Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4) Page 26

by Sheridan Anne

  “Yeah,” one of the Wolves in the front says with an arrogant grunt. “What of it? Every fucker around here knows of them. The whole fucking country knows them. So what? They have nothing to do with us.”

  “I know,” I say, sending a gare his way. “They have nothing to do with us because they have everything to do with the Widows. They’re their main source of income right now. Dominic struck a deal with them last year, now every cent of their illegal businesses run through the Widows. Without them …”

  I let the thought linger in the air and watch as understanding beings to dawn on their faces, and along with it comes respect. They're no longer seeing me as just a dumb girl, but someone with brains, a chip on my shoulder, and the overwhelming need to prove myself.

  Christian steps in closer, his eyes narrowing as he looks over my shoulder at Vincent. “They’d have nothing without this fucker. No cash flow, no access to weapons or drugs. They’d be out of business within weeks.”

  I nod. “I mean, I’m sure they’d find other connections and make more deals, but this would be a massive hit. This would set them back years, and they’d never fully recover, leaving the Wolves as the only major players in town. Dealers will have no choice but to run their drugs through us, weapon dealers, and everyone else in the fucking game is ours for the taking.”

  I glance back at Russo to find his brow raised, looking somewhat impressed as his men grin, looking as though they’re already prepared for a massive payday.

  “Alright, then,” Christian says, pulling out his gun and stepping up in front of Vincent. “Say no more.”

  “Hold up,” I say, reaching out and taking the gun right out of his hands, only to have him gaping at me as though I just committed some terrible, offensive crime. “That’s what Colton is here for.”

  I hand the gun back to Colton, and Christian instantly tenses, not trusting him for one second. Ignoring him, I continue, not about to let this bullshit come to light, especially while we’re down here. “A few months ago, Vincent had his sons come through Colton’s home, my home. They terrorized us, destroyed our home, and killed a good friend of mine. Colton made a promise that night to destroy the whole DeCarlo name and so far, has solely been responsible for dealing with every single one of them. Now, there's only one left. Call it two birds, one stone.”

  The Wolves all glance around, unsure of letting Colton in on this shit, but with me in charge, they have no choice. I let my words sink in, giving them the information they need to know that Colton isn't here to play games, letting them know just how capable he is to screw them over if they were to mess with him.

  A moment passes before Christian finally steps back, and Colton takes his place, looking back at me. “I don’t want you to watch this,” he tells me, meeting my eyes and knowing damn well that I’m going to be seeing this moment over and over again in my sleep until something equally as bad takes its place.

  I shake my head. “Don’t worry about me,” I murmur. “I won’t look weak in front of these guys. No matter what the cost. Just do it.”

  He watches me a second more before walking over to Vincent and stepping right in front of him, meeting his stare. “I trust that you remember exactly what I said that I was going to do to you.”

  Vincent’s only response is to spit at his feet, and I raise a brow before stepping into Colton’s side. “Hey,” I snap, waiting just long enough for his eyes to flash up to mine before nailing the fucker right in the nose and listening to the satisfying crunch of his bones breaking beneath my fist. “That was for Maryne.”

  Colton meets my eyes, and as I shake out my hand while trying my best not to curse out in pain, fire burns in his eyes. “Fuck, you’re hot when you take charge.”

  I can’t help but grin despite the bleeding man making a mess of blood at my shoes. “Really, now? How’d you like me to take charge when we get home?”

  “You’re fucking on, Jade,” he tells me before turning back to Christian. “Get him on his knees.” Christian doesn’t like it, but he does what he’s asked.

  Everyone watches with wide eyes as Colton steps toward Vincent and presses the tip of the gun right against his spine. “Let’s hope this doesn’t kill you,” he says, bending down to murmur into his ear. “I’d love nothing more than to watch you spending the rest of your life as a vegetable, watching as I take every last thing from you.”

  Vincent struggles against his binds, but with one devastating BANG, his body goes limp. The only sound echoing through the room are the chains as they dangle above his head, slowly coming to a stop.

  Colton’s gaze sweeps to mine, checking that I’m not about to start freaking out, and I watch as he wipes his fingerprints off Christian’s gun and wordlessly hands it back to him. He never takes his eyes off mine. “You good?” he questions, walking around to me.

  I nod before turning back to the Wolves and watching as one by one, they make their way out of the basement, leaving just me, Colton, Jaren, Christian, and Russo.

  Jaren instantly starts working on releasing Vincent by pressing a button and letting his body drop heavily to the ground. Blood splatters around his fall, and I have to look away.

  If anything, I should be looking at Colton to try to ease my mind, yet I find my stare digging into Russo’s as he looks back at me with that same consideration he was watching me with yesterday. “Why?” I ask. “Why put me in this position? Is this just some big joke or some kind of ‘fuck you’ to Colton?”

  Russo glances at Colton at the mention of his name, and realizing that I'm not going to get any answers with him standing right here, Colton leans into me. “I’ll be waiting by the door if you need me.” I nod and watch as he walks away before focusing my stare back on Russo.

  He looks around before coming back to me and letting out a heavy breath. “The truth is, Colton is going to destroy me whether or not I let you go. So, yeah, the fact that this grates on his every nerve is the fucking icing on the cake, but the real reason I put you at the top is because you’re the only one here who’s strong enough to handle it.”

  I raise my brow. “You’re fucking with me, right?”

  “Not at all,” he tells me. “Your boyfriend was going to start digging into my business whether I let you go or not, so long as I’m going down, why should I let you go, especially when you have so much potential? You’re a lot like your dad. Do you know that? He was a fucking stubborn asshole, but he was a leader, just like you.”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m nothing like my father.”

  “Believe what you want to believe, that’s your business, but I say it like I see it, and I’m never wrong,” he says, getting back on track. “I give Carrington two months tops before he has the FBI knocking on my door, and dragging me away in chains. I need to be prepared for when that happens.”

  “So, why not give it to Snake?”

  Christian scoffs, pretending not to listen to our conversation but unable to help himself. Russo glares at his son before bringing his attention back to me. “In case you haven’t noticed, Snake is a loose cannon. He moved into your father’s position once he was killed, and it’s a decision I’ve regretted ever since. He’s not ready. He'll never lead my men because with him in power, my men will all be dead within two seconds.”

  “Okay, so Christian? I’m sure he’ll do a much better job than I ever could.”

  Russo narrows his eyes, wondering why I’d suggest Christian when their relationship is strictly on a need to know basis, but seeing that I know what hasn’t actually been said, he gives me the benefit of the doubt. “Because my son will never lead my men while I am still breathing.”

  “So, you just figured that you’d throw it at me.”

  He nods. “I needed someone strong and who wasn’t going to sit back and take my men’s shit. I needed someone who thinks outside the box and who actually gives a shit about human life. That person was you, and while I hate how quickly my men are accepting this change, it’s for the best. The Wolves are a
sinking ship. Within a year, they’re all going to be dead or in prison, but you can turn it around.”

  With that, Russo simply turns and walks away, leaving me gaping at his back as Christian looks on in disbelief. “Did he really just say that?” I ask, glancing up at him.

  “Trust me, that fucked with my head just as much as it did yours,” he tells me. “Now, let’s get out of here before these other guys start talking shit.”

  I glance at the two other men he’s referring to, the two still dangling from the large meat hooks as he leads me toward the door. “Who are these guys?”

  Christian nods toward the guy in the far corner. “That one raped Snake’s mom. He’s been here for two months already. I can’t imagine that he’ll be around much longer. And the other guy,” he says, nodding in the other direction. “He’s a traitor. Gave up three of our guys to save his own ass.”

  I nod, not wanting to get into any of it, but as we walk out of the door, I can't help but look back into the basement. I take it all into consideration, pressing my lips into a firm line. “From now on, all this gets handled somewhere else. This is our home, and you don’t bring shit home with you, you leave it at the door.”

  “Couldn’t agree more,” he tells me.

  “Besides, if the cops come storming in here and raid the place, we’re all fucked. Have the guys deal with it.”

  Christian nods as he pulls the door closed, locking it just as it was before. “Done. Anything else?”

  I find Colton standing outside the basement and walk straight to him as Christian falls in beside me. “I want to go to school,” I tell him. “I can't be here everyday running all this shit.”

  “Are you planning on going to college?”

  I nod. “Thinking about it.”

  “Right,” he says, as Colton takes my hand. “Then I’ll do it. I’ll run the day to day bullshit and overlook everything with Jaren while you make the big calls. Go to school and have a life like a normal teenage girl.”

  “It sounds like you're trying to faze me out.”

  Christian glances down at me with a nervous hesitation in his eyes. “Would that be such a bad thing?” he questions, unsure how this is going to go.

  I shake my head, a grin stretching over my face as I finally begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. “Not at all.”

  With everything done and dusted, Colton gets my ass out of there as soon as he can. With Christian overlooking everything, I finally feel like things are going to start turning around. “I got a call while you were talking to Russo,” Colton tells me as we drop down into his Veneno.

  My brow raises, and as he starts the engine, I can’t help but glance his way. “And?”

  “Nic just walked free and is no doubt just learning that you’re the new leader of the Wolves. You need to be ready, Jade. He’s going to retaliate, and I don’t think he’ll be taking prisoners.”

  Chapter 28

  I stand at the altar in the most stunning gown I've ever seen, watching as my mom walks down the aisle, looking absolutely radiant. I’ve never seen her so happy. It’s not every day that a child gets to witness their mother’s wedding day.

  She looks incredible in her custom designer gown, and just by looking at the speechless expression on her face, this is more than just a dream come true. This is everything to her, and I can hardly believe that it’s happening.

  Tears well in my eyes as the music flows through the church. She’s absolutely breathtaking, and judging by the way Roman is watching her, he considers himself to be the luckiest man that ever walked the planet.

  Mom’s eyes come to mine, and a blinding smile takes over her face. Her cheeks fill with the sweetest blush, looking both overjoyed and embarrassed by having all this extravagant attention on her. It’s a great look on her. It suits her well, and though it’ll be a big change for her life, she’ll quickly settle into it and thrive like she’s never thrived before.

  I can’t believe it’s only been three weeks since we sat in that restaurant, watching as Roman got down on one knee and proposed to Mom. I mean, I understood that it was going to be a quick engagement but when Colton and I returned home from ending Vincent DeCarlo two weeks ago to find Mom and Roman sitting in the living room with the most expensive and extravagant wedding planner I’d ever seen, I knew it was only a matter of days before they said I do.

  Hendrix went nuts the second a date was made, and the very next day, she was dragging me along to dress fittings and making sure that everything was going to be perfect. I have to admit, it’s all been a great distraction from the Wolves, but it’s not going to last forever.

  Nic has been biding his time. He hasn’t made a move, and while it makes me feel as though I’m walking on eggshells, I’m grateful. It’s given me this time to truly enjoy being with Mom. We’ve gotten to make all these crazy decisions together and live a dream that neither of us thought we’d ever get to be a part of. I mean, when we flew out and personally met with the designer, it was a dream come true. I didn’t think that making a dress in two weeks was possible, but she came through. She must have had an army working on it day and night. Though, the excessive check Roman wrote her probably had a little something to do with it.

  I’m not fooling myself though, I know Nic is coming. It’s just a matter of time.

  Just as promised, Christian completely took over everything with the Wolves. Every few days, I get a call from him, letting me know what’s been going down or if he needs my approval to make a move on something. In all honesty, I always leave the decision up to him. I don’t know right from wrong when it comes to gang activity, and I fear that I’m going to bury us under a pile of shit that we won’t be able to get out of.

  Having Christian taking the lead has been a massive relief. It was like having a weight lifted off my shoulders, and while Russo isn’t exactly thrilled about our little arrangement, it’s working, and that’s all that matters. I think I’ve been there maybe three times in the last two weeks, and every time I show my beautiful face, the mood and vibe I receive inside the den becomes easier and easier to deal with.

  Drix discreetly steps into my side and nudges me with her elbow, so much excitement bubbling up within her that she can barely keep herself contained. “She’s coming,” she squeaks, pointing out the obvious.

  “I can see that,” I laugh, trying to keep my amusement on the down-low, only making her roll her eyes and squeal again.

  I smile wide and instantly look back at Mom as she reaches the end of the aisle and steps into Roman’s arms.

  He holds her so tenderly, as though she’s the most precious creature that he’ll ever lay his eyes on, and I absolutely love that for her. They take each other's hands, and as they whisper little nothings to one another, I can’t help but glance back at Colton sitting in the front row.

  His eyes are already on me, looking at me as though he’s just waiting for the day that we get to do the same thing, and honestly, the thought doesn't completely suck. I’ve never taken myself as the kind to get married young. Hell, I never even considered marriage at all. It’s always been a piece of paper that tied me to someone else, and the whole concept scared me, but with Colton? I don't know. I might be open to persuasion.

  His eyes roam over my body, taking in the soft silk that drapes over me. He follows the line down over my breasts and past the soft curve of my stomach which thankfully isn’t showing any signs of my impending doom. His gaze drops lower to where the top of my thigh peeks out of the high slit. As his eyes leisurely travel back up to mine, he runs his tongue so slowly over his bottom lip, sending an electric pulse shooting right through me. ‘I’m going to fuck you in that dress tonight,’ he mouths.

  My thighs clench as the desire rocks through me, making it nearly impossible to even stand under his intense stare.

  “Holy shit,” I breathe, reaching out and clutching onto Hendrix’s arm to avoid falling on my face and making an ass out of myself during Mom’s big day.

I tear my eyes away from him. The look in his eyes too much to focus on for long. Not unless I plan on stripping him naked and riding him like a cowgirl in the middle of the most beautiful cathedral I’ve ever had the pleasure of walking into. I mean, this place looks like it’s been pulled right out of a history book, and judging by the way Roman is looking at my mom, if that’s what she asked of him, then he would have made it happen.

  Just as the priest begins welcoming all the guests to the wedding, four deliciously suited men silently walk through the doors. They hover in the back of the church, not wanting to be noticed, but damnnnn. Four sexy as sin Widows in suits is not something that any woman could skim over.

  Sebastian, Kairo, Elijah, and even Nic remain standing with their backs right up against the far wall. Silently they watch the ceremony, being here solely to support me and my mom. Despite everything that’s been going down between us, I've never been so happy to see his face.

  His eyes come to mine, and even from so far away, I can make out the words on his lips. ‘You look beautiful.’

  Fuck, it’s been too long. I haven’t seen his face since the hospital parking garage.

  My heart swells as I look into his eyes, so full of love, while every other part of him is swimming in regret. The fact that he’s here doesn’t change anything. We’re still at war, still enemies fighting for the win. But even with a gang rivalry between us, nothing can stand in the way of the bond we’ve developed over the last few years. We can still forget everything else, put it all aside just so Mom can have the day that she’s always deserved.

  ‘Thank you,’ I mouth, letting him see just how much it means to me that he’s here.

  Nic nods and I scan my eyes over the other guys who all give me warm smiles, reminding me that while we’re all currently serving a lifetime in our own personal brands of hell, that they’re always going to have my back, just like amazing brothers should.

  Feeling too much emotion swelling inside of me, I bring my gaze back to Colton, and seeing the happiness in my eyes, he turns back and takes in the boys standing at the back of the church. He brings his gaze back to mine and nods, letting me know that he’s happy that if even for the next hour, everything in my life can be perfect, even if it’s only an illusion.


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