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THE CALLAHANS (A Mafia Romance): The Complete 5 Books Series

Page 45

by Glenna Sinclair

  She was so composed, so together. She made me feel like a bowl of Jell-O in comparison.

  She also made me feel calmer.

  We’d come home last night and were tangled together under her sheets for a long time, holding onto each other for hours. She didn’t seem composed then. There was emotion rushing over her face that I couldn’t keep up with. I wanted know everything, feel everything. I wanted to live in that moment for the rest of my life. And when she said she loved me, that she’d never leave me, that this was forever, I believed her.

  I’d finally shared my dark burden with someone else and she didn’t run screaming for the hills. She promised to stay by me. How incredible was that?

  She walked up to me and planted a kiss firmly on my lips.

  “It’s going to be okay no matter what happens next.”

  I nodded, but my chest seemed to flutter under the muscle and flesh that held it in place. I knew life would continue—how well I knew that. Life continued after Momma died despite the fact that I felt as though it should have ended right there and then. I went back to school, but I was different. Tara sensed it the moment I walked through the door of our shared apartment, berating me for not allowing her to fly up for the funeral. She tried everything to console me, but she had no idea what darkness I’d brought home with me. And when she said she was pregnant…I fucked it up. I did everything wrong. I should have been there for her, but I couldn’t see past my own guilt, my own pain. And she walked away, quite properly. I would have left long before she did if the shoe was on the other foot. I’m glad she found happiness even if I still mourned the premature end of our relationship.

  And now, looking into Delaney’s eyes, I knew it’d all worked out for the best.

  And I knew this would, too.


  Everyone was waiting for us in the hallway outside the assigned courtroom. Brianna was sitting on a low bench, quietly reassuring her mother that we’d do the best we could. Killian and Ian were leaning against the wall, whispering to each other. Stacy and the baby stood back a little, exhaustion intensifying the concern on her face. Kevin and Kyle each stood separately, Kevin close to Brianna and her mother, Kyle on the far side of the corridor, distant from everyone as he often was. I held Delaney’s hand, pulling her close to my side.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  “I should be asking you that.”

  I glanced at her, a smile softening the rough edge of my voice. “I meant meeting my family.”

  She laughed softly, thinking I was joking. I wasn’t.

  Ian marched over, fire in his eyes.

  “Have you seen the paper? There’s a column that talks about Pops’ arrest like it’s the first sign that things are finally going right in this town.” He was livid, his words clipped. “Like Pops is such a menace to society!”

  “It’s not that big of a deal,” Killian assured us, as he joined us in the center of the hallway. “It’s buried on like the thirtieth page. Hardly anyone’s going to read it.”

  “It’s on the website.”

  “Yeah, but most people go on the website for the headlines, not little columns like that.”

  Ian shook his head, clearly not buying what Killian was saying. But he didn’t argue anymore.

  “Has he been brought over?” I asked.

  Killian shrugged. “They won’t tell us anything. Just that he’s on the docket at ten fifteen.”

  Brianna came over, a cautious smile on her face. “Hey, I have a little news.”

  Everyone gathered at the sound of her words, even Kyle. Kevin moved up close behind Brianna, sliding his hand over her hip. The touch—its intimacy—made me wonder what was going on between the two of them. They seemed close already, but this…I wasn’t sure this was such a good idea. Killian and Stacy were one thing, but Kevin and Brianna? He was Pops’ favorite, the one who came last to our family but made the biggest impact. I wasn’t sure a match between him and Pops’ secret daughter would really be a good idea.

  Cassidy moved up beside me and slid her arm around my waist.

  “Who’s this?”

  I drew Delaney up, closer to my family.

  “Everyone, this is Delaney Doherty. Delaney, this is the family.”

  She smiled and held out her hand to Ian. He looked her over for a long second, then tugged her into his arms for a big, bear hug.

  “Nice to finally meet you!”

  “It’s about time.”

  “How do you put up with him?”

  “Why would you put up with him?”

  “Welcome to the family.”

  They all welcomed her with their own little quip. Even Cassidy, smiling as she approached her, kissing her cheek lightly and offering a polite greeting. For a second, the gravity of the moment was forgotten and everyone seemed lighthearted.

  But then the moment passed. All eyes fell on Brianna as she watched from something of a distance, as though this ritual had nothing to do with her.

  “What’s your news?” I asked.

  She cleared her throat, then stood a little taller.

  “I spoke with the partners at my law firm. They said if this case goes to trial, they’d be more than happy to represent Brian.”

  A collective sigh rushed through our group. That was good news. Even though Brianna and I were capable lawyers, having a reputable law firm on our side was everything when it came to fighting this case in the public eye. It showed that we weren’t just going to sit back and watch things unravel around us.

  “That’s great,” I said.

  “And they’ve graciously agreed to allow you to stay on the case with us, Sean.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Really?”

  She nodded, her smile moving into her eyes. “I told them how great you are and they said they’d be grateful for your input.”

  Delaney squeezed my hand. I couldn’t help the smile that slipped over my lips. I’d never been part of a proper law firm. I mean, I did an internship with a firm that was vaguely affiliated with my law school, but I’d never really practiced with a firm. I’d gone from law school to MCorp with nothing in between. So this…it was big for my career.

  Brianna touched my arm lightly and Cassidy winked.

  “We should go in,” Ian suggested. “Let’s see if we have a case to fight before we start planning how to fight it.”

  We moved toward the courtroom, our group intimidating to the other families gathered there. We got our fair share of stares and then some, even from the young wives with babies in their arms who’d been in tears just a moment before. Delaney gave me a sweet kiss before I moved toward the defendant’s table with Brianna.

  We had to wait a few minutes for Pops’ case to be called. He wasn’t even in the courtroom yet. I watched as the arraignments of several petty thieves were processed, watching carefully how the procedure played out. It was one thing to learn about this in a classroom, watching reenactments done by my fellow classmates, but it was another to witness it actually taking place.

  It was fascinating. I only wished it wasn’t my father’s own fate that was hanging in the balance.

  They brought him in as the last case. I wasn’t watching, but I was alerted by the harsh gasp that came from our side of the courtroom. His face was covered in bruises, his lips bloody and swollen. He looked as though he’d just come from a prizefight in the boxing ring.

  Anger burst through me like a hot wind. I wanted to find the federal agents who’d done this and kill them with my bare hands.

  They would pay for this.

  “Brian David Callahan,” the bailiff called in a clear, deep voice.

  Pops was brought to the defendant’s table as Brianna and I took our place. “You okay?” I asked softly. He nodded, a smile painfully parting his lips.

  He didn’t look okay.

  “Mr. Callahan, you’re charged with intent to participate in racketeering. How do you plead?”

  Brianna was shaking. She opened her mouth, but nothing cam
e out.

  “Your honor,” I said, “my client pleads—”

  “Your honor,” the prosecutor interrupted, “the state apologizes for wasting your time, but we’ve decided to drop the charges against this defendant.”

  “Excuse me?” the judge asked, just as incredulous as I was.

  “It turns out that there was a paperwork snafu, and we are unable to pursue this case at the moment.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” The judge regarded the prosecutor over the top of his reading glasses, thunderclouds in his already dark eyes. “You’re seriously telling me this gentleman just spent the weekend in jail for nothing?”

  The prosecutor looked a little sheepish as he nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  The judge sat back in a huff, forcing his chair to smack against the wall behind him. He muttered a few curse words before he focused on Pops.

  “Mr. Callahan, on behalf of the court and the state of Massachusetts, I apologize for this ordeal. You’re free to go.”

  Relief took the wind out of my sails for a second, forcing me to fall back into my chair. And then I heard the cheer go up where the family was sitting. Seconds later, we were surrounded, everyone hugging everyone else. Delaney lay her hand on my shoulder and squeezed, the smile on her face priceless.

  “I love you,” I whispered as I stood and pulled her into my arms.

  “I told you it would be okay.”

  She was right. Teach me to listen to her!

  Chapter 21


  There was music and laughter and free flowing booze. It was a party like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I watched Sean move among his family members, watched the smiles and the little quips come from him, and I knew this was the first time in a long time that his family had seen this side of him. I knew from the surprise that widened a few eyes and from the glances thrown in my direction. They had the Sean they’d always known back from the darkness that swallowed him up in the aftermath of his mother’s death—and they knew it. And they thought it was because of me, unaware that the truth was far different.

  Killian came up behind me as Sean cooed over his newborn baby across the room.

  “He looks happy.”

  “I hope so.”

  “That’s all you, you know. He’s changed since you came into his life.”

  “I hope that’s not a bad thing.”

  “Of course not. If it was, we would have sent you packing a long time ago.”

  He said it with a smile, but I knew he was dead serious. There was something in his eyes that spoke to the deep affection he felt for his brother and the sense of loyalty he felt for his family. I admired that. I’d always wanted siblings, especially siblings who cared enough to notice these subtle things about his brother.

  “Momma’s death was hard on him,” Killian said softly. “I thought for a long time that we’d lost him. But you brought him back to us—and for that I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. I’m just grateful to have him in my life.”

  Killian touched my shoulder and nodded before he walked off to join Sean and his wife.

  Brian was freshly showered and cuddling on the couch with his wife. I was convinced she was never going to let him out of her sight, and I could hardly blame her. His face was less shocking now that the dried blood was wiped away and butterfly bandages held the split on his lip closed, but it was still painful to see. I caught a wince on the faces of his children from time to time, especially Sean. I was afraid that Sean felt responsible for each of those marks—and I didn’t know how to convince him that none of this was his fault.

  He was always so quick to take responsibility for things that went wrong. I suspected it was that Catholic mentality. But I also knew it had a lot to do with the promises he’d made to his mother the night she died.

  As saintly as everyone seemed to think Abigail was, I hated her for what she’d done to Sean. It wasn’t fair to ask him what she did because she had to have known that he loved her enough that he wasn’t capable of saying no.

  I was headed out to the back deck to get a little air when Jack strode into the room. I paused and watched him a moment, the way he seemed to take command of the room. He was a force to be reckoned with, my father. I could almost see what had attracted my mom to him. He was powerful in his movements, in his confidence. He seemed to exude manliness in a way that a woman like my mom craved. He wasn’t subtle with it like Sean was. They had the same sort of virility coming from their very pores, but Jack was clearly aware of his power and he used it to his benefit. Sean was aware of it, too, but he didn’t show it off, didn’t make it everything. He was alpha, but he was less in-your-face about it.

  “I was thrilled to hear you’d been released, friend,” Jack said as he approached Brian.

  Brian stood and smiled, accepting the friendly handshake Jack offered. The way Brian looked at Jack—I was a little surprised by the graciousness and the pride that shone from Brian. He was clearly touched that Jack had come to see him now. In my mind, Jack owed him this and much more, but that was clearly not how Brian saw it. As I watched, I suddenly understood what Sean had tried to explain to me about Jack’s role in the lives of the people who worked for him.

  I stepped outside and stood against the railing around the deck, staring sightlessly out into the back garden. Cassidy must have been a real green thumb to get roses to grow like that here!

  Sean moved up behind me, touching my back and sending shivers through my nervous system that only his touch could do.

  “I saw you slip out here. Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “Just needed some air.”

  “It’s a little overwhelming, I know.”

  “No, your family is great,” I said, twisting around so that I was facing him. I pressed my hand to his chest, my thoughts going to highly inappropriate places. “They love you. That’s a good thing.”

  “Yeah. But it can be a little annoying sometimes.”


  He smiled even as he came in for a kiss. “Must be overwhelming to someone who grew up as an only child.”

  “A little. But I do have five siblings.”

  “You do. Have you ever met them?”

  I shook my head. Jack’s kids were all nearly grown or gone by the time he came into my life. And meeting them had never really been an option because that meant that Caroline might find out about me and that was totally unacceptable to Jack.

  “You’d like Jesse and Michael. The rest are…a little hard to take.”


  “Trust me. I grew up with them.”

  “Lucky you.”

  His lips brushed my temple. “Sometimes family isn’t all it’s cut out to be.”

  I thought of my mom and her succession of lovers. Then I thought of Brian and his children rallying around him in his time of need and I understood that family was what you made of it. My mom drove me crazy, but I loved her, and I’d never doubt that she loved me. And Jack? I was beginning to see that he loved me as much as his personality could allow.

  That was good enough.

  Sean nuzzled against my neck, and I leaned back, sighing as the warmest, most satisfying sensations ran through my body. I’d be perfectly okay if I could just stand here like this for the rest of my life.

  But, of course, that wasn’t possible.

  “Could I speak to the two of you for a moment?”

  Sean turned, revealing Jack as he approached us from across the deck. Sean slid his arm around me and tugged me close to his side in a sort of protective gesture that I deeply appreciated.

  Jack’s eyes moved slowly over the two of us, taking in every point of contact.

  “I could see that this was serious for Delaney,” Jack said, his gaze focused on Sean, “but I was a little concerned about you, Sean. But now I can see that you, too, are taking this seriously.”

  “I am.”

  “You love my daughter?”

��Yes,” Sean said, his voice strong, allowing no confusion.

  I smiled.

  Jack inclined his head slightly. “You hurt her, you know I’ll kill you, right?”

  “I do, sir.”


  Sean tugged me closer to him. “You don’t have anything to worry about. I love her, and I believe she feels the same way about me.”

  Jack’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded.

  “And sir?” Sean said as Jack started to turn. “I won’t be doing any more jobs for you. It makes Delaney uncomfortable, and I really have no reason to be involved in your organization anymore.”

  Jack regarded him with an unreadable mask on his face. Then his expression softened as he looked at me.

  “Do you really think I’d let you work for me now? I won’t put her at that sort of risk.”

  I felt some of the tension leave Sean’s body. “Of course.”

  Jack came back to us, reaching out to touch my jaw lightly. “I never wanted my chosen lifestyle to blow back on you, Delaney. That’s why I chose to step back, to put distance between you and me and your mother. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be a part of your life. It was that the people I care about the most are at the most risk of getting caught up in things I can’t always control. Do you understand?”

  Tears made my vision a little blurred. And my throat was suddenly very raw.

  “I love you. I’ve always loved you. And I will do anything to keep you safe, even if that means robbing myself of the joys of watching you grow up. But you should know that I was always aware of what was going on in your life, and I was always so very proud of you.”

  I pulled away from Sean and threw my arms around Jack’s neck.

  “I love you, too, Daddy,” I said against his ear.

  He held me tight for a long moment, a sob vibrating through the length of his body. Then he pulled back and wiped my tears away with the back of his hand.

  “He stops making you happy, you let me know. I’ll have him taken care of.”

  He was joking—I think.


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