Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2020 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design: Covers by Aura

  Photographer: Valua Vitaly

  Proofreading: Danielle Stansbury

  Editing: Heather Fox

  Editing & Formatting: Sheridan Anne


  Ahhhhh…. the final book is here!

  Who am I supposed to dedicate it to? I guess that would be you, the reader who has come along on this epic journey with me and fallen in love with Ocean, Colton … and maybe Nic just as much as I have. If that’s you, then THANK YOU! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to keep doing what I love and that means the absolute world to me!

  I love you all!!!!

  To Heather - You’re freaking awesome! I give you impossible deadlines and you’re always like yeah, hit me with it!

  To Danielle - Without you, I’d be crying on my kitchen floor! You keep me sane!


  Gang life isn't for everyone, but a b*tch in colors always looks good.

  The West Side Wolves claim to be a brotherhood, but what do they do when a sister walks in demanding their attention?

  To everyone else, stepping into the Wolf Den was an epic mistake, filled with consequential betrayals. But to me, it was a necessity and I’m more than prepared to take on the vile evils that come with the territory because, in the end, it gets me one step closer to taking down Dominic Garcia.

  The b*tch is back. It’s kill or be killed. Ride or f*cking die.

  Every step I take drags me further and further away from my life with Colton. I’m taking hit after hit and time is officially ticking. I just hope that what we have is strong enough to pull us through to the other end because Colton Carrington is my end game.

  It’s time to stand up for what I believe in and make my move.

  It’s now or never. Fate won’t wait for anybody.

  The end is near; I feel it in my bones. But after all is said and done, where does that leave us, and who will be left standing?

  WARNING: Rejects Paradise is a Young Adult / New Adult Dark High School Bully Romance series. It features dark themes and mature content.





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38


  Rejects Paradise Series Playlist

  Ugly Girl – Aston Creek High (Book 1)

  Author Biography

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1


  Tears well in his pathetic eyes as he stares up at me, silently begging me to spare his life, but I’m not about that shit here. I’m Dominic Fucking Garcia; I’m un-fucking-touchable. No one gets away with turning their back on the Widows. No one.

  He knew the rules. All the fucking Widows do. My father ran a tight ship, but I’m not him. He used to let his men run wild; he used to let them get away with all kinds of shit as long as they came home at the end of the day. But loyalty means something a little different to me, and unfortunately for this fucker, he don’t got it.

  I crouch down, studying his face and taking in the black widow tattoo that sits just below his eyes. He doesn’t deserve our mark. He’s a traitor to his family.

  The light of the small warehouse flickers above and sends shadows soaring over his already terrified face. I love that fucking flicker. It’s why I use this warehouse. There’s something about a flickering light that sends an already scared man into overdrive. Maybe it’s the small buzz and zap when the light finally gives out and sends the room into darkness. It could be the way that it slowly rocks from side to side as the breeze comes in through the back door, casting shadows back and forth across the warehouse, playing mind games.

  I grin as the light flickers back to life. The fucker looks absolutely terrified.

  What can I say? I’m all about the dramatics.

  Murder isn’t something to take lightly. If you’re going to end someone and send them to the darkest pits of hell, then it’s always best to do it with a little terror in their system.

  Fuck, I can only imagine what someone on the outside looking in would think of me—that fucker needs therapy. They’d be right. I’m all sorts of fucked up, and it only gets worse, but what’s more, I fucking love it.

  Respect. Power. Domination. It’s all fucking mine.

  This is exactly what my father wanted for me, and it’s exactly what I took. I’m a fucking king and no one will take that away from me. I’m a god among my men, I’m a monster to the outsiders, and feared by the enemy.

  No one can touch me.

  “Come on, bro,” Kairo’s soft whine comes from the back of the warehouse, killing my vibe. “You've been playing with him for hours. Get it over and done with so I can get home and find a tight pussy to sink my dick into.”

  Always thinking about his fucking dick.

  My jaw clenches. Had that been anyone else interrupting my fun, they’d be on the ground beside this traitor, ready to hand over their life. Kai is my boy though, my best fucking friend, my brother, and my second. There are only three bastards in this godforsaken world that could get away with this bullshit—Kairo, Sebastian, and Elijah.

  They’ve had my back since day one. They've witnessed all the bullshit and know me better than I know myself. They’re the reason I’m not rotting in jail; they’re the reason my fucking father didn’t rot in jail. Without them, I don’t know where I’d be. They reel in my crazy. They think they know just how far I’ll go, but they don’t. If they did … fuck. I don’t even want to think about that.

  If they knew the shit that I did, they might just turn their backs on me too, and that’s a blow that I wouldn’t be able to come back from.

  I groan and ignore Kai’s comments. He needs to live a little; he’s such a fucking robot. I swear the guy’s never allowed himself to have just a little bit of fun.

  Keeping my eyes on my traitor, I pull my knife and bring it toward the fucker’s black widow tattoo. He doesn’t deserve to wear our mark on his skin.

  His eyes zone in, carefully watching the tip of my blade. “You fucked up,” I murmur, my voice low and threatening.

  “I … I … I know. I'm sorry,” he says in a cold sweat. “I swear, I’ll never do it again. Please, I …�

  “You’ll what?”

  The front of his jeans darkens with piss, and I scrunch my face in disgust. There’s nothing worse than a man who can’t handle fear, and judging by the shame that flashes on his face, he knows it. He’s not worthy of being one of my men. Had Russo been the one to take him, this bitch would have squealed in seconds. He would have told him everything there is to know about Dominic Garcia and the Breakers Flats Black Widows, and that shit is unforgivable.

  I slice the tip of my knife through his tattoo, making a point that he doesn’t belong. “You wear this tattoo with pride, yet you’re fucking the enemy,” I say, watching as he flinches with the sharp sting of the knife.

  A fat drop of blood begins running down the side of his face. I can’t take my eyes off it as it slides over his jaw and down the column of his neck. It’s fucking thrilling and within seconds, it’s staining the top of his already bloodied shirt. “I’m sorry,” he cries, fearing his time for begging is up. “I know. I fucked up. Please, Nic, I’ll—”

  “You did fuck up, and you did it willingly,” I laugh. “You turned your back on your family for what? Some cheap pussy?”

  “I love her,” he cries making anger pulse through me. “Kian knew about her. He was okay with it. He gave his approval.”

  A sick grin twists across my face. “Well, Kian ain’t here no more, and I’m not okay with my men fucking some slut Wolf. So, what’s it going to be?” I question. “Are you a traitor to your family, or are you one of us?”

  His eyes harden, knowing exactly what I’m asking. Is he going to be labeled a traitor and killed on the spot? Or is he going to give up the girl and be a part of our family, even if that means he will never earn my trust back, and probably get himself killed anyway?

  He nods viciously. “I’m a Widow,” he declares with tears in his eyes, viciously nodding his head, almost as though he’s trying to convince himself. “I’m always a Widow.”

  I straighten out of my crouch and look down at the pathetic excuse of a man at my feet. “Right, then what’s her name?”

  His face instantly drains of blood and I grin wide, knowing damn well this fucker isn't about to give up her name. He’s kidding himself if he thinks I’m about to let him back into my family. We’re built on loyalty and trust, without that, we have nothing.

  He starts shaking his head, proving once and for all where his loyalties lie, but it doesn't matter. I don't need her name; I already have it. Veronica Davies—though she's better known as Roni Russo around here. The one girl who broke free from this world and just happens to be the guidance counselor at a fancy private school for rich kids in Bellevue Springs. She’s also the woman who gave my girl the big idea that she could get out too. That bitch has her own crimes to pay for, and she will in due time. But first things first …

  “What’s wrong?” I question, crouching down again and trailing the tip of my knife over his skin. I meet his eyes, letting him see just how fucked up I really am. “I promise, I won’t touch her.”

  “Nic,” Kairo snaps from behind me, bored of my games. “Get it over and done with so we can get the fuck out of here.”

  My eyes sparkle in excitement as I watch the traitor on his knees before me. His jaw is clenched, staring up at me as though Kairo isn’t even in the room. “Leave her the fuck alone,” he spits through his teeth, giving one last half-assed attempt to save the woman of his dreams. “She did nothing wrong. Leave her out of this bullshit. She’s not even a Wolf. Her brother is.”

  “Ahhhh, you see that’s where you’re wrong,” I tell him, knowing that girl better than he could possibly know. “I hope you told her that you loved her when you left this morning.”

  His eyes go wide just as the swinging light above us flickers and sends the room into darkness. I can’t help the grin that takes over my face.

  That fucking light never ceases to amaze me.

  I sink my knife into his stomach and slice a deep curve just like my father taught me. His screams are strangled and filled with agony, but I tune them out in favor of listening to the soft, splashing sounds of his intestines sliding out of his body and hitting the cold concrete ground.

  Fuck, that’s satisfying. Wrong, but so fucking good.

  I have to be honest, this really wasn’t an easy trick to learn. I had to practice … a lot, but my father kept on me until I had it down to a fine art. It’s ironic, apparently, he’d learned it from Louis Munroe, Ocean’s father, back in the day when the two of them actually got along. You know, until the bastard got jumped in as a Wolf.

  The lights flicker above and restore light to the warehouse just in time to see the bastard crumble to the ground, and as he does, I hear Kairo’s disgusted groan from behind me. “Fuck, man. You just keep getting sicker,” he grunts, slipping his phone from out of his pocket.

  I laugh and clean off my knife against the fucker’s jeans until it’s sparkling clean before turning back to Kai. I shrug my shoulders and laugh. “What can I say? He had it coming.”

  Kai rolls his eyes as he brings up our cleaner’s number. “What’s wrong with a simple bullet between the eyes? It’s so much easier…” he looks down at the mess of intestines, looking a little green. “And cleaner.”

  I consider his suggestion and instantly know that a bullet between the eyes would have been too easy. A traitor should always go down with a little effort, sending a message to all the other bastards who want to cross me. I save the easy kills for the fuckers I don’t give a shit about.

  I’m just about to tell him that when the cleaner on the other end of Kai’s phone picks up and Kairo falls into conversation. “Yo, clean up at the old warehouse. Bring a fucking team for this one,” he says, eyeing me. “It’s a mess.”

  The guy responds and Kai meets my stare before giving a firm nod, telling me that he’s on his way. The call ends, and knowing damn well that the cleaner will do his job to perfection, we head for the doors, leaving the fucking traitor behind.

  We drop down into my car and take off, heading back towards the Widows compound when Kai’s heavy sigh draws my attention from the road. “What?” I grunt, knowing this guy better than anyone. He's not much for talking. He's the suffer in silence type, and sometimes a sigh is the only indication that there’s something on his mind.

  “It’s nothing, man.”

  “Fucking spit it out, bro.”

  Kai glances at me and rubs his hand over his jaw, deep in thought with regret heavy in his dark eyes. “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

  “The fuck?” I demand, turning my glare on him as my brows pinch in confusion. There’s a lot of shit I expected to come out of his mouth, but that wasnt it. “You want out?”

  His eyes widen and his arm slams out against my chest. “No, fuckwit. That's not what I mean. I’m a fucking Widow through and through. I’m talking about the fucking killing. It’s getting to me, Nic. It’s too heavy.”

  Understanding dawns, and I take a slow, deep breath, letting it really sink in. “You’re struggling with this shit?”

  “Yeah, man. I’m at the point of no fucking return. If I cross over it …”

  “You’ll be like me,” I murmur, finishing his sentence, knowing all too fucking well what it feels like. I crossed over that line years ago, and I’ve never been able to come back from it. It was a hard fucking pill to swallow, and I don’t want that for any of my boys, especially if it’s a road they’re not willing to travel.

  “Alright, man. I’ll sort it out,” I tell him, glancing across at him as we race through the streets of Breakers Flats. “You’re still my second though. Nothing will change that.”

  He nods. “I know.”

  Silence falls through my car as I knew it would. Kai’s good like that; he doesn’t need to fill the empty spaces with mindless chatter. That’s what Sebastian and Eli are for.

  We pull up into the Widow’s compound and the massive roller doors are opened for me. I drive on through, and just as I’m bringing my ca
r to a stop, my phone rings in my pocket.

  I get out of the car and close the door behind me while pulling out my phone. I glance down at the screen to find Eli’s name flashing up at me. I let out a heavy sigh. What does this idiot want? He’s been giving me a hard time for the past few weeks, ever since I slipped up and let Ocean know about the fucking cameras we had installed in her pristine fucking mansion. Ocean ripped into him, and I’m man enough to admit that it’s completely my fault, but he won’t let it go despite the many times we’ve talked it through. When things aren’t right with Ocean, they aren’t right anywhere, that’s just the way it is, the way it’s always been.

  She’s the light in all of our skies, but lately, our worlds have never been so dull. Though, that could also have a little something to do with the fact that I killed her father … so, there’s that.

  “What’s up?” I say, walking deeper into the compound with Kai at my side.


  The fuck is his problem?

  I stop in the middle of the compound, not liking his tone one bit. Not because he’s fucking screaming at me but because of the heavy betrayal lacing his voice. My brows instantly dip. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I question, making Kai stop and look back at me with his brows drawn, only to have Sebastian step in behind him and look at me in the same curious way.

  “Ocean,” he demands over the sound of his car engine roaring. “What did you do to her?”

  Great. What have I done now?

  I clench my jaw. I haven't exactly been upfront with these guys about killing her father or Charles Carrington. If they knew what I’d done … fuck. I’d lose them all. I let out an irritated sigh. “Not this fucking bullshit again,” I snap, getting ready for the same old argument. “I fucking told you; we had a disagreement.”

  “A disagreement?” he scoffs, his voice quickly rising into hysteria. “Fucking bullshit. A disagreement doesn’t lead my fucking girl to waltz into the Wolf Den.”

  I snap my gaze back to Kai and Sebastian and just like that, they know exactly who this is about. “What the fuck are you talking about? What do you mean she went to the Wolf Den?”


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