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Zephyr Page 11

by K. T. Rombough

  I shook my head, and sure enough she lifted her hand, a orb of water began to form in the palm of her hand, just like Simone’s hers was not nearly as large. Katterina was next, but as she lifted her hand the whole room began to shake.

  “Tell her to stop!” Simone shouted, “My ears they are in so much pain,” he added clasping his hands to his ears.

  But before Katterina could put her hand down the crack in the wall became I little bigger.

  “No, keep going Katterina, the wall is cracking, we can get out of here,” I said motiong for her to contuinue.

  “Kade, tell her to stop please, I cant take anymore of this,” Simone cried out, but as he was finishing the small crack on the wall, began fraying higher and higher almost out of my sight. Spidering down to the floor the crack began dusting away. Parts of the wall falling off, others chipping off. Even rocks from above began falling from above.

  “Katterina, can you stop those?” I asked turning to her,

  She shook her head to me, and raised her other hand, but instead of the rocks being caught they exploded in clouds of dust, with small gestures of her hands, large scales of magic would be preformed. She stepped back as the power fcaught her off guard, and as her foot touched the ground the floor shook violently. Piper let out a squeal of terror, her voice so strong it rippled through the air shattering the wall. The rocks began dropping, narrowly missing me as I jumped out of the way.

  Lifting my head the sight was amazing, almost more than the head could bare. I was so taken a back, I gasped out loud. Everyone’s face turned to me, each shocked in surprise.

  The room was elegant in gold and silver trims, jewels, crowns, treasures overflowing and spilling from tables on to the floors. The four elements seemed to not be where I seen them, In the middle of the room stood the pedestal, and now I could see what laid on it. A large book, innately detailed and beautiful to the eye.

  “Why can I not see still?” Simone asked panicking again.

  I tried to use my powers moving something off the table, but nothing happened. Not string tendrils of magic still. “I still cant use magic, which means Piper can’t talk or hear, and and Katterina cant talk,” I added putting a hand up to Piper as she opened her mouth as if to ask the same question as Simone.

  She stopped just before we could experience her volume on full blast. I took a deep breath wondering what happened to the magic that was swirling the air when I looked through the hole. Causiously stepping into the room, where I saw the wind blowing, nothing happned. Holding my hand out to them, as if to ask them to stop, not move.

  Taking a few more cautious steps towards where the fire was, but once I placed my foot down for the last time, something came from behind me, throwing me against the wall, each magic burst into life, more powerful than the last time. Something else had changed, each formed into a being, the fire standing tall, shaping itself into a man, towering over Simone.

  “Who’s there?” Simone said just before a giant flame hand slapped him across the room. “Ow,” Simone wined,

  “Watch out everyone, I don’t know how to destroy these,” I said calling out to Piper and Katterina, but realizing it was useless to call out to Piper. She was still looking around the room at all the gold.

  Katterina stomped her foot, and surely the room shook heavily and the sand man fell to the ground, but managed to reform standing back up and continuing to attack her. But I had bigger issues, I could hear the wind picking up in the room, coming from behind me I spun out of the way, and there stood a creature that looked like me when I was invisible and as the wind. The creature was using my powers, it jumped into the air and vanished again.

  Heading over to Piper I turned her around just before a giant wave of water engulfed her. Surprising me she opened her mouth and screamed, I heard my ears pop a little, but the water shattered where it stood, falling into the grooves in the floor.

  I looked down to one of the grooves and sure enough the whole floor was covered in the holes with water floating underneath.

  “Simone, move to your left, listen for your powers,” I called out just as another red hot hand swung towards him, this time he rolled to the left, sliding right under the hand. Turning around facing the creature, he took a swing at him, but as he did the body of the creature disappeared into the ground.

  “What is going on?” Simone asked, as he ran toward us,

  “How did you know we were here?” I asked looking at Simone.

  “Your breathing is heavy I can hear you from anywhere,” he said turning around facing the way he came.

  “How are we going to defeat these?” I asked looking at each of them,

  Piper shrugged her head, Simone did the same unsure of what to do. Katterina started waving her hands rapidly as if to get my attention.

  Motion with her hands, she would point to the book then me, then the book then me agaian and again. “Me get the book?” I replied, as I did so she would nod her head, and move on.

  Putting her four fingers into the air she pointed at all four of us, and motioned with her opposite hand. As she did this a large wall erupted from the floor shielding us from all sides. Leaving herself a small hole to see through as she motioned for us to charge forward.

  “Simone, we are going to charge the book and see it that helps, grab a hold of Piper and follow us,” I replied being the voice of us.

  Doing as I asked he grabbed Piper’s hand, as she winced in the pain his hand still must have caused. Katterina started running at full speed, but to my surprise we stopped, her feet were stuck in the ground as where Piper and Simone’s. I continued to run as the walls fell, dodging out of the fire creatures way and jumping over the water that shot from the floor. But the wind picked me up throwing all of us back against the wall we had just broke down.

  “That obviously didn’t work, how are we going to do this?” Simone asked sounding upset.

  Everyone looked tired, panting, sweating, Piper had a few scraps on her face. Looking around the room, the book still guarded by air magic. Still watching as it blew over and over the leaves circling the stand and book.

  “When we pass that line the magic attacks. Simone and Katterina you still have magic, can you talk with Piper and show her we will need magic.” I said, looking at the three of them.

  Katterina turned Piper’s head to her, Katterina’s magic flowing and dripping from her hand. Piper mimicked it, her’s to pooling onto the floor.

  “Think, think, what do all three magics have in common? What could can we do? Why don’t I have powers?” Thinking to myself, I had to come up with the answer or we were trapped down here. “My older self must have set this up, the four of us must have set this up. We didn’t have our memories for this, our powers where lessoned, with the exception of Katterina. Simone was blind, could use magic but his hearing was over powered. Katterina couldn’t talk, yet her magic was over powered. Leaving Piper to have an overly powerful voice, but no hearing? What is the reason or pattern?” This was a puzzle, I just didn’t think I could figure out.

  There had to be a solution to this problem. “My air magic is controlling all the other elements, but I can’t see the air well, it’s the one weakness to air, its an invisible force when it wants to be. Piper’s voice does nothing to the water but break it, but I can see where the water is coming from, the slightest ripple I can see but I have to be looking at it. Simone’s fire I can see clearly without a problem, the tiniest bright light and my vision moves, maybe that’s the key to his fire. Without his sight he cant defend himself against his power, Piper without her hearing she cant defend herself, and Katterina doesn have the ability to use her voice to control her powers. That’s it.”

  “Okay guys, listen up.” I said turning to them, “Katterina can you please write this in the sad for Piper.” I asked pointing to Piper then to the ground before her feet.

  Katterina nodded her head in acceptance.

  “Kat, you cant use your voice
to direct your powers, but you can sense where your powers will strike. Piper without your hearing you can’t defend yourself, and Simone without sight you cant see the flames as it attacks. Me without my powers, I can only see everything around me, direct your powers Kat. So lets try this, Simone I will keep you safe by watching for fire, If you focus in on the water and keep Piper safe but using your powers. Piper will keep Kat safe by using her voice to put pressure on the sand and earth keeping it at bay. Kat that leaves you to deal with the wind, your armor will help block us from the power of the wind. As well keeping your feet on the ground should it create a tornado.” I rattled off, hoping everyone understood.

  Looking at each of them in turn, each nodding their head in agreement.

  “Lets go,” I said stepping forward.

  As I stepped onto the grate surrounding the book, the water started to ripple, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Looking through the water, there was nothing.

  “To your left Piper, under the third grate,” Simone said pointing towards the grate to my left. Piper looked towards it, her powers at the ready, but Simone beat her to it.

  Large flames rose from the grates surrounding my legs, as the water tried to splash against pulling me in, the flames kept them away. Each time the flames dimmed Simone lit them back up.

  Taking the next step, the grate had the lava under it this time. Its body flowing strong, each ripple creating bright burning light. The flames became more than I could stand.

  Without saying a word, Katterina’s magic began flowing from her hands, reaching around my legs, each foot covered in what looked like a metal or rock. It was so heavy I could barely lift my feet to keep walking forward. As the yellow magic flowed to my legs, the flames grew hotter. And I slide my foot onto the last set of grates a sand storm erupted. The sand creature towered over me, Katterina’s magic dissipated, her face looked upset about it. But Piper stepped forward, her magic started to flow across the ground, slithering along past my legs pooling under the creature. The water absorbing into the creature turning the sand into a mud, the body and face drooping down. As it melted to the floor, I took the last steps to the book.

  As I took my last step, the wind picked up ferociously. My hair, whipping around as the leaved cut into my skin. Wincing in pain, I was barely able to keep my feet on the ground. Piper came to my rescue, her blue magic pooling up around me, as it licked my skin the cuts healed. Simone’s red aura flowed towards me like lava, each ripple swallowing the previous one. As if reached around me, keep the water from being blown away, it created a solid lava and ash shield around me. Out of the corner of my eye the yellow smoke of Katterina came to my rescue, each layer of lava hardened to my body, covering me in her indestructible armor. The wind bounced off of me, getting madder and madder as if blew harder and harder. The wind now picking up objects from the room throwing them at me as I worked my feet to get to the book. Mere feet left to go before I could reach the book and the pedestal.

  Each step took more labored work than the last, the suit getting heavier and heavier. One more step, reaching my arm out, the wind started like razors. But as I moved my hand through what looked like a barrier for the book Katterina’s magic melted off. My arm being ripped up through the sharp barrier, the skin ripping open, blood dripping out. Piper’s magic tried to help, to heal but as it hit the barrier nothing, it just disappeared into nothing.

  As I laid my hand on the last of the book, it was magical.

  Chapter 18

  The Pages

  The moment my hand touched the book, my body healed. My arms swirled in green again, healing as it worked its way up my body.

  “Oh, I can see again,” Simone exclaimed, his breathing excited with the change.

  “Try talking Piper,” Kat asked, looking at her, knowing she could hear again.

  Everyone breathing changed, their body language became more the usual for them. Lest frightened and panicked.

  The magic that swirled around me continued to around my head and down my body. My magic was back, it felt amazing almost liberating to finally have my powers back. Taking the another step closer to the book, the others came running towards me. Each patting me on the back.

  “We did it, way to go Kade,” Simone said looking at me,

  Everyone put a hand on the book as if to touch in, to make sure it was real. But as Piper’s hand; the last of the four of us to touch the book, a bright glowing rainbow of colors flooded the room, the magic of each of our powers, twelve different in all. Seeping into the ground, the sky, the walls, it completely flooded the room entirely. It sensed we were the rightful owners of the book.

  “I know where wood and metal are!” Kat exclaimed,

  “I can feel others, not just us and the eight. There are more, I can feel ice, lightning, and even glass?” Piper said excited but almost questioning the glass one, as if glass wasn’t really an element in itself.

  “There are so many, I can sense something like ash, lava, and something strange, almost like fire but its green, I want to say copper? How is this possible?” Simone asked looking at me, each person looking at me with great intensity, it was overwhelming.

  “How am I supposed to know, this is new. There is nothing in my memories about this book, or the others that seem to exist. But I think we need to keep the book safe and keep it with us at all times.” I said trying not to sound unsure. My heart raced, but body ached, I wanted to scream out I was scared for what just happened. I felt not only hundreds, but I felt thousands of different elements, their powers nothing like ours but still unique in how they worked.

  Holding the book tightly to my chest, we walked back to the wall we esceially fell out of. Katterina raised her hand, the wall shook, crumbling again into nothing.

  Piper grabbed a few items off some tables, little trinkets, small objects that looked useful, while Simone made sure to grab weapons, as if any of us knew how to wield them.

  Katterina and I stood in the chamber waiting for the other two to hurry and get in, so I could lift us out of the hole and hopefully out of the chamber all together. I really was scared of the chamber, being without my powers for that long was terrifying.

  The four of us stood in the chamber, each looking to the sky. Katterina help the book tight to her chest now, while Piper and Simone held their treasures. My beautiful green magic, the lime and emerald color flowing along the ground like mist in the dark. Coating it, more and more aura poured to the floor. Twisting my hand slightly to the left, the aura now swirling around our feet, exerting pressure, our feet slightly lifting off the ground.

  Simone leapt into the air, his reptile dragon winds burst from his back. He flapped them over and over able to raise him self higher into the air, no longer needing my assistance. And sure enough the girls shot up higher, the less people I had to lift the faster we could move. Turning to my left I leapt into the air, my wings burst from my back as well. Flapping them, the girls followed up faster and faster the more Simone and I rose into the chamber.

  “Those are so cool! Why don’t we get them?” Katterina asked looking awe struck by the wings.

  “Because your natural forms are mermaid and a bear.” I said smiling at them as both their jaws dropped open. Each looking excited for it, almost to the steps of the chamber, Simone was the first to reach the stairwell, retracting his wings as he landed.

  I followed suit with Piper and Kat finally reaching the steps. My green aura retracting, flowing from beneath the girls to me again.

  Once we got to the throne room again, the water came crashing down upon us again. The barriers falling, the guardians rushing in on us, surrounding Piper, while holding their weapons upon me.

  Keleel standing between the guards and Piper. Asking her every question he could think of. Making sure the person he loved was okay, he grabbed her hand slightly, pulling his away as soon as he realized. Looking to everyone as if to hope no one had seen this act.

  “Stay back
Master Kade,” Keleel said his tone aggressive, while holding back Piper, keeping the guards edging forward.

  “Its fine guard,” Piper said, but every time she spoke nothing happened, her guards ignored her.

  “Kade, you damaged the Master’s throne room and kidnapped her from her own kingdom for almost five days.” Keleel said moving forward as the remaining guards held Piper back. His trident pointing directly at me, its center point pressing into my chest.

  “Wait, what? We were gone for five days?” I asked now more confused than before, there was no way time passed like that, how was that possible, it felt like we were only gone hours.

  “Master Kade, you must be tried on your charges. Please allow the guardians to escort you to the prison,” Keleel said nodding to his guardian on the left. The mermaid moved forward, her trident outstretched.

  “Move, don’t think about using your powers,” A deep husk voice almost as if her mouth was full of rocks. Almost hard to understand but still commanding.

  The water warmed around me, at first I thought it was Simone, but something was completely different with this warmth. A high pitched sound came from Piper, “STAND DOWN” Her high pitched noise must have caused a problem, everyone from her realm seemed to cover their ears. Even Keleel seemed in pain by what she had done.

  “Master Kade has uncovered something powerful, something only the four of us could have found. Stand down or I will make you stand down,” Her words not only came out as powerful but they came out as a threat.

  “But Master?” Keleel replied as if pleading with Piper.

  “This is not your issue, if you wish to take this up further you may speak to me in my chamber, privately,” Piper said cooly, walking towards me as she gripped my hand pulling me out of the room.


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