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Catch (Coronado Series Book 4)

Page 4

by Lea Hart

  Rachel said nothing, because she’d lost the power of speech. She stared at Chris as he lifted a round barbell thing and watched his huge muscles strain against the exercise. His running shorts sat low on his hips and framed his behind like it was a work of art. So that is what he looks like…under clothes. Sex on a stick.

  Birdie waited for Mark to look up. “Honey, why don’t you go home and shower, because we’re getting hungry.” He finished his last rep, grabbed a towel, and headed toward them.

  “Do you want to come and soap my back?”

  “No, you go. I need to help Rory with lunch.” She gave him her big eyes so that he would remember the plan.

  He finally caught on and nodded. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes. Don’t start without me.” He kissed his wife’s lips without getting her sweaty. “Bye.”

  Max seemed to have caught on as well. “I’ll do the same and head in to shower.”

  Rory grabbed Birdie’s hand and tugged her into the house. “Rachel, can you keep an eye on the twins for me while we finish up in the kitchen?”

  “Sure, Rory. I’d be happy to.” She walked over to the playpen and smiled at the babies sleeping.

  Chris followed behind her and stood silently next to her. “They sure are cute when they’re sleeping.” She glanced over and said nothing. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I acted like an ass and hurt your feelings. I was worried about you, and I handled it wrong.”

  She stared as a drop of sweat roll down his massive chest toward the trail of hair that led to his shorts. She tried to remember why she was mad at him and couldn’t. “Thank you for your apology, Chris. Dean was crazy controlling and critical, and when you spoke to me yesterday, I flashed to all of that. I overreacted. It’s been a long year, and I think it’s started to catch up to me. I’m sorry that I took it out on you. I know you just wanted to help.”

  “When I saw the bruises on your arms from where he grabbed you, I went a little crazy. I saw red, and I still do.” He gently took her hand and smiled into her eyes. “I want to protect you. Please let me help you?” Chris asked.

  “Oh, Chris.”

  They stood under the big pine tree. She heard the wind move through the branches and wondered if she could lean on this nice man for a while. The last year had worn her down, and she sure could use a break. “Thank you for your offer. I could use a little help.” She stared down at their clasped hands, and she somehow didn’t ever want to let go. Why?

  He let out a breath of relief. “I promise to not be controlling.” He was about to hug her but remembered he was sweaty. “I’m going to go in and shower, and then you can tell me what you want me to do.” He leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead and closed his eyes for a moment. At least I’m going to get a chance.

  Rory and Birdie looked through the kitchen window and tried to make out what Chris and Rachel were saying. When they saw Chris take her hand, they knew their plan worked. They quietly high-fived each other and then did a little dance.

  Max came into the kitchen as they finished. “I take it that was a victory dance. The plan worked?”

  Rory turned around, admired her handsome husband, and wrapped her hands around his middle. “We did it. I think they may have a chance.”

  Max kissed the top of his wife’s head and squeezed her. “Congratulations, sweetheart.”

  Mark returned and noticed that the Bishops were hugging—which meant the plan had worked. “Baby, do you consider this a successful match?”

  “I had nothing to do with this. It was all them,” Birdie said.

  Mark enfolded his wife in his arms, looked out the window, and watched Chris and Rachel talk under the tree. Birdie felt good to him, and he hoped lunch was going to be quick today, because he wanted to go home and enjoy his wife.

  “Are you copping a feel, Mr. Frazier?”

  “Yes, I am, Mrs. Frazier.”

  “Okay, just checking.” She turned in his arms and kissed him. “Let’s get lunch ready for our lovebirds.”


  The men were doing the dishes after lunch as the ladies sat in the backyard and enjoyed their glasses of wine. Max stared at Chris expectantly as he loaded the dishwasher. “So did it work?”

  “I have a small window of opportunity, and I need to make sure not to screw it up. She told me I could help her, but she wants to do most of it herself. Look at her. She’s an elf going into battle. I want to kill the son of a bitch who’s done this to her. I don’t want her to go anywhere without me.”

  Mark and Max studied their friend and sympathized with his feelings. This was it for him, and he needed to learn how to treat Rachel so he wouldn’t be sent home. They had both learned the hard way what worked, and it might be a good idea to share some of their wisdom.

  Mark leaned against the counter. “Birdie laid it out for me on the second night that I knew her and told me she wanted to be the boss. I, of course, pushed back and almost got kicked out for good. I don’t know how I got a second chance, but somehow, I did. All she wanted was a balance of power between us. We don’t know what we’re like because we spend time around men just like us. We think we’re normal, but we’re not. She told me there was no way a Navy SEAL lieutenant commander was ever going to be in charge. She informed me that a flower lady accountant was much better suited for the role. She was right. I told her she could be in charge of what we ate, where we went, and what we did. Once I agreed to that, it all went pretty smoothly. Do you know what she cares about? She cares about the food and the parties. Oh, and she handles the money, and I am grateful for it.”

  “You let her be in charge?” Chris asked.

  “Of course. I want her to be happy. What do I have to prove anymore? I want to prove to my wife that I love her and she’s my number-one priority. You know what happens when you give them all the power? They give it right back to you.”

  “Chris, you remember when Rory had the stalker?” Max asked.

  “Of course. How could I forget?”

  “My beautiful, smart, fearless wife wanted to solve the problem herself. It took a lot of work to get her to trust me, and when she finally did, I felt like I won a fucking war. That’s how strong the victory was for me. I gave her the tools and faith that she needed so she could confront the situation. In the end, we did it together, but my faith in her was the best thing I could’ve done. She told me that’s what made her fall in love with me.”

  “So for this to work…I need to let Rachel be in charge and show her my faith?”

  Mark and Max looked at each other and nodded. “If you want even a slice of the happiness we have, it’s a good place to start,” Max replied.

  “The world is upside down,” Chris stated.

  “It’s a world I feel damn lucky to be a part of. My wife depends on me, has faith in me, loves me, and takes care of me,” Mark responded.

  Max had a point. Maybe what he’d always thought was wrong. He decided to take their advice and see if it worked with Rachel. “I’m going to give it a try.” They finished in the kitchen before joining the ladies. Chris watched Rachel laughing with the ladies, and he decided he would try whatever was necessary to keep her happy.


  Chris escorted Rachel out to her car. “Can I come over and install the system that I have for you?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

  He was about to argue with her and decided to take a breath and see why she felt that way.

  “I’m thinking about moving, and I don’t want you to go to a lot of work for nothing.”

  “Where would you like to move to?” he inquired.

  “I’m not sure. I would like to find a small house with a yard because I want a little garden and a dog.”

  “What kind of dog do you want?”

  “I want to rescue one. Maybe a shepherd mix of some sort. Anyway, I don’t want you to spend the time on my condo,” she replied.

  “How about if I just put up a few things and then install a fu
ll system when you find a house?”

  “Thanks, Chris. I’m sorry that I got so mad at you yesterday, and I appreciate you helping me out.”

  He took her hand and rubbed his finger over the top of her palm. “I would do anything for you, Rach.”

  Surprising both of them, she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He felt her arm wrap around his arm as he brought her against his body. He dropped his head and kissed her cheek gently in response. He wanted to do a lot more, but he didn’t want to screw up. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. They had plenty of time, and he wasn’t going to rush her.

  “Thank you, Chris.”

  Mark and Birdie walked by, and Mark started wolf-whistling at them. Birdie hit his arm and could be heard telling him to leave them alone.

  “I’ll follow you home and install a few things. It won’t take me long.”

  “All right,” Rachel responded.


  It was turning out to be a great Monday morning, because the first face he’d seen was Rachel’s. He had enjoyed her expression of surprise when he’d shown up at her door with coffee and donuts. She’d been upset with him, and he still couldn’t tell if it was for showing up unannounced or bringing donuts. He had a feeling it was the donuts, because she referred to them as a gateway drug. All in all, it had been pretty funny to watch her throw dirty looks at a pink box like that.

  He sat at his desk and started reading the reports that Laird had left for him. He was soon interrupted by David rummaging around in the donut box. “Just pick one or take them to the kitchen. You’re killing my concentration.”

  “Why do you have donuts on your desk?”

  Chris glanced up at his friend and studied him. “Because I haven’t taken them over to the kitchen yet. Did you know that donuts are considered a gateway drug?”

  David started laughing and blew powdered sugar all over Chris’s desk. “Girls say things like that. What girl were you trying to sweeten up this morning?”

  Chris ignored him as he brushed the sugar off his desk and tried to return to his reports. “None of your business.”

  “It’s always my business. Did you finally ask Rachel out and have a romantic weekend?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “So she said no?” David sat on the corner of the desk and settled in, because he wanted to be ready when Chris laid this on him. He’d watched his friend over the last year and often wondered if he was ever going to work up enough courage to go after what he wanted. Combat was easy. Women were not.

  “Rachel and I are friends, and I’m helping her out with a problem. If you want to be helpful, too, then you can ride backup with me this afternoon when I go over to the gym and explain to her ex-boyfriend that he needs to stay away.”

  “Sure, tell me when you’re ready to go. I just want the full story in exchange for my help.”

  “I don’t have to give you anything, because I’ve pulled your ass out of the fire too many times to count.”

  “Be that as it may, I still want the story.” David laughed.

  “Let me read this info that Laird put together, and I’ll tell you when we’re in the car.”

  David lifted himself off the desk and swiped the box of donuts. “I’ll just take these with me, because I don’t want you to be tempted.”

  “Have at them. I already had oatmeal with blueberries and yogurt.”

  “Did Rachel make that for you this morning?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, she did. Right after she gave my box of donuts a dirty look. As a side dish, I received a lecture on my eating habits, which apparently are atrocious.”

  David gave his friend a long, steady look and nodded. “She must really like you. A woman only cares about what a man eats if she’s planning on keeping him around. The fact that she gave you oatmeal means that she cares about your heart and plans on holding on for a long time. Congratulations. I never thought that you had much of a chance with her.”

  Ignoring the comment about his chances, Chris asked, “Where did you come up with this theory about food and women?”

  “Life is where I came up with this theory. I pay attention to things and notice patterns. It’s not brain surgery,” David explained.

  “So the oatmeal is a good sign?” Chris asked.

  “A woman who makes you oatmeal is serious.”

  A big smile crossed Chris’s face as he thought about what David had said. Rachel also made him lunch because she didn’t think he would make a healthy choice if he was left on his own. If David was right, then it meant he had an excellent chance with her. “She made me lunch, too!”

  “Just tell me when the wedding is. How come all you guys are finding women who want to cook for them? Cary makes dinner every night for Travis, and on the weekend, she makes a big breakfast. I want someone to do that for me.”

  “Quit dating women from the bar, and you may have a chance. You say you want a real woman, but your actions are saying something else.”

  They were interrupted when Rachel entered the office and stepped over to Chris’s desk. She smiled at both men as she placed a brown bag on Chris’s desk. “I forgot to give this to you earlier.”

  Chris stood up immediately and let his chair roll back. “Thanks, Rach.” Taking her hand, he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “You’re taking excellent care of me.” He stood as close to her as he could get away with, because he enjoyed how her perfume floated up and played with his senses. He felt her lean in slightly and was about to kiss her again when David interrupted them with his loud voice.

  “Hi, Rachel. How are you doing?”

  She turned to smile at him. “I’m fine, David. How was your weekend?”

  “It was fine. What did you make Chris for lunch?”

  She gave him a funny look before she responded. “I just made him a regular lunch with a sandwich, salad, fruit, cookies, and some pretzels. Why are you so interested?”

  “Are they homemade cookies?”


  He slapped his hand on his knee in frustration. “I can’t believe that Chris gets homemade cookies in his lunch. Are there any more like you hanging around?”

  “I have a twin sister, but she lives on the East Coast and doesn’t like to bake.” She watched both men stare at her in fascination and wondered about their mental health and apparent fascination with cookies.

  Chris sputtered out, “Do you look alike?”

  “Yes, we’re identical twins. But we’re different in personality, tastes, and interests. We always had fun in school, though, because most people couldn’t tell us apart.”

  David stepped toward her, and Chris tensed up. “Relax, man. I know she’s taken. I was just wondering if she would introduce me to her sister.”

  “I’m not taken. That’s the most ridiculous thing that I’ve ever heard. And to answer your question…no, I can’t introduce you to my sister. She’s married, has three children, and lives in Scarsdale with her husband, who’s a surgeon.”

  “All the good ones are taken—the story of my life.”

  “I heard you blew it with Birdie and her potential matches. I don’t think you were all that interested in finding a ‘good one.’ What about Zoey?”

  “Has everyone heard about that? Jeez, I’m getting a bad rep, and I didn’t even do anything.” He grabbed the box of donuts and stalked away as he muttered to himself about women.

  Chris took Rachel’s hand and stepped closer again. “When do you want to have lunch?”

  “We don’t have to eat with one another. I just made that for you because you don’t care about yourself, and I want to thank you for taking of my problem with Dean. It seems only right that I should take care of you if you’re taking care of me.”

  “Rachel, you don’t have to do anything for me. I’m happy to help you.”

  She patted his chest, felt his massive muscles under his T-shirt, and instantly remembered what he’d looked like the other day at Rory’s house with sweat dripping down his ches
t. A flash of heat spiraled through her body, and she knew her face was getting red. Might as well advertise how handsome I think he is. The urge to crawl into his arms returned, and she resisted and stood stock-still. She was about to step away when he covered her hand with his and leaned his head against hers. Taking a deep breath, she smiled to herself as she breathed him in. He smelled like laundry soap and something else. Something completely perfect. Whatever it was made her feel calm and happy, which had not happened a lot recently.

  “Let’s plan on eating around one. I’ll come and get you when I get back.”

  Lifting her head, she looked at him with worry in her eyes. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to talk to Dean and make sure that he understands the lay of the land. I don’t want him to be confused about the consequences of his actions. The landscape has changed, and he needs to know.”

  “Chris, I don’t want you to do that. You’ve done more than enough.”

  “I haven’t done anything yet. I know that you’re going to be in charge of most things, and I’m okay with that. But I’m in charge of your safety, and I will not compromise on it. No one is ever going to get their hands on you and hurt you as long as I have breath in my body.”

  “Why are you being so domineering?”

  “I’m no more domineering than you were this morning when you made me eat a healthy breakfast. You didn’t give me a choice about eating the oatmeal.”

  “I made you a delicious, healthy breakfast so that you would start your day off right. It’s not the same thing.”

  “I’m taking care of the dangerous lunatic who’s harassing you so you can have a good day and be free of worry. It’s pretty much the same thing. You have your opinions, and I have mine, and we can respect the differences and celebrate them.”


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