Conquering the Dark Axe

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Conquering the Dark Axe Page 25

by Amber Dane

  It was because of Alexa his tremors slowed, coming to a halt and he was able to breathe again. It was because of Alexa and what he saw reflected in her amber depths that he was able to utter a controlled response.

  Fight and passion gleamed in his hellion’s eyes and he was proud of her. She did not hide her jealousy well. But it was the flash of hurt that he glimpsed that ripped through him that drew him to her side. He wanted to take her into his arms, but he knew now was not the time. He could see the stiffness in her shoulders as she tried to keep her composure and he felt it when his arm brushed her back.

  “You have my attention,” he told Jacqueline in a firm voice. “Come we will discuss what you feel needs discussing in here.” Rourke pressed a hand to Alexa’s lower back and he felt a deep ache when she jumped under his touch, yet she allowed him to steer her from the room as their guests followed.

  Once in the other room, Rourke refused to sit as the couple took a seat on the bench across from where they stood. Alexa fidgeted nervously next to him, her self-worth suddenly nagging at her as she watched Jacqueline. Not a hair out of place. She had to admit the woman was striking. She also noticed the woman’s hands shook each time she took a sip of the wine Rourke had a servant bring in. Her smooth regal bearing and dainty hands and movements were so lady like, so much different than her own rough and fast gestures. Her husband had been in love with this woman and now, he was incapable of loving another after her. Rourke’s voice drew Alexa back to him.

  “Now that we see clearly you did not die, have your words over and done with.”

  Alexa winced at his words and her mouth went dry when Jacqueline explained the ruse of her death in order to escape their betrothal so she could run away to France and marry the man she truly loved. Her husband, Lord Reginald.

  After a moment into her story, Rourke interrupted her. His words were angry. “But we searched for you...your body on the rocks. Only your scarf was found.”

  This time Lord Reginald answered. “Planted there earlier by me and soaked in the sea. I tied it to the branch to keep it there so it would be found.”'

  “But the blood…”

  “Forgive us,” Jacqueline said beseechingly, “'Twas animal’s blood we spilled on the rocks. We had to make it seem as if my body had washed out to sea. Never, Rourke did I imagine the horrors that would follow for you afterwards. I know now, too late, how selfish I was then to see past naught but my own needs. For that I am truly sorry and ask your forgiveness. I will understand if you do not wish to grant it. It is your right.”

  Rourke watched her and her husband. Had it been before Alexa he was sure he'd probably have killed them both or taken them right to William. But now, the pain she'd caused him seemed like a vague memory.

  Alexa’s uneven breath next to him confirmed the why of it and Rourke reached behind him and took her stiff hand in his.

  Jacqueline continued, “We’d had a small craft waiting. My father never loved my mother. The love he poured into me I guess he thought would make up for it. But it did not. His hatred for Normandy was too great. He was not the honorable man he led others to believe.”

  Rourke closed his eyes at the revelations. At the truth. He should have been furious, but he was not. What was done was done. He could not go back and change anything. He simply wanted it over.

  “I see why and understand now why you went to such lengths to cover this affair. Your father was very unstable.” Rourke stated. He would not mince words nor apologize.

  Jacqueline nodded in agreement. “You only speak the truth. I know coming here I placed my life and my husband’s at your door. But I could not live with it anymore, especially after word reached me about what my father had done to you. Whatever punishment you see fit, Rourke, we are…”

  She choked on a sob into her husband’s hand that she clutched. Tall and fit with pleasant enough features the Frenchman kept his eyes on his lady wife, worry marred his own brow.

  Alexa trembled with a mix of emotions. Rourke would turn a blind eye to this woman's ruse that had changed so many lives. Had it not ruined him? Anger sparked in her that he could so easily brush aside what Jacqueline had set in motion by her actions. Then she thought did she truly have a place to suggest judgment. After all it had been before her time. This was between her husband and Jacqueline. Alexa watched them all but mostly Rourke. Her heart bled for him hearing Jacqueline’s story. But it also bled for herself.

  He had loved this woman so much he'd carried her around for all these years. He was fond of her, this Alexa knew. But he did not gaze upon her the way he'd done this dark-haired beauty. Even now she could feel the emotion pouring from him and she fought back the sting of tears as her heart broke. She nearly jumped out of her skin when his long fingers touched her hand.

  She uncurled her own and let him slide his between hers. And she was glad as she swayed into his back and used a hand to support herself lest she fall from the weakness in her knees. The gesture of comfort only made her heartache more prevalent. She was so caught up in losing him; she failed to see that he'd turned all the way around to her. Embarrassed at how she was behaving, Alexa wanted to run from the room. Hearing Jacqueline beg for his forgiveness had been too much. She had to get some air.

  “Alexa,” his soft whisper snapped the last thread and traitorous tears welled in her eyes.

  “Hellion,” he whispered low and tipped her face up to his. His large body blocked her from their guests view and she was glad. She did not want that witch to see how hurt she was. Bad enough, Rourke had seen it.

  Meeting his gaze, Alexa gasped. The emerald pools she’d come to love and know gazed at her with what she felt for him in her heart. Love. She was almost afraid to hope. But when he leaned down and pressed his lips to her brow with a whisper. She knew she'd read him right. “There is no other for me than you.”

  With that he faced their guests again with an arm around her waist. Alexa barely heard what he told them as she could only stare at him.

  “The only good fortune out of this is...had you not done it, neither of us would be where we are now. And if I’m not mistaken, I would say the both of us are rather quite content with our current situation. Seems we both ended up with partners that suit us better.”

  He finally sat and went on to talk of her father’s crimes, the lives lost but those crimes lay at her father’s door and his cohorts in crime.

  Later after the couple had left and they lay together in the chamber, Alexa listened to Rourke as he told her the words Jacqueline had spoken to him that day so long ago.

  “She told me she’d rather die a thousand deaths than have to suffer the touch of a hulking and scarred beast of a Norman like me rutting on her.”

  “Well now we know that was obviously not the truth.”

  The look he gave her was strange. “Did you not think and say the same thing when we first met? I remember your eyes when I first undressed in front of you, Alexa.”

  She slid a hand over his scar. “I hated you for being a man coming to take all I had. You could have been anything other than Norman and I may have still hated you. I had lost all I loved. I wished death. That night you undressed, Rourke, it was pleasure that stole my breath, not hate. I just knew it not then.” She leaned down and kissed his mouth which had opened in surprise. When she sat up again he was as breathless as she and his hands slid down to squeeze her buttocks.

  “Still I must tell you, you did not deserve to be so ill used by me.”

  Alexa cupped and caressed his cheek and said softly, “The blame does not fall wholly on you. I made it hard for you too.” His fingers massaged her some more and she squirmed against his thigh.

  “‘You amaze me still, Alexa.”

  “Let’s hope it stays that way.” She told him.

  Rourke pulled her against him tighter, a grin split his face. “I’ve no doubt it will.”

  “How long have you known about the babe?”

  His hand cupped her breasts. “These spil
l out of my hand. Telling enough. I was waiting for you to speak it, but you did not.”

  She flushed and let out a moan when his thumb brushed over her hardened peak. “I-I was waiting for the right moment. I am glad you know.”

  “I am overly pleased and look forward to watching you grow ripe with my seed.”

  Alexa pulled away from him a little. “So, the words you spoke in the room to Jacqueline and her husband of us, did you mean it?”

  He pulled her close and rubbed his cheek against hers in that way he knew drove her mad with want and him just the same. Pulling back, he was not disappointed, the fire of desire burned brightly in her eyes. “I have always loved you.”

  “Nay, you lie. You have not.”

  “Aye, Alexa. Shortly after we met. Do you remember when-“he stopped at the sharp intake of her breath.

  Alexa waited for him to finish. But he said no more. She shoved at his chest and he fell back with a laugh taking her with him.

  “Do not tease! Tell me.”

  She was serious and Rourke cupped her face in his hands. He had teased her enough. “‘Twas the day I kicked the bed. I just did not know it then.”

  Her mouth dropped open, eyes wide and he could tell she was thinking back to that day.

  Rourke could not resist the inviting sight and leaned up to plant a kiss on her mouth. When she was able to breathe again, Alexa choked out, “Truly? The-The first time?’ Rourke wiped away one of her tears.

  “Truly.’ He said and more tears spilled down her cheeks. He groaned. “Still not sure I like this howling side of you. I prefer my feisty hellion.”

  Her answer to that was to mop them away with a fistful of his tunic. When she was done, Rourke gave her a teasing look of annoyance. “I think you missed a spot.”

  They laughed and she hugged him fiercely. “I do so love you, Rourke. I love you. You have my heart.”

  His beautiful face split with that big grin that made her moist and he said softly, “And you have conquered mine, hellion.”

  Before she ducked her head to meet his kiss, Alexa gazed deeply into those emerald depths that knew her so well and thought how lucky she was.

  The Dark Axe.

  The most feared.

  Her husband.



  ‘Twas three months later when The Lord of Westlan came stomping into the castle covered head to toe in snow, leaving tracks across the stone floor as he walked towards her where she was seated in the room off the great hall. Alexa watched him, her love shining brightly in her eyes.

  The conqueror of her heart and soul.

  He shook the white melting flakes from his long hair, the lustrous golden leonine mane settled in waves around his thick shoulders and he met her gaze with his emerald eyes shining back with what was in hers. He still took her breath away with that smile.

  “Did you miss me, hellion?”

  “You have been gone too long, Rourke.” Joyful tears filled her eyes as she stood with her face upturned for his hot kiss. Although he knew he’d never get used to her weepiness, he thought he understood it now. He’d stopped teasing her about them long ago for as of late they came the more her belly grew fat with their child. He captured her mouth gently. The heat ballooned between them within moments.

  “I was only gone for three nights, Alexa.” he teased and gave her an incredulous look but his warm smile heated her bones. He knew what she was worried about. Ever since his capture, she did not wish him out of her sight for too long and Rourke had found he enjoyed her over protective nature. God he loved her to no end! Never had he believed he would have been so blessed all those many moons ago when he’d first crossed her threshold. They had made it through and their love the stronger for it.

  “I love you.” He told her, his voice thick and husky.

  He pulled her tight against him and kissed her again. She sighed against his mouth. Three days had been too long since he’d felt her heat gripping him. His loins twitched and he caressed her cheek. “Think you I should fetch my squire or do you wish to help me remove these wet clothes?”

  Alexa grinned, happy his thoughts were on the same as she, replied breathlessly, “Nay. But run along I have to grab my treat for the night. A fresh batch of sweet wafers I was saving to share with you in greeting.” She pulled away from him when he reached to draw her back to his side. She laughed as he called after her.

  “Feisty hellion.”

  She called over her shoulder, “And you love this feisty hellion.”

  “Aye that I do. That I do.”

  Alexa turned at the door, her tone serious and impaled him with a meaningful look. And Rourke held his breath.

  “As I do you. I love you, Rourke, always.”

  His heart burst with the joy as it always did at her words and he watched her till he could see her no more before he took the wide stone steps two at a time. The Norman castle had been built and their things moved into it a month after it had been completed.

  Goran now occupied the manor. Scouts had produced no sight or news of Raven. His body had still not yet been found. He and Darc Renald had agreed to keep their search open for his brother. Rourke prayed he’d catch the bastard first, but until that day, he’d not let his vengeance and hatred ruin or interfere with the life he shared with Alexa. He’d learned that and stuck to the vow from his time in that dungeon and the lives lost there. Raven’s time would come. But until then…Life would go on.

  Rourke unfastened his chausses and unbuckled his mail tunic and kicked off his boots in anticipation of his wife’s arrival to their chamber.

  She was swollen with their child and he had to slow down for fear he’d hurt her in his excitement. He hoped she bore him a son, but if she did not, he would enjoy making a second child, a third, a fourth…He would love a daughter no less. Rourke’s heart swelled at the image of a little girl of their love.

  A big smile spread on his face when he heard her soft voice out in the hall, speaking sweetly to a passing guard no doubt. Warmth ballooned in his chest. Barnett had been conquered and so had he

  He was completely naked by the time the chamber door opened and closed, drawing his gaze there.

  Alexa’s breath hitched in her throat. After all this time the man could still cause her to blush. She shook with desire at the sight of his nakedness and her hand went to her hip. In an admonishing tone, she said as she neared the other side of the bed where she set the wrap of wafers. “I tell you, Rourke. You have no shame.”

  He sauntered over to her and started to undress her. “And why should I have any more than you possess.”

  “Hmm,” Alexa feigned coy a moment. Then her hands quickly rushed over his as she said almost breathless. “Why indeed? You move too slowly. Just rip it, Rourke!” she ordered.

  Rourke’s deep chuckle tore out of his chest as he tore her gown from her down the middle. She was on him before he tore the rest from her shoulders, her round belly pressing against his thickness. He groaned, and picked her up and lay back with her on the bed.

  “No shame whatsoever. Not one single bone in your wanton body.” He teased and then said no more as she pulled him down so she could kiss him deeply.



  The final Book in the Northern Knights series > Darc’s story: A beastly knight is forced to protect a widow and her son.

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