Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4) Page 9

by Sheridan Anne

  I dig into the deep pockets of my sweatpants, and as I pull my phone out, I find an unfamiliar number flashing on my screen. My brows drop but realizing that it must be a Wolf issue, I unlock the screen and hesitantly accept the call. “Hello,” I say cautiously.

  “Kid, it’s Christian.”

  Relief surges through me, but I’m not going to lie, I’m still far too on edge for my own good. “What’s up?”

  “Listen,” he says, his voice low and muffled as though he’s hiding away to make this call. “You need to watch your back. Snake held a vote today.”

  “A vote?”

  “Yeah, that fucker has it in for you. He put it forward that if you want to be one of us, that you need to join how the rest of us did.”

  My brows pinch as confusion begins to baffle me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “We all got jumped in, Ocean, and now they’re going to do the same to you.”

  Well, fuck.

  Chapter 9

  I drive through to the garage of the Carrington mansion, and as I go, I can’t help but look around in fear. They wouldn’t really jump me, would they?

  Fuck. I’ve been around guys like this since I was a little girl. Of course they would go through with it. They don’t give a shit that I’m female, and they certainly don’t care that I’m knocked up. All they care about is making a point that they’re on top, and I’m a nobody. I’m nothing to them, just another person they get to exploit and hurt in the name of ‘family’ and ‘tradition.’

  This is bullshit. I can only imagine what Colton is going to say about this. I still haven't heard from Eli, Sebastian, or Kai, but I’d assume that they’d be against it too. Though, who really knows when it comes to them? They’re all wild cards now, and I hate that about them. Surely they’ll be able to forgive me. Nic doesn’t deserve to just sit back and watch all the chaos burning around him, he needs to burn too, and I’m going to make sure of it.

  I bring the Audi to a stop and I can't help but glance around the dark garage, feeling like I'm being watched, but that's the paranoia getting to me. They're not here. If they were going to jump me, it wouldn't be in my boyfriend’s prestigious and expensive garage. When they come for me, it will be in some dodgy back alleyway or an abandoned parking lot. Though, maybe they should get to me here. With any luck, they'd get distracted by the shiny toys and give me a chance to escape.

  Yeah … that’s a long shot. They’d only jump me first and then steal the cars as well.

  Slipping out of the Audi, I hit the button for the remote garage and watch it with a keen eye, making sure it gets all the way to the bottom before taking my eyes off it. Is this going to be my life now? Peering around every corner and constantly watching my back? To be fair, I probably should be doing that anyway when there are men like Dominic Garcia hanging around.

  I must have done something really shitty in another life, and now it’s all coming back to haunt me. No one deserves this shit. I guess the question is, how many hits am I willing to take to make Nic suffer for all that he’s done?

  Confident that the Wolves aren’t about to jump out from behind Colton’s parked Veneno, I take a breath and slowly let it out before making my way to the internal entrance into the mansion. It’s eerily quiet in here, and I hate it. I’m used to seeing Harrison waiting by the front door and the sound of Mom busily running around, but today, there’s nothing.

  I make my way deeper into the mansion, and with every step I take, my heart slowly begins settling back to a normal rhythm. I hate the feeling of constantly being scared, but being with Colton is one of the few places where I can escape. He's my safety net, the one place I can find peace.

  I walk through to the staff quarters, expecting to find Mom and Harrison fussing around as the rest of the staff gets everything done, but walking in, I find it completely empty.

  What the hell is going on here?

  I turn on my heel and stalk back into the main part of the mansion. Colton’s Veneno was in the garage, so he’s definitely home. It's rare that he ever takes any of the other cars, so I doubt that he’s gone anywhere.

  I hear soft clanging coming from the kitchen and I follow the noise, unsure of what I will walk in to find. I turn the corner into the kitchen and come to a standstill, looking in at the candlelit room while my boyfriend slaves over the stove, probably having no idea what he’s doing.

  I gape in awe, struggling to move my feet until he glances up and gives me one of those award-winning smiles. “I thought you’d never come home,” he complains with that cheeky grin that I love so much.

  “Oh, really?” I laugh, walking in and feeling the butterflies taking flight in my stomach. “With everyone out of the house, it sure seems like you were expecting me.”

  He shrugs his shoulder. “What can I say? I had Milo text me when you were leaving.”

  “That little rat,” I grumble, finally stepping into his arms. I can’t help but look around the room and feel like the most loved woman on the planet. “What is all of this?” I ask, taking in the flowers on the table, the stunning candles flickering in the dim light, and the soft music playing in the background.

  Colton pulls me into his arms and drops a kiss to my lips. “I figured you could use a night to forget about all the bullshit.”

  I push up onto my tippy toes and slide my arms around his neck. “I think you’d be right about that.”

  Colton looks down into my eyes, and a moment of seriousness passes between us, one that has him reaching for the stove and turning it off. “I really hate that you’re going through this,” he tells me. “I feel like I’m letting you down. Like I’m just standing back and watching you make a mistake.”

  I shake my head, hating how pained he is over this. “You’re not,” I insist. “Stepping in and not allowing me to see this through would be the mistake. I need to do this. You’ll understand when it’s all over.”

  “I get that,” he says. “I don’t like it, but I get it. I just wish there was something I could do to take away all your suffering. There’s nothing I wouldn't do for you, Ocean. I’ll fucking pay for your freedom if that’s what it takes. I’d give it all up just to see you safe.”

  “I’d never ask that of you.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. It doesn’t mean that I wouldn't do it, though.”

  I brush my lips over his, loving the feel of his kiss against my lips. “You’re a stubborn asshole, you know that, right?”

  He nods, a smile pulling at his lips. “Right back at ya, Jade.”

  I can’t help but grin up at him, and as our eyes meet, he pushes me back against the counter, caging me in with his hard body. My hands slide down from around his neck and travel over his strong arms, feeling the tight ridges of his muscles.

  He drops his face into the curve of my neck, and I feel his lips brushing over my sensitive skin. “Fuck dinner,” he murmurs, his voice low and filled with desire. “I think I’ll eat you instead.”

  His words are my undoing, and everything clenches deep within me. How does he have such a profound effect over my body? One minute I'm happy in his arms and the next I'm desperate to feel him deep inside me.

  Colton Carrington is zero to one hundred in the blink of an eye, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Need pulses through my veins, and I press my body against his, desperate to feel his skin on mine. His hands slip under the fabric of my too-big shirt until they’re tickling my skin and giving me only a fraction of what I need. “I love it when you wear my clothes,” he tells me, slowly raising the shirt up my body. “But I love it more when you wear nothing at all.”

  The shirt comes over my head, and he drops it on the marble floor before putting his hands back on my waist. His fingers travel down as his lips return to my neck, driving me wild with need. His fingertips slip under the waistband of my sweatpants, and with a gentle push, they fall down my legs, leaving me standing before him in nothing but a black bra and a skimpy lace thong.
r />   A groan tears from the back of his throat as he takes me in. The sound speaks to the devil living inside of me, spurring me on, even more so when his large hands curve over my backside and squeeze firmly, teasing me with their power.

  Colton lifts me up onto the counter, and I instantly spread my legs, allowing him space to get even closer. I don't waste a second unbuttoning his shirt and pushing it open to see his sculpted chest. It’s so perfect, my mouth waters. I push the shirt over his shoulders and lick my lips as the soft material drops to the floor behind him, leaving him standing before me with that warm sun-kissed skin begging to be touched.

  Colton’s hands roam over my body, and I lock my legs around his waist, pulling me in until I feel his hardness against my center. He grinds against me, and a soft moan pulls from deep inside of me.

  The wait is torture. I need to have him now.

  I reach down between us and unbuckle his belt then tear it free from his pants in one easy pull. Sensing my urgency, Colton’s lips lift into an excited grin. He slides his hands around my body, taking hold of my lace thong at the top of my ass and tearing hard, ripping the flimsy material right off my body.

  My lady bits clench, and I bite down on my lower lip. Holy hell. How is this even real? Men like Colton need to be arrested and detained. The power they have over the opposite sex should be illegal.

  The second his pants are gone, his large cock springs free. I watch with desire as he takes hold, curling his fingers around his base and slowly working up and down.

  Fuck me. I’m going to hell for this.

  Colton’s eyes sparkle as he watches me squirm. He knows what he’s doing to me, and if he’s not careful, I might just play the same game.

  He finally takes pity on me and curls an arm around my waist before scooting me toward the very edge of the counter and lining himself up with my entrance. The tip of his cock rubs against my clit, teasing me and driving me wild.

  I tighten my legs around him, pulling him closer. His lips drop to my neck, and he tsks me while swiping his impressive length over my sensitive skin again. “Patience,” he murmurs against my neck, his lips working me and making me flood with desire.

  I curl my hand around his back and up into his messy hair, fisting my fingers into it, dying for some kind of release. “I have many skills, Colton,” I whisper, my thinly veiled desperation seeping through my quiet tone, much like the wetness between my legs. “But patience isn’t one of them.”

  “I know. That’s what makes it so good.”

  “Careful,” I tease. “If you can’t make it happen, I’ll have no choice but to take matters into my own hands.”

  Colton pulls back, meeting my eyes and almost looking offended with my comment. “I dare you to try,” he says, rubbing that heavy cock over my clit just for fun. “Then see what happens.”

  I reach down between us, taking his cock in my hand, loving the feel of his velvety skin on my fingertips. I work my hand up and down, curving my thumb over his tip with every chance I get. He groans and leans into me, meeting his lips with mine as his fingers finally find my entrance. He slips two thick fingers straight in and curves them just right so with that very first touch, he finds my G-spot, making me gasp in excitement.

  He plays with me, torturing my body as I do the same to his, and then all too soon, his fingers pull out of me, and I watch as he brings them to his mouth and sucks them clean. I gape at him, loving every second of this, but I don’t get a chance to linger on it before he pushes me down on the counter and grabs my legs, opening them wide.

  Colton lines himself up with my entrance while watching my heated body. I feel so vulnerable, so exposed. Yet in this dim candlelit room, I’ve never felt sexier, that is, until he pushes into me and makes me feel more alive than I've ever felt in my life.

  He fills me to the brim, stretching me as he goes. His hands slide over my body, gently pinching at my pebbled nipples. I can’t help but tip my head back, feeling every nerve ending light on fire and begin to burn within me.

  He draws back before sliding straight back in, and the soft, delicious groan that rumbles through his chest is enough to set me off.

  He works me, treating my body like a blank canvas with all the potential in the world. He touches me just right, every brush of his fingertips, every scan of his eyes. It’s intoxicating. His thumb presses down over my clit as he pulls out of me. I suck in a gasp, the feeling almost too much to handle.

  Colton watches me with heat in his eyes, seeing my pleasure as his own. I clench down around him, feeling that familiar ache beginning to build deep within me, so strong and enticing. He meets me thrust for thrust, giving me exactly what I need and picking up pace as his thumb teases my clit.

  “Holy shit,” I pant, squirming beneath him, my orgasm building so strong that I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.

  Colton’s hand slips into mine, lacing our fingers and squeezing hard. “Don’t you dare come, not yet.”

  “I … can’t,” I pant, feeling my orgasm right on the edge.

  He clenches his jaw, so fucking close. His hand tightens on me as he adds more pressure to my clit. I barely hold on, squeezing my eyes closed and silently begging him to launch me over the edge. “Fuck,” he grunts. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

  My head tips back further, and I arch my back off the counter, pressing my tits up into the air. I grab hold with my other hand, squeezing them, kneading, and pinching while feeling his burning gaze on my body. “Fuck yeah, baby,” he groans through his clenched teeth, watching me play.

  He gets even faster and then, finally, tips me over the edge. I clench down on him, feeling my orgasm tear through me like dynamite as he comes hard, deep within me. My body squirms, my toes curl, and my bottom lip is nearly shredded from my bite.

  Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, or maybe Colton is just that good, but I’ve never felt it so intense, so deeply, or so satisfying. My body is completely wrecked. I’m so exhausted and utterly spent that after he pulls out from me, I can’t move. I just lay there, spread eagle on the kitchen counter until he returns to me, surprising me on the other side of the counter with his lips on mine. “Are you okay?” he murmurs, his lips stretching into a boyish grin.

  I roll my eyes at his charm. He’s like a kid who just saw his first set of tits, so proud of himself. “Mmhmm,” I grumble, refusing to get up.

  Colton sits me up and spins me around on the counter until I’m facing the massive living room. “What do you need?” he questions, scanning his eyes all over my face and body.

  “After that? A joint.”

  He grins, that same boyish charm shining bright. “Seriously, babe. Do you need anything?”

  Hunger tears through me at his question. I look back at the stove, knowing damn well I don't have the energy to cook. “Chinese take out would be good.”

  He slips his phone out of his pocket, and I momentarily wonder when the hell he had a second to put his pants back on, but decide that I don’t care enough to ask. His phone goes straight to his ear as he winks at me. “You got it, Jade.”

  I smile wide and quickly lean in, kissing him before he pulls away with his call. When the guy at the restaurant answers Colton starts pacing the kitchen, putting in an order big enough to feed an army.

  I glance out the window, but with the dim lighting, it acts more like a mirror and reflects everything that’s happening inside the house. I watch Colton from his reflection before scanning over myself, still naked on the counter.

  I should really get myself dressed. After all, Colton never actually specified where everyone is tonight. I just assumed that we had the place to ourselves.

  I jump down from the counter and walk around to the other side of the kitchen to find my clothes. After putting on my bra, I search around for my panties but quickly remember that Colton had torn them from my body. I guess I’m going commando for the night.

  I pull on the sweatpants that I’d stolen from Colton this morning and a
s I roll the material over at my hips to keep them up, I find myself walking toward the massive floor to ceiling windows, staring at my reflection.

  My eyes drop over my body. My tits had been tender this morning but they seem fine now, my stomach though … My hands glide over my abdomen, unable to comprehend that in a few short months, it’s going to be bulging with a child. It’s still completely flat for now, but it won't be long until it starts to grow.

  When does that even happen? Is it going to be weeks or months until my secret is revealed to the world?

  Do I even have it in me to be someone’s mother? I’m only seventeen. Given my birthday is coming up but magically turning eighteen and technically becoming an adult isn’t going to change that.

  Just like everyone keeps reminding me, I do have options, some scarier than others. The thought of abortion doesn’t sit well in my mind. The whole pro-life thing really isn’t something that I’ve ever had to consider before. I mean, what girl my age really has unless she’s been in this exact situation? I really don’t know where I stand but thinking about it now, I don’t know if I’d be able to go through it, which leaves me with two options; adoption or being this baby’s mom.

  Glancing back, I find Colton watching me as he talks on the phone. As if sensing that I’m about to work myself up into a panic, he steps in behind me, curling his arms around my body, and pushing my own hands out of the way.

  He finishes up on the call, and his phone gets put straight back into his pocket as he kisses my temple. “You’re going to be just fine, Jade,” he promises me. “Now, come sit down, then you can tell me why you looked like you were going to be sick when you first walked in here.”

  Christian’s call instantly comes to mind, and I have to admit, the idea of getting jumped really does make me forget about the whole baby thing.


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