Conquering the Dark Axe

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Conquering the Dark Axe Page 24

by Amber Dane

  “What say you?” Alexa could not help but tease in wanting to hear his words again.

  Rourke tamped down his mirth and replied. “My head hurts. I seem to have all but forgotten that quickly.”

  She shoved him and stepped away from him in her naked glory. Her expression morphed into one of indignation as it always did when she believed that he knew something she did not. Rourke swallowed hard as he lifted his eyes from the dark patch between her thighs. Passion took hold of him and he licked his lips.

  “Do you remember now?” she asked him. She spread her arms wide, causing those delicious breasts to bounce and rise. Her pose and naked flesh called to him.

  “Aye, I remember, hellion. Get in the bed.” he growled.

  She squealed with laughter when he reached out for her and ran for the bed. In a matter of minutes, Rourke divested himself of every stitch of clothing and joined her there. He laughed with her when she rolled him onto his back and took the lead.


  Rourke reached out to pull Alexa closer but her side of the bed was empty. He groaned, missing her and looked over to the window. A smile came to his lips. The window covering had been pushed back and dawn was just breaking through the clouds. He closed his eyes again, still feeling worn and knew she would be back soon.


  He loved his hellion and was quite randy for her again. Nay, it was more than that. He wanted to hear the hoarse lilt in her throaty whisper near his skin, his ear, his mouth. Aye, she fit perfectly by his side.

  As he thought it, he reached out and swept her pillow up under his arm. Her scent filled his nose and he hardened.

  Where was she?

  The aroma of food came to him. His stomach growled at the scent and thought. He rolled over.

  For the first time in two weeks Rourke found he truly wanted to eat. The sound of the door opening drew his attention and he watched Alexa creep in and hush the servants that accompanied her. The servants carried what only Rourke could describe as a feast. A scrumptious and mouthwatering feast. His eyes widened as they followed his wife's instructions and set the platters at the foot of the bed. When the servants greeted him, her wide amber eyes turned on him with shock that he was awake. Her hands came to rest on her hips and she shook her head. She never looked more beautiful to him than she did in that moment. He responded automatically to the servants, but was unable to look anywhere else but at his wife. He took in the sight of her.

  She beamed at him. Had he died right then, Rourke swore he'd be the luckiest man to go out with such a breathtaking sight welcoming him.

  Rourke could not resist and winked seductively at her. She turned crimson and his soft laugh erupted just as the servants, their chore complete, closed the chamber door. His hellion had a right to blush after the wild passion she had shown and drawn from him last night.

  “Come here, Alexa.”

  He pulled her onto his lap and she struggled to wriggle free.


  “Hmm,” he nuzzled her neck

  “Last night was strenuous enough for you. We cannot push it.” She tried to sound firm, but it didn’t come out that way.

  He nipped her shoulder. Alexa felt heat blossom within her and hot shivers shook her form as he planted more warm kisses along her jaw. She soon squirmed her bottom against his hard length.

  “Are you not hungry?”

  “I would think that was obvious” Rourke’s hand covered a soft breast. Alexa covered his hand with her own.

  “Not that. I meant for food.”

  “Later.” Rourke said chasing her mouth

  Alexa, finally managed to push him away and put enough space between them.

  “I can hear your stomach barking, Rourke. Come. I made something special just for you.”

  He groaned when she climbed off the bed out of his reach. He grumbled, “What?”

  Alexa giggled at the disappointment in his tone. When her eyes met his, he winked at her again and she felt the blush feather her cheeks. His hungry gaze made her want to do things to the wanton things she’d done to him last night. She flushed deeper remembering how he felt in her mouth. She blinked the memory of their explosive passion away they would have time for that later. Now he needed his strength and needed to eat.

  “Come see.” She coaxed him further and waved her hand over the feast.

  Rourke, still groaning his displeasure, left the bed and came over to the table, naked. She tried to ignore him and smiled with thanks that he was momentarily distracted by the food. A good sign that his appetite had returned as his eyes and hands roamed the filled platters for her treat.

  She waited.

  His sigh came quickly and he smacked his lips in an over the top loud manner. He reached out and pulled her against his side again. He planted a deep kiss on her open mouth. Alexa was still trying to catch her breath when he pressed a warm chocolate wafer against her lips.

  She bit into the decadent treat.

  Rourke groaned as he watched her chew.

  Alexa took the thin wafer from his hand and fed a bite to him. Rourke took the whole thing along with her finger into his mouth. She gaped at him. Her breath came in short hot pants, eyes growing bigger as he sucked her finger and slowly withdrew it from his hot mouth.

  Last night came rushing back again and she could only stare at him. The sensual moment had her belly and limbs on fire. This carnal desire he ignited within her was dangerous. His green eyes blazed brightly and she read his intent. It mirrored her own.

  Nonetheless she said breathlessly, “Only after we eat first.”

  “Maybe,” Rourke’s hot whisper fanned her face.

  Alexa backed up, but he reached out and drew her back, his fingers already sliding the shift off one shoulder.

  “Rourke. Rourke.” Her protests sounded even weak to her.

  “A few bites, hellion, is all. I promise.”

  Alexa’s laughter was smothered by his passionate kiss as he lifted her and drew her and the furs down to the floor.

  Later, with most of the platters empty and scattered across the floor around them and both their belly’s extended, Alexa lay back, satisfied in the crook of his arm. One of his big thighs draped over hers. Now was the perfect time to tell him about the babe. Her heart beat faster and she took a few deep breaths. When his light snores reached her ears, she nudged him. He groaned and his arm tightened around her.

  “Are you well?” his warm breath tickled the hairs on the side of her neck.

  “Aye. Are you?”

  “Hmm. Very.”

  Alexa took a deep breath. She needed to face him to tell him her news. Aye, that would be best. She moaned when his hand slipped off her shoulder and hit the pillow.

  Alexa turned and let out a frustrated sigh. He was dead sleep and his snores filled the chamber. He had over exerted himself indeed.

  She could not help but laugh as she chastised herself-she was partial blame. She had been quite insatiable in her need for him. Oh well, her news would keep until later. Right now she would have her bath and get the day started.

  Her chance did not come later as Rourke took it upon himself to do all and began his duties again as lord of the manor and heard the villagers and their complaints in the great hall.

  Alexa went about her own duties before heading back to the hall later in the eve to check on him.

  She walked in to see a middle aged woman, a village serf rise from her knees and kiss her husband's hand. The look on Rourke’s face was unreadable. When the woman rushed from the hall with two men carrying large bundles behind her, Alexa saw tears streaming down her face.

  She waited until the last of the villagers had presented their issues to him, before she inquired about the woman. The anguished look in his eyes floored her. Alexa felt her mouth drop open as she followed after him outside into the yard. The same woman was in a cart with two smaller boys and turned back to wave at them. Alexa waved when Rourke returned the woman’s farewell. He spoke wit
hout looking at her as she stood by his side.

  "She is the mother to the young soldier who lost his life during my capture. Her grief was too great and she asked to return to my other holding that we took them from. Her only wish…to work in the castle. She lost her son. Yet she thanked me for being kind to him and for being there when he died. I will give her whatever ‘tis that she wants."

  Alexa slipped her hand in his and felt him flinch before his fingers closed tightly around hers. They stood quietly together just like that until the cart and riders disappeared over the grassy knoll.

  Later as they were preparing for bed, Alexa watched his strained expression and movements as he rose from the tub. She came to him with the linen towel and dried him off. He gave her a weary grin. Once they were settled in bed, she folded her legs under her and pulled him back against her chest and started to massage his broad shoulders. His sighs of relief and the tight muscles in his neck told her the day had been taxing on him. He had remained longer after the villagers had left to talk at length with Goran and she’d heard Raven’s name mentioned again.

  She could have told him about the baby, but she chose instead to ask him about this man that plagued his thoughts night and day. Maybe this time he would see to tell her more.

  "Will you not tell me of this Raven? What made you his enemy?"

  His muscles bunched beneath her fingers and Alexa held her breath as she waited.

  She expelled the breath she held when he reached up and squeezed her fingers.

  "He an evil soul. He wrought naught but evil wherever he set foot. He and Darc Renald had the same mother. William barely tolerated him. Raven was an exceptionally trained and skilled knight.” He patted her hand before dropping his back to his side where she watched him ball it into a fist. “Aye, he taught me my trick with the axe, but I perfected it, on my own. This I know is something that may bother you. But ‘tis a matter of life or death on the field.”

  Alexa remained silent and nodded her head even though he could not see it. Her fingers continued to massage the muscles of his shoulders and neck. Some of the tension left him. She did not want to say anything that would give him pause.

  Rourke went on. “’Twas later rumored not only had Raven murdered their mother, but Darc's wife. On the night we searched for him, he and other traitors to the crown ambushed me and used my own weapon on me."

  Alexa gasped and her fingers stilled but a moment. His scar.

  Had she been another sort, Rourke knew they would not be having this conversation. Admiration rose in him again over her strength. Sharing the harsh realities of his life with her, the side that was not so pretty reinforced their relationship he believed. Rourke flexed his shoulders under her soothing touch.

  "Had it not been for Darc, he would have been successful. William gave the order. For his crimes, Raven’s sentence was death. This was to be carried out by his brother. I helped Darc hunt the rabid dog down again and a year later, we cornered him. They fought and he went over the cliff. We erred. We should have made sure that bastard was dead."

  Rourke turned and pulled her around onto his lap, his hard gaze locked on hers.

  Pain, grief and more shone in his emerald gaze. She was glad he had shared this with her. It was a part of him. Alexa licked her lips and asked, "You do not think he still lives after what happened to you?"

  "I will not believe he is dead until I have carved and strung up his body myself."

  The coldness in his tone did not frighten her. She knew what he meant and he had every right to want his revenge. She wanted hers too.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispered near his ear. "If he does live, he will beg for death by the time you and I both finish with him."

  Rourke hugged her to him hard before pulling back to press a heated kiss against her parted lips.


  The next morning Alexa made a promise to herself to steal him away from his duties to tell him about the babe. She was surprised he’d not noticed already as her breasts had grown slightly bigger as had her waist thickened. Not much, but noticeable enough to her anyway.

  She didn’t understand why she was so nervous now after all that had happened over the past few days to tell him the news.

  She’d already forgiven him for his painful words that day long ago when he’d thought her barren.

  They had come a long way since then. Yet, she could not still the flutters of uneasiness in her stomach. Even now sitting beside him at the lord’s table with the noonday meal barely touched in front of her, she waited for her chance to take him by the hand and lead him away for a bit of privacy.

  He turned to her with furrowed brows, a look of concern on his beautiful face. His face had healed nicely and not one scratch or bruise remained. His golden-hair and the jagged edges had grown back and smoothed out and now hung almost down to his shoulders once again.

  “Are you not hungry?” he asked.

  Alexa swallowed the lump in her throat. His eyes gleamed and she grew even more nervous. Did he suspect?

  She searched his gaze and could not read him.

  She licked her lips and lifted a sliver of bread crust. “I am well. Just a few bites of this filling meal have done it for me. Did you enjoy your meal?”

  His lips lifted at the corners and his eyes dropped to her belly. Alexa stopped breathing.

  The frozen moment was interrupted by a shout from the hall entrance.

  Both she and Rourke looked to see Goran stumble toward their table. Alexa’s stomach dropped as the color drained from Goran’s face. The strangled sound that came from his throat had Rourke on his feet and around the table at his friend’s side in seconds.

  Rourke's thunderous shout filled the hall. “Goran!”

  "Rourke- a…a gu-guest." Goran gasped out.

  Alexa frowned and stood, worried. She would have gone to Goran too had her feet not remained frozen where she stood when the couple entered.

  A woman, dressed in a fine purple gown and matching gloves and possessing a beauty none the like Alexa had ever seen before entered the hall. Her tall willowy frame dwarfed the short distinguished looking nobleman that walked beside her. Alexa thought herself tall, but this woman stood toe to toe with Rourke.

  The woman’s big violet eyes rested on him and twisted Alexa’s heart even more at the look in them. Rourke’s reaction only intensified the sensation tightening in her chest. He’d had gone as white as Goran for a moment before fury crossed his face and Alexa watched the red crawl up his thick neck.

  "Rourke Thorsson." The woman’s sultry voice of honey filled the all too quiet room and Alexa wanted to retch.

  Then she knew.

  The black hair pulled back from the beauty’s oval face, showed flawless skin, high cheek bones with plump lips. A full bosom. A waist smaller than her own and long legs that seemed endless carried the siren forward to stop in front of them.

  Raw jealousy ignited in Alexa’s veins.

  This was the woman that had caused him to hate all women.

  As though she knew she was being thought of, the siren's violet eyes flicked in her direction and Alexa bit back the smug grin that threatened to burst upon her lips when the woman stumbled. Alexa’s breath came fast as the siren bowed before Rourke, waiting.

  He’d yet to utter a word.

  He stared at the woman as if he were seeing a ghost. Not a trace of warmth lay in his icy cold glare.

  The woman repeated his name again with too much familiarity for Alexa’s liking.

  "I came as soon as I heard of my father's death. I wanted to come sooner but…" she paused and removed a long purple glove from one slender arm. "I am so sorry for what my father did to you. To us."


  Alexa winced at Rourke’s response. His tone sounded hoarse, full of pain and something else that caused uneasiness to pool in her gut.

  The siren stared up at him with a beseeching look in those violet pools. "There is much to say. The
time is long past, but I hope it is not too late to set things to right.”

  It was Alexa’s turn to make a sound. All eyes except Rourke’s turned on her. Alexa stepped down from the high table with a quick prayer for sure footing on her wobbly legs and held her head high. Angry at her tongue tied husband, she approached the siren, who gave her a nod and addressed her.

  "Baroness Alexa Thorsson."

  Alexa frowned, her eyes darting quickly to Rourke. His eyes narrowed on the woman even more.

  Alexa’s thoughts whirled. They’d never met, how did this woman know who she was when she did not know of her? Anger and hurt sparked in her and she heard herself saying, "I fear I am at a disadvantage. Who might you be?"

  "Lady Jacqueline Denis and this is my husband, Lord Reginald Denis of Beaumont. I am a very old acquaintance of your husband, baroness. Please, I’ve come to seek audience with the baron to discuss past and recent unfortunate events. 'Tis past time to do so."

  Alexa swallowed hard and looked to Rourke. He still did not look at her and she felt a pang in her chest at his dismissal. Her heart thudded wildly in her chest, and then the anger she held started to slip. He was not looking at this woman as if he desired her. Nay. The look on his face was of many, but the one that shown through the most, more than the others, was hate and murder.

  Rourke fisted his hands at his sides to control the tremors of shock and rage pumping through his veins.

  Jacqueline looked even more radiant and beautiful than she had when he’d last seen her before that fateful evening when she’d destroyed his world and dried up the last bit of love inside him. All the things he’d wanted to scream and yell at her after that evening seemed less and less important now. Hearing Alexa’s voice cut through the old memories was like water on a raging fire and finally when he was able to tear his eyes away from Jacqueline his eyes dropped to Alexa.

  The pain he’d suffered after losing Jacqueline seemed insignificant to the love he felt for his hellion.

  What once was no longer ensnared him in its dark and painful clutches.


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