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Alpha Bait

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The arms holding her were thick and strong. Looking behind her she saw Scorch staring down at her. Neither of them spoke. She was caught up in his gaze. His blue eyes always saw too much. Down she went to the plumpness of his lips. What would they feel like pressed against her own? For all of her adult life she’d never cared about sex or members of the opposite sex. Before her parents joined Chain’s pack she thought her life would be like theirs. Find the mate destined for her, get married, have a child, maybe more than one, and grow old together. Then Chain had taken their love and smashed it into the ground, using every opportunity to mock what they’d gained together.

  “Why are you here?” she asked, loving the warmth of his arms wrapped around her. He went to pull away. She held him still not wanting him to leave.

  “You had a bad dream, and I couldn’t leave you like that.”

  “A bad dream?” she asked, frowning.

  “You were upset, whimpering in your sleep.”

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “You didn’t wake me, baby.”

  Baby, he called her baby. Smiling, she dropped her gaze back to his lips. Licking her own, she suddenly felt dry, parched even.

  His fingers stroked her side, caressing her skin. She suddenly became aware of his naked state. His cock pressed against her hip, and she gasped.

  Why was he hard?

  “Do you need to use the bathroom?” she asked.

  He laughed. “No, I want something else entirely.” His gaze dropped to her lips. The tension mounted between them. “I’ve never done anything that a woman hasn’t wanted before, Tori. I need you to tell me to stop.”

  Did she want him to stop? She’d never been kissed before by anyone.

  “I don’t want to tell you to stop,” she said, forcing the words out of her mouth. With his hands wrapped around her body, he slowly lowered down. Each inch he moved drew him closer to her. The smell of the ice, the forest clung to his skin.


  In Scorch’s arms she felt at home within his touch.

  When his lips touched hers, she moaned, opening up. He didn’t take advantage. His tongue licked along her lips before slowly easing into her mouth. She kissed him back wanting his touch to last far longer than anything else she’d ever experienced. Victoria would give up everything to feel his arms wrapped around her and his lips taking possession of her own.

  No one was there to witness her need or to see what he did to her. Heat flooded her pussy. The instant spike of need took her unaware. He held her tighter, his touch firm but not intended to hurt.

  Soon, his tongue plundered her mouth, spiking the heat within her body.

  “Tell me to stop,” he said, muttering the words against her lips.

  “I don’t want you to. Please, Scorch, I want this. Don’t deny me.” She’d never begged for anything in all of her life. Victoria would beg to feel Scorch’s touch all the time.

  “You’re a virgin.”

  She jerked, looking up at him. “How do you know?”

  “I’m an alpha and a wolf. If I didn’t know what innocence smelled like the only excuse I could give would be my lack of sense of smell.” One of his hands moved from around her waist, to cup her cheek. “We’ll take this slow if this is what you want.”

  Covering his hand where it held her cheek, she pulled him down until he cupped her breast. Chain wasn’t here. He wasn’t ordering her in this moment. For once, Victoria was doing something she wanted to do. “I want this. I know you’re not forcing me to want it.”

  She released his hand feeling his fingers graze over her tight nipple.

  Scorch released her arms, pulling the blankets away from her body. She didn’t fight to keep them on, watching him as he pulled the sheets away. The curtains remained open, but he closed the window cutting off the chill.

  “I don’t want you to get a cold.”

  Her heart pounded as she saw the evidence of his arousal standing straight out. She’d seen naked men before but none of them with such potent evidence of what they could do with their cocks. The tip looked red and swollen. He locked the door on his way back to her.

  “No one will interrupt us.”

  There were no doubts as he knelt on the bed coming toward her. Staring into his eyes, she knew what she was doing. He reached out, holding onto the nightshirt she wore.

  “Nothing between us, Victoria.”

  I’m going to have sex. I’m going to have sex.

  She felt giddy at the thought of finally giving herself to a man whom she wanted more than anything. Scorch was sex on legs, and the longer she was away from Chain, the happier she was starting to feel. He didn’t control her in what she gave to Scorch. This was about her, no one else.

  He tore the shirt over her head leaving her exposed. Next, the panties were taken until they were both naked. Scorch picked up her feet and started to caress the soles of her feet and up to her toes.

  At first she started to giggle and then moan as the pleasure swamped her. Chain disappeared from her thoughts. In that moment Victoria felt like she and Scorch were the only two people on the planet. He stared into her eyes, capturing her with his gaze. Up her leg he went, massaging her calf then up her thigh. His touch was so close to her pussy, but he released her before he touched her. Moaning, she watched him hold onto her second foot repeating the massage all the way up her leg.

  “You’re very impatient, Tori. We barely know each other,” Scorch said. He flipped her over so she lay on her front.

  “We’re wolves. We’re not known for taking things slowly.”

  “Give me an example.” His hands landed on the base of her back. She groaned as his thumbs were sheer heaven against the muscles. Victoria hadn’t been touched like this at all. Everything he did ignited a fire within her body.

  “My parents were married within the month of meeting each other. Once they saw each other, they knew what their future would hold.” Thinking about her parents made her ache deep in her heart. She wouldn’t see the love blooming between them again.

  “It was the same for my folks,” he said, rubbing circles up and down her back. Scorch took his time making her melt with every touch of his fingers.

  All women should have a man like Scorch who was prepared to rub down their body. His penis lay on her ass. The hard length hadn’t diminished at all as he took the time with her body. She felt like a queen from his caresses alone.

  “The moment my dad saw my mom, they were mated the same day. Within a week they were married. Our kind doesn’t take long to get what it wants, does it?” he asked, kissing her neck.

  She whimpered, wanting so much more than a kiss to her neck. “You’re torturing me on purpose.”

  “I’m not going to fuck you today, baby,” he said, catching her unaware. He whispered the words against her ear.

  “What? Why?” she asked.

  “Our parents moved fast because they knew what their future was together. I know what I want, Tori. You’re not ready. Until you’re ready to face the truth, we’ll have this, nothing else.”

  The desire to scream, kick, and fight him at the unfairness of his decision was strong. She glanced behind her, staring at the cool, calm depths of his blue eyes and knew he was doing the right thing.

  “You’re not playing fair.”

  “Baby, I’m a good alpha. I never hurt any of my pack. Their protection is my primary concern, but never for a second think I play fair when I want something badly.” His hand stroked down her front. Even with him on top he made easy work to touch her. He cupped her pussy, sliding a finger through her slit. “This is going to be more than a quick fuck. Don’t worry, Tori, I can wait for you to admit the truth. I’ve got the patience of a saint.”

  He kissed her temple, removing his hand from between her thighs at the same time. She smelled the intenseness of her arousal on his digits. Glancing behind her she watched him suck his fingers clean of her cream.

  “You taste so good. We won’t be fuckin
g, but we will be doing a hell of a lot more than that.”


  Victoria had finally spoken up about her parents. They’d been killed. He knew they had from the way she spoke of them. The love couldn’t be disguised as anything other than love. He would get to the bottom of what happened to her if it was the last thing he did as alpha. All of the pack considered her one of their own. None of them knew the full extent of what she meant to him.

  Last night, holding her in his arms, Scorch had known the truth of what had happened between them. They were a destined mated pair. His wolf had calmed down the instant they were close. The words of mating, claiming, and taking made more sense. He’d never found a woman he wanted more than the beautiful, red-headed Victoria. She sent his blood aflame with her presence alone.

  He recalled a conversation with his father many moons ago asking about mates and knowing when the right one would come along. At the time his father had been cryptic, but Scorch finally knew the truth. When he found the one woman destined to be his, he’d know. He would feel it in his body and in the way his wolf responded to her.

  Lidia hadn’t inspired his wolf at all. Only the human attraction had lured him toward Lidia. Nothing else had captured his attention.

  Victoria only had to walk into a room and he was captivated. Now all he needed was for her to realize the truth, and then they could do something more than play together. Today, he would give her a taste of what being with him actually meant. The call of their bodies and the need that flowed inside them, it all meant something more.

  Massaging her back, he stared down at his cock resting between the crack of her ass. The tip was swollen, leaking pre-cum over her rounded curves.

  He heard the rest of his pack wandering around outside, muttering to themselves. Soon he would tell them all that he intended to claim a mate, and Victoria would be the woman he claimed for his own.

  Climbing off her ass, he turned her over. She weighed next to nothing against him. As he was an alpha he could lift people without pulling a single muscle in his body. Her curves drove him wild, and all he wanted to do was spend his day holding her against him, feeling those curves wrapped around him, holding on as he drove into her body hard.

  “What have you done before?” he asked.

  “With what?”

  “With a man? What have you done with a man.?” It was hard for him to get the question out. The very thought of another touching her filled him with rage.

  “Nothing. I’ve done nothing with a man.” She sounded so young as she answered him.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

  He’d never thought anything of a virgin before. With Victoria he saw the draw of women who hadn’t been with anyone else.

  The smell of sex surrounded the room. Their personal scents wrapped around them like an invisible cloak. His wolf hummed his approval as the mating hormone flooded his veins. It would be so easy to take her now, to mate with her and to make her his woman without a thought. For once he and the beast were thinking as one, but he knew to do something like that before she had a chance to speak up, would be wrong. He wouldn’t do anything to lose her trust.

  Opening her thighs, he kept his gaze on her never once leaving her face. Slowly, he eased his fingers up the outside of her thighs teasing her skin. When she relaxed again he brought his fingers around to the inside of her thighs. She gasped as he brought his fingers up to her core. Touching her pussy, he felt her arousal coating the fine hairs of her sex. Her eyes went wide, and she arched against him, clearly trying to get him to touch her harder.

  Ignoring her demand, he remained still, only touching her lightly. Once she settled down again, he opened the lips of her sex, spreading her open.

  “I’m just going to touch your pussy and get you used to the feel of my fingers against you.” His mouth watered for a taste of her. Touching her would never be enough, but tonight only his fingers and mouth were going to do.

  Her breathing deepened as he touched her pussy. He eased a finger between her slick folds, watching her eyes dilate more. The sudden tinge of a darker green shone wide as her beast flooded her veins. His own beast answered the call, but as quickly as they appeared, the wolves disappeared, leaving the humans alone once more.

  “What happened?” she asked, looking amazed.

  “Our wolves like each other.”

  He caressed her clit watching her cry out as he coated his fingers with her essence. Leaning over, he claimed her lips, plunging his tongue into her mouth. He kissed down to her breast, sucking the tight nipple into his mouth. She tasted amazing. Scorch knew he would never grow bored with her. Each second they were together drove him further to claim her.

  Biting down onto her hard bud, he stroked her clit loving each cry and whimper that escaped her lips. Down he went, kissing down her body, removing his hand from her pussy. When he was at eye level with her mound he simply took seconds to stare at the beauty of sex. Her clit was swollen, and the fine red hairs covering the lips of her sex teased him.

  Spreading her open, he touched her clit with his tongue. Her essence exploded, and he swallowed every drop of cream he could. She tasted amazing, addictive, and he didn’t want it to end. He would gladly spend the rest of his life licking her out.

  Her screams echoed off the walls as he flicked, caressed, and nibbled on her clit. She gripped his hair tightly but couldn’t force him to stop. Scorch was nowhere near done with her yet.

  Reaching up, he gripped her hips, wanting to hold her in place as he licked her out. Her cries turned to screams. The pleasure built up, and her orgasm was so close to the surface. Nibbling on her clit, he sucked the swollen bud into his mouth before giving it a final flick of his tongue. She came apart, and he kept up the strokes of his tongue wanting her orgasm to last.

  From her response, he knew she hadn’t experienced an orgasm before. The thrill that went through him would stay with him forever at knowing he was the cause for her first explosion.

  Pulling away from her pussy, he wiped the excess cream from his chin and stared down at her. Her chest was heaving with every indrawn breath.

  “You’re going to kill me with a tongue like that.”

  He chuckled.

  Her gaze wandered down his body, settling on his shaft.

  “You don’t have to give me anything.” He hadn’t tasted her just to make her feel the need to give him something back.

  “I want to give you the same kind of pleasure.” She sat up holding his arms as she changed places. He sat down, watching her gaze on him. His skin felt on fire with her gaze blistering him where she sat.

  The intention of what she intended to do was not lost on him at all. He pushed some of her hair off her face and stroked a finger over her plump lips. She moaned, opening her lips, and he slid his finger inside watching her suck on him.

  Removing his hand, he watched her kiss down his body.

  “I’ve never done this before. Please, don’t laugh at me.”

  Did she really think he was that bad a person? Scorch wouldn’t dream of mocking her in any way. Watching her grip his shaft, he gritted his teeth to stop himself from growling out and thrusting against her mouth.

  Closing his eyes he tried to gain the control he was so close to losing. Biting his lip, he finally opened his eyes and watched her once again.

  She licked the tip of his cock, teasing around the head and sliding down the blue vein pulsing along the shaft. Fisting his hands, he stopped himself from reaching out and forcing her head down over his dick. Her lips surrounded the head before taking more of him going deeper into her mouth. Her moan vibrated against his cock.

  No longer able to control the urge to grab her head, Scorch fisted his hands in her hair and thrust into her waiting mouth. He growled as she didn’t fight him, and he slammed in deep. Her inexperience shone through, but he didn’t care. The pleasure her mouth was causing was so damn sweet. He couldn’t stop the need for release build
ing inside him.

  Watching her mouth bob on his length was all it took. “Stop, I’m going to come in your mouth.”

  She didn’t stop her ministrations. Her movements slowed prolonging the pleasure inside him.

  Grunting, Scorch closed his eyes as the first wave of pleasure washed over him. His cum erupted in her mouth, and she swallowed him down. She didn’t stop until she milked him dry.

  When there was no more for her to take, Victoria collapsed to the bed smiling up at him.

  “You’re a fucking witch,” he said, smiling.

  “I take it I did a good job?” She raised a brow, and he was blown away by her teasing.

  “Yes, you did an amazing job, not that I consider giving me a blow job actual work.”

  She giggled. The sound was music to his ears, and his wolf perked up at her happiness. Her stomach growled, and her cheeks heated.

  “Now it’s time for me to wash, then feed you.”

  Getting out of bed, he carried her through to the bathroom to wash her before heading downstairs to the kitchen. For the first time in his life, Scorch didn’t want the woman to leave him.

  Chapter Five

  “I’ve never seen him this happy before,” Mandy said, five days later as she stood in the kitchen. Victoria was watching Scorch chop wood, drink beer, and talk with the men of the pack while kids ran around the garden. The snow and the cold didn’t affect any of them. They all loved life and knew how to take life by the horns and live it to the fullest.

  “What do you mean?” Victoria asked, washing up the spoons from her day of baking. Most of her mornings were spent in Scorch’s arms. At night she would leave him trying to create a distance between them, but by morning he’d be in her bed with his strong arms warding off the nightmares. He kept teasing her about joining her when she went to bed instead of halfway through the night.


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