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Catch (Coronado Series Book 4)

Page 26

by Lea Hart

  “Blueberry and Plums, that always works. If she doesn’t want it, then she’s definitely not hungry.” Standing, she moved toward the cupboard and pulled the jar out.

  “Her clamping her mouth shut doesn’t tell you that she isn’t hungry?” Laird asked.

  “No. That’s just her opening shot. I don’t give up until we’ve tried at least two, sometimes three, things. I had to take her to weight checks every other day for the first three weeks of her life. She was not gaining weight the way she should, so I was at the doctor’s office constantly. I never give up until I’m absolutely sure that she’s not hungry.” Opening the jar, she scooped out a small spoonful and offered it to her daughter. When she grudgingly accepted it, Lexi smiled in triumph. “See…opening shot.”

  Laird smiled at the two of them and ate his dinner. He figured he should finish up so, when Bella was done, he could pick her up and Lexi eat. He was starting to get the rhythm of how things worked at meal time. “How did you feel when you found out that Bella was going to be born with an extra chromosome?”

  Glancing over, she smiled at Laird. “I felt a million different things. I was sad that the picture I held wasn’t going to happen. Then I became determined. I said to myself, ‘Who better than me to have a child with special needs?’ I have a strong personality, and I knew that I had the ability to advocate for whatever she was going to need. I remember looking into the mirror hours after I found out and saying to myself, ‘Here we go, baby girl. I will stand between you and the rest of the world and make sure that you are going to be okay. They are going to have to get through me to get to you.’ I remember that moment of clarity like it happened yesterday. Then I went to the bookstore and got as many books as I could find and spent the next five months researching everything I needed to know. So, when she was born, I was ready.”

  “Were you scared?”

  “Of course I was. But I figured that God must trust me and have faith in me beyond what I had in myself to give me her, so I went with it. I don’t want you to think that I didn’t have dark moments before she was born, but those were about any medical issues that she might have and pain she would experience. It wasn’t about having a child with special needs. I just wanted to be strong enough to handle the pain she might experience.”

  “That is brave, Lexi.”

  “No, it’s not. When you have sex with someone, you take a chance at making a baby. Even if you use birth control. And if you are willing to do that, then you are willing to become a parent, on some level. And if you are willing to become a parent, then you have no guarantees. I hate the attitude that the only valuable thing is perfect. At what point did we accept as a society an Aryan view of parenthood? If you don’t like the gamble, don’t get in the game. If you don’t have the guts, don’t take your clothes off. I think that everyone has something to contribute, and Bella will offer the world something it needs. No, she will not become a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer. But the last time I looked, the world could definitely use more joy. And I think that she has that in spades.” Glancing into the jar, she realized it was empty. “Good job, Bella.”

  And that’s when he knew for sure that she was the one for him. She was strong, but soft. A badass with a good heart. She was the type of woman that a man could go to war beside…the type of woman a man could marry. In the deepest part of his heart, he knew the truth of them, and they were going to be an amazing team. Watching Bella swat the yoghurt away again, he stood and lifted her out of her high-chair. “Let’s give Mom a chance to eat. You get to sit with me for a while.” Grabbing the wet washcloth, he gently wiped her mouth and then kissed her on the head. Sitting down, he pushed the soup bowl in Lexi’s direction. “Eat, please. Show Bella how it’s done.”

  Laughing, she picked up her spoon and dug in. Laird smiled at her as he held Bella and let her put her legs against his thighs. “Are you making her exercise?”

  “A little light exercise after a meal isn’t a bad thing. I figure, she’ll work out whatever is in her tummy if we do this.”

  Smiling at her daughter, she leaned forward. “We’re going to have to watch out for him, Bella. He’s going to make you a SEAL.”

  “She definitely has the heart and attitude for it. I’m guessing that once she sets her mind to something, nothing will get in her way,” Laird responded.

  “I think you’re right about that.”


  One Week Later

  Lexi opened the front door and grinned. “What a nice surprise, Laird. What are you doing here?”

  Leaning forward, he gently kissed her and then wrapped his arms around her in a hug. “It’s Saturday, and we’ve spent the last two together, so I didn’t see any reason for this one to be different.” Following her into the house, he admired the T-shirt she was wearing. “What are we doing today?”

  “I texted you and told you that Bella and I had plans, so I didn’t think that you we’re coming over.” She walked into the living room and sat next to Bella on the blanket. “We were doing some of the things the physical therapist suggested to strengthen her neck muscles. Look at how well she’s holding up her head today.”

  Lying down next to Bella, he rubbed his hand on her back. “Very impressive. I noticed the other day that her head was wobbling less when I held her.” He lifted her up and held her over his chest and smiled into her face. “I like your shirt, Bella. It seems that Mom has a theme going today.”

  “I had our shirts made for the Buddy Walk that we’re going to.” Watching the big bear of a man with her daughter was dissolving the reservations she had about having a relationship with him. He was a natural with her, and his presence in their lives was a blessing. Bella seemed to like him and actually preferred for him to hold her while they ate together. It was probably because, when she sat in his lap, he would make silly noises for her. “I have one for Rachel, too. She and Chris are going to meet us there.”

  “Why didn’t you invite me to go and how come I don’t get a T-shirt?” He tried to keep his hurt feelings out of his voice, but he wasn’t sure that he’d succeeded. They had been together for three weeks, and if anyone deserved a T-shirt, it was him.

  “I didn’t want to assume that you would want to go, and I also didn’t think that you would want a pink T-shirt that reads, ‘My daughter has more chromosomes than yours’.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong.” Reading Bella’s T-shirt, he laughed and glanced over. “I like Bella’s the best.” I have an extra chromosome and I know how to use it. Sitting up, he settled her in his lap and studied Lexi for a moment. “Why didn’t you want me to be on the team?”

  “I don’t know what’s happening between us, and I was too much of a chicken to ask.”

  Pulling her gently toward him, he looped his arm around her shoulder and gazed into her eyes. “You’re my girlfriend, and we’re making a foundation to build a future together. I’ve seen the two of you almost every day since we had lunch in the park. How could you not know that I’m serious about this?”

  Leaning into him, she tipped her head against his arm. “I don’t assume anything. Based on my experience over the last two years, I don’t count on anyone but myself.”

  “You can count on me. I’m the most reliable person that you’ve ever met.” Gazing down at Bella, he decided that it was time to lay it out on the line. “I’m very serious about the two of you. You never left my mind from the moment I met you. And when the two of you walked into SAI, I knew my prayers were answered. I understand that it sounds weird, but you felt like home to me from the second I laid eyes on you.”

  Turning to face him, she wondered if it was possible. Was he as good as he seemed or was he going to be like Drew—Say the right things and then disappear? “That’s a lovely thing to say, and I can’t tell you how much your words mean to me.”


  “But you hardly know me. Bella’s father said a lot of things to me, and then he completely abandoned us. I’ve got s
ome serious baggage, and it’s going to take me a while to get rid of it. And I understand if you don’t want to hang around until I do.”

  “Sweetie, I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to have to show you that I’m serious, and I don’t care how long it takes for you to trust me. There’s no one better at actions and patience than a SEAL. So get ready because I’m hanging out until you let me in.” Kissing her head and then Bella’s, he smiled at the two of them. “I once hung out in a cave for four months with two other guys while we waited for the right moment to implement our orders. So waiting for you to see that I’m a good guy is a cake walk.”

  “Would you like to join Team Bella and come to the Buddy Walk with us?”

  “Of course I would. What is a Buddy Walk?”

  Laughing, she patted his arm. “It’s a one-mile advocacy walk to promote awareness and acceptance of people with Down syndrome. I’ve raised some funds for our little team, and the proceeds from the walk go toward local programs.” Leaning over, she pulled a small roll off the couch. “I had a small banner made. What do you think?”

  Studying it, he smiled. It was a cute picture of Bella with a crown on her head wearing a T-shirt that said, “I Rock Designer Genes.” The background was a big pink castle with a sign that read Team Bella. “I like it. Why is the banner so small?”

  Looking down, she frowned. “I have a small team, so I didn’t want to make it too big.”

  “We can’t show up with such a small team. We need to represent.” Staring down at Bella, he shook his head. “I’m going to be in charge of all team efforts in the future.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she scooped her daughter out of his lap. “My little team is fine.” Kissing Bella, she smirked in his direction. “We have cute T-shirts and a lovely banner, so we’re going to be awesome.”

  “I’ve been on a real team for the last sixteen years, and I’m going to make it my mission to educate you ladies on the value of being a part of one. The three of us are the core of the team; we are a fireteam. Usually, there are four to five men, but we’ll get there eventually when we have more kids. A fireteam is part of a squad, which has around eight people. A squad is part of a platoon, which has sixteen men. Today, we’re going to operate as a two-man sniper/recon team and gather Intel. We’ll get the lay of the land and determine how we want to come in next year. My first thought is to show up with at least a platoon and maybe a troop. A troop has forty men and support staff.” Smiling at them, he realized that they were not seeing the value in his plan. “Don’t worry. It will all make sense eventually. The point is that we’re just a small part of a large family that will work together and support one another.” Standing, he held out his hands for Bella. “What time does this thing start? Maybe we should go a little early and see if they have a T-shirt for me.”

  Lexi rose slowly and wondered how in the world she had become part of a fireteam. “You know, we’re just going to hang out with families like us, raise a little money, and enjoy a nice stroll. There’s an Oktoberfest after the walk, and I was thinking that they may have some music that Bella would enjoy. I don’t think this requires recons and snipers.”

  Kissing her head, he shook his head. “Sweetie, there are very few situations in life that can’t be improved if you have some recon and a sniper available.”


  Lexi rolled Bella’s stroller toward the registration table with Laird in tow. He was surveying the crowd as he kept his arm loosely draped over her shoulder. “Are you scanning for problems or are you checking out the other teams?”

  “A little of both. I’m never going to get rid of the habit in a large crowd. I was on patrols for two years in the ‘stans, and it’s now a part of me, like my beating heart.”

  Stepping up to the table, Lexi gave the woman her name and waited for her to check them off and give them their packet of information. She scanned the crowd and noticed there were a lot of people there already, even though the event didn’t start for another hour. Smiling broadly at the families, she immediately felt comfortable. These were her people, and she felt an instant connection because they understood what the other was experiencing. The woman handed her a packet and then congratulated her.

  “It looks like you’re one of the two top fundraisers for the event today. Make sure to stick around for the ceremony, because I think they’re going to want to recognize you.”

  “Oh, my. I had no idea.”

  “It’s because of people like you that we’re able to fund so many wonderful programs.”

  Looking up at Laird, she grinned. “It would seem that being a small team isn’t such a bad thing, after all.”

  “Let me a write a check, sweetie. I want to be part of the fundraising efforts.”

  Patting his arm, she shook her head. “It’s already done. Thank you, though.” She continued to roll Bella’s stroller through the crowd and smiled at everyone she passed. She was enjoying all the warm smiles people were giving them. It was a welcome change from how people usually regarded them, not that she ever paid much attention.

  “How much money did you raise for Team Bella?” Laird enquired.

  “I think we closed out at a little over $10,000.00. I didn’t ask that many people, and I’m sure that I can do better next year.” Waving to a family that they passed, she moved toward the booths that were set up at the other end of the park. “I asked my two brothers and my father and a couple of people that I used to work with at Instagram. Both of my brothers feel really guilty for not being around to support Bella and me, and so does my Dad. My friends from my last job are great people, and they were happy to help out.”

  “Where does your family live?”

  “My dad and brothers live in the bay area. Both of them are married and have kids. My dad is retired and not in great health. They have all begged me to move back up, and I’ve thought about it, but haven’t made a decision yet. I’ve started to make a little community for Bella and me, and I’m not quite ready to leave it.”

  Listening to her talk about her plans made him realize that he was going to have to become her reason for staying in the area. Not that he couldn’t relocate up North if that was necessary, but he sure would like to stay in San Diego if possible. “Look! There are some T-shirts over there.” Slipping his arm around her waist, he guided them over.

  Laird stood at the table and considered the options available to him. It wasn’t great, but it would have to do. “Are these the only ones that you have in a double XL?”

  The vendor looked up at him and shrugged his shoulders. “We don’t get many men your size who need a T-shirt.”

  “All right. I’ll take this one.” Paying the man, he was handed his T-shirt. Waving to Lexi and Bella, who were waiting for him on a bench, he walked over to them. Lexi was feeding the baby and talking to her as they looked out over the crowd. “I’ve got my T-shirt.” Pulling the one he wore over his head, he swore he heard a gasp. Glancing at Lexi, he realized she looked a little stunned.

  Watching Laird peel his shirt over his head was a blessed event. The moment the fabric lifted off of him, he revealed an endless amount of rippling muscles adorning his chest and stomach. Her mouth went dry, and there was no way she could peel her eyes away from him. A smattering of light brown hair covered his pecs, and a delicious trail led toward the snap of his jeans. Had she not had a spoon filled with baby food in her hand, she might’ve have run her hand lovingly over every inch of him. And then her mouth. The fact that her daughter and hundreds of strangers would witness her spectacular loss of control was the only thing holding her back.

  “Are you okay, sweetie? I thought I heard a gasp.”

  “Everything is fine.” As fine as things could be now that she knew what he looked like under his clothes. Her libido came roaring back to life, as desires that she’d been sure were dead forever were simply lying in wait. Visions of what she wanted to do to him played like a movie across her brain. Shaking herself, she realized that he was looking at her with c

  Waving her hand in front of her face, she tried to get herself back together. Hearing Bella squawk in protest was the only thing that jumpstarted her brain. That and the fact that he was putting his new shirt on. All that lovely skin was soon covered by a T-shirt that read, “My princess has Down Syndrome.” A big fat tear slid down her face as she stared up at the man who was stealing her heart.

  He gave her a hopeful smile and waited for her approval. “What do you think?” Squatting in front of her, he wiped the tear off her cheek. “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

  “Nothing. You’re just the best man that I’ve ever met, and Bella and I are lucky that you’ve decided to hang out with us.” Leaning her head against his, she let out a small sigh.

  “I’m the lucky one.”

  He kissed her gently and she let herself linger. Their kisses were becoming hotter each time they happened. There was no mistaking the chemistry between them, and she hoped the time would soon be right for them to take it to the next level. She heard Bella squawk again and released his mouth.

  “Sorry, Bella. I like kissing your mom.” He kissed her head and stood slowly up. His jeans were a little tight, and the last thing he needed was any sudden moves. After all, Bella was definitely going to need a couple of siblings.


  One Week Later

  Lexi returned to the living room and flopped down on the couch. “She’s out, scout.” Crawling into Laird’s open arms, she rested her head against his chest and let out a sigh. “How was your day? What did you do?”

  “I put together a security plan for the president of a pharmaceutical company who’s coming into town. Apparently, he’s had some threats because his company just raised the price of a cancer fighting drug by two hundred percent. Apparently, a lot of people find that offensive and would like to see some real harm come to him. I analyzed his itinerary, did some recon on the company headquarters, and looked at the hotel where he’s staying to put together a recommendation.” Running his hand along her back, he slipped it under the hem of her shirt.


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