had never expected to touch him again. She had expected that he would become a hot memory to keep her warm on lonely nights. But now here he was, in front of her, and everything in her yearned to wrap herself around him and experience his touch again.

  The handshake lasted less than a second. He pulled away from her touch as if burned. "Mr. Mancini," he said, in a voice that had gone suddenly hoarse. "Would you leave Dr. Hutchinson and me alone for a moment?"

  Mr. Mancini looked back and forth between them. "Um ... certainly, sir. Is there anything I can get you?"

  "No," he said, his eyes fixed on Kam's.

  "No, thank you," Kam said, though she doubted Mancini was interested in her.

  Mancini ducked out. As soon as the door closed behind him, they both spoke at once.

  "I didn't know you--"

  "Why didn't you tell me--"

  "You didn't know I--"

  "I never expected--"

  "Oh, fuck it," Caleb said, and pulled her to him so quickly Kam lost her b
reath. Then he was kissing her. Her eyes popped open in shock, then drifted shut in pleasure. Maybe she didn't need to breathe, she thought, as the fireworks turned to lightning bolts inside her. She would gladly die just like this.

  Just as suddenly, he pushed her away. "You left."

  "What?" she asked. Her brain hadn't yet re-engaged. "What?"

  "This morning. You left."

  "I thought ... I woke up and I had to get back to the hotel. I had to get ready for this meeting."

  "Oh, yeah? You were worried last night's pitch didn't convince me?"

  It took Kam a moment to realize what he was implying. "You think I slept with you because I had this meeting today? I had no idea you would be here."

  "Would you have given Mr. Mancini the same treatment as you gave me?"

  Kam felt all the blood in her body rush to her face, then drain to her feet. "Fuck you."

  "You already did," he said tauntingly. He paced away from her, running his fingers through his thick hair. "I thought you were different. I thought you weren't a user. But it turns out you want something from me, just like everyone else."

  "What makes you think I want something from you?"

  He gave her a withering look. "You're here, aren't you?"

  "I'm here for InTech, not for you," she fired back. "I didn't recognize you. Maybe you aren't as famous as you think you are."

  He whirled on her. "Oh, yeah. Like you didn't research the company."

  "I didn't," she said with gritted teeth. "My partner, Alex, was supposed to take this meeting."

  He froze. Kam sensed something predatory in him that made her heart speed up. "Your partner."

  "Dr. Alex Winter," she said.

  "You work together?"

  "Yes." She swallowed hard. "We've been together since college."

  The hurt and betrayal in his eyes was obvious, but she didn't understand where it was coming from. "Look, can we just forget about last night? It was nothing, just an impulse. I certainly don't expect anything else from you."


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