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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

Page 15

by Sheridan Anne

I drop my haze, unable to meet his eyes. “I …”

  “Jade, no,” he breathes, desperate to keep me here where he knows I’ll be safe. “What can I do to make you see that you're not guilty in this? You haven't hurt anyone, you've never taken a man's life, you've only ever been guilty of caring too much.”

  “I'm just ... I'm sorry. I have to go down there and see what's going on. All this waiting to hear something is driving me insane.”

  “There's nothing I can do to change your mind, is there?” I press my lips into a hard line and gently shake my head before he steps in close and drops his forehead to mine. “You're going to do everything in your power to make this happen without me by your side, aren't you?”

  I nod, realizing just how well he's come to know me. “I'm not going to drag you into this world, Colton. They'd drain you of everything you have. It's too dangerous for you.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “Please, I just need you to trust me one more time.”

  He rubs his thumb over the faded bruising on my cheekbone. “I trusted you against my better judgment, and look how that turned out.”

  “They won't hurt me now. I'm one of them now. All they can do is tell me to fuck off. Anything other than that is going against Russo, and he won't stand for that. Besides, Christian and Jaren will be there. I'll be safe.”

  “Do I need to remind you that Christian was the guy who delivered the final punch?”

  “Really, you don't need to remind me about that. I'm more than aware of what happened. I remember every little second of it.”

  Colton shakes his head. “I don't like it, but if you really insist on doing this, then I'm coming with you.”

  I raise my chin, letting him see the defiance in my eyes. “No, you're not. I understand that you're protective of me, and I know how much it killed you seeing me get hurt, but I can't have you there. Russo was lenient letting you stay in the hospital room while he talked, he won't offer that same leniency again. He'll take it as you shitting all over his generosity.”

  Colton scoffs at my use of the word generosity. He steps back from me and runs his hands through his hair. “I don't like this.”

  “I know, I don't either, but whether we like it or not, this is a part of my life now, and in the long run, saving face with Russo is going to be better than him thinking that I'm still loyal to the Widows.”

  “FUCK, OCEAN,” he grunts, beginning to pace the room before turning back to me. “I really fucking hate it when you're right.”

  I walk into him and take his hands, lacing his fingers through mine. “So, you're not going to fight me on this?”

  He groans, and it's obvious just how much this situation is hurting him, but it's better than me just slipping out the door and not telling him about any of it. “I want a call from you the second you get there, and then a text every five minutes after that until you're back in the car and coming home to me. Got it? If you even miss one of those texts, I'll be coming after you.”

  I press up onto my tippy toes and brush my lips over his. “Thank you. I promise I'll be as quick as I can be.”

  “Good. Try not to let any of those fuckers jump you again.”

  “I promise.”

  He groans again, his frustration coming out loud and proud before blowing out a deep breath. “Get out of here before I change my mind.”

  “Okay, love you,” I tell him before slowly stepping back and allowing our hands to drop into the empty space between us.

  He gives me a pained smile, and before I convince myself to stay, I hurry out of his gym and make my way to the garage.

  Just as I've become accustomed to, I drop into the Audi and hit the button for the remote garage. It opens wide, letting the morning sunlight spill into the oversized showroom. I hit the gas, and two hours later, I'm bringing the Audi to a stop and trying to remind myself of why I thought that I needed to be here.

  I give Colton the call he'd asked for, and after demanding that I keep my attitude to myself while I'm in there, I end the call and take a shaky breath. I shouldn't be so scared of this. I should be able to walk in there with my head held high. After all, I'm one of them now. There shouldn't be a reason for any of them to want to hurt me now. What a fucking joke.

  I climb out of the Audi and slip my phone into my back pocket, right beside the gun that sits in the waistband of my sweats before locking the car and walking toward the Wolf Den.

  I can only imagine what Nic and the boys would think of me voluntarily walking into a place like this.

  Fuck, I miss them. I miss the relationship we used to have. It was so simple, so easy and full of love, and now it's just strained, broken, and pathetic. I have faith that Sebastian, Kai, and Eli will come around though. They have to.

  Shaking the thought from my head, I push through the same door that I'd come through two weeks ago, only this time, I'm not met with a welcome party. The Wolf Den is just as I remember it—dark, haunting, and terrifying.

  There are people scattered everywhere, all minding their own business. Nearly everyone glances up as I walk through the Den but instantly looks away. I pass a scowling Scarface who watches my every step, yet he remains where he is, and I can't help but wonder if that's due to me stealing his gun and kicking his ass or if it's because I was jumped in. Probably the latter.

  Not wanting to engage with anyone but the people I know, I walk straight over to the bar and let out a breath of relief seeing Jaren busily working. I might have told a little white lie in telling Colton that Jaren and Christian would be here in case things went south, but if I was left to defend myself, I would never have been able to get him to agree to this. Actually finding Jaren here makes me feel a million times better though.

  “Well, well, look who the Wolves dragged in.”

  “Ha. Ha. Funny,” I tell him darkly. “What's going on?”

  “Not much,” he says, scanning his gaze over my bruises with disappointment shining in his eyes. “So it's true, huh? You got jumped in?”

  “Unfortunately,” I grumble, feeling ashamed of the bruises and wishing that I could somehow hide them away.

  “You okay?” he asks. “Mine was brutal.”

  “I'll live,” I tell him. “Have you seen Russo? I need to speak to him.”

  Jaren shrugs his shoulders. “Pretty sure he's in his office. He never really comes out of it during the day, only for special occasions.”

  “You mean when a knocked up seventeen-year-old girl shows up at the door with information on the one guy he’s been trying to take out for years?”

  “Yeah,” he says, nodding as a grin spreads wide over his face. “That’ll do it.”

  I roll my eyes and push off the edge of the bar, heading toward the side door and pushing through to the back rooms. It would be so much easier if I actually remembered which one of these doors was his office.

  As I walk, I pull out my phone and send a quick text, knowing damn well that Colton would be watching the clock like a hawk with his keys already in his hands, assuming he didn’t actually follow me here and is just waiting around the corner.

  Ocean - I’m alive! You can relax.

  Colton - Like hell, I’ll be able to relax. Get what you’re looking for then get your ass out of there.

  I grin to myself, knowing I shouldn’t tease him but finding it impossible not to.

  Ocean - Really? Some of the guys mentioned having a rave in the Den tonight. I was thinking I could stick around and party with them.

  Colton - Home. Now.

  I laugh as I slip my phone back into the pocket of my sweatpants, finally finding the right office. My hand curls around the doorknob, and I twist while gently wrapping against the wooden door.

  I swing it open and step into the office, not bothering to wait for an invitation. After all, Russo certainly hasn’t offered me the same consideration. “Hey, I … WOAH, FUCK.”

  I come to a startling stop, staring ahead at Russo, who stands at his desk with a platinum blonde
, buried deep inside of her as her head is pressed down against the dirty desk.

  I know I should scramble away and start apologizing. Yet I find myself unable to move, unable to take my eyes off the woman who looks as though she’s seeing a ghost.

  Laurelle Fucking Carrington.

  A grin stretches over my face, and I lean back against the open door before I start howling in laughter. “Well, well,” I say as she finally pulls herself together and fixes her designer skirt back into place. “There’s a face I never thought I’d be unlucky enough to ever have to see again. This certainly is unexpected.”

  Laurelle shoots a fierce glare at me before turning back to Russo. “Do something,” she shrieks in that over-privileged tone of hers. “Get rid of her.”

  Russo drops down into his desk chair, batting her out of his way as he shrugs his shoulders. “Not going to happen, love,” he says. “She’s a Wolf now. If anyone should be leaving, it’d be you.”

  “Excuse me? You made this little bitch a Wolf?” she demands, looking down at him as though she can kill him with just her stare alone, which obviously has absolutely no effect on Russo.

  “You heard me,” he says, pulling open his desk drawer and pulling out a cigar. He takes a moment to light it up, and soon enough, a cloud of smoke gets blown into Laurelle’s face. “Now, see yourself out. You’ve done your job. I needed you to watch over Ocean until I could get to her, and you’ve done that. I’m finished with you now.”

  Laurelle’s eyes widen in horror, just as mine do. Russo was the one to put her in my life? She never actually came back to see Colton? This is ridiculous. How does he have that kind of pull, you know, apart from the obvious stuff like being the guy who’s currently fucking her?

  Her glare falls onto me, and realizing that I'm not about to leave, she focuses back on her Wolfy lover. “Excuse me?” she demands. “No one dismisses me like that. Do you have any idea who I am? That bitch put me through hell. She cost me my son and humiliated me in front of the Bellevue Springs elite. I’m not leaving until she’s dealt with. You promised that she would be dealt with.”

  “And she was, but let’s face it, Laurelle, you came here to fuck and for nothing else,” he snaps back at her, “I happily obliged, but now it’s time for business.” He glances back at me with curiosity in his eyes while waving his hand toward Laurelle. “I trust you can find your own way out.”

  Laurelle sucks in a deep breath and slams her hand down on his desk, making me jump while he doesn’t even flinch. “I said that I wanted her dealt with. I haven't been coming here every week for the past four months and sucking your dick for nothing. Finish this.”

  Russo stands and grabs Laurelle by the throat. He shoves her up against the wall and leans into her, easily overpowering her and reminding her just how replaceable she is. I’m sure a guy like Russo would have a line of women waiting to have their turn with him, hoping he could offer them and their families some kind of protection from the outside world.

  “You seem to forget who you’re talking to,” Russo growls. “I’ve put up with your bullshit for months now. If I knew you were going to be such a demanding little whore, I would have used one of those prissy daughters of yours instead. I wanted Ocean, and now I’ve got her. You’re done here. There’s nothing else for you.”

  Her eyes flick to mine, and I see the panic deep within them, knowing that Russo isn’t above snapping her neck like a twig, but it’s not my place. She cuts her gaze back to Russo and knowing my eyes are on her, she decides to play brave. “You said I’d get paid.”

  “You were paid, baby,” he says, leaning into her and rubbing his groin against her hip. “If you wanted cash, you should have specified. My time and dick don’t come free.”

  She stares at him a minute longer, clenching her jaw until he finally releases his hold on her. She sags once his tight grip is removed from her neck and with no other choice, she runs for the door, not sparing me another glance.

  I stare at the empty doorway in shock. Did that really just happen?

  Russo drops back into his desk chair. “Ocean,” he says welcomingly, as though a scorned woman didn’t just run out of here after having her neck just moments from being snapped. “Lovely to see you so soon. You seem to be healing well.”

  “I, umm … yeah.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  I stare at him, unable to recall the reasons that brought me to his office as I'm still far too caught up on everything I’d just learned. “You put her in my life?” I say, completely baffled by the connection. I mean, how did they even meet in the first place?

  Russo’s brows furrow, confused about why I feel the importance to ask. “Yes,” he states. “I thought that much was clear. I told you that I had people watching you.”

  “Yeah, but I figured you just meant your men, not those kinds of people. Who else is on your payroll that’s been hiding in plain sight, pretending to be someone they’re not?”

  He shakes his head, deep in thought. “That’s a very broad question,” he says. “I’m not about to go telling you all of my secrets, but I guess now that you’re one of mine, there’s no harm in sharing the names of those who have immediate access to you.”

  “Names? As in plural? How many people do you have watching me?”

  “There have been plenty. I’ve had eyes on you since the second your father was murdered. But let’s see, in more recent months, Robert Rinaldi and the coach at that ridiculous school … what was his name?”

  My eyes widen. “Coach Sylvester?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one. He’s been on my payroll for years. It was a real hassle when you had him fired. That cost me a bit of money having him bailed out. That idiot just had to go and incriminate himself. I should have left him rotting in that cell. He’s only ever caused me trouble, just like you seem to be doing. I had to go and get Dean Simmon’s onside after that.”

  I gape at him. “Go back. Robert Rinaldi? As in Milo’s father?”

  Russo shrugs a shoulder. “I believe so. I can’t say that I’m particularly familiar with the names of his offspring.”

  “Wait … just wait,” I say as dread sinks heavily into my stomach. “Are you telling me that Milo was put in my life? Does he know about this?”

  Russo looks to be getting bored of our conversation and leans back into his chair. “I can’t speak for your friend. That's a conversation you will have to have with him. I’m not about to pretend to know about the conversations Rinaldi has with his son. Now, tell me why you’re sitting in my office.”

  “I …” I shake my head, still struggling to wrap my head around everything that’s gone down over the last few minutes, but I have no choice. After all, there is a reason I’m here, and it’s a shitload more important than Russo having a few of his watchdogs on me.

  I meet his eye and swallow back fear, showing him that I deserve to know every last fucking detail he has. “I need to know what’s going down with the Widows, and I won’t be taking no for an answer.”

  Russo watches me a little while longer, studying the sharp lines of my clenched jaw. His eyes narrow in consideration, and as he relaxes back into his chair and laces his fingers, the most unexpected words come out of his mouth. “Alright,” he finally says. “Here’s what you need to know.”

  Chapter 16

  The Audi flies through the streets of Blaxlands Grove and into Breakers Flats. I’m doing anything and everything to try and be okay with what just happened. I drive on auto-pilot, not even sure where I’m going until I'm pulling up at the shitty little lake where I used to come with the boys.

  I’d called Colton the second I got out of there but told him that I needed some space to breathe. He didn’t object but seeing as though I was out of the Den, he really had no reason to argue. I could tell he wanted me home, but that’s going to have to wait until I can begin to wrap my head around everything I just learned. I mean, Laurelle Carrington was screwing Mikhail Russo, and then on top of that, Milo migh
t have been put into my life. Is our friendship even real, or is he being forced to remain by my side? I think I’d break if I discovered it wasn’t real.

  After pushing the seat back and swinging the door open wide, I prop my feet up onto the dash, and look out over the water. The breeze sails through the open door and watching the lake before me is so soothing and refreshing. I’d give anything to have the life of still water—drama free. The only thing it has to worry about is drying out in the middle of summer, but even then, when the kids come to play, all it ever sees is joy and happiness.

  I just want it to be over. I’m sick of walking around every corner, only to be smacked in the face with someone else’s bullshit on top of all the bullshit already circulating my life.

  Ten minutes turn into twenty, and before I know it, a familiar car is pulling in beside me. That’s my cue, telling me that it's time to go, only I can’t find the strength to turn the car back on and get out of here.

  I just sit, staring at the water and letting the breeze blow away my problems as Kai, Sebastian, and Eli come and lean up against Eli’s car and watch me through the open door.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, not taking my eyes off the lake.

  “We could ask you the same thing,” Sebastian says. “I saw you flying past my street and figured that you’d be hanging out here.”

  I shrug my shoulders, too out of it to bother searching for the sarcasm that his comment requires. “Good job. You caught me.”

  “What’s going on, O?” Kai murmurs, his voice filled with concern. “You look like shit.”

  I let out a sigh and climb out of the Audi before walking down to the lake and kicking off my shoes. I roll up the bottom of my sweat pants and step into the cool water. “It’s just been an interesting morning,” I tell them as all three of them follow me down to the water’s edge, standing behind me, so they don’t get their precious sneakers wet.

  “Were you planning on elaborating on that?” Sebastian murmurs, his voice low as he tries to hide his curiosity, trying really hard to be mad at me.


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