Book Read Free

Something More

Page 8

by Jenna Tyler

  “Well…okay. Point taken. How was your dinner?”

  “It was wonderful. He's so sweet.”

  “I'm excited for you, Mom. He better treat you right.”

  “So far, so good. But it was just one date. He's on his way over here just to hang out because I don't feel like doing much today.”

  “That's cool. Don't forget to send me that picture.”

  “I promise I will send it. You can Google him, though. Andrew Chambers.”

  “I'll do that right now.”

  “Okay. Well, I'm going to go freshen up before he gets here. I'm still in my pajamas.”

  “Okay, Mom. I love you. Make good choices.”

  I snicker. “Crazy kid. I love you, too. ‘Bye.”


  Shaking my head, I get up to go put myself together.

  On my way to the bathroom, I stop and turn on my scented wax warmer so it will smell nice in here. This is definitely a woman's apartment. I should get some fresh flowers to put around, too. I'm sure there's a flower shop around here somewhere.

  I had planned on staying in my pjs all day, but that's probably a bad idea with His Royal Sexiness coming over. I will switch to a pair of my PINK lightweight sweats from Victoria's Secret. They are pajama-like. I can be comfy and maybe tone-down the sex appeal today. I leave on my tee, but decide a bra would be in my best interest. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and wash my face.

  While brushing my teeth, I look around for any paraphernalia that might be lying about. It looks like everything is put away. Thank goodness. I check myself in the mirror and debate on putting some make-up on. Nope. He's getting the real deal today. I take a deep breath. I am ready for my visitor.

  Lazily lying on my sofa and waiting for Drew, I look through my book wish list on Amazon and see if anything strikes my fancy. I love a good vampire book. Maybe an Anne Rice? I keep scanning my list, but nothing is really jumping out at me. It must be my mood. I'm too excited to read.

  I plop my Kindle down on the coffee table and grab the remote to the TV instead. I turn it on and flip through the guide. Maybe a movie will pacify me. I haven't gotten used to this guide yet. My channels in Florida were numbered differently. I am not seeing any movies that grab my attention, either.

  As I'm still scrolling, the doorbell rings. My heart starts racing and my body starts to hum. I get up and head for the door, my legs shaking. Am I nervous? I look through the peephole and see him. Devastatingly handsome, as always. Sheesh. Does he ever look normal? He's always so freaking gorgeous. I take a deep breath and open the door with a smile.


  “Hey, Drew. Come on in.” He steps in and, as I close the door, he grabs me around the waist and pulls me to him, crushing his lips into mine. “I've been waiting all night to see you again,” he says, after breaking our kiss. He steps back, giving me a once over. “I didn't realize this was a pajama party. If I had known, I would've worn mine.” He smiles incredulously.

  “These aren't pajamas. Well, they can be, but they aren't. Shoot, actually, I did sleep in this shirt last night.” I frown and look down at it to see if it's too wrinkled. Naa, it looks fine-ish. He looks me over again.

  “I told you I was just staying in today. You're lucky I changed out of my actual pajamas and put my ratty hair up. This look is nice for me on a veg day.” One raised eyebrow from me meets both of his. Then we chuckle.

  “I approve. Really approve. You are beautiful, no matter what.”

  “Be careful. I will go back into the bathroom and put zit cream gunk all over my face and see how you like that.”

  “It wouldn't bother me in the least.”

  “It's pretty frightful. Today you are getting the real me. No make-up, no sexy jeans or dresses. Just plain ol’ me.”

  He pulls me into his arms. “There is nothing sexier than plain ol’ you.” He kisses me again. I hear my phone buzz and excuse myself. It's a text from Charlie.

  Charlie: OMG Mom! He's GORGE!

  Smiling widely, I put my phone back down. “Would you like anything to eat or drink?”

  “No. I'm good for now.” He plops himself down on my sofa while I get myself some water. I grin. I like seeing him cozy in my place. There’s something comforting in that.

  I glance over at him and see that he's studying me. I make my way towards him and ask, “What?”

  “I was just wondering the same thing. What?”

  “I'm just happy to see you getting comfortable in my place. It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Okay, your turn.”

  He laughs. “I like seeing you smile. I was just curious as to what you were smiling about.”

  Drew angles his body more towards me and drapes his arm across the back of the couch as I sit down facing him. I set my water on the coffee table. “So, what did you want to do while you're here? Watch a movie?”

  He responds, “We can do whatever you want. I just want to be near you.” Aww, my heart just melted a little more.

  “That's so sweet of you. I like being near you, too. I think I like you wanting to be near me more, though,” I say with an innocent grin. It's always flattering when someone wants to be around you and is interested in you. It’s a good confidence booster.

  “I see you brought a briefcase with you. Do you have work to do?”

  “I always have work to do. I brought it in case something urgent comes up. Or if you decide you just want to pretend I’m not here, I could work.” We both laugh.

  “I don't think it's possible for me to ignore your presence.”

  “Nor could I ignore yours.”

  “So you want to play twenty questions, do the movie thing, or what?”

  “We can do the question and answer period now, I suppose.”

  “Okay. You go first.”

  He looks up at the ceiling as if debating his first question. “Let's see. You have a daughter so I'm assuming she has a father.”

  “Yes. He lives in Florida. We were married for just a few years.”

  “Why did the marriage end?”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Are you going to do all of your questions up front without giving me a turn?”

  “I think I will. It seems easier that way.”

  “Well, don't think you're going to escape the questioning. I'm on to you, buddy.” A naughty smirk crosses his face. I squint at him, telling him to be careful.

  “I wish you were on me.”

  I giggle. “I knew that was coming,” I say. I roll my eyes, reach over for my water, and take a sip. “Back to the question at hand. I think I just got married too young. I thought I wanted to be married, but I wasn't in love with him, I suppose, or it may have worked.” He nods. I put my water back on the coffee table.

  “Do you have a friendly relationship with him now?” I wonder where he's going with this.

  “We only talk when we have to and only about Charlie. And we still argue.” A very slight hint of a smile appears on his face. He's so freaking hot. What have I done to deserve this man on my couch right now?

  “So there's no chance of you rekindling that relationship?” Roaring laughter erupts from me.

  When I've regained my composure, I answer, “No…fucking…chance…in…hell.”

  “Well, it sounds like it is definitely over. Does he feel the same way?”

  I nod. “I mean, I think so. We've been divorced for sixteen years. I'd say it's pretty much over. If he is still harboring feelings for me, that's on him. I'm completely done with him.”

  “Very good to know. I wouldn't want to steal someone's lady. I mean, I would do it, but I wouldn't want to have to.”

  I smile. “So sweet again, Mr. Chambers.”

  “I can be,” he says with a sexy grin. I internally roll my eyes at myself and think all his grins are sexy.

  “More questions. What is your favorite color?”

  “Just one?”

  “I suppose you can have two.”

  “Just two?” I snicker and he smiles.
  “How about you just give me a list?”

  “Let me see how many I can think of. Pink, black, and…uhhhhhh...white. Maybe a heather gray in there, too. That work for you?”

  He chuckles. “Yes, that'll do.” I stretch out across the couch and throw another throw pillow behind my back. I rest my feet on his thigh, and a jolt of electricity surges through my body.

  Suddenly, I wonder if he considers this a second date. I guess it kind of is. An all-day date yesterday and now hanging out. I really don't know how much longer I can hold out on the “no sex” thing. Just thinking about it makes me want to orgasm. Drew is obviously thinking along the same lines as he adjusts himself.

  “Well, that didn't last long. I guess, to remain in control, there can be no touching.” I giggle and start to remove my feet from his leg. He grabs them and puts them back.

  “Looks like we are going to have to learn to control it. We can't walk around that…in public. No better time than the present to learn to cope,” he retorts.

  I, on the other hand, cannot control my amusement. “That would sure be a sight to see, wouldn't it?” We start laughing uncontrollably, our bodies inching closer together. We become very aware of this and abruptly stop laughing, almost simultaneously. The hum of my body is much stronger when we’re in such close proximity.

  A question pops into my head. “Do you think this feeling will subside once we have sex?” He stares at me like I read his mind. I smile internally, not wanting to break the seriousness now lingering in the air.

  “Is that your first question, Rebecca?”

  Feeling a bit confused, I say, “Huh?” So mature, Bec.

  He grins. “Twenty questions. Is that your first question?”

  “Oh. Uh. No. That was just an observation question. You still have quite a few left to ask, I believe.” Drew grabs one of my feet and starts to rub it. My eyes roll back into my head. “Ohhh. That feels good. A girl could get use to that.”

  “One of my many talents. I intend to spoil you with them.” I look at him and he's grinning wickedly.

  “Do you have any more questions for me?” I ask with an ulterior motive.

  “I'm sure I have plenty, but they seem to have slipped my mind at the moment.”

  “Perfect.” Even though he tries to keep hold of my foot, I withdraw it from his hands. As I pull my leg back to my side of the sofa, I get up on my knees and crawl over to his side, never losing eye contact.

  When I get closer, he aligns himself to be underneath me. I think he senses what I'm up to. Getting into my desired position, I settle myself on his lap, straddling his legs. He rests his hands on my thighs. “I don't know if I can handle this sexual tension much longer,” I say, a tiny bit breathless.

  “Me, either, but I can go if you want me to. I don't want you to feel pressured to do something you're not ready for,” he whispers. My core tightens and I can feel the moisture building in my panties. I lean down to his face and place a kiss on his jaw near his earlobe. A low, quiet moan rumbles in his chest. It turns me on that much more. I place my hands on the armrest behind him, on either side of his head.

  Leaning to the opposite side, I place another kiss in the same spot. Another moan, this time a little louder. I grin at the effect I'm having on him. He moves his hands to my hips and, slowly and deliberately, he pulls me closer. This move makes my center glide over his growing length. I gasp slightly. With his thin shorts and my thin sweats, it's a very erotic sensation.

  I move my lips to his and crush them together. Our tongues find each other and are tangling as if they can't get enough. I pull back slightly to whisper, “I think I'm ready.”

  Time for a bold move, Bec.

  Grabbing his hand from my hip, I slowly move it to my belly. Pushing his hand down under the waistband of my sweats and under my panties, I guide it to my sweet and very wet spot. He growls. Then, in one quick motion, I'm on my back and panting. I gaze into his oceanic blue eyes and notice they have an intense, burning fire behind them. I grab him behind his neck and pull him down to me. A fierceness has taken over…a primal, lustful kiss. It devours me, and I sink into the feeling.

  Drew's hand remains in my panties and now he begins to move his fingers. It's my turn to moan as he works over my clit. Heat races through my blood and to every nerve. I don't think I've ever had a man make me feel this way, but this feels like so much more. I think it's too soon for me to climax, but he's very good with his fingers. Still, it's building, and building fast. I start to move against his touch.

  He dips two fingers inside me and that is my undoing. Warmth spreads from my core to the tips of my toes while my muscles grip his fingers. “Oh, Drew,” I say barely loud enough for him to hear. “I'm sorry,” I breathe. “It's been far too long and that was....”

  He pulls his hand out of my pants and sucks his fingers clean, which shuts me right up. “Mmm. Delicious. I can't wait to taste you without my pesky fingers in the way.”

  He grins and tucks a loose tendril of hair behind my ear. “I'm not done with you yet,” he whispers. I feel his hot breath against my skin and desire shoots straight to my core. This excites me even more. I pull him to my lips again and I can taste myself on him.

  “I want you inside me.” Our kiss deepens, he lowers himself onto me and I feel his weight. It's a wonderful feeling.

  “Oh, I will be.”

  After a few moments of kissing, he slowly separates himself from me, and then stands. He holds out his hands for me to take and pulls me to my feet and into his arms. “I've been waiting forever for you and I would wait forevermore.” My heart melts a little more at his words.

  “It truly feels like we are meant to be,” I say.

  I step back a little and look into his eyes. Never breaking eye contact, I slide my pants down and step out of them. I begin to take my shirt off, but he stops me. “Don't I get to unwrap my gift?” he asks and my cheeks redden.

  “Of course, but make it snappy. I want!”

  “I might just have to take my time now, Ms. Impatient.” I groan in frustration and he smiles.

  “Well, I'm going to tear through the wrapping on mine.” With a wink and a smile, I grab his shirt and yank it off of him. I move on to take his shorts off and notice he's still wearing his socks and shoes. Ewww. That image, in my head, is not attractive.

  “Hey! Take those off. There is no sex to be had with socks or shoes on!” I yell, smiling.

  He laughs and says, “I know, but I was attacked and wasn't thinking about those at the time.” Oops, my bad. Without bending over, he kicks of his shoes and uses his toes to pull off his socks. He’s got nice feet. Not gangly like most men's feet are. Thank goodness.

  I decide to show him a little talent of my own. I grab the waistband of his shorts, making sure they don't get caught on his erection. Pulling them down to the middle of his thigh, I hike up my right leg and hook his shorts with my big toe, pulling them down the rest of the way. He grins and steps out of them, leaving him in nothing but his Armani boxer briefs. The head of his penis is now slightly poking out of the top of his underwear. I'm sure with a little more excitement it will graze his belly button.

  Suddenly, I'm a little worried if I can take all of him into me. Drew senses my concern and gently places his hand on my cheek. “Don't worry, baby. I'll take it easy.” He leans down to kiss me tenderly on the lips. Warmth runs through my veins. He steps closer and runs his hands down my back, grabbing the bottom of my shirt and pulling it over my head. He tosses it on the couch, all the while looking right into my eyes and shaking me down to my soul. We are standing there, so close, in just our undergarments. His eyes slowly drift down and rest on my breasts. They are aching for him to touch them. One hand raises to my cheek and he plants a kiss on my lips. His hand slides down to my neck and he places another kiss on my lips. Sliding further down, his hand rests over my heart. Another kiss on the lips. My sex is quickly becoming flooded.

  Drew's hand sl
ides just a little further down over one of my breasts and pulls my bra down so that my breast is exposed. He kisses me again, this time a little more urgently, his thumb brushing back and forth over my nipple. I moan into him and arch my back, pushing my breast against him. He wraps his other arm around my waist and draws me into his hardness. A sexy growl comes from deep within him. Jeez, that turns me on. I reach up and wrap both of my arms around his neck, intertwining my fingers tightly in his hair. Another growl, this time a little more visceral. He breaks the kiss when he swoops me up into his arms, cradling me.

  “Where's your bedroom?” he asks with purpose and begins walking in the direction of where he thinks my room is. My head is swimming with want and desire so that the words are lost. He finds my room without a problem. It's convenient that there's only two to choose from. I wouldn't care which one we end up in at this point.

  Drew places me sideways on the bed, my legs still hanging off. He lifts one leg up and holds my heel in his palm, supporting the rest of my leg with his other hand. He looks at me and grins, then kisses the top of my big toe. Slowly, he runs his nose down my leg and breathes in my scent.

  As he nears my juicy folds, my insides start to flutter, and I inhale slow and deep in anticipation of what's to come. However, he stops just before he reaches my center. He lowers my leg and grabs the other, repeating his movements. He's dragging this out and driving me absolutely insane.

  Lifting my head slightly, I glance down at his erection. The head of his penis is nestled in his belly button. If the band of his underwear weren't holding it up, I could hang laundry on it. I throw my head back into the bed and clamp my eyes shut. This is going to really hurt or be the best damn sex of my life. Please don't let it hurt. Please don't let it hurt.

  “Rebecca, please don't worry. I promise that I won't hurt you.”

  I open my eyes a little to see his face. He really looks...perfect. How did I get this lucky? He slides my panties off and tosses them...somewhere. I start to sit up to kiss him, but he places his hand on my chest and gently pushes me back down. “I was just going to kiss you.”


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