Book Read Free

Alpha Bait

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-770-3

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I would like to thank my best friend, Geoff. Thanks for filling in where others failed.


  The Alpha Shifter Collection, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Victoria gasped as the steel chain wrapped around her neck, getting tighter with each tug her alpha made. Chain, her alpha, laughed maliciously. She clawed at her neck hoping he would loosen it. Nothing changed. Slowly, he strangled her, all the time staring up and down her naked body. She despised him and wished she had the power to hurt him.

  “Now, are you going to do as I say or are you going to piss me off some more? I’d hate to ruin one of my wolves before I put you to good use.” Chain moved closer, touching her body. He had killed her parents and anyone who threatened his alpha status within the pack. Everyone she knew was terrified of him, and there was no one out there to help them. They lived in the mountains far from any other packs of wolves. Chain was the Alpha of their pack known as The Clan. Victoria wished her parents had chosen another pack to put down their roots. They’d been part of The Clan for ten years. At first the pack had welcomed them with open arms. She’d been ten years old and getting closer to her puberty. Mixing with other wolves was vital for all young wolves. Her parents wanted her prepared for the first change. At the ripe age of sixteen she’d undergone her first full-moon where she turned into a red, fluffy wolf. She’d seen her reflection in the river around the back of Chain’s property.

  In the last few years, Chain had become worse. At first his cruelty had come from words alone as alpha wolves are not allowed to physically harm other wolves. She didn’t know how, but Chain had found a way to harm them all without physically touching. His name suited his obsession with steel chains and how he liked to hurt people. She’d watched too many of her pack being tortured for not doing as he asked. Chain never touched any of them except with the bite of the steel.

  “Well, answer me, you fucking cunt.” He spat in her face, and it took everything inside her not to lash out at him. She’d never been good at keeping her anger under control. Victoria was sure her lack of care toward Chain was what made him aware of her. For a long time she’d tried to stay out of his way not wanting to gain his insane attention. With her parents out of the way, Chain had stepped up his attentions to her. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t leave her alone at all.

  Every chance she got Victoria tried to stay away from him. Now he was taking matters into his hands. He hated her for defying him. She refused to mate with him. No wolf, especially not an alpha wolf, could force themselves onto a female. Chain’s human side was deadly, but the wolf wouldn’t let the human hurt another woman sexually.

  None of the women had been sexually assaulted by Chain, but the man was inventive and found new ways to hurt them. The men didn’t interfere. They were not strong enough to take on the alpha.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked, squeezing the words out through gritted teeth.

  He tightened the chain, cutting off her air. Victoria thought she was going to die, and then the pressure around her neck was gone. Chain moved away to pour himself a drink. She watched the expensive whisky bottle tilt, and the scent of spirits filled the air. The alcohol wouldn’t help her situation.

  Her body was bruised and her lip split. Why couldn’t his wolf stop Chain from beating them with the steel?

  “What do I want?” he asked, turning to her. “Well, I wanted to fuck you raw but you refuse me, and for some fucking reason I can’t get what I want without your fucking consent.” He stopped to smile. That one look terrified her. No alpha wolf could touch their women unless they asked or agreed to it. In fact no alpha wolf could lay a single finger on their pack in violence. The way Chain got around it was the fact he never physically touched them. He used a chain or something else to hurt them. No one would stand against him as he was the alpha. Also, he’d sent many men to their deaths without inflicting a single mark on them. Victoria despised him, but he terrified her, and she bowed her head in shame.

  Chain reached out, stroking her face. He never lashed out or hurt with his touch. The steel chains did the work for him. She flinched away from his touch, and he retracted, taking a step back. Victoria smelled his arousal and knew his wolf would intervene if anything happened. It was one small mercy that none of them had ever experienced the kind of pain he wanted to inflict.

  “I can’t have you, so you can do what I want. Scorch, the alpha of the Fire pack, he’s threatening me and my alpha status. I want you to seduce him and lure him out so I can stop him from hurting my pack.” He took a large gulp of the whiskey.

  She smelled a lie on the air, but she didn’t have time to analyze it as the chains tightened even more. Choking, Victoria nodded her head, agreeing to do what needed to be done in order to save her pack.

  “Why do I need to seduce him? Why can’t I poison him or something?” she asked, thinking about what she had to do.

  He pulled on the chains once again, cutting off her air supply.

  “You want the whole pack to murder you, bitch? You’ll do as I say, or I’ll fucking find some way to kill you. Seduce Scorch and he’ll be weak to you. This is the way I want it to go.”

  After several minutes, Chain released the steel and caught her in his arms before she fell to the floor. “You better not fail me or you’ll join your parents.”

  Nodding her head, Victoria wanted away from him faster than anything else. Why did she have to suffer like this? What had her parents done to make him kill them?

  She didn’t have any answers, and all she could do was follow his lead.

  He carried her through to the main bathroom. Turning on the shower she was blasted by the cold that soon turned scorching hot.

  “Get your fucking asses in here,” Chain said, yelling over the running water. She panicked and tried to get away from what was to come. Three female wolves scurried inside and started washing her. “I want my scent washed off her skin but keep the wounds fresh. I need the bastard to feel sorry for her.” He crouched down looking in her face. She saw the evil lurking in his eyes. Chain was up to something, but she didn’t have the first clue as to what. “You better hope he likes his women on the chunky side or you’ve lost all of my fucking interest.” Chain turned on his heel and left.

  The women scrubbed her body removing all scent of Chain and the pack. They opened her wounds, and she screamed out at the pain. When they were done, Victoria was bound in a piece of rope and yanked away from the pack. For the whole night they walked out of the mountains, and when they were several miles away Victoria lay naked on the ground, shivering as they bound her to the nearest tree.

  “We’re so sorry to leave you like this,” Clarisse said, kissing her cheek.

  Tears fell down her face at the tenderness from the other woman.

  “Stay out of his way. Don’t allow him the chance to hurt you, please,” Victoria said. All she cared about was the protection of the people in her pack.

  “I will. Take care and stay
safe.” The three women scurried off leaving her to listen to the sounds of the night. Being a wolf gave her excellent hearing. She was able to hear danger coming miles away.

  You can do this.

  He doesn’t deserve your help.

  The thought of defying Chain filled her with pleasure, but then the fear gripped her heart, flooding her body in panic. There was no way she could stop and tell the other alpha. Her only option was to lure the alpha out in the hope of being free from Chain and his all over domination.

  Victoria didn’t know who Scorch was or what kind of leader he was to his pack. He was her mission, and she would lure him out for Chain.

  Once her deed was done, she was getting the hell out of there while Chain was killing him. It was violent and against everything she believed in, but it was all she had to keep her head together.


  Scorch, the alpha of the Fire pack, moaned as the woman took his cock into her mouth. Lidia was so fucking sweet yet a fucking slut in the bedroom. She didn’t want to be part of any pack and only took her time with him in the bedroom. He failed to care about being used for sex. The last thing he wanted to do was use any of the females within his pack, especially when they expected him to take a mate. None of the women kept his attention. Lidia didn’t mean anything to him beside a good fuck and willing body.

  “You like that, baby?” she asked, licking down his vein. He stayed silent, watching her take him back into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat. Up she went, circling the tip swallowing down his pre-cum. Scorch sank his fingers into her hair, and he growled out as his release started to take hold of him. Once she swallowed all of his cum, he gripped her hair, yanking her off his shaft.

  He was still rock hard. Pressing her to the bed, he ploughed into her cunt, taking her hard. Lidia cried out. Her pleasure rang out around the room. He watched her full tits bounce with each thrust. Even as he fucked her hard, Scorch couldn’t help but be a little bored. Lidia turned him on, but anything else failed to hit the mark. She was beautiful, independent, and a good lay, yet he couldn’t bring himself to think of anything more when it came to her. Lidia didn’t inspire anything inside him. There was no way he wanted to mate or have children with her.

  Pounding away inside her, he felt his second orgasm start to build. Running his hand down her body, he caressed her clit. She splintered apart, and Scorch joined her, grunting out his climax within her body. No child would come from their fucking. Wolves didn’t contract illnesses and were not susceptible to sexual diseases. He scented her cycle and knew it was also at a good time for sex without consequences.

  Afterward, he pulled away, sitting against the bed as he looked over his room. He lived near the snowy mountains that were always cold all year around. Scorch preferred to be near the cold. If he needed the warmth he journeyed down to the rest of society for a month or two.

  “Wow, I swear you getting fucking better every time we meet,” Lidia said, reaching for her cigarettes. He hated her smoking and refused to touch her if she had a smoke before sex.

  Wrinkling his nose, he stood, heading to the stand that held his finest brandy. His family had all been in this bedroom before him. Each room within the old grounds held a great deal of history.

  “Wish you wouldn’t fucking smoke,” he said, taking a large gulp of the dark liquid. He couldn’t get drunk no matter how much he drank. His wolf wouldn’t allow him the lack of control. Scorch was one with his large, black wolf and couldn’t find an argument for keeping in control.

  “Baby, we’ve just fucked, and now I need a smoke. Don’t start, or you’ll give me a motherfucking headache.”

  For an educated lawyer, Lidia had a foul mouth.

  “You’re in my house, my pack, and you’ll show me respect otherwise you can get your ass out of here,” he said.

  “I know.” She blew out some smoke, crossing her legs.

  Her body was fine, in the peak of health, yet he found himself no longer caring for another round. Staring out of the window he saw the sun coming up behind the forest trees. The snow glistened in the natural light taking his breath away. All of his life he had grown up seeing the same landscape, and he still hadn’t grown bored, not even at the age of forty-six years old.

  Lidia moved up behind him, running her hands down to his flaccid cock. “I’m sticking around for the weekend this time. Do you want me to leave, or can I promise not to smoke and stay here with you?” she asked.

  Her fingers stirred the arousal in his veins. It had been a month since he’d found pleasure inside her. One month of finding no other release but her.

  “You can stay, but you’ll do as I ask. Otherwise you leave. I will not have any wolf trying to play the dominant over me. You’ll know your place, understood?”

  “I understand. You’re the big bad wolf, and I’m merely your servant.”

  Scorch chuckled. There was nothing else for him to do. She’d be gone by Monday, and he’d have to find some other way of spending his time. Staring at his reflection he saw his blue eyes staring back at him.

  “How are things in the big city?” he asked, spinning around to look at her. She smiled up at him, wrapping her arms around his body.

  “It’s a hell of a lot warmer there. I had to leave my car back at the lodge over fifty miles back and run all this way. Do you have any idea how annoying it is carrying a case in my mouth?” she asked.

  “I’ve offered to bring you here, but you declined everything I suggested. I would gladly drive down, collect you, and take you back.” He didn’t understand why she constantly refused him.

  “You’d do that for any member of your pack. I’m not just any member, Scorch. We’re fuck buddies, and I’ve got a life outside of this world.”

  Staring at her, Scorch knew they were not exclusive. She always smelled of many men before she had a shower.

  “Do you have someone waiting for you?” he asked.

  “Not at the lodge but back home I do.”

  “He’s insane to let you go wandering off.” Scorch moved away from her to pick up their discarded clothes. He wasn’t jealous, only curious.

  “He’s human. They’re not as protective as our kind, and they don’t like to do anything too rough.”

  Laughing, Scorch turned back to the woman. “So I’m useful for hard, rough sex. It’s a pleasure to know.” He would never understand the human race. Once he claimed a woman for his own there was no way he’d let her out of his sight for any length of time. His main desire was to find a woman who could take all of his attention and focus.

  “Don’t be like that, Scorch.”

  “I’m not being like anything. We’re talking.”

  “You’re not jealous of him?” she asked, stepping closer.

  The scent of nicotine coated her skin making him feel sick. “Lidia, never forget that this is not going to be more than fucking. I want nothing to do with you other than the pleasure of your body and the stimulation of your mind.” He held her hands, dropping a kiss to them. If she wanted more from him then she was sadly mistaken.

  Her mouth opened to speak, but a loud banging sounded on his door.

  “Alpha, we need you,” David said, his second-in-command and friend.

  Frowning, he headed to the door ignoring Lidia’s annoyance. Opening the door he didn’t care about his nakedness.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “There’s a woman out in the woods. It’s a horrible sight, but we can’t approach without you. These are your woods. She’s not of our pack.”

  Already reaching for his pants, Scorch slipped them on as Lidia huffed around the room. Scorch had made sure none of his pack took the risk in approaching another wolf in such a situation. He wouldn’t let any of his men die when he was the strongest of all of them. “We were talking. You can’t tell me something is more fucking important than me.” Her voice rose grating on his nerves.

  “Pack business is always more important than you, Lidia. You’re merely a fuck.
” He slammed the door closed following David as the other man ran down the stairs. Scorch passed men and women on the stairwell heading out into the bitter cold morning.

  “What do you know?” Scorch asked.

  “One of the women was out for a walk with her dog, stumbled on a smell that terrified her, and she came running back home to tell us.” David took the lead explaining everything he knew before stopping on the edge of the forest. The sun illuminated everything, so Scorch didn’t have to fight to see in the dark. The fresh air felt amazing in his lungs, and he took a deep breath. That’s when he caught the scent of fear. The smell made him heave, and he bent over at the same time as David did.

  “It’s getting worse. She’s scared, whoever she is,” David said.

  “I want you to stay back.” The alpha inside him was clawing its way against the surface wanting to get closer to the person in need of help. There was a female out there who needed his help. Pushing David aside he barked orders for everyone to be prepared for the worst. He headed out sniffing the air. Giving up was not an option for him at all.

  Turning left, then right, breathing in the bitter scent, he followed on until he heard the faintest whisper of a whimper. All of his senses went on high alert at the sound alone. The blood pumped wildly in his veins as the need to help this mystery woman flooded deep inside him.

  Closing his eyes, he took one final inhale, and then he knew where she was. Walking, filled with the need to get to her, he moved in the direction of the noise. Five minutes later he found the woman, and something heated the pumping blood in his veins. She was tied to a tree and curled in a ball. Her body was shivering from the cold. The cuts along her body made him hurt for her.

  Dropping to his knees, he reached out to touch her, but she flinched away from him.


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