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by Tom Holland

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  Abronichus, 269,281

  Abydos, 242-3

  Achaemenids, 12,35,50

  Achilles, 261, 262,268

  Acropolis, 102, 109, 111-12,253; and the

  Alcmaeonids, 117; Athena's olive tree, 219;

  bronze chariot, 139; congress of Greeks, 366;

  desecration and burning by Xerxes, 305—6,309;

  rebuilding. 367-8; serpent, 111,300; statue of

  Athena. 365; threat of destruction bv Xerxes,

  242;tombofErechtheus, 101. 102

  Adeimantus, 302, 303; sneered at Themistocles,


  Aegean, 177, 183, 228,362

  Aegina, 234, 255,355; and Athens, 162-3,166.221, 226, 365; Greek fleet assembled at, 335; and Sparta, 179

  Aeschylus, 359; The Persians, 360, 391

  Africa, 25,61,230

  Agamemnon, 73, 75, 241, 261

  Agora, 139-40, 153,216

  Ahura Mazda, 32,34,35-^; and Darius, 37,38,46,

  55; and Xerxes, 208,238,361 Ajax, 103 Akkad.42,43,49 Alcmaeon, 115

  Alcmaeonids. 13, 115-19, 164, 190,215-16 Alexander I, King of Macedon, 178, 286, 336, 337

  Alexander HI, 'The Great', 372 Alopeke,219 Ameinias, 324-5 Amesha Spentas, 34.37-8 Amompharetus, 349. 350 Anshan,9, 12, 49,376 Anthesteria, 296-7

  Apollo, 79, 183-4; ambiguity of prophecies, 307; consulted by Athens, 249-50; consulted by Sparta, 246—7; oracle at Delphi, 90—5; priests of, 148-9

  Apothetae (Dumping Ground), 81 Arabs. 99 Aral Sea, 17

  Argos, 99, 100, 102; claim to kinship with Persians, 168—9; contact with Mardonius, 334; Persian threat, 227, 245-6; and Sparta, 73-5, 76,77,129, 245-6

  Aristagoras, 154-5. 157-62

  Aristeides, 315,326,335,342,366; battle of Plataea,

  345, 350; character, 218-19; command of the land forces, 335,338,389; exile, 222; Themistocles' rival, 218, 221, 248

  Aristodemus, 340-1, 342,352-3

  Aristogiton, 126-7; statue in Agora, 139-40

  Armenia, 6

  armour, 193

  army, 211-12, 236,237

  Arta (Truth), 32,33,34,306

  Artaphernes, 27, 28,30, 142, 379; and Aristagoras, 154, 155, 157; attack by Athens, 160; attack on Miletus, 167-8; attack on Naxos, 154-5; bringing order to Ionia, 176—7; and Hipparchus, 163; and Histiaeus. 175-6; power over Ionia, 149-50,160,176; ruler of Sardis, 144; tolerance of Lydian customs, 146-7

  Artaphernes (the younger), 182, 197

  Artemis, 79, 183, 265, 352

  Artemisia, Queen of Halicarnassus, 297, 308-9, 324

  Artemisium. 265, 266. 271. 273,276, 279. 280 Artystone, 53

  Aryans, 5,9,11-12,17,375; religion, 34 Ashur, 4

  Asia, 65,148; and Europe, 233,356, 362 Asopus, 284, 289, 339, 344,347 Assyrians, 4, 211; and Babylon, 40; cruelty to defeated enemies, 12; tributes of horses, 5 astrology, 43

  Astyages, 6—7, 7—8, 376; betrayal by Harpagus, 11;

  capture by Cyrus, 10, 12; dreams, 8, 9-10;

  ordered murder of grandson, 10 Ataturk, 362 Areopagus, 304

  Athena, 101, 109, 111,118, 219; Athena Polias, 116;

  and Odysseus, 268-9; offered sacrifice by

  Xerxes, 242 Athens, 90, 98; Agora, 139-40, 153, 216;

  Alcmaeonids, 13, 115-19,164, 190,215-16;

  alliance with Persia, 141—2; Anthesteria, 296—7;

  armada to Egypt and Cyprus, 363; assault on

  Persia, 159-60; Assembly, 108, 109, 134, 215, 221;

  Boutads, 115-16,117,118,135; business, 104-5;

  ceramics, 111; Ceramicus, 111, 126, 299; City

  Dionysia, 125, 170,359; and Cleomenes, 129-30,

  132-3, 136-8, 158-9; coinage, 104, 125;

  consulting the Oracle, 249—52; and Darius,

  King of Persia, 141-2,159-62,170, 177-5;

  democracv, 131—8, 164, 214-15; destruction by

bsp; Xerxes, 303-6; division into 'demes', 135-6; Dog's Tail, 190, 192; equality, 134; Eupatrids, 103, 107, 131, 135, 164; evacuation, 297, 299-302; exile (ostracism), 216-17, 221-2, 390; exiles summoned back, 254—5; faction rivalries, 215-16; fleet sent to Euboea, 255, 257-8; freedom, 138, 139-10, 201; games, 112, 113; good govenrnance (etmomia), 107, 108; Great Panathenaea, 112, 116, 261,385; hegemony of, 366-7; luxury, 104; Lycurgus, 115-16,117,119, 261; map, 123; merchant fleet, 166; money, 125; origins, 100; pardoning of debts, 106; Parthenon, 368; Persia as national enemy, 363; Persian invasion: attack led by Datis, 182, 185—6, 186—91; Persian invasion: danger of panic, 186,189; Persian invasion: plans to attack invaders, 187-8; Persian invasion: request for Spartan aid, 188-9; Persian invasion: threat, 167,171-2, 177-8, 221-2, 223; Persian invasion: victory at Marathon, 195—8; Persian invasion under Xerxes see Xerxes, invasion ofGreece; Philaids, 303,124,131, 216; Pisistratids, 103,119,122,124,129, 136,214,216; the poor, 106-7,108; religion, 111,112; the rich, 108; rural poverty, 105, 106; 'Sacred Way', 137; sculpture, 111, 139, 365; seamanship, 223; seapower, 163,166, 217-18, 221,222-3; silver mining, 220-1; society, 103,104; Solon, 106-7, 114, 117, 298; statues of Harmodius and Aristogiton, 139—40; temple of Athena Polias, 253,300, 385; temple of Poseidon, 219-20; temple of Zeus, 122, 124,139, 214; and Thebes, 128, 137, 138-9; tomb for the war dead, 199—200; war with Aegina, 162—3; war with Megara, 105; war for Salamis, 107, 108, 116; women, 298—9, see also Acropolis; Cleisthenes; Hipparchus; Hippias; Isagoras; Miltiades; Pisistratus; Themistocles Athos peninsula, 221; canal for Persian fleet, 213, 214

  Atlantic, 230 Atossa,21,26,53,206

  Attica, 98, 100, 101, 136; fear of starvation, 121; map, 110; threat from Persian fleet, 183, 184

  Babylon, 38, 287,327; and Akkad, 42; astrology,

  43; business, 45; capture by Darius, 46—9;

  capture of Jerusalem, 40, 41; chaos, fear of, 48;


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