Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4) Page 2

by Sheridan Anne

  Sebastian’s head snaps up. “What?” he demands as Kai stares with wide, horrified eyes, a million different scenarios flying through each of our minds.

  “I mean what I fucking said,” Eli snaps, his following growl more vicious than I’ve ever heard him. “What did you do to her? I’ve been with her all fucking morning. She said you didn’t give us the full fucking story, and when she went to leave, I followed her only to find her pulling up in Blaxlands Grove and walking straight to their fucking door like she owned the place. WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?”

  FUCK. Fuck. Fuck.

  The betrayal slices through me like a warm knife through butter, and I might as well be the traitor bleeding out on the cold ground. If they knew I went there and held a gun to her head, forcing her to choose between me and Colton … FUCK.

  My silence speaks volumes, and as Kai and Sebastian stare at me, knowing whatever I did would have been awful, Eli’s voice comes rumbling through the phone. “You’re fucking dead.”

  The call goes silent and my hand instantly clenches around my phone. “FUCK,” I yell before launching my phone across the compound. It smashes against the brick wall and splinters into a million pieces.

  “What the fuck did you do?” Sebastian demands, stepping right into me and blocking me. “Where’s O?”

  I slam my hand against his chest, forcing him a step back. “What does it fucking matter now? That bitch betrayed me. Betrayed us all. She’s the fucking Wolves problem now.”

  Sebastian pushes me right back, and within seconds, we have the eyes of every fucking Widow in the compound on us. Slowly they creep in, waiting for the moment they're needed to protect their leader from a threat. But they should know, if any other fucker lays a hand on one of my boys, they’ll have me to deal with, even if one of them has a gun against my head.

  Oceania Munroe is a fucking goddess. She’s the love of my life, but the fact that she’s in the arms of that rich prick has me going in-fucking-sane. None of that matters right now. All that matters is how badly I screwed up. I pushed her too far; sent her straight into the arms of the enemy. They have her right where they want her now, ready to squeeze every last ounce of information out of her, and then fuck her over for fun. She’ll give them what they want with a fucking smile on her face, just to stab me in the back.

  She’s the real traitor here. She turned her back on her family and I will never forget it. If I didn't love her, she would have been finished when she chose him over me. Why doesn’t she understand that she belongs with me? We’d be unstoppable together.

  Sebastian steps into me, crowding me as his eyes narrow to slits. He’s the fun-loving one, but when he needs to be, he can be dangerously lethal. “What the fuck did you do?” he growls, repeating himself so low that Kai flinches, getting ready to jump in to pull us apart.

  My hands curl into fists, more than ready to lay his ass out when a high squeal of tires comes to a screeching halt just outside the roller doors. Eli comes tearing in, ignoring all the Widows who now have their guns out, ready to face down any threat.

  Eli comes storming up to me and grabs the front of my shirt, hauling me away from Sebastian, and within the blink of an eye, his fist smashes against my jaw like a fucking freight train. I stumble back and crash into Sebastian, who pushes me right back at Eli, who’s ready with another punch, this time straight under my ribs, instantly winding me. “FUCK,” I grunt, spitting out a mouthful of blood before straightening up.

  I throw myself right back at the fucker and we go crashing down against the hard concrete floor of the compound. I nail him back, right in the eye, knowing damn well that the dick is going to have one hell of a black eye for the next few weeks. The fucker bruises like a peach.

  We go punch for punch until we’re both panting for breath, and only then does Kai get sick of it, commanding Sebastian to help tear us apart.

  Two minutes later, we sit at the bar of my compound with ice-packs chilling on our battered bodies and a bottle of rum sitting between us.

  “Alright,” Kai finally says, walking around the other side of the bar so that he can have all of our attention as Sebastian moves in on the other side of Eli. “You have two fucking seconds to tell us what the fuck is going on.”

  I grab my shot glass and let out a heavy sigh as my finger traces the rim. I take the shot and then finally look up at the boys. I can't get away with this much longer. They have absolutely no issue with torturing the information out of me. “I fucked up,” I tell them with a cringe, finally admitting it out loud. “On Wednesday, when O was chilling at my place, I sort of demanded that she marry me. Then when she told me no, we got into it and she went back home.”

  “Her friend was hurt,” Sebastian throws in.

  “Yeah,” I continue, filling up my shot glass and throwing back another. “I kinda followed her home and cornered her and Colton in the hospital parking lot. Then with a gun against her head, I forced her to choose, and well, she chose fucking wrong.”

  I take another shot just moments before Kai’s heavy fist slams against my cheek, instantly fracturing the bone. I fly back off my chair and crash down to the fucking ground, but I relish in it. I thrive on the pain. It’s like a drug to me.

  I get to my feet, wiping a hand down my aching face and spit out another mouthful of blood, glad that I took those few shots to help dull the ache.

  “Fix it,” Kai demands.

  I scoff, scrunching my face in distaste. “No. She fucking chose. She’s done with us.”

  “No,” Sebastian snaps. “She’s fucking done with you. She’s like a little sister to me and I’m not going to let your bullshit stand in the way of me mending my relationship with her. We have to go and get her. She’s not safe in the fucking Wolf Den.”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” I tell him, eyeing him and reminding him who’s the fucking boss around here. “It’s a fucking suicide mission. She walked in there on her own. This is her problem now, let her clean up her own mess for once.”

  Eli throws himself to his feet, fuming as he stares at me while struggling to keep in control. “Are you fucking kidding me? This is O we’re talking about. Oceania fucking Munroe, not some dumb bitch.”

  “She. Chose.”

  “Get the fuck over it,” he snaps, throwing his hand out and knocking the bottle of rum off the side of the bar, letting it crash to the ground and smash into a million little pieces. “She told you from day one that she wanted out of Breakers Flats. She hates gang life. She doesn’t want to be anywhere near it, so why the fuck would she want to come back here to play your little traumatized wife? She’s stronger than that, and you know it,” he says. “You want to know why she was here in the first place? She was looking for help and she fucking came to me. She may have chosen to be with Colton, but she still chooses to have us in her life.”

  I flinch at his words. They fucking stung.

  Kai steps around the bar, keeping his narrowed, jealous gaze on Eli as he moves in toward him. “What kind of help would she need that made her come all the way out here?”

  In other words, why the fuck did she go to Eli and not him?

  Eli drops his gaze, and I watch as he clenches his jaw, unable to keep the curiosity off my face. I might be angry as fuck with Ocean right now, but that won’t change that I’d lay my fucking life down for her.

  Eli’s hands go into his hair, and he instantly starts pacing in front of the bar. “Shit,” he spits through his teeth, fighting whatever inner demons are creeping up on him. “I fucking promised that I wouldn’t say anything.”

  Sebastian grabs Eli by the front of his shirt and pulls him into his chest. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Eli sighs, looking sick to his stomach. “She’s fucking pregnant,” he sighs, self-hatred flooding through him. “She asked me to go with her to get checked out.”

  My hands ball into fists as my jaw clenches hard enough to crack a fucking tooth. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  “No,” E
li says, rushing in, slamming his hand against my chest. “It’s not him. I’ve been at the fucking doctor’s with her all morning. She’s seven weeks. That makes it Jude’s baby. That fucking rapist knocked up our girl and now she’s in the Wolf Den with a death wish and a baby to look out for.”

  Kai grabs a bottle of bourbon from the bar and takes a long swig before looking at me. “I don’t give a shit what you have to say,” he tells me as Sebastian and Eli move in to flank him. “We’re going after her and you’re either with us or against us.”

  I clench my jaw and watch them. “It’s a fucking suicide mission.”

  “She’s worth it,” Sebastian snaps.

  The longer they watch me, the heavier their stares become, but it doesn’t take them long to realize that this time, they’re out on their own. They’re right, Oceania Munroe is fucking worth it, but I can guarantee that the next time she sees me, she’ll be putting a bullet right through my head, and that’s not something I’m about to risk.

  If they knew, they’d fucking understand, but then, they’d also be fighting over who gets to pull the trigger. What it really comes down to is that she ran to the Wolves instead of coming to us. The boys might think that she’s there because she’s too scared and doesn’t know what to do. The truth of the matter is, I know her better than any of these fuckers. She is strong enough to handle the baby on her own. She walked into their world because she wants to go to war. So, instead of fighting for her, I take a step back and wave my hand toward the exit. “Fuck off then,” I tell them coldly. “Go and save that traitor and her rapist’s baby. You’re on your own.”

  The boys gape at me in horror before shaking their heads and turning on their heels. They stalk right out of the compound, and within seconds are in Eli’s car, turning their backs on their family. But they’ll be back soon enough. Once a Widow, always a Widow.

  I used to tell her, ‘No friends, only family.’ That saying used to hold weight between us, but not anymore. Oceania Munroe is no longer friend or family, and if it’s a war she wants to bring to my doorstep, then it’s a fucking war she’ll get.

  She better be prepared because I don’t lose.


  Chapter 2


  The smell of rust and blood lingers in the air of the dark Wolf Den. It smells something like the wine cellar dungeon in the bottom of Colton’s mansion, making me wonder what kind of secrets lay hidden in this place. Though, maybe wondering about that really isn’t the best idea. I’m sure the secrets this den holds would be far worse than anything I’ve ever seen before.

  I’ve only been here for twenty minutes, and that’s more than enough time to realize how badly I screwed up. Well, sort of. I should never have come here. I never should have walked through the door and signed myself up for a lifetime of gang violence, but I had no choice. I had to do it. I didn’t take this decision lightly, and despite how stupid it sounds, there’s a method to my madness.

  No one will understand, but hopefully, one day they will. I’ll probably have destroyed all my friendships before then anyway. If the boys knew I’d come here, they’d be broken. Standing with the Wolves is the ultimate betrayal. They’ll never forgive me for this.

  How am I ever going to face them knowing that I stepped through this door with the intention to go against Nic? But, on the other hand, how could I bring a child into this world while up against a constant threat? I don’t know how I feel about this child yet, but one thing is certain, it’s half mine, and that means that I have a responsibility to give this child the best life possible.

  Colton is where it gets complicated.

  I’d do anything to have an easy life with him. He’s going to be the one who takes this betrayal the hardest. I can just see it now. Had I gone home and explained this all to him, he would have played the role of my white knight and he would have done it flawlessly. He would have told me that he’d take on this baby as his own and to forget about Jude. He would have tried to deal with Nic himself, and he would have done everything in his power to take my fear away, but Colton doesn’t know Nic like I do. Nic doesn’t like to lose. He will keep going, hit after hit until he finally gets what he wants, and I can’t bring that shit to Colton’s door. It’s already bad enough as it is. I need to face this head-on, and I need to do it with an army at my back who isn’t afraid to get hurt.

  I have to end this before it’s too late.

  There’s a sinking feeling in my gut. I know this war is going to end with someone getting hurt and it terrifies me. Hell, even if it’s Nic … no. I can't have anyone getting hurt. I should want Nic dead for everything he’s done. He killed my father and then lied about it. He held me while I cried and promised me vengeance. All this time I’ve wondered if I’m becoming a monster, but the truth is, the monster has been right there by my side the whole time.

  Nic killed Charles in response to a threat. He took away my right to privacy when he covered the mansion in cameras. He sent the DeCarlos to our doorstep. He hurt me, dragged me down the stairs, and bruised me over and over again. And then comes the killer; he held a gun on Colton and then pressed it against my temple, demanding that I choose.

  I honestly thought there was a good chance that I could have died in that parking garage, but I wasn’t about to lie to myself and tell Nic that I was still his special little girl. I was never going to ride off into the sunset with him and become his little gang wife. Surely, he must have known that. Colton is where my future is. He’s my ride or die … assuming I can get through this and assuming he doesn’t look at me like used goods when he discovers that I’m pregnant with my rapist's baby. He wouldn’t though, he’s too good.

  Nic has to go down. There’s no other option. For my sake, for Colton’s sake, and for my unborn child’s sake.

  Had anyone suggested such horrors to me six months ago, I would have had them committed. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Nic was capable of all of this, but everyone changes and everyone has their secrets. I nearly killed a rapist who was locked up in a dungeon, and Colton shot a cold-blooded murderer in his kitchen. I guess everyone is capable of shit like this. The question is, how well they can keep it hidden?

  I sit in the Wolf Den, cautiously looking around. There are strange men everywhere and not another woman in sight. I feel their eyes on me, watching me as though I’m a cheap stripper who just got invited to the bachelor party. They look at me like a treat, like they’re about to bow down to Russo for bringing me in here for their enjoyment. It sends chills shooting down my spine. I shouldn’t be here. I should have figured out another way.

  Russo led me through the door and told me to sit my ass down before walking away, leaving me to fend for myself. That was twenty minutes ago. I never thought I’d utter these words, but I actually preferred him standing by my side. I felt oddly safer though I shouldn’t. I’m sure Russo is worse than them all. His closet would have the worst kinds of skeletons.

  The Wolf Den is remarkably similar to the Widows shitty little clubhouse. It has a crappy living area, which is where I am now. There’s a bar filled with everything brown under the sun, the concrete floors have bullet holes and skid marks, while there are at least three smashed windows which have been pathetically boarded up.

  This place would be all kinds of fun, you know, if I was a maniac.

  I watch everyone with a sharp eye, keeping track of their movements, watching what they’re drinking and who they’re talking to. It’s like a puzzle that I need to work out. It doesn’t pay to be stupid in places like this.

  I watch as a man steps through the same door that I'd only just come through. He’s covered from head to toe in tattoos and does everything in his power to look dangerous. His gun is at his hip, being shown off for every motherfucker to see. A nasty, red scar sits under his eye and stretches down to his lip.

  He doesn’t look like the kind of guy I want to fuck with. When his eyes come to me, he licks his lips as though he’s about to indulge in an
afternoon snack. I have no choice but to make him my business.

  I feel the eyes of the Wolves track his movements, and the way they watch him sends my blood cold. These guys are afraid of him and seeing as they’re Wolves, that speaks volumes.

  Scarface strides toward me, mentally undressing me. He shoots his hand out, pointing toward the guy behind the bar. “Drink.”

  The bartender instantly gets on it, and I swallow hard as he continues coming my way. He steps up close, hovering above me, and I look up at him from where I sit on the lone couch of the living area. “Get up,” he snaps, licking his lips.

  I narrow my eyes, more than aware that I need to play this carefully. “I’m not interested in being your little play toy. Get lost.”

  He steps closer, and I can feel his heavy boot pressing against my shoes. “I said, get up.”


  “Because if I grab you, these fuckers are going to try and stop me. Now, get the fuck up and start walking your ass out back before you cause a scene.”

  I laugh, standing to give myself leverage. “You’re fucking insane if you think I’m about to go anywhere with you.” His hand shoots out, and I slap it away with a sharp smack that sounds throughout the whole den. “Keep your dirty fucking hands off me, or I will become your worst fucking nightmare.”

  Scarface snaps. His big hand curls around my throat and squeezes, lifting until I’m barely hanging on by my tippy-toes. “You don’t think I know who you are, Widow?” he demands, leaning in closer and whispering in my ear. “You don’t think I see you hanging around Garcia and his boys all the time, whoring yourself out? You have a lot of fucking nerve coming in here and telling me who or what I can’t fuck. If I say I want to fuck you, then you better get on your fucking knees and start begging for it.”

  I slam my knee up into his groin and watch as the fucker falls to the dirty floor before me. “Trust me, dickhead. You don’t want to see what happened to the last motherfucker who thought he could put his hands on me.”


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