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Page 3

by K. T. Rombough

  Watching the sound ripple towards me, I blacked out.


  Waking up, panicking, looking at the tracks in the dark. I was out for hours. Sitting up, bracing myself, wrists still splitting in pain. I moved myself a little by little, sitting farther up. Remembering the beast that attacked, I leaped to my feet.

  I walked back through the trains, back to the road when I noticed a light figure by one of the train cars. As I got closer, it wasn’t moving. Maybe it was just waiting for me to attack.

  I crept closer, taking smaller steps to keep my distance when I noticed a large object sticking out of his chest. As I got closer, it was a railroad spike. Two, to be exact, one in his heart and the other in his stomach.

  I crept past him, worried he was still alive. When I finally got home, it was completely black outside. The street lights were on, even then it was still dark walking into the house. The door locked like Alexis was told to do, our parents preferred that she kept it that way when nobody was home with her.

  The lights were off. I was worried Alexis, and my parents were out looking for me.

  Chapter 3


  Kade, Dad and I had to leave town. We’ll be back on Saturday with a surprise. Please make supper for your sister and check that the house is clean for when I get home. I’ve taken the liberty of making sure no magic could be used to clean the house. You will do it in mortal style; we have a guest coming on Sunday afternoon. Just remember, we love you and will see you tomorrow. Mom & Dad.

  As I walked in Alexis, let out a scream of panic.

  “Where were you? You were supposed to be home to make me supper,” her voice trailed off as she looked me over, seeing the blood dripping from my head. My ripped clothes as I limped past her.

  “It was a strange day, okay?” I said, stumbling down the stairs, bracing myself against the wall trying not to fall. My legs, back and arms were sore.

  Flashbacks of my bones snapping replayed in my head with every ache and pain of stumbling down the stairs. The image of the cut on my side from the creature’s toes, the snapping sound of my ribs. Wincing hurt worse than I thought possible.

  “I’ll come up in a little while, and I’ll get a movie ready for us to watch tonight, okay?” I asked, hoping this would be okay with her. Really needing to get into the shower and have the wounds heal more.

  “Midnight wants in, can you let her in please?” She yelled down.

  “Yeah” I yelled back, turning the taps for the water. The hot never took long to reach the nozzle, the water tank was right behind my shower.

  Closing the door to the bathroom, I walked to my room, standing before my bed. Taking my backpack and shirt off were a task and a half. Lifting my arms above my head I the sharp pain of my ribs. I held a minute before removing my pants if my chest and ribs hurt this much lifting my shirt, I didn’t want to find out what pain was awaiting me by bending over.

  Unclipping my belt, and shaking a little my pants slid down my legs. Struggling to do what every child in history does step on my socks to pull them off. I removed everything but my underwear without so much pain. Pulling down the sides of the underwear was excruciating, far more pain than I thought worth it. Walking to the bathroom again, I opened the door, the steam flooded out, the hot, muggy moist air of the shower was welcoming to my bare skin. Standing in front of the sink, I looked myself over. Wiping the mirror off so I could see myself in it.

  A lot of my body crusted in dry blood, my head and hair coated in a shiny dried liquid. Sliding my hands down my chest acknowledging my ribs where he kicked me, the wound was still there. The bleeding seemed to stop, the skin had created a scab film, but it was far from healed.

  Wincing as I touched the surrounding skin, it was tender, painful. I took a deep breath, stepping into the shower. The sense of euphoria as the hot water slammed into my skin, it was the healing beginning. There was something about my blood and my abilities that allowed me to heal my skin with water. Mom always said it had to be the nymph in me.

  Memories flooded my mind, the painful sensation of my skin healing made me remember when I was a child mom and dad explained out family and their magical history.

  “Kade, you have to be more careful. You know what dad and I have told you, playing in the dirt like that will get you hurt. You have to be careful, people won’t understand why you don’t cry or bleed like the rest of us,” mom said, her eye wide with terror and tears.

  “All I did was play on the playground with Quart and Ashley. They bet me I couldn’t make it to the end. I almost did mom, I was almost at the end. I didn’t mean to fall and cut my leg,” I told mom so excited I could barely keep still.

  “What I don’t understand Kade sweetheart, is how did you cut your leg? Its sand and rocks,” she said now swabbing this bubbly liquid across my knee.

  “Ashley and Quart wanted to make it more fun. She made thorns all over the ground,” I said smiling, proud of my friend.

  “Kade, you know you’re not allowed to do magic in public, and they may not either!” Her voice almost a yell, angry with me, I could sense that.

  “It’s not fair,” I said stopping my other leg on the floor almost as if throwing a tantrum.

  “Hunny, you know you’re special, very special. We can’t let people know how special okay?” She said gripping me tightly, shaking me a little as if to get the point across.

  “Why mom?” Asking like every petulant child ever.

  “You were born from a mage, and a were, you would be either or. You, my sweet child, are something even more special. You have parts of your grandma in you, grandpa and even relatives a little farther along. Your great-grandmother Florhencia was a soothsayer who predicted your return, Kade. You are what our world call and Elemental. That means you have a little of everyone in the family in you. Your friends too, they each have magical parts in all of them,” she continued to wipe a wet cloth over my scrapes. As she did so the moisture left behind continued to heal my skin. Each cut sealed together, a green light shining through the fabric as my face winced with the painful tingle.

  “Why does it hurt when that happens, mom?” I asked still wincing as each cut continued to heal, my leg tingling in pain.

  “It’s your nymph part of you, just like you have my magic, and dad’s senses. You have grandpa’s abilities as a Vampire but not the blood. Each one you seemed to get different abilities from. That’s why you and your friends are so special dear,” the memory left as fast as it had come,

  Back in the shower, feeling the cut and the ribs heal. No idea how long I was standing in the water, I still needed to let the dog in and start a movie night with Alexis. Turning off the tap my ribs even more sensitive and sore. I may have been able to heal cuts and broken bones but the bruising was something I couldn’t escape from. My injuries today would leave a lot of bruising. It was a good thing I needed glamor for school, getting out of the shower and stepping in front of the mirror again, I wiped it clean.

  What I saw shocked me more than I thought possible. My eyes were glowing green, with the giant purple, yellow bruise set upon my face, draped down my ear to my cheek and across my nose under my left eye. My entire chest was one giant purple-black color, the area pink where his foot cut me.

  Back in my room, I pulled my robe and underwear out of my closet and threw it on to head upstairs. It wasn’t as painful this time around, but it was still odd.

  Opening the door a crack, looking to see what’s out there. Being scared was new to me after such a day of pain it terrified me to go outside in the dark now. I flicked the outside light on, it buzzed to life, its shine stretching to the kennel where midnight stayed.

  Midnight was a more massive black lab, she was overpowering. Almost as if she was a demon hound, she could pull me without even a thought. Her body was so lean with muscle I had to use my powers to walk her, or she would walk me.

  Coming into the house, we sat on the couch, midnight cu
rling up on the cushion next to me, her head on my lap. She was my best friend for many years. We spent every minute together, I even took her on my midnight walks and bike rides. I felt like she had been around for me, it was hard thinking of times without her.

  Without thinking, I flicked my wand and cast spells for popcorn, pop, and some chips with dip. The cupboards creaked open and close, a bag of corn chips made a loud bursting noise as it popped open. Then a bag of popcorn flew into the microwave, and two cups slid to the counter. Pop pouring itself, the dip and chips were in bowls and floating towards the coffee table. The buzzing noise of the microwave dinged making the door pop open. Finally, the popcorn bag ripped open pouring itself into a large bowl and landing on the table.

  As the movie went on, we got sleepy. I noticed Alexis slipping off to sleep. I pulled out my wand and whispered to it, “Daeh reh tser ot deb rof tsuj, re hot no dna ereht fo tuo, reehs eremhsac reh, raed retsis ym, re hot gnirb ot, trofmoc dna htmraw htiw,”

  Alexis’ pink and purple cashmere blanket, along with her fluffy body pillow came from her room, prepping her for slumber. I walked downstairs to my bedroom, and within seconds of hitting the pillow, I fell fast asleep.

  When I woke up I was slow to the draw, I crawled out of my bed, walked to my bathroom. Looking at my watch, I had time to get the cleaning done mom’s way. I knew the stuff from last night was still out, and dishes had to get done. Walking out the door I realized I forgot to glamor. Alexis pointed at my face as she took off heading to the school bus. Passing mom’s vehicle, I looked in the mirror, waved my hand in my face. Greenlight shone from my hand, my eyes lit. As my hand passed over the bruise, it disappeared showing my normal, pasty white skin.

  The next couple of days went by fast, each day filled with exams. It was Friday. The day I had been looking forward to for so long. Once I got my acceptance letter at the start of tenth grade.

  Dear Kade Demean,

  Immortal Academy has conditionally accepted you. Mail back your completed enrollment form before the start of mid-term, January 11th. Admissions require you to pass the tests held in the main ballroom in the Academy as part of the conditions. You will have three tests, the academic test, physical test, and magical test. Please take grades and our tests earnestly, here at Immortal Academy we only accept 100 new students for their final two years.

  Should you take your education seriously, we look forward to making you an outstanding high-profile member of our magical community? Some of our graduates have become president of the Vampire Council, Chief Executive Officer of magical deployment, Head minister of Magical Council, and the Headmistress of our prestigious Academy. The test guide is as follows:

  The academic test is as follows, 2 hours to complete. 50 questions on each mortal subject, followed by 20 questions on the classes. A 2-part essay on why we will accept you and what you could bring to the Academy.

  The physical test is as follows, 2 hours to complete. Basic fitness test shadowed by the magical fitness test. Running, weights, climbing, flexibility and endurance.

  The magical test, these are at the discretion of the professors on the day of the tests. Prepare for spells, and endurance with magic.

  Good luck and we look forward to meeting you.

  Headmistress Korilea.

  Remembering the letter as if yesterday. Meaning the world to me, the letterhead, the wax seal on the envelope. To the smell of the paper and the feel of the scratched ink into the scroll of paper. The tiny coffee colored age stains on the edges, the miss wrote scratched letters of earlier words. The curled edges of the parchment with the well-signed signature of the Headmistress, so elegant and regal but personal.

  English was my final exam, and it would be the hardest. Walking out the door it was beautiful out. The walk couldn’t be more amazing, the June heat was refreshing as the gentle cool breeze blowing through the air.

  Sitting in the hall just outside the gymnasium waiting for the doors to open, I held my book in my lap, reading through my notes. As the door swung open opposite of me, my heart sank. My breath escaped me, my mind blanked, I couldn’t remember a word I had studied. This test would be hard, I was prepared, and I could pass or hope I do.

  This wouldn’t be my best mark, but the pass was all I needed. Ashley and Karen always asked, “Why wouldn’t you just use magic to get the answers?” It always seemed like a relevant question, but what would it accomplish? It would cause fake marks showing how smart I wasn’t. What if that mark got me into a situation where I needed to use magic over and over and I couldn’t? It didn’t seem right.

  I filed my way into the gym and looked for my name on the registration. I was in aisle 6, row 4, seat 2. I found my spot, relaxing as I sat in front of the test. Flipped upside down so I couldn’t see the questions in advance.

  “Now that everyone has found their seats do not flip your test until the timer sounds. Questions before we begin?” The mediator echoed through the gym.

  “Can we use our calculators for the graphs?” The students at the far end spoke.

  “Your tests give you the answers to that question,” he replied, breathing out annoyed with the answer he had to give.

  A loud buzzing sound began I looked up at the scoreboard for the clock. Nine twenty.

  “You now have two hours to complete the tests,” he said as the room descended into pencil scratching and heavy breathing of teenage adolescence. The silence of the gym was astounding, the cacophony of noise and voices that regularly filled the room was gone.

  Finishing the test was anticlimactic, all the pressure I had about passing this one test was overwhelming, and now it felt like a weight lifted. Placing the final on the table just before the exit, Mr. Newton spoke, his eyes rolling. “If you place the test down you cannot fix any mistakes or correct any answers you made. Make sure you have completed the whole test,”

  He meant well, but it was what it was, I was going to pass or fail, and I did my best. That was all that he would get from me. Pivoting to the door, I was free, I didn’t have to write a second final for the day, I was free to go home and wait for my marks. Walking past Ashley and Karen, anxiously studying hard for their next exam, I smiled whispering to them good luck.

  They either didn’t hear me, or they were too busy to acknowledge me.

  When I got home, it was quiet. No Alexis and no family, not even midnight was home. I decided I would head to my room and relax, maybe also take a nap. The dishes done, the living room vacuumed, and our bedrooms were tidy.

  I must have been deep in my nap because when midnight leaped onto the bed next to me, it startled me awake. I looked out the window, and it was getting dark out. That meant it was well after eight. I hadn’t made supper for Alexis or myself, nor had I cleaned the bathrooms yet.

  I hurried up the stairs, around the corner to the kitchen and Alexis and midnight were laying on the floor, unconscious. But how? Midnight had just woke me up, my mind scrambling for answers. She was in my bed a minute ago. I turned around to see what I thought was my dog walking up the stairs behind me.

  Chapter 4


  I lifted my hand creating a force of air throwing the dog against the basement wall. With a loud slam and the exhale of its breath it dropped to the floor, getting back up taking my time.

  “You figured it out. Took you long enough. Your sister and dog put up a loud fight and you slept right through it,” a familiar voice spoke again.

  The dog stalked its way back up the stairs and this time transforming like Alexis does, changing back into human form.

  “Who are you?” As I lifted my hand again, creating a more powerful gust.

  It didn’t stop her. She waved it off as if it were nothing. “The name is Flurite,”

  I rushed over to Alexis, trying to wake her to make sure she was still alive. She was breathing. I leaned over midnight, and she was asleep, and there wasn’t a hair hurt on their heads. A wave of relief washed over me.

  The footsteps on the stairs echoed. “Don’t worry they’re fine, just asleep. It’s you I am after,”

  “Why? What have I ever done to you?”

  She laughed boomed with anger as if I should have known what I did.

  Running to the front door, heading around the kitchen trying to get outside. I wasn’t supposed to use my magic in fear of getting caught. This seemed to be a good enough reason, it was my life or my family’s, and I wasn’t about to let my family get hurt.

  “Come on Kade, you know it’s against the rules. Come to me and your family will stay safe,”

  Was I able to trust her? Was I able to just do as she asked, and my family would be safe?

  “Kade, I’m growing tired of your running around, your family is everything to you. Come to me, and I may spare their lives,”

  I started my way around the house, pushing through the thick bush that grew along the house. I tried to catch her off guard on this side. She would expect me to go through the gate, this way I would catch her from behind.

  “Trying to catch me from behind? Oh, Kade, my dear boy, when will you learn? I’m older than you, more powerful than you and my powers are more advanced than your little wind tricks. Give yourself up,”

  “Why would I give up, you’re the one attacking me,”

  I leaped out of the bush with a jet of air, trying to push as much force as I could at her. She was right in front of the back door, guarding it as if she expected me to run back inside.

  She waved off the gust as if it was nothing.

  “Didn’t you listen?”

  I was facing her, standing by midnight’s pen. I watched this creature standing there, following me and monitoring my every move.

  “What’s it going to be, Kade?”

  I raised both hands, and this time, with all my force, I slammed down on the ground. The dust and rocks floated up as if not ruled by gravity, creating a blanket of debris in front of her. I lifted my hands again, this time pushing all my effort towards the creature. She was right, I was getting tired. I couldn’t keep this up for much longer. I had used my powers for fun, but never to battle like this before.


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