by Tom Holland
and Cyrus, 41, 44, 45, 47, 50; Etemenanki, 49;
foundation digging and brick making, 59;
origins, 39—40; power of, 40—1; Processional
Way, 48, 49; religion, 43-5; size and
fortifications, 46—7 Bactria, 17,21,182,237 bankers, 45-6, 60 barbarians, 140, 201
Bardiya, 21, 22, 24-5, 51, 206, 377-8; accession to the throne, 26; conspiracy led by Darius, 26-30; death of, 30-2, 379
Basra, 202
Bisitun, 37, 54; relief carving of Darius, 54-5 Black Sea, 151
Boeotia, 98, 102, 263, 339, 342; news of Mardonius'
defeat, 357 Boutads, 115-16, 117, 118, 135 business, 45, 104—5 Byblos, 229
Callidromus, 265, 276, 284,288
Callimachus, 187, 192-3, 197
Cambyses, 21, 45, 204, 206, 234, 361,377; acccident and death, 26,378; attitude to foreign gods, 23-4; invasion of Egypt, 22—3; pharaoh in Egypt, 23-4; plot to overthrow him, 25-6; reputation for cruelty, 24
cannibalism, 351
Caria, 297,363; battle of Salamis, 321
Carmenia, 287
Carneia, 188, 257,388
Carthage, 230, 233, 234
Caryae, 245,334
ceramics, 111
Chalcis, 137, 267, 268
chaos, 48
Chersonese, 120,124, 152
children, 81-5,204-5
Cilicia, 183, 279; battle of Salamis, 321, 328
Cilician Gates, 284
Cimon, 215, 362—3
Cissians, 213
City Dionysia, 125,170,359
Cleisthenes, 124, 127-8,132,386, 390; and
Aristeides, 218; and Cleomenes, 128, 129,130, 130-1, 132; and Darius, 141; democracy in Athens, 133-6, 140-1, 164, 216
Cleombrotus, 300,342
Cleomenes, 96-8, 172, 224; and Aegina, 179; alliance with Aristagoras, 157-8; and Athens, 129-30,132-3, 136-8,158-9; and Cleisthenes, 128,129,130-1,132; and Demaratus, 179-80; exile and death, 180—1,259; and Hippias, 129-30; war on Argos, 169
coinage, 104, 125, 143
communications, 172-3
Corinth, 90, 114, 226,230,234, 235,255; acropolis, 302; battle of Salamis, 325; temple of Aphrodite, 332-3
cosmopolitanism, 103—4
cowards, 340—1
Cranae, 157
Crimea, 152
Crisa,92, 115
Croesus, 13—14, 93, 115; and Cvrus, 93; and
Nemesis, 355; and Sparta, 76—7 Crypteia, 85,87
Curzon, George Nathaniel, xxi Cyaxares, 6, 375 Cylon, 113, 115,385 Cypriots, 328 Cyropolis, 18
Cyrus, 206,361,376-7; and Babylon, 41,44,45,50, 147,327; birth legend, 9-10; burial, 20,22; claim to Persian throne, 12; and Croesus, 13-14,93; death, 19-20,377; as demon, 20; expansion of the empire, 16-19; King of Persia, 9; and religion, 36-7; search for an heir, 21-2; and Sparta, 63,65, 77; treatment of defeated enemies, 12,14,19; victory over the Medes, 10—] 1
Danube, 151
Darius, 361, 378; accession to the throne, 33-4; ambassadors killed in Sparta, 178-9, 203, 224; assault on Egypt, 204; bureaucracy, 174; capture of Babylon, 46-50; chosen one of Ahura Mazda, 37,38,55; claim to the throne, 53-4; and Cleisthenes, 141; communications, 172-3; conquest of the islands, and Eretria, 182-5; Conquest of Macedonia, 178; conquests inscribed on stone, 54; conspiracy against Bardiya, 27-32; death, 206-7; defeat by Athens, 195-9; destruction of Ionia, 169, 170; education of children, 204-5; Egypt in revolt, 203; Elamite revolt, 55-6; entry into Babylon, 48—9; and Eretrian captives, 202, 203; factions and rebellions, 51—4, 61; financial administration, 58; gardening, 213; and global peace, 56; greatness of the empire, 172; guarding his Empire, 144-5; in India, 61-2; justice, 145-6; 'King of Kings', 57; manpower, 182; new capital cities, 57—60; opulence of capital cities, 58-60; power over nature, 61, 62; raid on Scvthia, 151—3; relief carving on Bisitun, 54-5; and religion, 37,55,56. 148-9; resources, 182-3; sons, 204, 205-6; state intelligence, 174-6; supplies, 183; threat to Athens, 170, 171-2, 177-8; wives of. 53
Datis, 175, 182-5,219, 369; attack on Eretria, 184-5; fleet bound for the Aegean, 183; invasion of Athens, 186-98, 284
Delian League, 362,363, 365, 366
Delos, 183-4,336,357
Delphi. 90-5,106,115,227.307, 308; and Argos, 246; consulted by Athens. 249-52; and Sparta. 129,246
Demaratus, 137-8,158, 179, 203-4, 209, 283, 389;
advises amphibious attack against
Lacedaemon, 308; at Salamis, 318; warning to
Sparta, 224-5 democracy, 131-8,140-1,154, 155,164,214-15,
demons, 48,177, 296-7 Didyma, 149, 184 discipline, 71-2,80.82.84, 86-7 Dorians, 68,90,353.381 Dorieus, 96—7 Doris, plain of, 90 Drauga (Lie), 32, 33, 34 dreams and visions, 126
East and West. 233
Ecbatana, 7,12-13,45, 376; seized by Phraortes, 51 Egibis, 45-6, 60
Egypt, 99, 152; battle of Salamis, 325,328; and Darius, 57; invasion by Cambyses, 22—3; rebellion suppressed by Xerxes, 207-8, 327; in revolt against Darius. 203—4; seamanship, 235
Elam. 38, 41, 43. 57; revolt against Darius. 55-6 Eleusis, 137,158,310,318, 325,342 Elissa, 230
En-nigaldi-Nanna, 43 Ephialtes. 288, 289 epilepsy, 81 equality, 134 Equator, 230
Erechtheus, 101,111,252,384
Eretria, 159,160,161; assault by Persian fleet, 182,
184-5 Esagila, 39, 44
espionage, 175, 192, 227-8, 311 Etemenanki, 49 Ethiopia, 287, 378 Ethiopians, 211 Euainetus, 249
Euboea, 159,184, 185,226. 230,264; Greek ships
sent to, 255 Eupatrids, 103,107, 131. 135, 164 Euphrates, 40,42,327 Europe, 61; and Asia, 233, 356. 362 Eurotas, 78
Eurybiades, 258, 267, 277,302 Eurvmedon, 363 Ezekiel, 229
Fertile Crescent, 6, 14 financial administration, 58 fire and royal greatness, 36—7 food, 88, 286-8
foundation myths, 99-100, 100 freedom, 88-9,138, 139-40, 201, 354
games, 112, 113, 148 Gandhara, 17 gardens, 213, 239,312-13 Gaumata.31,33, 54
Gelon, 232-3, 247; defeat of Carthage, 329 Gobryas, 27, 56, 178
gods: Athens, 101, 109, 111, 189, 219,251; attitude of Darius, 55-6; Babylon, 39-40,44-5; Judaea, 147, 148; Persia, 32,35,37,149; Sardis, 143; Sparta, 69, 79, 94-5
good governance (eunomia), 66, 107, 108
Gorgo, 158,181,223
Great Panathenaea, 112, 116, 261,385
Greece/Greeks, xvi, xxi-xxii, 33, 66-7,98,148,330; and barbarians, 233; congress in Athens, 366; fleet at Salamis, 302, 304, 309; good governance (eutumia), 66-7; luxury, 232; and Phoenicians, 229-30,233; spies, 233, 235,235-6, 270; in the West, 230, 231. 232; Xerxes' invasion see Xerxes,
invasion of Greece, see also Athens; Corinth;
Sparta Green, Peter, xxii—xxiii GulfofMalis, 262, 264,269 Gythion, 157
Halicarnassus, 297, 308, 324 Halys, 6
Harmodius, 126-7; statue in Agora, 139—40 Harpagus, II, 12, 14, 175; campaign against the
Ionians, 15-16; command of Persian forces, 15 Helen of Sparta, 65-6, 67-8, 83, 86, 157, 261; birth,
355, 369 Hellenion. 227, 232
Hellespont, 209,360; crossing by Xerxes, 212, 213,
225, 242-4,329; Persian garrison, 362 Helos, 73 helots, 73, 85, 355 Hephaestus, 101 Heracles, 68, 90, 99, 259 Heraclids, 24, 68,72 Herodotus, xv, xvi—xvii, xxiv, 244 Himera,, 329 Hindu Kush, 16, 17
Hipparchus, 122, 124-5, 126-8; and Artaphernes, 163, 216; exile, 216; and Homer, 260-1; as poet, 260
Hippeis, 88, 259, 334
Hippias, 122, 124-5, 126-8, 134, 142, 159, 185; and Cleomenes, 129—30; invasion of Athens by Persians, 185-6,199
Histiaeus, 152, 1XM, 174, 175-6
Homer, 260-1, 262; The Iliad, 294
homocide, 85,86
kopla (shields), 70
hoplites, 70, 72, 76, 274
horses, 5,109
hubris, 355-6, 356
Hydarnes, 52
Hydarnes (the younger), 288, 291,293 Hystaspes, 53
Immortals, 275, 282, 288, 291, 294 India, 29,61-2,211, 237 Indus, 61 infanti
cide, 81—2
Ionia, 65, 228, 230,363; and Artaphernes, 149-50, 176-7; battle of Salamis, 321; coinage, 104; defeat by Persians, 15-16, 162. 167, 169; demand for democracy, 154, 155; devastation after defeat, 176; attitude to 'barbarians', 150-1; map, 156; news of I'ausanias' victory, 357; peace and order, 176-7; sea defeat at Lade, 308; seamanship, 235; taste for the exotic, 148
Iraq, 18
Isagoras, 131, 132, 134, 137 Ischia, 230 Ishtar, 47
Isthmus, 244, 246,300, 310; return of the Greek fleet, 302
Italy, 152, 230
Jaxartes, 18, 377 Jeremiah, 40 Jerusalem, 40,41, 147 Judaeans, 40, 147-8
Khorasan Highway, 1—4, 289; Aryans, 5; followed by the Persians, 16-17; merchants, 29; palace of the Medes, 7
Lacedaemon, 67, 68, 77, 89, 157, 340; amphibious attack advised by Demaratus, 308, see aha Sparta
Lade, 167, 175, 228, 234,308,357 Laurium, 220—1 law, 81
Leonidas, xviii, xix, 181,223-4,246,259, 394; at
Thermopylae, 262-1,268, 269-75, 282. 291-3,
295-6; mourning in Sparta, 341—2 Leotychides, 179, 180, 181,246, 336; at Samos, 357;
battle of Mvcale, 358,362; cruising off Delos,
Lycidas, 338,344-5 Lycurgus, 70-2, 115-16, 117, 119,261 Lydia; war with Medes, 6; war with the Persians, 13—15, 19, see also Croesus
Macedon, 248 Macedonia, 178, 330 Magi, 8, 26,31,36, 205, 240 Magnesia, 265, 267 Mandane, 9-10 manners, 80
Marathon, 109, 187, 190, 213, 335, 359; battle of, xvii, xxii, 194-8, 199, 284,359,387, 388; commemorated on the Parthenon, 368, 370; map, 194; modern Olympic Games, 198
Mardonius, 178, 208-9, 213,328, 390; at Thessaly, 336; battle of Plataea, 339-40, 344-9,352-3; proposes to 'complete the enslavement of the Greeks', 329-30
Marduk, 39,44, 45; and Darius, 46
Medes, 237, 375; at Thermopylae, 274; battle with Persians 550 BC, 10, 11—13; cavalry in winter, 14; cultural ties with Persians, 11-12,36; horse breeding, 5; invasion of Syria, 6; Magi, 8; palace at Ecbatana, 7; partnership with Persians, 15; victory over Nineveh, 6; war with Lvdians, 6, 13—14, see also Astyages
Median Wall, 42
Megacles, 115
Megara, 105. 106, 230, 255, 300, 310
Menelaus, 65, 67, 101, 261
Mesopotamia, 40, 41-3, 327; and Marduk, 45;
opulence of, 49 messengers, 173 Messenia, 68, 72,73,86 Middle Gate, 293
Miletus, 152-3, 154, 157, 161, 167,357; destruction
by Persians, 168, 170, 175, 22S, 234; past
resistance to Persia, 308 military training, 84, 85-6 Miltiad'es, 120-1, 124, 152. 164; leading Athens
against Persian invasion, 187, 188, 191, 198-9;
prosecution in Athens, 170-1, 215, 216 monarchy, 48, 49,50,94 money, 125 Moschians, 211 Mount Aigaleos. 109,301,306 Mount Athos, 178,213,214,329 Mount Callidromus, 262 Mount Cithaeron, 343,344 Mount of Mercy, 57 Mount Mycale, 157, 167,357, 368 Mount Oeta, 90
Mount Olympus, 112, 113, 178, 248
Mount Ossa, 248
mourning, 341—2
museums, 43
Mycenae, 73, 169
Myrcinus, 153, 161
Nabonidus, 41, 43, 44, 45 Naples, 23(1
Naxos, 120, 228; attacked by Artaphernes, 154-5
Nebuchadnezzar II, 41,42 Nebuchadnezzar III, 41, 46,50 Nemesis, 355, 356,364, 369,370 Nimrud, 4 Nineveh, 4,6,7 Nisaea, 29, 30,238 North Africa, 230 nudity, 83,85
oaths, 199 Odysseus, 268-9 Oeta, 284 Olympia, 112,257 Onomacritus, 126, 209 oracles set' Delphi; Didyma ostracism, 216-17, 221,'221-2, 390 Otanes, 27, 28, 34, 62
palaces, 49,58-9
Pallene, 119,324
Panionium, 167. 357
paradtiida (paradise), 213,390
Paris (Prince ofTroy), 157
Parnassus, 90, 91
'Parsua', 9
Parthenon, 368
Pasargadae, 12,21.29, 57, 207
Pausanias, 342, 343-4, 363-4; battle of Plataea,
344-9,345,346, 352-5; beacons lit for victory,
356-7 pederasty, 85
Peloponnese, 74.333, 336,337, 340; foundation myths, 100; map, 64; march to support Sparta against Mardonius, 340; refusal to join congress, 366; spies, 228; threatened by Xerxes, 224, 225
Peloponnesian League, 226
Pelops. 73-4
Pelusium, 23
Pentelikon, 109, 118, 185
Periander, 114
Pericles, 367-8
Persepolis, 57-8, 59, 60, 173,207; inscription
proclaiming kingship of Xerxes, 208 Perseus, 168, 246
Persia, xv, xxi-xxii; origins, 9; writing, xxiv, 54, see also Artaphernes; Cambyses; Cyrus; Darius; Datis; Xerxes
Persian Gates, 284
Persian Gulf, 18
Phaidime, 31
phalanx, 76, 186, 187, 195,350
Phalerum. 109, 163, 198, 215,219, 326; Persian
council of war, 308, 309 Phidias, 365.368, 370 Philaids, 103,124,131,216 Philippides, 188-90, 191 philosophy, 149, 150 Phocaea, 15
Phocians, 262, 263, 264, 276, 291
Phoenicians, 229-30, 357; battle at Sciathos, 266;
battle of Salamis. 324,325, 328; seapower, 235;
and Xerxes, 233—4 Phraortes, 51, 52-3 Phrygia, 312
Piraeus, 166, 217, 222, 255
Pisistratids, 103, 119, 122, 124, 129, 136,209,214,
216,305-6; and Sparta, 129 Pisistratus, 116-17, 118-22, 119; and Homer,
Plataea, 128, 137,190,263, 339,342,343,367; battle,
344-53; map, 351 Plato, xxii Pnyx, 139, 253 poor, 105,106-7, 108 Poseidon, 219 prostitutes, 298, 299 Psyttaleia, 313,319,321,326,335 Punjab, 61, 62 purple dye, 229 Pythia.250,251,307,383 Pythioi, 95, 246 Pythius, 146, 240 python, 91
Rangha, 18,61
religion: Athens, 111; Babylon, 43-4; Persia, 32-3, 34-7,55-6; Sparta, 69, 70-1,79-80; tolerance of, 146-8; wars of, 56; Xerxes, 241
Ithamnus, 369
Rhoxsane, 21, 26
roads, 173-4 Royal Road, 284
'Sacred Way', 137
sacrifices, 111, 193.242,292; ofhorses, 29-30;
human, 241 Saka. 17-18, 61, 182, 237; battle of Plataea, 352 Salamis, xxiii. 103, 106, 252; and Aeschylus, 359;
attempt to build causeway. 328—9; 'divine
Salamis', 307. 308; evacuation from Athens,
301, 302; map. 314, 322; return of the Greek
fleet, 302, 304.309 Samos. 62,89,157.183, 336, 358 Sardis, 14, 142,163, 171,360; acropolis, 144,236;
arrival of Xerxes, 225; 'court as a prostitute',
151; Croesus' palace, 236; priests of Apollo,
148-9; temple to Cybele, 143, 160;
Themistocles as advisor, 364; wealth of, 143;
Xerxes' army, 235-6, 240 Sargon,42-3, 44,48 Sargon II, 4 Saronic Gulf, 162,298 satraps, 144,145-6 savages, 17 Sciathos, 265, 266 sculpture, 111, 139,211, 365 Scyllias, 277
Scvthia, 120; invasion by Darius. King of Persia,
151-3 sea-monsters, 214 seamanship, 223,235 seapower, 163,166, 217-18, 221, 222-3 Semiramis, 1 Sepeia, 169,245 seven sages of Greece, 114 shields, 70, 196. 389 shipbuilding, 222-3 shipwreck, 279,394 Sicily, 230, 232-3,329 Sicinnus,312,313,315,331 Sidon, 229, 233,234, 235, 243, 266 Sikyavautish,30, 238,379 silver mining, 220—1 Sin (moon god), 44—5 slaves, 85,88-9 Sogdiana, 17, 182
soldiers, 69-70,71-2,72-3,76; food supplies,
287-8; Immortals, 275 Solon, 106-7, 114, 117.298 sorcerers, 43 Spain, 230
Sparta, xix, xx; acropolis, 79; alliance with Aristagoras, 157—8; ambassadors of Darius killed, 178-9, 203,224; and Argos, 73,74-5,77, 129; army, 76; battle with Samos, 89; brutality of. 66; Carneia, 188, 257, 388; children, treatment of, 81-5; class svstem, 71—3; coming of age in, 88; competition, 83—4; cowards, 340—1; and Croesus, 76—7; and Cyrus, 63,65,77; defeat of Argos, 77; demands reparations for
the death of Leonidas, 331-2; discipline and conformity, 71-2, 80, 82, 84, 86-7; education, 84; factions, 18
1-2; food, 88; food served by Pausanias after Platea, 355; foot-soldiers, 69-70; geography. 67; Gerousia, 81,95, 181; honouring Themistocles, 334; Hyacinthia, 339; internal divisions, 224; isolation, 78; kings and the Ephorate (magistracy), 95-6, 181; kings and gods, 94-5; law, 81; and I.ycurgus, 70-2; military training, 84, 85-6; model of heroism and virtue, 367; moderation, 96; mourning, 341-2; origins, 67-8; pederasty, 85; physical fitness, 83, 84; and the Pisistratids, 129; refusal to join congress, 366; religion, 69, 70—1,79-80; reputation, 63, 65, 66; seeking allies against Xerxes, 245-7; slaves, 88-9; soldiers and weapons, 69—70, 71-2; subjection of Messenia, 68,86; team games, 113; and Tegea, 74; temples, 79-80; warfare, 75-6; women and motherhood, 87, see also Cleomenes, King of Sparta; Xerxes: invasion ofGreece
steppes, 18, 61
Sunium,219, 220,365
Susa, 43,57,58-9,60, 287
Sybaris, 232
Syracuse, 232-3, 247,329
Syria, 152; invasion by the Medes, 6
Syrian Gates, 284
Taygetos mountains, 67,68
Tegea, 74, 75, 99-100, 334; battle of Plataea, 352
Tempe, 248, 249, 255
temples, 43,79-80; of Aphrodite, 332-3; of
Artemis, 265; at Delphi, 90-4; at Eleusis, 137; of Athena Polias, 253,300.385; in Athens, 103, 111, 116,117-18, 122,219-20; in Babylon, 49; of Cybele, 143; in Jerusalem, 147; of Panionium, 357; Parthenon, 368; of Poseidon, 219-20,332; rebuilding burned temples, 366, 367; in Sparta, 79; of Zeus, 122, 124, 139,214
Thales, 150
Thebes, 90, 98,209, 263, 330, 339,346; and Athens, 128, 137,138-9
Themistocles, 193, 214-15, 226, 388-9; and Athenian seapower, 217-18,220, 221-3; as attorney, 166; background, 164-5; commanding the Greek fleet, 226, 267, 268-9, 277,281; evacuation from Athens, 299-302; Greek fleet at Salamis, 309, 313,315; heroic appearance, 165, 387; honoured by Sparta, 334; hoping for victory over Persian fleet, 303; influencing Athenians lor elction, 165—6; and Miltiades, 171; new port at Piraeus, 166,217; news of the burning of Attica, 303—4; ostracism, 364; preparations for Persian invasion, 247-8, 252, 253-5; removed from command of the fleet, 335; Sicinnus sent to Xerxes, 331