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Choosing Eternity (The New Era Saga Book 3)

Page 13

by KT Webb

  Hadley noticed for the first time that Whitley was wearing a plain white, floor-length dress. It was simple yet elegant and made Hadley tear up.

  “You look—“


  The familiar voice was like a refreshing summer breeze. Hadley and Whitley turned to see their parents coming toward them. It was surreal. Hadley tried to wrap her mind around it, but her emotions got the better of her.

  “Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Hadley scolded through her tears.

  “We thought you were dead!” Whitley cried.

  “Absalom took us. He wanted you to see us alive just to kill us in front of you,” her dad told them.

  Hadley felt her stomach tighten at the idea of having to watch her parents die; it was bad enough seeing the White House explode. She wished Absalom would just hurry up and start this whole battle so they could see the Creator destroy him once and for all.

  “Look at your belly!” Tahlia squealed.

  The family held each other as they cried happy tears. Hadley felt like the luckiest person alive. Her family was complete once again.

  “I still don’t understand how Nora found you after all this time,” Whitley said.

  “I didn’t. Callie did. It’s what she had been trying to tell me when I cut her off to go rescue our allies,” Nora explained.

  Hadley’s eyes traveled from Nora to Callie. She hadn’t noticed them approach while she was enveloped in the arms of her family.

  “Thank you, Callie.”

  She shrugged. “As soon as I saw them, I knew why I was there. I thought I’d returned to Absalom because I belonged with him. But I quickly realized the real reason I felt drawn back to them was because I was the only one who could save your parents, Naomi, and Ezekiel.”

  “Naomi and Ezekiel?” Hadley inquired.

  “We have been joined by Vanity and Panic. They both began to realize the evil that surrounded them and clung to that last piece of hope,” Nora told them.

  Hadley nodded. She would accept them as part of the family without hesitation. She had been reluctant to do so with Callie and Joe, but both showed her proof of the changes they were fighting to make. She had no doubt that, in time, Naomi and Ezekiel would do the same.

  “I’m getting married in twenty minutes,” Whitley blurted out.

  “You’re what?” Eric demanded.

  Whitley cleared her throat. “Joe and I have fallen in love and have decided to get married.”

  Hadley stifled a giggle as Eric and Tahlia looked at each other then turned to look at Whitley and Joe in turn. Their expressions were priceless. She couldn’t put her sister through the silent scrutiny any longer.

  “Okay, here’s the deal. Whitley is a big girl. She is in love with a good man. It may seem sudden, but the two of them have been getting to know each other for months. She knows and accepts his past because it isn’t part of his future. I was prepared to give her away, and will still do so if you guys aren’t in support of the situation.”

  Tahlia’s eyes widened slightly. Hadley waited for the onslaught of objections, but they didn’t come.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Her father should give her away,” Eric insisted.

  A collective sigh of relief came from the twins and Joe. The moment didn’t last long as they all rushed off to the chapel where Pastor Jeff was waiting for them.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight:


  She stood at the back of the chapel ready to walk down the aisle. Her father offered her his hand, and she took it without hesitation. Joe stood at the front of the room waiting for her. Thatcher stood behind him as his witness, while Hadley waited for her on the other side.

  This was far from the fairy-tale wedding most girls dream of, but it was perfect for Whitley. She had accepted long ago that her life was not going to be easy. The moments that led them to this point were anything but pleasant, but the one constant she had was her family. They surrounded her now in this chapel in a hotel in Vegas.

  All of Me by John Legend started playing over the speakers, and Whitley grinned. She’d let Joe pick the song she would walk in to. His choice was perfect. She took the first step toward him and felt any nerves she’d been experiencing disappear. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, she was standing before her future husband.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?”

  “Her mother and I do. As well as the rest of the family gathered here,” Eric replied with a strained voice.

  Whitley had only seen her father cry a handful of times. She squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek before he passed her off to Joe.

  “We are gathered here today to join two souls for eternity. Before you are two people who will leave here as one.”

  Whitley felt the tears start to sting her eyes as she stared into Joe’s eyes. She knew he still struggled with accepting that anyone could love him. He had come a long way from the scarred ex-Malady, but he still saw Disease when he looked in the mirror.

  “Whitley Renee Callaghan, do you take Joe . . . ” He leaned in and whispered, “Just Joe?”

  Joe nodded, but Whitley had something else in mind. “Josiah.”

  The surprise in Joe’s eyes was quickly replaced by an intense look of love that Whitley was looking forward to seeing every day for the rest of their lives.

  “Whitley Renee Callaghan, do you take Josiah as your life partner, lover, and constant support from now until the end of eternity?”

  “I do.”

  “Josiah, do you take Whitley Renee Callaghan as your life partner, lover, and constant support from now until the end of eternity?”

  “I do.”

  “It is my pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife and introduce everyone to Josiah and Whitley Callaghan. You may kiss the bride.”

  Joe leaned in and kissed Whitley with a gentle intensity that could never be matched. They chose to take the Callaghan name because Joe had never been given a last name. She couldn’t wait to spend her life with the man who was now holding her hand in the air like he’d just won the biggest prize in the history of prizes.

  Their family surrounded them and congratulated them with hugs and handshakes. Members of the Army of Hope had made their way to the hallway outside the chapel to wish them well. It was a new kind of fairy tale; one where all the people were united against a single foe, and one where nothing could take the hope for the future away from them.

  Her wedding day had been exactly what she wanted. She married Joe in a simple and short ceremony. Their family had been reunited. They ate and had the biggest reception she’d ever seen. They went to bed as virgins and woke as husband and wife in every sense.

  They were happily married for less than twenty-four hours before all hell broke loose.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine:


  She awoke to the feeling that something was wrong. Kerr was by the window, and Thatcher and Hadley still slept soundly. Nora was sure she’d had a nightmare but couldn’t remember any of it. She looked at Kerr, wondering why he was peering out the window.

  “Kerr, what’s going on?”

  “I don’t really know. I have this weird feeling. It’s like I’m forgetting something, but I don’t know what it could be.”

  “I feel a bit off too. Do you think something is going on?”

  “No clue, but look outside.”

  Nora got up and went to the window. When she peered outside, she saw that there were people mulling around in shorts and tank tops. It had definitely been warmer than the rest of the world, because so many people had converged in this area, but it wasn’t exactly warm enough for summer clothing.

  Then she noticed the sun. It had grown impossibly larger than the day before. She exchanged a look with Kerr. Neither of them knew what was going on, but it couldn’t be good.

  “What’s going on?” Thatcher had gone from sleeping to high alert in no time.

  Hadley also sat up in bed. “Somethi
ng’s coming.”

  Somehow, all four remaining Evolved had sensed a danger of some kind within minutes of each other. Nora knew Absalom was trying something new.

  “We’d better get these people back inside and have everyone load up on weapons. I have a feeling we’re about to have another encounter with the Dark Army.”

  They dressed in a flurry. Nora had just finished pulling on her black leather jacket when there was a knock at the door. Kerr opened it to reveal Callie, Naomi, Ezekiel, Joe, and Whitley standing in the hallway.

  “He’s coming,” Callie told them.

  “We know. It’s time to prepare for battle,” Nora commanded.

  “But have all the prophecies come true?” Whitley asked.

  “The only one we’d been waiting for was help from a surprising place. Maybe having half the Maladies join our side was surprising enough,” Thatcher offered.

  Nora hadn’t thought about it that way, but he could be right. Regardless of whether it was happening according to the prophecies or not, Absalom was bringing the battle to them now. They had to prepare the troops.

  She closed her eyes and focused on the mass of people she knew as the Army of Hope. She pushed out a single thought to each mind. “The time has come. Prepare for battle.”

  “Everyone should be up and getting ready now. Let’s go make sure everyone gets a weapon.”

  They made their way down to the main floor of the hotel as quickly as they could. Nora was surprised to find scores of people already dressed and handing out weapons. She and Dorian grabbed broadswords, Kerr and Romulus took a baseball bat each, and Whitley and Joe found crossbows. Callie, Naomi, and Ezekiel took two long, curved swords. Most people opted for a weapon that would allow them to do damage without getting too close.

  As soon as someone retrieved their weapon, they went to wait on the strip until the entire army was battle ready. Nora continued to direct everyone and communicate with the people outside so everyone stayed on the same page. By the time the Evolved and their family joined the army outside, the sun had grown closer than was probably safe.

  “What do you think he’s trying to do?” Hadley asked.

  “Not a clue, he isn’t going to kill us though. We have to fight in order for him to fight the Creator,” Kerr reminded them.

  Nora looked to Dorian and Romulus for guidance, but they looked just as confused as she felt. They didn’t have to wonder what was going on for long. The sun seemed to stop growing and suddenly snapped back into place. Everything around them disappeared. The entire army looked to Nora for orders. She found herself standing at the front of a sea of people waiting for her command. She squared her shoulders and turned to face the opposing army.

  Chapter Thirty:



  They were in Eternity. The muted colors and deafening silence was all too familiar to her. They stood in a desolate field that could have been linked to any location on Earth. She squeezed Joe's hand as they faced the opposing side. Of course Absalom would find a way to bring them all to Eternity. It was the only way he could guarantee the total annihilation of the remaining population. He didn't want many battles waged at once, he wanted everyone from all over the world to face each other in one central location.

  The believers on their side regarded the empty shells of Absalom's side. The only people who appeared coherent were the Maladies. Every other person standing across from them appeared to be lifeless statues. The chills ran through Whitley's body as the heads snapped up as one to stare directly at their side.

  "What's wrong with them?" The whisper came from somewhere behind her.

  "They aren't in control anymore," Nora said boldly into the minds of every warrior on their side. "We've prepared for this. We know the enemy looks like us, but these humans have given themselves to Absalom. He has control now. Look around you. Our army is comprised of people who chose not to give up, people who chose to see the good in each other and the world."

  Whitley felt the energy around them heighten. Nora's words were reminding them why they were there. If there was any hope of reclaiming the world, they had to face the evil before them.

  "I know some of you will soon be fighting neighbors, friends, family members, spouses, and other people you may recognize. I sincerely hope you don't have to destroy anyone you know or love, but I cannot make that guarantee. If you do come face to face with your loved ones, the only advice I can share is: do not hesitate." There was a slight rumble in response to this suggestion. "I don't say that to be disrespectful. I say it because they will not know you, and they will not hesitate. The person you knew is gone."

  Whitley heard some sobs escape from the crowd at the thought of what lay before them. Joe squeezed her hand and took the opportunity to pull her close for a hug.

  "We're going to make it through this," he told her softly.

  "I hope so."

  "That's why we will. We have something they don't. We're fighting for our lives, for our families, for our friends. They're fighting because someone is pulling the strings."

  Whitley nodded and reluctantly removed herself from his embrace. It was time to fight.


  It had all come to this. The years they had spent protecting the Evolved and preparing the world had come to this battle. It didn't matter to him if he made it out alive. All that truly mattered was getting to the point where the Creator would fight Absalom. Their side watched and waited for the Maladies to start their advance; they didn't wait long.

  Rage raised his fist and screamed, signaling the throngs behind him to surge forward. Their side met them halfway and the battle began. As they planned, Dorian and Nora fought together. Kerr was partnered with Romulus, since they wanted to heal the warriors as they fought. Thatcher opted to fight alone but wanted to stay close enough to Hadley that he could help should she and Callie require it. Joe and Whitley had their archery equipment at the ready and made their way to higher ground. Tahlia and Eric were surrounded by a throng of Secret Service agents, all of them armed with guns as they rushed into the fight.

  People Dorian recognized from the visits they had made to various locations nodded their heads or clapped the Evolved on the shoulders as they ran past. Their weapons varied from everyday objects like the baseball bat Kerr wielded to the firearms many others had strapped to their bodies.


  His fireballs made quick work of the group around him. He had convinced himself long ago that it was kill or be killed, and there was no way he was going to accept the latter. Thatcher tried to ignore the smell of burning flesh as it tickled his nose. He glanced to his right where Hadley and Callie fought. Despite her lack of abilities, Callie was a fierce warrior. She struck out time and again with her broadsword, and the bodies of her enemies littered the ground around her. Hadley spent most of her time striking out with lightning but occasionally snapped her fingers causing the people before her to disintegrate into nothingness.

  Thatcher fought his way through the battle to get to a decent vantage point. He could see the bodies dropping like stones, and he could hear the screams of anguish as the people in their side were injured or killed.

  Absalom had gathered a massive army of clueless idiots. Their souls were gone. Absalom had absorbed them to build his own strength. These people were already dead inside, and only the Creator knew if defeating Absalom would give them back their lives.

  He’d seen enough. It was time to join his friends. Thatcher sent massive fireballs raining down on the furthest ranks of the Dark Army. The least he could do was take out as many as possible without hurting any of their own. Some whoops rang out as people noticed what he was trying to accomplish.


  Kerr and Romulus fought back to back. The hardest part of this fight was not fighting the darkness that surrounded them, it was fighting the people who had been overcome by the darkness. He knew it was part of the deal. The Creator had prepared them for the painful thing
s they would have to do in order to win. Even having the knowledge ahead of time didn't make it easy.

  It went against everything inside him to cause physical harm to human beings, but these followers of Absalom were no longer human beings. They had given their souls over to the purest form of darkness, and as long as Absalom lived, they would be nothing but empty shells. They were under his control.

  Kerr used the baseball bat to strike out against the mindless men that had surrounded them. The crack of the bat against a skull made Kerr's stomach turn. If only he could avoid these actions until the Creator could face Absalom.

  He came out of nowhere. The man with the gun held it evenly with Kerr's chest. The next thing Kerr noticed about him was the dead look in his eyes. Kerr held up his hands in an effort to talk him down, but the man didn't register anything aside from the gun in his hand. The shot rang out and everything seemed to move in slow motion. In the millisecond that seemed to last an eternity, Kerr saw everything he would miss. He would never see his daughter again. His eyes traveled to Nora as she fought off her own attackers next to Dorian. She would have to go on without him. She would have to raise Keira on her own if she made it out of this alive.

  Kerr collapsed to the ground. He heard Nora's tortured scream rip from her throat. There was no pain. From his vantage point, he watched Dorian smoothly slice the man's head from his body. Why wasn't it getting dark? Why couldn't he feel the gunshot wound that had surely pierced his heart? He cautiously touched his chest and found nothing. He sat up slowly, and in his confusion he discovered the reason for his deliverance. Romulus.

  He was lying next to Kerr with life spilling from his chest. Kerr scrambled to his knees and desperately tried to heal the man who had replaced his father. Nothing happened.

  "He's gone, son." Dorian's voice was warped by his grief.


  The battle raged around them. So many lost. So many dead. Lives sacrificed for belief or indifference. Nora looked around at the carnage, recognizing the faces of those who had fought beside her. The pieces of her heart seemed to be scattered all around. Kerr knelt to her left with Romulus' lifeless body cradled in his arms. His sobs fell on her ears like a tidal wave washing away proof of life on the beach.


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