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Dual Body Cultivation

Page 24

by A P Gore

"Master Hei, the mother queen of the black-striped snakes promised me protection inside the Unknown Lands. Maybe I can move to the Unknown Lands with Xue. The mother queen would protect us, don't you think?" No, he wasn't ready to go down the path of violence again so soon. When he looked at Xi and Xue chatting innocently, he felt something that had been missing in his heart. The innocence in their smiles. It had slipped away from his heart when he first killed a man. He had to protect that innocence at any cost, but not by choosing violence himself.

  Master Hei smacked Jei's head lightly. It still hurt, like a sharp sword tip just brushed past his skin.

  "No, you can't. I won't allow you to take Xue with you."

  Jei glared at Master Hei. Master Hei sipped more from the gourd. It seemed to be the last sip, as he threw the gourd away afterward. The gourd swished through the air and disappeared somewhere in the Dark Forest.

  "Why not?"

  "Because it was a condition in the contract with your parents I signed. I can't let Xue leave this place until her awakening." Master Hei spoke softly.

  Jei's eyes jumped up to stare at the old drunk’s face. "My parents?"

  Chapter 61

  The sun loomed in the middle of the sky, spreading intense heat over Master Hei’s backyard. Jei stood in front Master Hei, listless, his mind stuck in deep thoughts. He was seven when his parents died in a freak accident. He didn't even remember what they looked like. All the information he had came from his now dead grandmother. She told him they’d loved him and Xue, but she’d never told about any contract with Master Hei. But as long as he could recall, Master Hei and Aunt Bei had lived next door.

  Is this something grandma hid from me? But why? And what's the awakening? Is it the special thing Xue has?

  Jei sighed. Maybe there was a contract after all, but how could he let the thing settle on its own like this.

  "Master Hei. I don't know what contract you signed with my parents, but currently my and Xue's lives are in danger. The only way I can think of to keep us safe is to go and live in the Unknown Lands. I hope you understand and will let us leave," Jei pleaded softly. Master Hei wasn't someone he could deal with in terms of power, so he hoped he could reason with him.

  "You can go. Li Xue can't." Master Hei said adamantly, as immovable as a boulder.

  "But who will look after Xue? And what if Ki Yu takes revenge on her?"

  "She won't." Master Hei waved his hand, and a gourd appeared from thin air. It must have come from his spatial object.

  Jei blinked, eyes focused on Master Hei's gourd. "Master Hei, why wouldn't she? I killed her brothers. Why wouldn't she kill Xue?"

  "Even if the king of this lowly country comes, he won't be able to scratch Li Xue. I am protecting her, and not even a god would dare to touch her." Confidence shone through Master Hei's voice.

  Jei wanted to smack his drunken face. Why was he being this way? Why did Master Hei want him to gain power instead of letting him live his life happily. The more Jei thought about walking the path of cultivation, the more scared he became of what would happen to him. Would he start to enjoy killing people? Would he do it just to satisfy his hunger for blood?

  "Li Jei." A fierce voice filled the small backyard. "Get out here! I've got some questions to ask you. Don't try to run. I've surrounded your house from all sides."

  It was the deadly woman. Ki Yu. Not good.

  "Oh good, she's here with that bastard. I wanted a reason to get rid of him anyway." Master Hei smiled, a wicked expression on his face. Bloodlust emerged in his eyes.

  An immense pressure surrounded the backyard when Master Hei waved his hand. A breath after, two people fell from the sky and crashed next to Master Hei and Jei. They were none other than Ki Yu and Master Yu.

  Master Yu was first to recover from the shock. With fear-filled eyes and hands shaking uncontrollably, he slowly raised to his feet.

  "Senior Hei, I..." Blood sprayed out of his mouth, and Master Yu dropped to ground, dead.

  Master Hei pointed his finger at Ki Yu, and she floated in air. Her eyes were wide, and her chest heaved like she had run a hundred kilometers.


  Master Hei put a finger to his lips. "Shh. Just listen. Because you delivered this pest to me"—he glanced at now dead Master Yu—"I won't harm you. But if you dare come near Li Xue's house again, I won't show you any mercy. Do you get it?"

  Ki Yu nodded.

  "As for this brat,” he motioned at Jei, “if you find him outside Poor White's District, I don't care what you do with him."

  Jei stared at drunken Master Hei. What did he just say? Did he give free rein to Ki Yu? Why had Master Hei betrayed him like this? If the master wanted him dead, why not kill him directly?

  "Junior accepts the senior's order," Ki Yu said, her voice lowered to a whisper, but her eyes shining with new hope.

  Master Hei snorted. "Senior? Who are you calling senior? Now scram, or I'll kill you both." He waved his finger, and Ki Yu dropped to the ground.

  Ki Yu jumped to her feet and sprinted away.

  Jei just stared in the direction she went. With Master Hei around him, he wouldn't have to worry too much. His parents must have known Master Hei's strength, so they asked him to protect Jei and Xue.

  "Why did you do that?" Jei asked, confused. What did the master gain from all this?

  "You. Scram into the Dark Forest."

  "But Xue?"

  "Ki Yu, come back here." Master Hei waved his hand and a gentle wind dragged Ki Yu back. She had a miserable look on her face, and she surely had not seen this coming.

  "Master, what's your new order? This lowly girl was just leaving as you ordered."

  "From tomorrow onwards, if you see this brat, kill him on the spot. He killed your brothers, and you are free to play with him. I don't care if you even want to roast his meat and eat it." Master Hei glared at Jei, who shook like the ground beneath him quaked.

  Why Master Hei, why?

  "This lowly girl understands Master's order." Ki Yu looked at Jei, her eyes filled with rage. And then she left without looking back.

  Master Hei turned to Jei. "Li Jei, a hundred kilometers inside the Dark Forest you'll find a dragon recruitment trial. Form a dragon contract and only then come back."

  Jei wanted to laugh aloud. A dragon, really? "As if a dragon will form a contract if I ask."

  "The dragon spirit of the trial will give you more information. But before you go, let me lock your second gate so you won't accidently open it." Master Hei placed his hand on Jei's shoulder, and a thread of white qi entered Jei's body. It accumulated around Jei's spine, forming a seal that prevented Jei's natural essence from flowing inside the Gate of Limit.

  Jei stood there, dumbfounded. Master Hei wanted him to survive, or die just like that. Without his second gate how was he supposed to survive the beasts in the Dark Forest?


  Chapter 62

  Night descended on Poor White's District, bringing a gentle warm wind along with it, exhilarating to the citizens gathered outside of their houses.

  In contrast, Jei’s mood was foul as he stared at the white trees along the border of the Dark Forest.

  His gaze couldn't penetrate into the dark shadows of the Dark Forest. He sighed. Maybe this was a bad idea. But what else could he do? Master Hei was forcing his hand.

  He had already said a teary goodbye to Xue who was crying inside his small house. Seeing her tears made his departure painful, but observing her weak state also made his resolve stronger than ever.

  "Brother Jei." A sweet voice echoed from behind him. A white pair of hands rested on his shaky shoulders, followed by the rosy scent of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.

  Slowly turning to face her, he glanced in Xi's teary eyes. The usually bright jade green of her eyes seemed dim and dull.

  He frowned. He didn't want to face another teary goodbye. "Little sister, I told you no crying." Saying goodbye was painful. Even more so, to the friend he’d
made few days back.

  She rubbed her nose. "Do you have to go? I'll ask my guards to protect you and Xue'er. Can't you stay?" Her voice was full of emotion.

  Jei held her shoulders. "I already told you. This is part of my training. I have to do this. I chose this." No, it wasn't something he chose. It was forced on him but telling her that would make things even more difficult. "Why are you here in the night?"

  "I came to give you this." She pulled a small jade necklace out of thin air. "It's a lifesaving treasure my mother gave me when I was born. If you put some natural essence in it, it will teleport you one kilometer away. But it only works once in four hours, so be careful." She wiped her tears with her free hand.

  Jei's heart shook with her words. "It's your mother's gift, Xi. How can I take it?"

  She grabbed his hand. Her milky white palm was softer than the softest paint brush he had ever used. "If you don't, I won't be able to sleep peacefully."

  "Then you must take this back." He pulled the spelled dagger from his spatial bag. In the fight against the Wei patriarch, he had used only one charge, leaving three more.

  Xi pushed it away. "No, keep that with you. If I could, I would give you every single life-saving treasure my family has." The light in her eyes seemed to intensify. "If I'd trained diligently, I'd accompany you, Brother Jei. But if I do it with my current power, I'll only bring you trouble. So, I'll stay behind and take care of your sister."

  He smiled, a happy smile, to have gained a real friend.

  "Take this, Xi. It's your family's treasure." He gave her back the dagger. He had a clear motive for going into the Dark Forest: to temper his body in every way possible. And that wouldn't be possible if he kept depending on treasures. Actually, he was both thrilled and scared to his core at the same time. Scared because of the dangers awaiting inside the Dark Forest, and thrilled to advance in his Poison Body cultivation art. The five hundred poison container waited for its use.

  He wondered what Master Hei would think if he found out Jei cultivated dual body. Even with his second gate sealed, he would advance by leaps and bounds.

  Just wait for me to soar to the sky.

  "Thanks, Xi. With your reassurance, I can go in there with a calm heart." He patted her head.

  Red rushed to her cheeks. "Don't worry about anything here. I've already asked my cook to send nutritious dishes to your house every day, and I'll visit Xue'er every day too. Once Father is back, I'll ask him to send a healer to check on Xue's condition."

  Jei was taken aback by her fondness, but it overwhelmed him too.

  "You don't have to do this, Xi. You coming to visit with Xue'er is enough for me."

  "Brother Jei, did I tell you about your painting?" she asked.

  Jei shook his head. “What about it?”

  "The painting you did for me helped ten members of my family gain an insight into martial skills. That single painting, if had been sold at auction would have fetched you ten thousand gold, easily. You have inborn talent for painting, and you haven't been taught by anyone. This is a way my father hopes to gain access to your talent for my clan. So, him doing this for your family is no big deal."

  Jei liked her straightforwardness. There was no free lunch in the world, and everyone was worshiped based on their talent and strength.

  She sighed. Moving a bit away, she stared into the shadows of the Dark Forest. "But that's not the only thing. You helped me to take the first step toward my passion. After seeing the miracle your painting did for my clan members, my father asked me to join a painting academy to study. That's the most precious thing I ever got from him. Acceptance." Her small mouth blossomed into a breathtaking smile. "Do you know I can paint the fur with ease now? Thanks to the insight your painting gave me." She turned to him and wrapped her arms around him. "I wish you'd never leave me, Brother Jei.

  Her touch sent all sort of tingles across his body.

  "Little sister. Do you still have that painting I did?" he asked, patting her back.

  She pulled away from him and drew it from her spatial belt.

  After putting a small lantern in front of him, Jei adjusted the painting on a wooden easel he carried in his spatial bag. Planting the canvas on it, he completed the texture of the tiger he had drawn for Xi. As he completed the painting, he felt he left a small part of his soul energy inside that tiger.

  "Brother Jei, that painting!" She cupped her wide-open mouth with her small hands. "What is that thing?" Chu Xi stepped back as the tiger meowed from the painting.

  "I don't know, but I guess you can find out yourself. This is my parting gift to you, little sister. I promise if I manage to come back safe, I'll teach you few things about painting." Jei patted Xi's head once again before disappearing into the darkness.

  After he reached a hundred or so meters inside the Dark Forest, he turned back to look at the beautiful girl standing in front of his painting. Even from this distance, her breathtaking smile soothed his heart.

  "Brother Jei, don't forget your promise. I'll wait for you." A soft voice lingered around him as he went deep inside the forest. That girl had left a warm feeling inside his heart.

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