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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

Page 24

by Sheridan Anne

  “I want to fuck you all night, Jade. If you don’t start moving, I’m going to come.”

  I lick my lips, the sound of his satisfaction urging me on. “You’ll wait,” I tell him, reaching behind me and taking his hands in mine. “Just like you make me wait.”

  “Babe,” he groans, desperate for his release.

  For a brief moment, I consider taking pity on him and ending his torture, but it’s been a long day, and I want to take my time, enjoying every little second. I slow my movements even more and reach over to his bedside table before yanking his phone charger out of the wall socket.

  Colton meets my eyes, his brows creasing with confusion, though it doesn't last long before he figures out my plan.

  I bring his hands up to his headboard and loop the charger cable around one of the posts before tying up his hands. My tying skills aren’t up to scratch, so he could free himself if he really wanted to. Judging by the look in his eyes, the brief moment of distraction has given him the time he needed to get himself under control, and he’s more than prepared to let me run the show.

  He tests his hands against the charger cable, and it instantly becomes loose. I raise a brow, clenching everything below the border and getting his immediate attention. “Are you going to behave?” I question, leaning forward and tightening it again. “No hands.”

  “That depends,” he tells me, his eyes dark and inviting. “Are you going to keep playing with me, or are you going to fuck me like you mean it?”

  I lean into him, kissing the side of his neck and teasing his warm skin with my tongue. As I finally make it down to the base of his neck and gently bite, a small gasp of surprise tears from within him, urging me on. “Why can’t I do both?”

  His lips pull into a grin, and before he has the chance to take over, I rise up off his excruciatingly large cock, and shimmy my way down his body. Licking my lips, I let him know exactly what I want. After all, I’ve been thinking about making this whole dessert before dinner thing a bit of a trend around here.

  His eyes all but roll into the back of his head, just imagining how good this is going to be as I look down at the mammoth of a cock that’s begging me to take it deep into my mouth. It glistens with my wetness in what little light that comes from the cracked door, and I find myself anxious to get started.

  I peek up at him through my lashes, watching as he’s already pulling on his wrists, wanting to grab hold of me and tie his hands around my hair. “No hands,” I remind him.

  Colton nods, and with that, I close my lips over the tip of his cock, instantly tasting myself on his skin. I lower myself down, taking him until I feel him in the back of my throat before roaming my tongue over his tight length. Every muscle in his body clenches, and I can't help but take a second to look up at him and watch the desire cut across his handsomely rugged face.

  My pussy pulses with need, flooding with heat until I’m dripping wet. I’d give anything to climb back up his body, release his hands, and shove my ass up in the air so he can fuck me until the sun comes up, but this is too good, the tension, the desire, the need. It’s all too much but so fucking perfect.

  As my mouth and tongue work up and down his cock, teasing his tip and giving him the ride of his life, his sheer size leaves me no choice but to get both hands involved. I keep it slow and torturous, and although I know what he wants, I also know what he needs.

  My tongue runs over his tip again, and I watch as he pulls on his binds and growls low, wanting to touch me. “Fuck, Jade,” he groans, his words speaking to the vixen living deep inside of my soul and urging me on.

  I pick up my pace, twisting my hands up and down as I go. My tongue works him as my mouth clamps down around him. I go deeper, testing my limits and feeling him right there in the back of my throat, somehow managing not to gag. Though something tells me that he’d like to see the tears in my eyes as I struggled on his cock.

  I move up and down again, and just as he hits the back of my throat, all his muscles tense. He groans in pleasure as hot spurts of come travel down my throat. I take every last bit of him, swallowing until there’s nothing left to give, and only then do I pull him out of my mouth and use my thumb to put on a show of cleaning myself up.

  Colton watches me as I lick my lips, showing him just how much I enjoyed playing with him. He pulls against his hands, assuming I’m done, but I haven’t even gotten started. I shake my head, climbing back up his body, and by the time I lean into him, he’s desperate to get my lips on his.

  “Do you have any fucking idea how agonizing that was not to touch you?”

  I grin against his lips. “I was counting on it.”

  With one quick pull, Colton tears his hands free from the cable and rolls us until he’s hovering above me. “Is that really the game you want to play?” he questions, moving down my body, kissing every inch of me as he goes.

  I squirm under his touch, and just when I think it’s about to get good, he keeps going, straight off the end of the fucking bed. “What are you doing?” I pout in protest, watching his naked ass as he struts across the room.

  Colton looks back over his shoulder, smirking as he makes his way over to a set of drawers. He opens the second one down, and I raise my brow as he pulls out a spreader bar, something I thought I’d only see in movies like ‘50 Shades of Grey.’

  I stare, unable to comprehend what I’m seeing, but damn, I’m so down for this.

  Colton makes his way back to me. “You know what this is, right?”


  “Ever used one?”

  I shake my head.

  “Just say the word, and I’ll put it away right now,” he comments, raising a brow as he reaches the end of the bed.

  I shake my head. “Have you ever known me to say no?”

  Colton kneels on the end of the bed, trailing his fingers down my legs until they’re at my ankles. “Only when you’re being stubborn.”

  I can’t help but laugh and find myself propped up on my elbow, watching as he straps my ankle into the little cuff before reaching for the other. I’m intrigued, watching his skilled fingers as they work the little buckles. He’s done this before. He exudes confidence, the kind of confidence that a rookie wouldn’t be able to rock.

  “You want to tell me where you learned about this shit?”

  Colton meets my eyes, and as he smirks at me, he spreads the bar wide and my legs open, exposing every inch of myself to him.

  Fuck me, this is going to be fun.

  He pushes the bar up the bed, forcing my knees up and somehow managing to expose myself more. He walks back to his closet and comes out a second later with two ties that I’m sure are made of the most expensive silk.

  My wrists are bound just like his were except there’s no way that I’ll be getting out of this.

  By the time Colton makes his way back to the end of the bed, I’m a mess filled with a nervous anticipation. I'm more than experienced when it comes to being a little kinky, but this is certainly different. I can’t say that I’ve ever done anything like it before but fuck it, I’m so down. In fact, I’m already excited about telling Milo all about it.

  Shit. Milo? Why the hell am I thinking about Milo at a time like this?

  Focus, bitch. You only get to experience this shit for the first time once.

  Colton climbs up the end of the bed until he’s kneeling between my legs. He looks down at me … all of me, and the hunger in his eyes has me almost coming on the spot. I instantly start squirming, unable to help myself as the need intensifies within me.

  He better touch me fast because there’s no way in hell I’m going to last very long. Hell, I could probably just think about coming and throw myself off the freaking edge.

  Taking pity on me, Colton drops his fingers to my knees, slowly trailing them down my inner thigh, watching the movement with fire deep in his eyes. He’s looking at me as though he’s been thinking about doing this since the second he met me.

  His fingers finally f
ind my center with the softest brush over my clit, and my whole body flinches, needing so much more. I’m so sensitive, so attuned to his touch.

  He does it again, grinning as my body trembles under his touch, only this time he doesn’t stop. His fingers travel south until he finds the promised land, and he instantly pushes them deep inside me, finding me dripping wet and more than ready.

  His fingers curl, moving in and out as he teases me, hitting the right spot and sending me insane with pleasure as I pull against my binds. My whole body squirms as I have no choice but to completely give myself up to him. It’s intoxicating, riveting, addictive, I could do this until the end of time. I’ve never felt anything so intense. At least, I thought so until he drops his mouth to my clit and makes me scream out his name.

  My body convulses, trembling with every swipe of his tongue. His fingers are relentless, hitting the spot over and over again with perfect precision.

  I’d give anything to wrap my legs around his head and squeeze, but the fact that I can’t and am leaving every ounce of my pleasure in his hands is leaving me completely breathless in all the right ways.

  “Fuck, Colton,” I yell, not giving a shit if I were to wake his sisters. “Yes, FUCK.”

  He keeps going, adding pressure to my clit, and then in a blinding flash of pleasure, my orgasm slams through me, making me come on his fingers while calling out his name. My eyes clench, and I throw my head back, arching my back off the bed as my orgasm rocks through me.

  Colton doesn’t relent, continuing his torture on my body until my every nerve is completely numb.

  My breath comes in short, sharp gasps as I struggle to take a deep breath, feeling as though I’ve just run a marathon.

  My head falls back against the mattress, and I meet his heated stare. “You’ve been holding out on me,” I comment, wondering what other tricks he has hidden up his sleeve.

  “Baby, you haven’t seen nothing yet.”

  With that, Colton grabs the spreader bar and flips me onto my stomach before pulling me up to my knees. I squeal out in pleasant surprise as he presses his large hand into the center of my back and forces my chest down until my ass is high in the air, all his for the taking.

  Colton moves in behind me and just like that, fucks me until we’re both collapsing into an exhausted heap in his bed, completely and utterly spent.

  Chapter 26

  My fingers trace circles against Colton’s chest as I listen to the soft, rhythmic beat of his heart. It's the first thing in the morning, and my eyes are heavy with the need to sleep. After the night we shared together, I thought sleep would have come easily, but the second Colton drifted off, everything else came rushing back.

  I knew I should have told him last night, but we had such a great night together that it would have been a shame to ruin it with my new reality. How am I supposed to tell him that I’m not a free woman and in possibly more shit than I was before? It’ll crush him, but I’m done with the lies and secrets. No more. The second he wakes up, I’m laying it all out for him, and then we can make a plan together.

  I intend to have Colton in my life for as long as he will have me. I’m kinda hoping that’s until one of us is laying on our deathbed, you know, in sixty years, not tomorrow when Nic realizes what the hell is going on. For that to happen, we need a clean slate where the trust can go both ways. After Colton killed Marco DeCarlo, I asked for complete honesty from him, and it’s only fair that I do the same for him.

  As my mind swirls, while trying to figure out the best way to break it to him, my hand pauses on his chest, which makes his tighten around my waist. “Why’d you stop?” he grumbles. “I was enjoying that.”

  “Sorry,” I murmur, picking up the movement again. “I didn’t realize you were awake.”

  “I’ve been up for a while,” he tells me on a yawn. “Your thoughts are so loud that I can almost hear them. What’s going on? You barely slept all night.”

  “Did I keep you up?”

  He shakes his head and pulls me closer into his chest. “You’re fine, Jade. What’s bothering you?”

  “It’s the Wolves,” I tell him.

  Colton lets out a heavy breath and starts rubbing his hand up and down my back. “You don’t need to worry about them anymore. Russo let you go. They’re not your problem.”

  My face pulls into a twisted cringe. “That’s not exactly what happened.”

  “What do you mean?” he questions, sitting up in bed and twisting until he’s meeting my eyes. “That was the deal I made with him. He gives you your freedom in exchange for his business.”

  I shake my head. “He just told you what you needed to hear so he could get his ass out of there,” I tell him. “He didn’t let me go. Instead, he stood down as leader and slotted me straight into the spot.”

  His face scrunches, and he looks at me as though I’m speaking another language. “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re not the fucking leader of the Wolves. Stop bullshitting me.”

  “You don’t know how much I wish that I could start running around here saying ‘gotcha’ but I can’t. He made the announcement last night, and I had to face down a hundred Wolves who didn’t think that some knocked up, teenage kid has enough balls to lead them, and honestly, I had a hard time believing it too.”

  Colton throws himself out of his bed, gaping at me like some kind of stranger. “What the fuck, Ocean. You’re only just telling me this now? You had all fucking night.”

  “I know, but I wasn’t willing to ruin our night. It was too good,” I say, peeling myself off of his bed and walking around to put myself right in front of him. My hands fall to his biceps and I hold onto him tight, forcing him to take a few calming breaths. “It’s okay, Colton,” I whisper. “I’m right here, and I’m okay. I handled the situation last night, and I have the Wolves on my side. It’s not exactly a great position to be in, but it’s better to have them standing at my back than stabbing a knife into it.”

  Colton shakes his head, not liking this one fucking bit. “Jade,” he murmurs, meeting my eyes and looking fucking sick about it. “What do we … fuck. I can’t even think right now.”

  “It’s okay,” I tell him. “I’m still struggling to wrap my head around it too. But right now, we don’t need to do anything. Though eventually, I need to make a move to prove that I’m worthy of their loyalty, and the sooner I make my move, the better. Each and every one of them got on their knees and vowed that they’ll follow me, but they’re going to expect something great to come of this.”

  “Like what?” he grumbles, beginning to pace the room.

  “What do you think?” I murmur. “They want Nic.”

  “And you promised to hand him over.”

  I nod, taking a deep breath. Colton drops onto the end of his bed and instantly pulls me down into his lap, nuzzling his face into my neck and breathing me in. “Could you do it?” he questions, holding me a little tighter. “Because I don’t want to see what happens if you don’t come through.”

  I nod again. “Out of everyone,” I whisper, curling my arms around his neck. “I’m the only one who could even get close enough to try.”

  “That’s not what I’m asking, Jade,” he tells me, his voice low and filled with concern. “When it comes down to it, do you really have what it takes to finish it? This is Nic, the guy you grew up with, you shared your life with him, and a huge part of your heart still lives with him.”

  “I …” I shake my head. “I honestly don’t know. Could I stand in front of him and pull a trigger? I don’t know, but could I hand him over to the Wolves to protect my family? You bet your ass I would. Nic needs help, he needs guidance, and he needs someone to pull his head out of his ass and help him to see that everything he’s been doing is wrong. He's so drunk with power that he’s completely lost himself. I miss the guy that he used to be.”

  “How can you be sure that the old Nic is still in there?”

  I press my lips into a tight line, refusing to believ
e the worst. “Because I have to. It’s the only hope I have of getting through this. To find that he’s no longer in there and the Nic that I once knew is gone .. that would crush me.”

  Colton nods before taking my chin and forcing my stare back to his. “You realize that if you hand him over to the Wolves, they're not going to give him the chance to get better. He’ll be dead within seconds.”

  My gaze drops to my hands. “I know,” I murmur. “But what choice do I have? If I don’t hand him over, I’m a traitor, but if I do hand him over, I’ll be condemning him to death. Even after killing both of our fathers, I can’t help but still feel for him. All I can hope is that during all of this, I can somehow get Kai, Sebastian, and Eli out of this.”

  Colton shakes his head. “You know that’s not possible,” he tells me. “While Nic is still at war, they won’t rest, even with you wearing the crown of their enemy.”

  I let out a breath and climb off his lap before collapsing into my pillow. I hate it when he’s right like this. The boys will stand by Nic until the last possible second, even if it means giving up their lives in the process. They’re a stubborn bunch, and I hate them for it.

  “I had a call from my lawyer,” Colton offers, making my head snap back up to meet his eyes. “He said that they were able to spin some self-defense bullshit and that Nic will be getting out at some point today.”

  My eyes bug out of my head. “Self defense?” I gape. “It was a gang war. How the hell did your lawyer manage to spin that shit?”

  He shakes his head. “Trust me,” he says, his voice losing its edge. “Those fuckers don’t get paid that much to sit around and twiddle their thumbs. There’s a reason they’re on my team. I only have the best there is to have.”

  I nod. “So, he’s really getting out?”

  “The cops are still digging deeper, but unless they can pull something out of their asses by 5pm this afternoon, then yep, the fucker’s getting out.” His words rock me with a wave of devastation, making me realize that while Nic was locked away, he wasn’t able to get to me. No phones to harass me, no chances at a random school drop-in, no turning up at my home. I was safe, and now that he’s coming out, we’re back at square one.


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