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Fated and Mated - Love at First Site

Page 3

by Harmony Raines

  “So what do we do?” she asked knowing how late it was, but not wanting to leave him when they had only just met.

  “I am going to walk you home, like a gentleman would, and we can talk on the way. Is that OK?”

  She liked that he asked, and she liked that he was trying to be a gentleman. Oh, who was she kidding, she liked everything about him. “That would be great.”

  “What are you doing up here all alone?” he asked.

  “I was waiting for your reply, and when it didn’t come through, I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep, so I told my roommate I needed to run.”

  “Is your roommate one of us too?” he asked, as they began to follow the path back down the mountain, his arm around her where there was room for them to walk side by side. The rest of the time, he held her hand as if he didn’t want to let her go.

  He made her feel wanted, cherished, and she squeezed his hand, wanting him to know how much she appreciated him. When he turned and smiled at her, her heart flipped. She’d got it bad, really bad.

  “Yes, she is.”

  “That will make things easier. I’m so pleased that you are a shifter too, it’s even better that you’re a bear shifter. I hope it means that we will understand each other a lot easier than if you were human, or any other type of animal.” They walked down the rocky path; it was a lot stonier than she remembered, probably because she’d only ever really run it as a bear. But with her hand in his, she felt safe. Whenever she slipped he caught her, although sometimes his hands went on her body to rescue her, even when there was no need. But she wasn’t going to complain.

  “Yes, you’ll love Rhianna, and you’re right, I’d hate to have to go sneaking around behind her back, because that’s the thing, isn’t it, with shifters? It’s like love at first sight, and trying to explain that to someone—that would be difficult.”

  He stopped and turned, capturing her gaze once more. “Oh yes,” he said. “It is most definitely love at first sight. Intense, painful, and irresistible.”

  Her insides clenched with desire, and she wondered if he might have to carry her home, since her legs didn’t want to work. Unless she wanted them wrapped around his waist, while he buried himself inside her. She took a long slow breath, in through her nose, out through her mouth. She had to get control of herself.

  When they reached the outskirts of town, she led him to her apartment, noting that Rhianna must be in bed because all the lights were out. She was so tempted to ask him in; it would be so easy for them to consummate their relationship now, to fulfill the mating bond. But part of her held back: part of her didn’t want this to be too easy, and another part of her didn’t want people to talk.

  Being the first successful mating of Fated and Mated was going to be hard enough, and she decided it was probably time she told him that.

  “Why did you go on the site?” she asked. It seemed the best place to begin.

  “I’d just had dinner with my family, Melanie was telling us all about it, she tried to get us to join. And when I got home afterwards, I thought, why not.” He shook his head. “It’s not as if I was really looking for my mate, not really searching for her, for you.” His smile brightened everything about her world. “Maybe it was fate, maybe the whole thing’s fate, not just fated mates, but the way we met and everything. I never really thought about it before, but maybe I was meant to join the site, and you were meant to see me.”

  He looked away from her. She could see that he felt stupid, as if his words were too new-age or hippy-ish, for a city boy. She put her hand on his cheek. “Hey, maybe you’re right, the whole fated mate thing is a bit odd.”

  Standing on her tiptoes, she reached up and kissed him on the lips briefly. Not daring to do any more, because the feelings inside her were growing stronger. If it got any worse, he would not be going home tonight.

  “Everything about us is odd. We change into bears, after all.” He sighed, stroking her cheek, down her neck and then further, touching her breasts, her nipples hardening as his thumb rubbed over the taut bud.

  She groaned very quietly, but he heard. His lips met hers, and he pushed her back against the door of her apartment, his hand sliding down between their bodies, finding the heat between her legs and pressing his thumb on her clit. Cassie opened her thighs a little bit wider to allow him access. Logan moved his hands, his fingers pressing against her heated sex moving in a steady rhythm while his tongue pressed for access to her mouth.

  Her arousal increased, her orgasm hovering in front of her, and she clung to him, wanting him to feel what she was feeling. Slipping her hand down over his muscular stomach, she moved lower, her fingers curling around his cock, feeling how hard he was. Up and down, she stroked him, and it was his turn to groan, his mouth sucking on her tongue, as she rolled her palm over the head of his cock.

  Logan removed his hand from between her thighs and undid the zip on her jeans, moving his hand inside them and slipping her panties to one side so he could press deep inside her wet sex.

  A moment of embarrassment swept over her. He would be able to tell exactly how turned on she was, and exactly how much she wanted him. But then he probably already knew how strong her need was: they were mates, it was programmed into her to want him, in every way.

  This man who was bringing her to a shuddering climax was the man she was going to live with for the rest of her life; she would bear his cubs, and grow old with him.

  “Fuck,” she said, as he brought her to the brink, and pushed her over the edge, her hand squeezing him hard.

  “I wish,” he whispered against her mouth, his hand out in front of him, pressing against the door to steady himself as his cock jerked in her hand. He groaned again, burying his face in her collarbone as he came in his pants.

  Chapter Six – Logan

  When at last, he had released all his pent-up tension, he leaned against her, both of them breathing heavily.

  “Well, good night,” she said at last. “I’ve had a lovely time.”

  He laughed softly. “I cannot remember the last time I came in my pants.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Damn it, I want you.”

  “I have to go in, and I don’t want Rhianna to hear us. Logan, I think you should know, it was me who put the website together for Marjorie. So she is majorly excited about the whole thing. We are her success story.”

  “OK, well, Melanie is going to be equally excited. She will be picking out wedding dresses for you; she co-owns Bear Brides. Not that I’m trying to push you into marriage,” he added hastily.

  “Wow, this really is a family concern, isn’t it? I mean what are the chances of us meeting and both being connected to Fated and Mated and Bear Brides.” She looked up into his face. “Maybe we should get married as quickly as possible, because I get the feeling that until we do, we’re both going to be under quite a lot of pressure.”

  “Hey,” he said, his finger going into her chin and lifting it up. He kissed her and he felt her arousal growing again. “This is our relationship, our romance, and when we’re ready we will get married, but no pressure.”

  “Good night,” Cassie said, finding her key and opening the door.

  “Night, Cassie,” Logan answered. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow and we’ll go on a first date.”

  “So this wasn’t your idea of a first date?”

  “No, although it has been fun.” He took a step back. “’Til tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow,” she repeated.

  He watched as she let herself into her apartment building and then he headed back toward the mountain. He would have to retrace his steps, climb back along the path they had come down, because his car was parked on the other side.

  Looking up at the sky, he saw the moon peeking out of the clouds. It was late, he would be tired in the morning, but even if he went to bed, he didn’t think he would be able to sleep. She filled his brain, and he would have trouble concentrating on anything tomorrow, until he picked her up for

  Maybe he should call in sick. Love sick, his bear said, as he reached the mountain path and began the steep climb, remembering how she had felt in his arms as they had slipped and slided down the stony path. His bear ambled along, feeling content, but that masked the feelings inside his human side, which were on edge, raw, as if he had been opened up and someone had trailed their claws along the length of his soul.

  So this was what it was like, to belong to another. And he knew that he belonged to Cassie; it wasn’t a choice, it was a need.

  Cresting the lower hill, he managed to increase his speed, and ran down the other side to his car, shifting as he left the trees. Then he headed home, trying to work out if he should tell everyone or not. Melanie, and his mom would be ecstatic, but Cassie was right: if they weren’t careful, their relationship would belong to everyone, and he wanted these first few special days to belong to them alone.

  As he slipped into bed, he shook off his worries. This was right, this was special, and in some ways he did owe Marjorie a great deal for setting up the website, and if it could help other shifters like him, then maybe he should help promote it.

  Yet as he thought of his job, and work in general, he questioned just how professional he would look as a pinup for a dating website.

  Turning over, he closed his eyes, and although the image of Cassie hovered in front of him, he did manage to sleep. Because he knew it would make the hours go by faster, and that would mean Cassie would be in his arms sooner.


  An alarm was ringing—oh no, it was his phone. He opened his eyes and sat up, reaching for his phone while looking at his clock. It was only 7.00pm. Who would be calling him at this time unless it was an emergency?

  Melanie’s number flashed up, and he groaned: did they already know about Cassie?

  “Hello,” he said, slipping out of bed and padding to the bathroom. His muscles ached from the steep mountain climb yesterday, but it was a good ache, because it reminded him of his mate and their first meeting.

  “Hi, Logan, how are you?” It was Melanie’s voice, sounding strained.

  “Tired,” he said, trying not too sound crabby.

  “Oh, sorry to ring you at this time. But I have something I need picking up for the baby.”

  Not exactly what he had expected the call to be about. “And you want me to pick it up?”

  “Do you mind? Taylor is out on a job, and I’m busy all day. I could come in after work, but I’m starting to feel tired.”

  “Sure, are you OK?” he asked, suddenly concerned.

  “Yes, but the baby is so close.” She sounded down, and his worry increased.

  “Let me have the details. And I’ll bring it over tonight.”

  “Are you sure it’s not too much trouble?” she asked. “I can ask Taylor to pick it up from you when he comes home, but it won’t be until late.”

  “Of course I will, and don’t worry. I’m coming over to Bear Bluff tonight anyway.”

  “Are you? I thought one visit a week back here was enough for you, Logan.”

  He was silent, thinking things over, and then he decided he knew what would cheer Melanie up. “I signed up to Marjorie’s dating agency thing.”

  “You did, that’s great. I really hope you find your mate, Logan, you deserve someone special.”

  “Well…” he began.

  “Oh, really? You’ve found someone already; the site hasn’t even launched yet!” She sounded happier, and that made Logan happy, and he hoped Cassie would forgive him if she had wanted to keep it really quiet, something he thought was impossible in Bear Bluff. “Do I know her?”

  “Cassie. She’s the one creating the website.”

  “Oh, I know Cassie, she’s lovely,” Melanie squealed down the phone. “I am so happy for you, you have made my day, Logan.”

  “I thought it might cheer you up. Now I have to go and I’ll see you later.”

  “Thank you so much,” Melanie said and then hung up.

  Logan switched on the shower, although he was wide-awake now. And excited. Today was going to be an awesome day.

  Chapter Seven – Cassie

  She planned to go over to Marjorie’s to finish the website after lunch. But for now, she was enjoying the quiet of her apartment, cleaning the kitchen while Rhianna was at work. It was a much easier option than going out and seeing people. What if everyone knew already?

  But by the time she had eaten and tidied up, she realized she couldn’t put off the inevitable.

  Walking over to Marjorie’s house, she had passed several people she knew, but none of them had pounced on her to wish her good luck in her new romance, and by the time she knocked on Marjorie’s door, she was feeling better about the whole thing.

  “Cassie, thanks for coming over. I wasn’t sure if you would, or if you had arranged to meet up with Logan today.” Marjorie didn’t directly pry, but Cassie could see she was itching to know what had happened.

  “We met last night,” she said casually.

  Marjorie looked stunned, and then a huge smile passed over her face. “You did? Oh my, leave the website for now, I’ll make coffee and you can tell me all about it. Or shall we have wine, is it too early for wine? I feel as though we should celebrate.”

  Marjorie bustled off to the kitchen and Cassie followed. “I think a nice glass of white wine would be perfect. It might calm my nerves.”

  “Why are you nervous?” Marjorie asked. “He is nice, isn’t he? I thought all the family was nice.” She handed Cassie a big glass of wine, and they sat down in her warm, comfortable kitchen.

  “We only talked briefly. He met me on the Bluff,” she said, taking a sip of the chilled wine.

  “You went up there, last night? On your own?” Marjorie sounded appalled.

  “I’m a bear, Marjorie, I don’t need a chaperone.”

  “Oh, yes, I always forget you girls can take care of yourselves. So, come on, what did he say?”

  “I don’t know.” She took another sip and thought over their conversation. “If I’m honest, he did more kissing than talking with his mouth.”

  Marjorie nearly spilt her wine. “Oh, really? Is that how you got to know each other? You didn’t actually … well, you know. Last night, did you?”

  “No, we didn’t have sex.” Cassie watched her shocked expression, and then laughed. “Although I was tempted to drag him into bed.”

  Marjorie laughed. “He certainly looks virile.”

  Cassie nearly sprayed her wine all over the table. “Marjorie!”

  “What? I was married to a bear once. You forget I know what makes them tick.”

  “I really don’t think I want to think about that.” She wiped her mouth. “But you were happy, right?”

  “Oh, very. He was always so kind and attentive. I was the center of his world.” She turned to look out of the window. “I miss him. But now I want you to find out what it’s like and be happy.”

  “Like Eirik is,” Cassie said.

  “Like Drew and Eirik. My son and daughter-in-law are blissfully happy. And have given me babies to look after and watch grow up. I think that was what made me decide on the website, seeing them so happy. And you know I love a good wedding.”

  “Don’t look at me like that, Logan already thinks Melanie will be choosing me a dress as soon as she knows. But I’m not ready for that.”

  “Oh, honey, once you’ve been in his bed…”

  Cassie scrunched up her face in horror, and Marjorie laughed. “I am going to finish this website; at least then it will give you something else to think about other than my love life.”

  “Would you mind? I’d like it to be up and running and have a few more people on it before we launch officially.”

  “Yes, you need to be careful though,” Cassie said lightly. “If you keep getting couples together, you’ll have no one left on there, you’ve already lost nearly 20 percent of your profiles. Which reminds me, do you want me to take mine and Logan’s down?”

  “No, not yet, I’d like to leave them as proof this works. Maybe that’s the next thing we need, a “taken” sign, or a “mated” sign to put on the profiles of those who are matched up.”

  “I’ll leave you to think on that while I get to work.” She took her half-finished glass of wine with her, placing it down next to the keyboard, and then got to work. Cassie couldn’t help clicking onto Logan’s profile after she had completed each task; there was something about his photo that made her want to stare at him all the time.

  But slowly and methodically she uploaded all the remaining profiles, and checked all the links.

  “There,” she said to Marjorie. “I have uploaded all the saved profiles, they are all on the site. Now, what should happen is people upload a photo, fill in the profile, and away you go. It should do all the work, take the payments, while you sit back and just answer any questions people may have.”

  “Thank you so much, Cassie.” Marjorie went to fetch her purse. “Let me give you some cash.”

  “No.” Cassie suddenly didn’t want payment. “It’s enough that I’ve found Logan, I don’t need anything else.”

  “But I know you’re tight for money, and it’s what we agreed.”

  “That was before I found my mate. Now it doesn’t seem right.” Cassie picked up her purse, ready to leave. She wanted to go home and get ready for this evening, even if it was three hours until Logan was due.

  “Cassie, please. I’d feel so much happier if you took the money. You could buy yourself a new dress or something pretty for tonight.”

  “I don’t need anything pretty, and really, Marjorie, it’s just amazing what you’re doing. I never really thought about it before, but shifters really do need your help.” Cassie kissed Marjorie on the cheek and then gave her a hug. “Because I’ve lived in Bear Bluff for over six months, and I never ran into Logan, so just imagine if my mate lived on the other side of the world, I’d never know and I’d probably never find them.”

  “As long as you’re sure. Thank you, Cassie.” Marjorie stepped back looking as if she had tears in her eyes. “You go and have an amazing time tonight; I want you two to be very happy.”


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