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Zephyr Page 12

by K. T. Rombough

  As Piper lead me to her chamber, everyone followed, Simone, Katterina with the book, Solena and Selena, while Gabriella stayed back with Desmond. Each looking disheartened at something.

  “Hold up, can I meet you there, I have to talk to Desmond,” I asked, holding Pipers hand close to me. “Just as you must talk to Keleel, can we wait till tomorrow morning for this? It has been five days?” I whispered to her, as she stepped back, nodding her head to me.

  Piper and Katterina walked together as Keleel followed close behind. Simone and the twins headed to the dinning room, he must have been hungry.

  Desmond was still looking at the throne and the spot we disappeared for multiple days down. His face seemed more sunk-in, less like his normal self.

  A warm hand grabbed my shoulder, her voice cooly whispered into my ear, “He hasn’t eaten since you were hurt in Simone’s realm, maybe you can make him leave and hunt? He has been terrified for you,” Gabby’s rang in my ear, the sound of each word catching in her throat. She was truly concerned.

  Desmond turned to me, as she finished her sentence, and sure enough his face sunk deep. His eyes red and puffy, with deep black circle surrounding his eyes and lips. His features darker than his usual self. I couldn’t help but grip his face in my hands, and look him straight in his eyes.

  “Desmond, look at me. Your coming with me,” I said moving my right hand to grip his left. Pulling him further to get out of the castle.

  Chapter 19


  Walking onto the beach felt liberating, almost like breathing was so much easier up here. Even Desmond seemed more at easy. I walked over to a log laying on the beach, waving him over to me.

  “Vitae can we talk? Come sit please,” I asked, calling him over still, as he stood looking into the sea, kicking little rocks as far as the eye could see.

  “Kade, please don’t use my other name. Its Desmond, I like my human name,” He said still staring down to the his feet, but kicking the stones farther and farther to the point as they launched into the air they disappeared.

  “Desmond, lets talk something else is bothering you,” I said, I could sense something was eating him up, but not really know what it was.

  “Kade, I can’t, I can’t do this again. You all don’t feel the moment one of you dies, only I get to feel the explosion of power and life. When one of our mortal bodies dies I fell it over and over and over until my body goes numb. I don’t want this life again, I loved being bound,” He said turning to look at me, black tears rolling down his face. His venom was welling up in his eyes, causing him to bleed.

  “You don’t want to be with me? You liked never knowing us?” My voice came out more hurt than I meant it to be, but it really felt like he was saying he just didn’t want to be with me anymore. Millennia after millennia of just us together it only made sense he might want out of our relationship. “If that’s what you want, to be free from me you can. Just because its what our past tells us, I will survive,” I added trying hard not to chock up, but not succeeding. My voice came out choppy, my breathing broken. If I could cry I could only imagine how messed my face would look.

  He flashed to me, gripping my soft face in his stone cold embrace, “Don’t ever think that. Kade, Zephyr, Krysty, Celena, what ever your name is in any Millennia I will always love you. I would never wish to not know you. What I don’t want is the pain anymore, everytime something happens I feel my heart ripping into pieces, each time. I don’t know if I can do it again. And this is the first time we have never been awakened as a group. Its hard on the abilities. Gabriella and I could feel you guys until you went into that chamber. Once you were in there, it was as if you had died, and for five days not knowing if you were alive or died started to ache for us,” he said looking at me, our eyes meeting.

  “But Desmond, really you need to know I didn’t do it to hurt you, and I certainly had no idea I was gone for five days. It was something drawing me to it, and what we found was amazing. It was changing for all of us.” I said trying to keep his eyes on me.

  Desmond turned to the sea again, “I know you would never do something like this to me on purpose, but Kade we need to find the others, and soon. I have this feeling like something bad is going to happen,” he added as he kicked one final stone into the sea.

  I stood, gripping Desmonds hands as I reached him, “Please you need to eat, then lets go back to my realm for the night,” I said pulling him into the forest, so he could hunt some animals.

  I decided it was best if I took the high route, staying above the scent of any creatures for him, keeping my scent down wind from any animal he may hunt. I took to the trees, leaping from tree to tree as Desmond hunted for some food.

  It didn’t take long for Desmond to find a stag, or parts of a stag. I had no idea what Piper called some of these creatures. This animal resembled a stag in height and shape, it had antlers, two different types. The first set small and in front of the second larger set, the smaller ones resembled an antelopes antler from the mortal realm, while the second resembled tree trigs, leaves growing off of them, brown in color with green moss growing on them. Its body was that of a children’s movie, light brown in color with little white dots spotting its fur, and then the part nobody could ever be prepared for. A serpent tail, that wrapped around its back leg as to not touch the ground around it.

  Desmond stalked the creatures, his body arching back as his hunger took over. My body felt the air shift, as the stag like creature turned its head to look directly at Desmond. This time his face changing in shape, as its mouth opened fang like teeth showed themselves. But Desmond’s growl echoed through the trees, his own fangs our and ready to eat. Desmond launched at the creature, his speed causing him to blur slightly, as he leapt at the creature, its face turned up, snapping at Desmond as he sailed over top of the creature, cutting a large slice down its back with his claws.

  The creature howled in pain, its tail now whipping around the air. The head of the creature shaking and it whailed out in pain. Demsond launched himself at the creature again, this time sailing over it again but as he did he gripped the stags tree like antlers he snapped the neck, causing the creature to drop to the ground in one final bark of noise as the blood rushed from its mouth cutting off the sound. Desmond took the moment to begin eating, wrapping his lips around the neck, his fangs stabbed into the creature, and the bloody feeding began.

  Something else in the air shifted, it was huge, the trees shook. Branches snapped in the distance. Even birds took to the air, so I decided I needed to as well. Releasing my wings I took to the sky, to find where the noise and terror was coming from.

  Sure enough not more than a thousand yards there was a very large and very angry creature that resembled the one Desmond killed, only this one was fifty feet tall, with actual trees for antlers, its tail was not one, but three, and its front hooves were actually sharp as knives as it stepped on to a rock, it cut it straight in half as if it was a piece of butter.

  Turning immediately, I flew back to Desmond. Landing next to the bloody sight that was Desmond, his face now back to his usual pale white with little freckles, and bright purple eyes. His smile was intoxicating, I couldn’t resist smiling back at him as he just looked so happy again. He was back to his old self, or rather his fed self. He used his tongue to clean his right fang, then licked the blood from his chin, so seductive if I was a blood drinker I don’t think I could have resisted.

  “We need to get out of here, I think you just killed its baby, and mommy isn’t happy with you right now,” I said still smiling at him.

  “What are you talking about?” He asked but as his last word left his lips, a loud rumbling wail let out, the trees and ground shook.

  “What was that?” he asked again looking startled by the noise itself.

  “That would be mommy creature, and she is bigger and meaner than baby that you just killed,” I said turning to point towards the creature but it was standing right there, l
ooking directly at us and then down at its baby.

  Its mouth opened, fangs bared. It growled so loud it was defending, its slobber spraying Desmond and I. “Run,” Desmond whispered as he continued to stare at the creature.

  “Can you out run it?” I asked looking at him.

  “One… Two… Three…” he said and his body flashed past me it was a blur, I leapt into the air, my wings bursting out again as I took into the air far above the creature.

  It wasn’t after me, nor did it even acknowledge me, it simply charged after Desmond. Trees shattering as the creature crashed through them, causing obsticles for Desmond to run through, they didn’t phase he or slow him down, but they came pretty close to hitting him.

  As the creature continued to chase him, one of the tales lunged at Desmond, narrowly missing him, followed by the creatures mouth snapping at Desmond. Again his mouth narrowly missing him.

  I screamed out in horror as the second tail lunged forward, stabbing Desmond square in the back. He dropped to the ground his back covered in blood and venom as it began healing itself.

  The creature mouth dropping towards Desmond as if to get revenge, but I couldn’t let it happen. Creating a gust of pressure from my wings, I knocked the beast of its feet, causing its tails and its head to flail around trying to get back up.

  I swooped down and picked Desmond up as the creature watched me flew off into the air. Landing on the beach again, I took him back to Piper’s palace. There he could heal, and maybe get an easier snack.

  Chapter 20

  The Past

  Desmond laid in the bed, his eyes closed as he healed. The wound was so large it was going to take a little time to truly heal his body. The tail had gone completely through his chest, Gabby had to put Desmond to sleep. His face twitched as I gripped his hand, I hadn’t left his side since the accident.

  Every hours I wiped his forehead with my the cloth, dampening his head. He had a blood drip bag. I decided to tell him a story from our past, after his feeding I remembered a time I had felt the same as him.

  “Desmond remember the paleolithic era, and the mortals that not only killed off the beautiful saber-tooth, but they were eating themselves.

  All I could ever think of was how we as Immortals and gods could be on this earth and created for what saving the pathetic race called humans. I remember Inferno, Aquaria, and Bluedrya abusing their powers, killing off the mortal species for what they were doing to the lands, the seas, and even the volcanoes.

  You gave the mortals credit where we gave them nothing. You and Mortuus spent the next four hundred years working with the mortals, teaching them life and death and what that meant to them. And hey you got them to stop eating each other for fun.

  I remember feeling so ashamed of my life, it was pointless to us, it was boring. We all lived not useful lives, blowing the wind around, making the sky rain, giving nutrition to the plants while keeping the earth alive. It was just use, and some of the immortal ancients, the dragons. Even before we all created our own realms and before we created Hecate, Zeus, and the other pantheons. The mortal earth was so simple back then.

  I remember launching myself off cliff to see if I could die, I rememeber causing you so much pain in watching me try to get rid of myself each and every time. Every chance I could get I would hurt you, our lives were to easy nothing could kill us. Those were the longest years for any of our lives. Until the day when the entire planet completely erupted in fire, the horsemen coming after us. That was the first and only life I ever welcomed death. Since then I faught against it.

  Then in the sixteenth century, when we were born male again, and as every life before we fell in love. It was forbidden, it was a dangerous time to be gay, but we still fought it.

  Do you remember that night I was dragged by the horses and then hung. Do you remember what happened before that and how it happened?

  It was dark out, the stars so bright in the sky, nobody really understood them yet at that point, but Lumen and Tenebris stayed in their realms never returning until the mortals grew in intelligence. The four of us walked the streets, Keleel, Aquaria, me and you, after a night of hunting in the forest. But as we walked back we held hands, not thinking anyone would see us as we did so. After we had left Aquaria and Keleel at there building, we headed to our houses. Once I dropped you off, and we kissed someone had seen.

  The next thing I knew I had a burlap sack over my head and someone was swinging a wooden plank hitting me over and over in the face, then the body. Breaking my arms and legs so I couldn’t walk. My body couldn’t heal fast enough for the bones to re-sent and form. After they managed to break my body and beat my face in I remember thinking to myself that this was it, and Lumen had the right idea. This world wasn’t ready for immortals like us to live amongst them, that’s why we created our own realms in the first place. I felt the tight knit of the noose wrap around my neck just before the slap of the horse. I don’t know how I did, but I survived the dragging through the town square. They woke up the whole colony to make a point. After being dragged for hours, I felt the sun rising, warming the air around me. My body finally able to heal slightly from the beating and dragging but couldn’t break free of the ropes. And then when the sun was high in the sky I was thrown onto the colony hanging tree. And the last thought I had was why would they even care. Yes I was gay in the eye of their religion but I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I was only loving the man I chose for eternity. And then there was nothing, everything went dark for me.” I hoped he was able to listen to my story, I had wanted to tell him forever, but I never wanted him to feel like it was his fault, I wanted to tell him he gave me strength through everything our mortal bodies felt. He was always my inspiration to keep going to be better.

  “And you have always been my inspiration as well, you are the only reason our mortal existence is worth living year after year.” Desmond’s voice croaked, he lifted his hand to my face, as if to wipe tears from my face. “Are you ever going to get a body that can cry?” he said jokingly his voice so rough it croaked again as he laughed.

  “Your awake?” I said my voice coming out sad, almost disappointed.

  He looked up at me, smiling, his eyes slightly closed still in the sleepy state, “I’m sorry, I can go back to sleep if your upset about me being awake,” he said looking at me with his sincere eyes.

  “No, no, no, I just…” I began feeling stupid for saying what I did, I didn’t think he was awake for my story of our past. I knew he had never known what happened in the sixteenth century. I never wanted to tell him, he never needed to know, it was a painful memory to re-live.

  “Kade, its okay,” his voice still hoarse, “Just lay with me please.”

  “Anything for you,” I said laying on the bed next to him.

  My head lay on his shoulder, my legs curled next to him. He laid his arm underneath me as he wrapped it around me holding my shoulder. My arms wrapped around him, clasping on the other side of him. I lay there just relaxed in his arms. Knowing how terrified I was I could have lost him. We had just gotten back together, and the thought and pain made me feel ill, almost sick to my stomach.

  I looked up to Desmond’s face, he was smiling, his eyes closed and resting again, his breathing slowed almost to a stop again. I closed my eyes, he was alive. I drifted off, so comfortable in his arms.

  Chapter 21

  The Book

  Piper, Simone and Katterina stood in the doorway of Desmond’s room. Watching us as we lay there sleeping, startling me awake.

  As I looked up Desmond was awake as well, he must have been staring at me.

  “Good morning honey,” he whispered, petting my now standing up hair.

  “Good morning,” I replied still feeling sleepy.

  “It’s five in the evening, you two have been sleeping for almost two days. Kade the three of us need to talk to you, I’m sorry Desmond,” Piper said smiling at us.

  “Its okay, I heard you guys talkin
g in the door way earlier. I understand,” Desmond replied smiling at them.

  He lifted my chin up to his face, looking deeply in my eyes, “We will finish the conversation later,” he said, moving his lips toward me.

  I moved my face slightly to make sure your lips met, the sparks flew again, the electrical surge of our moistened lips touching just brought every feeling back to me. It was intoxicating. My mouth dried as my body temperature rose with every passing second he kissed me. My cheeks flushing crimson, my hands fidgeting. It was exciting and nerve racking, it was like it was the first time we kissed again. Teenage bodies were something else, every emotion, every feeling heightened to the extreme.

  Simone cleared his throat, while Piper and Katterina both clasped their hands together as if to make a noise. I looked up at them, scowling at them, this body wanted to continue with what I was doing, but I knew I needed to talk to them.

  “Fine,” I said breaking away from Desmond, his body rigid. He wasn’t done.

  “I’ll still be here when you get back,” He said smiling at me.

  “Can I get dressed first?” I asked looking at the three of them, I wasn’t sure if they wanted me to walk around in my messy hair and clothes I apparently slept in for two days.

  “Yes, we will wait for you in the throne room,” Simone said herding the girls out of the room.

  Like they said they were waiting in the throne room, each standing around the book. A tall wooden lecturn in the middle of the room holding it up. The book open the pages flipping back and forth as if the wind was carrying them, but it was under water?

  “Is this what you needed me for?” I asked feeling a little annoyed that the book doing magic was definity not worth waking me, or stopping me from spending time with Desmond.

  “No, we came back and this was happening. We each took a turn trying to read the book, but we can not understand what its talking about. We were hoping you could read it,” Kat said looking at me,


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