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Beneath These Scars

Page 21

by Meghan March

  Ryder Colson. I still remembered his name, and the cheap way his long, slow examination made me feel. Lucas’s number two in command.

  What could he want?

  “Did Lucas send you?” I asked.

  Maybe it was like the times he’d sent Jerome, who’d just stepped out into the back alley to take a call from his sister. He’d continued babysitting duty on Lucas’s orders, and I hadn’t objected.

  Lately I couldn’t get over the feeling that every time I left the shop, I was being watched, and the police had no leads in what had been determined to be arson. Neither Ginny nor Valentina had any idea where Jay was, so Jerome was becoming my security blanket. Although honestly, I was getting used to him, and would miss his company when he was no longer around.

  Ryder Colson’s company, however, I could do without.

  He wasted no time crossing the floor to stand in front of the register. “What’s your angle, Yve? Looking for a new sugar daddy? Think Titan’s the man for the job?”

  I’d wondered how long it would take before someone made an accusation like that, but I refused to show any weakness to this guy. “Don’t you think your boss can take care of himself?”

  Colson’s gray eyes went flinty. “My job is to have his back, especially when someone of your . . . reputation is involved.”

  My reputation? Ooh, someone had done his homework.

  “As soon as he moved you into the house, I started digging, but I honestly thought you were too smart to try that angle. And yet it’s over a week later and you’re still there, so I have to wonder what your plan is. If you’re trying to buck the family tradition again, Titan is the wrong man to pick.” Colson pressed both palms to the counter between us. “He’ll never marry you.”

  Marry me? Whoa. I’m still trying to figure out if I’m falling in love with the man. The realization jarred me because I hadn’t yet admitted the possibility in those words, even in my own brain.

  I forced out a laugh. “Well, I’m sure not waiting for a proposal.”

  “Good, because he’ll pick someone like Valentina Noble for that. He’ll probably keep you on the side, though, if you’re a good enough fuck.”

  Valentina’s name on Ryder Colson’s lips sent shock waves through me. Long ago, she and I had decided that no one needed to know of our connection because it might cause people to ask how we’d become so close.

  “What are you talking about?”

  A condescending smile curled up the edges of his mouth. “She’s the woman Lucas has picked out to be the first Mrs. Titan, because God knows he’ll probably go through more than one.” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s better for you to be the mistress anyway, though. If you’re anything like your mother, you’ll last a hell of a lot longer than a wife.”

  Hot shame slid through me at the mention of my mother. Colson had clearly done his digging effectively.

  “What do you want?” I asked, because he had to want something.

  “It’s time for you to move on out of the house; you’ve overstayed your welcome.”

  “According to you, maybe.”

  Colson’s mouth twisted. “Come on, Yve. Don’t you think you’re getting a little ambitious here? Do you even really care about him? Or are you just getting comfortable playing mistress of the manor?”

  “That’s not what I’m doing. And I’m sure as hell not justifying anything to you.”

  Colson slid a folder across the counter.

  “What is that?”

  “Your new place.” He flipped it open and slid a glossy piece of paper toward me. It was a brochure for buildings that had been newly renovated into condos not far from the edge of the Quarter. “Convenient for Lucas to visit you from work or home.”

  He slid another piece of paper across the desk. It was a deed in the name of Titan Holdings LLC, and it was dated three days after my apartment had exploded.

  What the hell? Something cold and slimy swam in the pit of my stomach.

  “Did he buy this?”

  Colson met my eyes. “Well, I sure didn’t buy it for you.” He leaned over the counter. “He’s had a plan for you all along, Yve. Why don’t you make it easier on both of you and not put up a fight? Lucas has worked too long and too hard to let a piece of ass distract him from accomplishing his goals. I’m not going to let you get in the way, especially if Valentina’s father has connections we can use to get more political weight on our side to accomplish it.”

  I didn’t know what political weight and Valentina’s father had to do with anything, but I knew that Colson had overstayed his welcome. “Get the hell out of my store.”

  Colson pushed off the counter. “Ah, the store.” He flipped the deed over and revealed another agreement. The heading read Asset Purchase Agreement, and a few things jumped out at me immediately—my name, Harriet’s name, and Dirty Dog.

  “What is this?”

  “Lucas had our lawyers draft it the same day as the condo deed.” His twisted smile widened. “Like I said, you must be a hell of a fuck.”

  It didn’t make sense. None of it. Was Lucas just maneuvering me where he wanted me? All of our discussions about how I could find ways to buy Dirty Dog from Harriet—had he been playing me the whole time?

  I didn’t understand.

  Colson slid the papers back into the folder and tucked it under his arm. “I’m sure you’ll be seeing these again soon, but I wanted to make sure we were on the same page. My job is to make Lucas’s life easier, and you coming to terms with this now is the smart thing.”

  He tapped the folder on the counter. “You’re not going to make an issue out of this, are you, Yve? You’re going to go along with everything because that’s the only way you’re going to get what you want.” I lifted my eyes to his, and he continued. “Yeah, I know all about how much you love this place. I’d sure hate to see Lucas pull the plug on this deal before you get what you’ve been earning.”

  “Get out,” I said, my voice low and quiet. “Get the hell out.”

  The back door opened, and footsteps approached. “Yve, is everything—oh, Colson, I didn’t realize you had business here.” Jerome sounded honestly confused by the man’s presence.

  “Just leaving. Good to see you, Jerome.” Colson turned and strode out, the chimes jingling in his wake.

  I could feel Jerome’s gaze on me. “What’s wrong, my dear? You look unwell. Did he say something to upset you?”

  I lifted my head and studied the old man. He’d known Lucas longer than anyone, except Levi. I decided to toss my pride to the wind and ask a question I wasn’t sure I wanted an answer to.

  “Has Lucas set his sights on Valentina Noble?”

  Jerome cleared his throat, his attention darting to the clock above my head. “Well, it’s not really my place to—”

  “Come on. Don’t give me that excuse. Just tell me.”

  He shifted his weight and crossed his arms. “Before he met you, I thought it was a good chance that she was someone I’d be seeing more of. But as far as I know, he hasn’t had any interaction with her since.”

  I hated the spike of jealousy stabbing through me. This was Valentina, someone I liked and respected; I shouldn’t hate this so much. But my stomach still rebelled at the thought of Lucas and her together—the gorgeous black-haired man and the raven-haired beauty.

  “What do you know about him buying a condo?”

  Jerome shook his head. “Mr. Titan often buys investment properties. That wouldn’t be unusual at all.”

  The deed had been in the name of one of Lucas’s companies. Was Colson trying to twist this all around? But what was his angle? Some kind of messed-up revenge because I’d shot him down so hard?

  But how did that explain the agreement about Dirty Dog? Lucas had sworn he’d stay out of it and let me decide how I wanted to handle it. Had that all been lip service? I didn’t know what to believe.

  The old me yelled, Go back to the house, get your stuff, and get the hell out. You don’t need someone tr
ying to buy you. But the new me that had seen more than one side of Lucas hesitated to jump to conclusions.

  Look who’s finally becoming an adult.

  I decided that Lucas and I were long overdue for a chat about what the hell was going on, and I’d be sure to offer my opinion that he should fire Colson simply for being a dick.

  When I wasn’t in the middle of a knee-jerk reaction, I could think more clearly. I didn’t believe Lucas was trying to set me up as his mistress. He’d made no bones about the fact that he expected me to fuck him for free.

  This leap of faith might come back to bite me in the ass, but I was going to take it anyway.

  I STARED AT THE E-MAIL from my secretary. It was the third of its kind relating a phone message from Judge Harold Noble, wanting to know when I was going to get off my ass and start courting his daughter. Courting. Was that a Southern thing?

  We’d been out once, to a single society function where Valentina had proven she was charming, smart, and a perfectly pedigreed companion. She’d reminded me of Vanessa Frost—or at least the woman I’d thought Vanessa Frost was. I’d subsequently been proven wrong. Maybe I was wrong about Valentina as well.

  Objectively, dating Valentina would be a good business move, and my interest had been marginally piqued—after all, she was a black-haired, gray-eyed stunner. But I had Yve in my bed, and thoughts of any other woman paled sharply in comparison.

  Yve, who came from a long line of mistresses . . . It was still hard to believe, but then again, this was New Orleans. Stranger family traditions had to exist.

  She was not a good business move. Everything I’d done since I was eighteen years old had been to build my empire—and I’d been ruthless about it. Sacrifices were made, both people and relationships, all for the good of the company. There was no upside to me being with Yve except for my own goddamn personal satisfaction, which I rarely indulged.

  And now it seemed I was indulging myself on both business and personal fronts. My pet project that had been slated to earn billions was morphing into a resource suck unless I gave in to Haines; without his support, no one would touch it. And then there was Yve.

  I was losing my edge. I clicked on the e-mail from my secretary again. I’d never lost my edge before. And getting it back would mean both giving in to Haines and calling Valentina.

  My desk phone rang, and I picked it up. “Titan.”

  “Hell of a greeting, Titan. I think it’s time you and I had another talk.”

  The man had eerie timing, given my thoughts just now.

  Haines continued. “You don’t want to agree to an open-ended favor? Well, I’ve got a real specific one that I hear you might be able to help me with, at least if the gossips have it right.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Something that needs discussing in person. Meet me this evening. Seven o’clock.” Haines rattled off an address I wasn’t familiar with, but it couldn’t be far. “If you don’t show, I’ll know you’re not serious about making this happen.”

  “Guess we’ll see then,” I said, and hung up without warning.

  I really, really hated politicians, and I hated ultimatums even more. Curiosity and distaste filled me in equal measure. Whatever he was going to ask for, I had a feeling it wouldn’t be good.

  But what wouldn’t I do to prove my father wrong? I guess we’d see.

  “HEY!” JP GREETED ME AS I returned to Dirty Dog with lunch for the two of us. Jerome had plans to meet an old military buddy, and had tried to cancel due to babysitting duties, but I hadn’t let him. JP and I would be fine for a couple of hours on our own.

  And we were. I’d gone up the street to our favorite café because I wasn’t letting Colson put me off my appetite. I wouldn’t give him that much power.

  “Someone just dropped off a flyer for a super-exclusive estate sale tonight.” She grabbed a neon-green piece of paper off the counter and held it out.

  Excitement prickling through me, I crossed the store and plucked it from her hand. My giddiness grew as I read through the description.

  Dozens of well-cared-for vintage pieces by a who’s-who list of designers—jewelry, shoes, handbags, and clothes. I skimmed over the part about furniture, antique cars, guns, and the rest, then reread the top part. This had the makings of a jackpot, one I desperately needed to fill my dwindling inventory.

  I didn’t recognize the street name, so I pulled out my phone and Googled it. It was outside of town about twenty minutes, and the map showed an area of plantation-style homes that looked expensive. Good sign.

  The preview for wholesale buyers was tonight from seven to nine, and it opened to the public tomorrow morning at eight.

  With a smile on my face, I texted Lucas.

  I won’t be home until later tonight.

  The act in itself seemed so damned domestic, but I was too excited about the prospect of hunting through a veritable treasure trove to dwell on it. I didn’t get an instantaneous response from him, but that wasn’t unusual. He was constantly in meetings, and sometimes it could be hours before he replied. It wasn’t something I loved, but I understood.

  But I also thought we were due for a serious discussion about what was happening next between us. I wasn’t ready to consider the possibility that there wasn’t a next for us. I was in too deep. I’d let myself slide, and I just hoped I wasn’t sliding by myself.

  JP and I settled in to eat our lunch at the tiny table in the back room, as I sat with one ear open for the door chime to jangle so I could step out and help any customers.

  “So, you and Lucas Titan. Tell me about that,” she said.

  I hadn’t had another woman working here since Elle, and I was seriously impressed by how quickly JP caught on and was charmed by her cheery, sweet nature. We’d settled into an easy relationship, but I was kind of caught off guard by her question. I wondered how much she’d overheard from the back room when Colson had come to visit. The steamer didn’t offer much in the way of background noise, but I’d hoped she’d had her ear buds in like she normally did when taking on the monotonous chore.

  “What do you mean?”

  She set her fork down and lifted her soda for a sip. When she set it down, she pinned me with a curious stare. “I mean, you’re living with the guy. What’s it like to be dating the city’s most notorious billionaire bachelor?” She paused to take another drink. “He’s hot as hell, don’t get me wrong, but he seems like a total prick from what I’ve heard.”

  Apparently Lucas’s reputation preceded him.

  “We’re . . . seeing each other.”

  “A lot and naked?” She waggled her eyebrows.

  “You could say that.” I laughed. I was reluctant to share details, but part of me wanted to spill and get someone’s opinion. I didn’t feel right talking to Elle about him because I knew her initial reaction would be, Why the hell are you still living in his house? Because that was basically the daily text I got from her.


  “It’s complicated?” I said, but it came out more as a question than a statement.

  “I bet. But it’s good?”

  I nodded. “Yes. It’s good.”

  “Then you’re a lucky bitch. I was just curious, I guess. You two seem so different that it’s hard to picture—” She broke off abruptly. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way.”

  I held up a hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I’m the last person anyone would pick to be with him.” I thought of Colson’s words. Yeah, Valentina was a much better match.

  But I’m not giving him up to her. The force behind the thought took me by surprise. I guessed I’d made my decision. Now I just had to find out what Lucas really thought about where this was going.

  “Who cares what anyone thinks. If it works for you two, that’s all that matters,” JP said. “So, are you going to go to the preview? I’d love to come too, and see how it works, but I’ve got a thing tonight I can’t miss.”

  “A thing?”r />
  She grinned. “Yeah, an appointment to get a new tat. This hot dude at Voodoo Ink—who I’ve been waiting months to get in to see—finally had a cancellation. Otherwise I’d be waiting another month.”

  “Con?” I asked, because he was the only male tattoo artist I knew of who worked there. But he was firmly taken by Vanessa, and they’d both been spending the majority of their time at the gym, working with the kids.

  She shook her head. “Nah, he’s not doing much work lately, from what I’ve heard. It’s the newer guy. Bishop. He’s a sexy beast of a man. That man bun. Seriously hot. I’ve never been all about the long-haired guys, but with him, I can see the appeal. My plan is to get the tat and his number. I think he’s single. I’ve been doing some digging.”

  “Stalking, you mean?”

  JP shrugged. “Eh, let’s not throw labels around, okay?”

  Once again, anticipation filled me at the thought of the estate sale. It was exactly what I needed after Lucas and Jerome had conspired to purchase a good chunk of Dirty Dog’s inventory. I was still trolling my regular sources, but I needed a bulk buy. Maybe I could negotiate something tonight. The thrill of the hunt and the high of bargaining was already building in my bones. It was my fix. My addiction.

  “Yeah, I’ll definitely go. Hopefully it’ll be a good one.”

  JP squealed. “Awesome!”

  We finished our lunches just before the door chime rang. A little distracted, I was counting the hours before I could head out and hunt for treasures—and put my questions about my future with Lucas to rest.

  I pulled up to the antebellum mansion at six forty-five. There were no other cars in the drive, which was a little crazy given the load of goods behind those doors and the fact that people like me were used to arriving early to get the best of the lot. Heck, I thought I’d really be arriving too late. I wondered how many flyers had been handed out, because I hadn’t seen it advertised on any of my normal sites for estate sales.

  The mansion looked like it could be the set for a show about haunted plantations. Older, not exactly run-down, but a stately lady showing her age. I parked the Blue Beast and stepped out. When Jerome had returned from his lunch, I’d shown him the flyer, and he’d immediately rained on my parade. He’d told me under no circumstances was I to come tonight, because he couldn’t accompany me. I’d completely forgotten that his sister was flying in, and he’d committed to picking her up.


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