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Seduction (Club Destiny)

Page 8

by Edwards, Nicole

  Then she kissed him and just like the last time, everything came down to this one single woman, and the way she gave herself over to him. He plundered her mouth with his tongue, taking everything she offered, delving deeper, gripping her head and holding her close as though she might try to move away.

  Not Ashleigh. Instead, she tried to get closer. Much closer. Until he had no choice except to hoist her up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist, his steel hard cock pressed into that sweet spot between her legs.

  Her sensual moans were the music that went along with the light show going off behind his closed eyelids. This was more than he’d imagined, and yes, he’d given plenty of thought to what it would feel like to take this woman. To bury himself deep inside her and make her cry out his name as she came around his cock.

  Breaking the kiss, he moved down the side of her neck, inhaling her fresh, sweet smell. He used one hand to pull the neckline of her t-shirt back so he could reach the gentle ridge of her collarbone, licking and kissing as she squirmed in his arms. Latching onto the skin, he suckled, knowing he was going to leave a mark on her perfect skin, but not caring. He felt like a teenager, touching a woman for the very first time and wanting nothing to stand between him and what would be the most pleasure he’d ever experienced.

  Writhing in his arms, Alex traced his lips back up over her neck, higher until he met her mouth again, scared to death of what he might do if he let this get out of control. She’d turned on the heat, his body set on broil, and the flames were likely to make him lose every possible good intention he’d ever had.

  He didn’t know how much time passed as they made out in his garage, but he finally managed to pull his lips from hers. Staring back at him, Ashleigh’s whiskey colored eyes were now darker, swirling with the passion he could physically feel just beneath the surface of her flawless skin.

  He held her against him, pressing his forehead to hers as he tried to catch his breath. She didn’t sound like she was faring any better than he was. Her fingers were still laced in his hair, her nails grazing his scalp and sending tingles down his spine.

  “What am I going to do with you?” He said the words out loud, but he didn’t expect an answer.

  “Anything you want.”

  Oh, Lord have mercy. He was not going to survive this.


  Ashleigh had no idea what had come over her.

  Alex made her want things she’d only ever read or written about. She wanted to experience every single thing her brain had ever come up with at the hands of this man. And after that kiss, she knew she was going to be in for the ride of her life.

  As strange as it was, she meant what she said. Maybe her alternate personality was more a part of her than she thought. When he touched her, Ashleigh didn’t feel any of the trepidations she thought she would. The way he kissed her, as though he needed it as much as she did just to sustain life, made her legs weak.

  When he set her back on her feet, taking a step away, Ashleigh realized where they were. In the moments when they had been pressed against one another, his tongue in her mouth, where they were hadn’t mattered. Hell, nothing had mattered but the sensual taste of him, the urgency in his touch. He had somehow tapped into that other part of her that had absolutely no inhibitions.

  Leaning around her, he opened the truck door, snatching her bag from the seat before taking her hand in his and leading her into the house. He didn’t say a word and she was afraid to ask what they were doing because she had an idea.

  Would he take her straight to his bedroom?

  “Hungry?” He asked when he opened the refrigerator door.

  Was that a rhetorical question, she wondered. She was hungry all right, but it wasn’t food she wanted.

  “I’m good.” She answered, only a few feet separating them in his open kitchen.

  This was the part she had trouble with. She couldn’t wrap her mind around how she was supposed to act. If they were, in fact, going to have sex, would he just take her to the bedroom and get it over with? That’s not how it happened in the books she read, or the ones she wrote, but hell, those weren’t real. Were they?

  “You can change in the bathroom.” Alex said, pulling her brain back to present.

  Change? What was she going to change into?

  Oh, good grief. Her mind was in the gutter. They had come to his house to go swimming and apparently that was still his intention. Letting her gaze rake over him, she noticed the hard outline behind the zipper of his jeans. He obviously still wanted her, so why was he thinking about swimming?

  “I’ll meet you out back.” Alex said, a small smile teasing his lips before he turned away.

  Ashleigh grabbed her bag from the counter and went in search of the bathroom. The last time she’d been at his house, she hadn’t seen much of it, other than the dining room and the kitchen. Now, with the chance to explore for a moment, she was curious as to how Alex lived.

  As it turned out, the guest bathroom was off the living room, down the same hall that led to what appeared to be the master bedroom. Feeling a little bold, Ashleigh glanced into his room, taking in the warmth that greeted her.

  Just like the rest of the house, the bedroom was rich with dark colors and wood accents. The bed was made, which wasn’t surprising for a man who always needed to be in control, and there was no clutter. The heavy wooden furniture fit nicely in the oversized room, and all of it tied together to fit the man perfectly.

  For a brief moment, she could imagine herself sprawled out on his bed, his gloriously naked body above her, as he drove his cock relentlessly into her, over and over until she couldn’t contain the orgasm that would skyrocket her into another world.

  Jerking from her reverie, Ashleigh glanced around nervously, praying Alex wasn’t standing beside her, watching as she fantasized about what it would be like to... well, what it would be like.

  Sneaking back the way she came, Ashleigh slipped into the bathroom to change. She was a little nervous about donning a bathing suit in front of Alex, especially after what had happened a few minutes before. Nervous, yet excited.

  Stripping off her clothes in record time, she pulled on the hot pink bikini and looked at her reflection in the full length mirror on the door. Well, the good news was that her skin wasn’t as bright as the bathing suit. The bad news was that her skin was flush, and she was pretty sure she was glowing.

  She felt like a different woman than the one who woke up that morning. Her body was alive with all sorts of feelings, sexual tension coursing through her veins. Could this be it? Could today be the day when she finally succumbed to the overwhelming urges that had been building in her for years? If her body had anything to say about it, she would.

  Glancing in the mirror, Ashleigh smoothed her hair down and smiled. “Stop smiling, you goof.” She told the reflection staring back at her.

  Despite what had happened in the garage and the emboldened way she felt, something seemed off about Alex. She knew he couldn’t be nervous. The man had probably been with a thousand women... and didn’t that thought make her sick to her stomach.

  With the smile successfully wiped away, Ashleigh pulled her clothes back on over her swimsuit before wandering through the house and into the backyard. From her spot on the patio, she had a perfect view of the perfect man. And she only thought seeing him in gym shorts and a t-shirt had been riveting. That’s only because she hadn’t seen him without a shirt.

  Alex was standing by the pool, wearing a pair of swim shorts that were longer than the running shorts he had worn, but the absence of a shirt made her mouth water. With his back to her, Ashleigh outlined every hard angle and toned muscle with her eyes. Across his back, from shoulder blade to shoulder blade, from his neck down to just above his waist was a tattoo of what looked like a tiger’s face, the eyes a brilliant teal blue.

  As if the guy could get any sexier. Holy crap!

  His shoulders and arms were corded with well used muscles while his back was brawny and
ripped. A narrow waist and trim hips caught her eye right before she stopped and ogled his extremely fantastic behind. The man was masculinity in its finest form.

  “You going to stare all day, or are you going to join me?” He called out as he stepped into the pool, never looking back at her.

  Oh good grief. She’d been busted, and now her face was hot with embarrassment. Sucking in a huge gulp of oxygen, Ashleigh steeled her spine and committed herself to whatever happened next.

  Chapter Eleven

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  From the moment the door clicked, signaling Ashleigh had joined him, Alex had felt her eyes on him. After what transpired between them in the garage and the heat the woman inspired in him, Alex knew he was going to go up in flames. Which was another good reason for getting in the pool. At least there he’d be able to cool off, even if the water was warm.

  The sound of Ashleigh’s bare feet on the concrete sounded behind him, coming closer, and he had to force himself not to turn and look at her. Seeing the woman in a bathing suit was probably going to blow his mind.

  “Um, Alex...” Ashleigh called out to him, and he knew he had no choice but to turn around.

  Looking up at her, all but gloriously naked in that tiny hot pink bikini, he had to close his mouth or risk drooling down his chin. Not a good look for him, that’s for sure.

  “Are you sure about this?” She asked when he finally made eye contact.

  Was he sure? Hell no, he wasn’t sure, but it was inevitable. At this point at least. Going back up two steps, he held out his hand for her until she moved closer. Lacing his fingers with hers, he hoped he could withdraw some of her strength because he was suddenly feeling a bit woozy.

  Once in the water, he released her hand, but remained close, crouching low, leaning his back against one of the side walls with his hands holding the edge above his head.

  “So, when did you start writing erotic romance?” He asked.

  Ashleigh leaned down into the water, letting it come up to her neck before she turned back toward him. “It’s been about five years now, I guess.”

  Alex wondered if something specific had made her want to venture into that genre, or if it was something she just wanted to do all along. Asking her those questions was awkward though. Since his secret was out, or rather hers was, Alex didn’t quite know how to broach the subject.

  “Have you read my books?” She asked, her gaze fixed on his face.

  Well, that was one way to do it.

  “Yes.” He admitted truthfully. Some of them he’d read more than once, and that was saying something because he wasn’t much for reading.

  “All of them?” She wasn’t closing the gap between them, but she wasn’t going farther away either, so Alex considered that a good sign.

  As long as he remained holding on to the edge of the pool, keeping his ass as far away from her as possible, she’d be safe. At least that’s what he told himself.

  “Except for the last one that came out. I haven’t had a chance to go out and get it yet.” But he planned to.

  “So what’d you think?”

  Wow, now that was a difficult question if he’d ever head one. What did he think? Did he tell her that he couldn’t get the image of her in some of those kinky positions out of his head? Or maybe he told her how he wanted to see her tied to his bed while he had his wicked way with her. Or possibly how he wanted to see her in the playroom at the club, naked, and on her knees in front of him while others watched.

  The last one might not really be true, but some of her vivid descriptions had had him imagining exactly that scenario. Hot or not, Alex had never been into voyeurism.

  Regardless, he couldn’t tell her any of those things, no matter how true they were because although she wrote about stuff like that, he was pretty sure she only considered them fantasies.

  “They’re interesting.” He admitted, his body warming by several degrees as she made her way over to him.

  “Are you nervous, Alex?” Ashleigh asked. “Because I’m thinking if anyone should be nervous, it should be me.”

  He laughed. That should be the case, yes. And no, he wasn’t nervous, he was just hell bent on keeping his hands off of her so he didn’t scare the daylights out of her. “Why should you be nervous?”

  “I don’t know.” She said, her demeanor changing immediately to the Ashleigh he knew well. She turned away from him, moving farther into the pool and farther away from him.

  He knew how it looked from the outside, but the last thing he was trying to do was push her away. In fact, he wanted her closer. Much closer. Like close enough for him to bury his cock inside of her while she rode him right there in the water. Instead, she must’ve thought he was trying to keep his distance for other reasons.

  He had more control than this, but for the life of him, he couldn’t conjure up an ounce.

  “Come here.” His mouth said before his brain caught up to it.

  Ashleigh didn’t turn though. Instead, she kept walking until she was wading into the deeper end of the pool and over to one of the stone ledges that acted as a seat. Ok, so he would obviously have to go to her.

  Releasing his death grip on the pool’s edge, he stood to his full height, the water coming up to his hips before he closed the distance between them. Since the pool wasn’t very deep, Alex walked right up to where she was sitting. Easing her legs open, he maneuvered between them, placing his hands on her silky thighs.

  “Look at me, Ashleigh.” He told her when she was doing her best to avoid him. Lifting her chin, he forced her to look him in the eye.

  “I’ve read your books, but not until I knew you had written them. They’re fucking hot if you want to know the truth.” He paused. “Too fucking hot.”

  “That’s kinda the point.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Honey, I won’t lie to you. I enjoyed them immensely. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “Maybe.” There was a glimmer in her eye. He got the impression this was turning her on.

  With the hand that was still on her thigh, he reached for her hand, pulling it closer to him until he placed it directly on the hard proof. “See what you do to me? You make me hard, Ashleigh. When I read your books, it only made me want to do those wicked things to you.” And then some, but he wasn’t going to tell her that just yet. “But it isn’t what you write that makes me so fucking hard. You do that. Not Ashton Leigh. You. Ashleigh.”

  When her palm pressed against his erection, Alex groaned. “Baby.” It was the only warning he could get out.

  “Show me, Alex.” The seductive temptress said, her little pink tongue darting out to lick her bottom lip before she caught it between her teeth.

  “Show you what?” He was riding a mighty fine edge right now, and what she said next would likely send him over.

  “Show me what happens when you lose control.”

  Oh, fuck! There was absolutely no holding back, it wouldn’t have mattered if he was a fucking superhero, he could not keep his hands off of her. Alex pulled her into his arms, close enough she had to wrap her legs around his waist. And that’s when he lost every remaining ounce of control he possessed.



  This was the man she wanted.

  The man who hungered for her, not the one who sat back on the sidelines trying to restrain himself.

  Ashleigh had always been attracted to Alex. Always. For as long as she could remember. But it was his fierce determination and his dominating personality that drew her to him. The man kissing her senseless, his large hand pressed against her back, holding her to him, was the one she ached for in the dark of night.

  Her body was on fire, and no amount of water was going to douse the flame that he had lit inside of her. Ashleigh could feel his erection, solid and firm between her legs, and she wanted to feel him inside of her. She wanted the hard length of him filling her, wanted him to be lost in the same tumultuous feelings she was.

  The need was so fierce, so hot, she didn’t know if her body could contain it all before she broke apart.

  “I need to taste you.” Alex said when he broke the kiss.

  She was game.

  “I’m afraid I can’t be gentle.” His words sounded as though they were torn from somewhere deep inside him.

  “I don’t want gentle. I won’t break.” She told him, once again pulling his mouth down on hers.

  As he used his tongue to expertly rob her of all common sense, Ashleigh reached behind her and released the string that tied her bikini top behind her neck. The small pink fabric easily dropped, freeing her breasts to the cool air and Alex’s penetrating gaze.

  “Lean back.” He instructed, pulling his mouth from hers.

  Ashleigh did as she was told, leaning back with nothing behind her except water, gripping his hips with her thighs and his forearms with her hands to keep her from going under. She was floating, literally, but emotionally she was soaring.

  This conflagration that had ignited in her blood was foreign, yet addictive, and she couldn’t seem to get enough. She wanted Alex to touch her, to ground her in the moment, but he seemed content to just look at her and that penetrating gaze of his was unsettling.

  The air caressed her breasts, sending cool chills over her skin. But when Alex latched onto a nipple, heating it with his mouth, her body began to tremble from the inside out.

  “I’ve waited ten fucking years for this, Ashleigh.” Alex’s gruff tone sent shards of pleasure ripping through her as he plumped her breasts with his hands as he licked the pebbled tips.

  “Alex. Please. It’s not enough.” And it wasn’t nearly enough. She’d never been this worked up; her body had never throbbed in various places at the same time.

  “What do you want me to do to you, Ashleigh?”

  Was that a trick question? She wanted him to do everything to her. Over and over again until she didn’t know her own name.

  But she wanted to touch him too. She wanted to taste him. That’s something she didn’t have any experience with. She almost did, but Alex had turned her away that night.


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