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Lost in a Royal Kiss

Page 4

by Vanessa Kelly

  Because he always protected his own. It had been expected of him from an early age, and was an indelible part of who he was. But never had he wanted to protect and cherish anyone as much as he did Linnet. Anthony wanted to give her everything, and he would see to it that she got it—whether she thought she wanted it or not.

  When he took a deep breath, dragging the heavily scented air into his lungs, the fragrance of roses almost made him dizzy. Or perhaps that effect was from Linnet, and the fact that she was almost within his grasp.

  He let the gravel crunch underneath his booted feet as he stepped onto the path. Linnet jerked, and her gaze shot up from the book. Her lips parted on a short intake of breath, and her creamy complexion, already delicately flushed from the heat, took on a rosier hue. For long seconds, they stared at each other, and then her full mouth curved into a tremulous smile.

  “Sir Anthony, you startled me. I didn’t expect to see anyone down by the lake. Not in this heat.” Then her eyes widened as she realized what she’d just given away.

  He gave her an easy smile as he mounted the steps, ignoring the amusing little betrayal.

  She marked her place in the book with careful precision and set it aside. Only then did she notice how she sat—like a schoolgirl, with her feet tucked under her skirts. Anthony had to bite back another smile when he saw she’d slipped out of her shoes, discarding them under the bench.

  He stood over her, reading the struggle on her face as she tried to decide what to do. Remain seated with her feet hidden under her floral-printed skirts? Sit up straight, like a proper young lady? That would expose her stocking-clad feet to his gaze. But to lounge so casually on the bench in the presence of a man . . . she would surely find that unacceptable as well.

  Anthony took the decision out of her hands, crouching down to retrieve her pale, low-heeled slippers. She stared at him, clearly too shocked to move. But when he reached under the edges of her skirts to find her feet, she practically fell off the bench.

  “Sir Anthony,” she exclaimed in a squeaky voice. “I’m perfectly capable of putting on my own shoes.”

  “Of course you are,” he replied as his hand curved around her ankle. Her feet were bare, feeling like hot silk as his hand slid over them.

  A shiver trembled beneath his fingers. When he glanced up, her pupils had dilated and her lips parted on a soft gasp. Satisfaction roared through him, and it took all his self-control not to curl his hands around her calves and trail them up to the backs of her thighs.


  Instead, he simply raised a questioning eyebrow as he slipped the shoes on her feet.

  Blushing as red as the roses in the garden, she managed a weak smile. “It . . . it was so hot that I couldn’t bear the idea of stockings.”

  “Very sensible of you,” he replied as she hastily swung her feet to the ground and rearranged her skirts. “Casual dress in this heat is eminently sensible, don’t you think?”

  Her gaze traveled to his shirt, open at the collar. He, too, was dressed casually, without a neck-cloth and wearing only a waistcoat over his shirt. She stared at his throat, and then jerked her attention to some point beyond his shoulder.

  “Yes, very sensible,” she said, trying to rally. “But it’s really not the kind of day where one wanders about in the heat, as you seem to be doing. Were you not working in the study this morning?”

  Of course, she’d been watching him. But when Anthony gave her a lazy smile, not hiding his satisfaction, her lips thinned into a prim line. Well, as prim as he could expect when she had a mouth like a temptress—the lips soft, sweetly pink, and plump, inviting a man to kiss them just by existing.

  “I heard you ask Lady Farnsworth for permission to work in her study,” she explained. “I’m just surprised to see you wandering about, that’s all.” She peered at him suspiciously. “You were just out for a stroll, weren’t you?”

  Anthony made an instant decision. “Actually, I was looking for you.” He moved her book and sat beside her. “I have something I wish to discuss with you.”

  She tried to edge away, but he’d made certain to gently crowd her into the corner of the bench. She had nowhere to go without having to get up and step over him.

  “What is it you wish to discuss?” she asked, sounding more than a little breathless.

  “Dominic. I have some concerns about him, and I thought it sensible to seek your advice, since you know him better than I do.”

  “Oh . . . oh, I see.” She sounded rather disappointed.

  That seemed to surprise her as much as it did him. She blinked a few times, then straightened in her seat and gazed at him with calm expectation, once more under control. With any luck, he’d soon blow that control to the heavens.

  He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs as he inspected her book. The title surprised him. “Tristram Shandy. Are you enjoying it?” He would have thought Sterne a little too bawdy for her tastes.

  She smiled. “Very much. It’s the third time I’ve read it. I always discover something new each time.”

  When he gave her a quizzical smile, her shoulders pulled back a notch. “It’s funny, too,” she said with a small note of defiance.

  “Yes, it is. It’s actually my favorite book.”

  “Oh, that’s . . . that’s nice,” she said. Then she crinkled her nose on a wince.

  He was tempted to smile. God, she was sweet, but he had no intention of making her feel uncomfortable, at least not about something like that.

  “I would greatly enjoy discussing the book with you another time, but I fear my concerns about Dominic must outweigh my own pleasure.”

  Her embarrassment vanished in an instant. “Of course. I shall do whatever I can to assist you. What is the problem?”

  “He’s restless, and angry that I will not allow him to see Chloe. I’ve hired a tutor and a fencing master for him, and I see to it that he’s busy from dawn till dusk.” Anthony shook his head, genuinely frustrated. He might have engaged in a bit of skullduggery to run Linnet to ground, but he did need her advice. He truly had no idea how to handle Dominic’s volatile emotional state.

  “The schedule I’ve imposed upon him should keep him too engaged to dwell on Chloe, but such is not the case,” he said, letting his exasperation show. “His tutor says he’s exceedingly bright and performs well when he applies himself, but he’s often sullen and rebellious. And on two occasions my butler has intercepted him trying to engage a hackney to take him to Kew. He’s bound to give us the slip one of these days, no matter how many servants I put to watch on him. I can only be grateful that Prince Ernest has already departed for Germany.”

  He glanced over to see that Linnet was looking at him like he was ten times a fool. That brought him up straight. “What?”

  She crossed her arms under her lovely breasts, momentarily distracting him.

  “Have you tried actually talking to Dominic?” she asked with some asperity.

  Anthony frowned. “About what?”

  “About Chloe, of course. I’m sure he’s terribly worried about her.”

  “Not about that. Not since the day you brought him to me.” He hadn’t thought it necessary since he’d assured Dominic that no harm would come to Chloe. Anthony had gone down to Kew to have a short but very sharp discussion with Prince Ernest, making it clear to the prince that if he ever went near Chloe again, Anthony would have no qualms reporting the incident to the king. Ernest had blanched the color of curdled milk. He’d made a hasty apology, along with a promise to leave the girl alone.

  Anthony had also visited Chloe’s father, who had assured him that the girl was as well as could be expected. After that, there was little he could do but tell Mr. Steele to send for him if they ever needed his help.

  “You went to see Chloe’s father, did you not?” Linnet asked.

  “Of course. He assured me she was fine.”

  The corners of her mouth turned down. “Hardly that, but I suppose you did everything you coul
d to help. But why in heaven’s name didn’t you share that information with Dominic?”

  Anthony frowned. “Because it serves no purpose for him to keep dwelling on what happened. The less he thinks about it, the better. Besides, it’s not appropriate for him to see Chloe at this juncture. The incident is still too fresh, for both of them. They will only wind each other up.”

  She actually snorted, making it clear what she thought of his reasoning. “Chloe is his only friend,” she explained in a voice calibrated for half-wits. “You cannot expect him to forget her, or the incident, as you call it.”

  “Of course I don’t expect him to forget,” he said with some acid of his own. “But I do expect him to behave with a degree of maturity and good sense.”

  “Tell me something, Sir Anthony. Do you actually spend any time with Dominic, or did you just hand him over to your servants?”

  Her narrowed gaze and sharp tone of voice clearly indicated she found him wanting. But what did she expect? His was a bachelor’s household, and he knew little about raising children. Nor, given his other responsibilities, should he be required to.

  Yet another reason he needed a wife, sooner rather than later.

  Unable to give her the answer she wanted, he simply shrugged his shoulders.

  Linnet snorted. “That’s what I thought.” She grasped his sleeve, giving him a stern little shake. That almost startled a laugh out of him, but he managed to swallow it just in time.

  “You must spend more time with the boy,” she said in a firm voice. “He’s lost everything that matters to him, especially Chloe. It was very good of you to take him in, but he needs more than that.”

  “All right,” he said, cautiously.

  “Talk to him, Sir Anthony. Engage his interests. Make him feel that he matters, that he’s worthy of your attention. Dominic needs someone to look up to, someone to set a good example for him.” Her forehead creased in a scowl. “Most in the royal household treated him with disdain or outright cruelty. Only Chloe and Mr. Steele gave him any affection, and now they are lost to him.”

  “You care for him,” he responded gently. “I’m sure he knows that.”

  She gave an impatient little shake of the head. “Don’t you see? Dominic needs a friend. He needs you.”

  He stared down into her lovely face, bright with intelligence and compassion. Despite her small stature and her sweetly feminine body, Linnet was a vital and determined force. Though a ridiculous comparison, she reminded him of a knight from a fairy tale, pure of heart and defender of the weak. Her fierce honesty and her driving need to make things right reached deep inside him, striking an answering chord in his soul.

  No wonder he wanted her so badly.

  He covered her small hand with his. “Yes, I do see. I’ve been exceedingly stupid to consign Dominic to tutors and the schoolroom, when he needs more than that. I promise I’ll spend time with him from now on. He can ride with me in the mornings, and when I dine at home he can join me.”

  Her violet gaze shone with pleasure. “That would be splendid. I’m sure Dominic will enjoy that very much.”

  “Perhaps. He seems to have transferred most of his anger to me, since I’m the one who is keeping him away from Chloe.”

  Her mouth rounded into a dismayed oval. “Oh, dear. I see that now. Perhaps I should talk to him? I can explain why he cannot see Chloe right now.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’m sure Dominic and I will come to an understanding.”

  She grimaced. “You must think me a perfect fishwife. Here I am lecturing you, when you have taken on the entire responsibility for Dominic. I’m heartily ashamed of myself.”

  Anthony couldn’t help feeling irritated at her persistent need to take everything onto herself, including guilt she didn’t deserve. “Don’t be ridiculous. He’s not your responsibility, and you have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, you prevented an exceedingly bad situation from getting worse.”

  She cut him a startled glance, carefully withdrawing her hand from his. Not that he could blame her, since his voice had been clipped and sharp.

  “I just don’t want him to be a burden to you,” she said. “You already have so much responsibility.”

  He shifted in his seat, stretching his booted legs in front of her skirts, caging her in. “And what of your responsibilities, Linnet? You are not without burdens, either.”

  She stared down at his legs for a few moments, as if trying to figure out what they were doing there. Then his words seemed to penetrate. “My responsibilities are nothing compared to yours,” she responded, just a tad too forcefully.

  “I suppose, but I have ample means at my disposal to deal with mine. You, on the other hand, are raising your siblings, managing a household on modest budget—”

  She bristled, but he carried on.

  “—all without help from your mother, who is rarely able to leave her royal charges to be with her family. I’d say you have more than enough to keep you busy without adding Dominic’s problems into the mix.”

  “Mamma cannot help that she is able to spend so little time at home.”

  “I realize that,” he said, trying to keep his voice level. “But perhaps it’s time for your mother to leave Court and return to her own household. Surely you cannot be expected to give up your entire youth to raising your brother and sister.”

  Linnet sat up ramrod straight. If she could have stared at him down her imperious little nose, she probably would have. But since Anthony was now looming over her, she had no choice but to glare up at him.

  “We are not here to talk about my future, Sir Anthony, which, by the way, is none of your business. If you wish to further discuss how I may help Dominic, I am happy to do so. If not . . .” She broke off, grabbing her hat and cramming it on her head. Her jerky movements as she tied the ribbons told him how flustered she was.

  “If not, you’ll do what?” His instincts prompted him to provoke her further. He had to break through her iron self-control, and perhaps this was the best way to go about it.

  She inhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes. By the time she opened them, she’d mastered her temper. “If not, then I would ask you to let me pass,” she said in a coolly polite voice. “There is no point in continuing this ridiculous discussion.”

  As if to show him who was in control, she nudged his foot aside and started to rise.

  “Not just yet, my sweet,” he said, taking her hand and tugging her back down onto the bench.

  She gaped at him, clearly stunned by his endearment. He took advantage of her paralysis by stretching an arm along the back of the bench, resting it against her shoulders. She blinked rapidly as she took in how effectively he’d cornered her.

  “It’s not the slightest bit ridiculous to talk about your future, Linnet. Don’t you ever wish for a life of your own?”

  Tension vibrated through her small frame and a fine mist of perspiration sheened her skin. She looked dewy and sweet, with her black hair curling in damp wisps along her hairline and her cheeks flushed with warmth. Heat rose in Anthony’s groin, and every muscle in his body pulled tight with the need to possess her.

  “I . . . I do have a life,” she stammered. “I have my brother and sister . . .”

  When he touched those wisps of hair on her forehead, brushing them back, her voice tapered off.

  “Don’t you want more though?” he murmured. “A husband and children of your own?”

  The pulse at the base of her throat practically leapt through her translucent skin. “I . . . I think I’ll return to the house, Sir Anthony. It’s much too hot out here.”

  But she made no move to rise, simply staring at him with parted lips and softly panting breath. Slowly, as if approaching a skittish foal, he lowered his head. Just before their lips touched, her eyes fluttered shut and triumph surged through his veins. Still, he kept a tight leash on his need. One false move and Linnet would flee.

  And then his mouth was on hers, and something inside him unr
aveled. Her lips were lush and soft, tasting of honey and lemon and a sweet hesitancy that was all her.

  Carefully, Anthony placed a hand on her shoulder, his fingers playing with the little puff at the top of her sleeve. Without stopping his exploration of her lips, he eased her body—still stiff and uncertain—into the support of his other arm along the back of the bench.

  And, miracle of miracles, she sighed softly into his mouth as she relaxed against him. For long moments their mouths played, without hurry, his tongue tracing the seam of her lips while he waited for permission to enter. When she parted to let him in, his heart pounded and he surged into her with a groan.

  He wanted to devour her, strip off her clothing, and lay her out on the bench, every inch of her open to his exploration. His hands shook with the force of his need and the effort it required to hold back.

  With a sound between a whimper and a sigh, Linnet surrendered to him. She placed her small hands on his shoulders and stretched up, searching for a deeper taste with an innocent eagerness that struck him like a blow. Her kiss seared him, promising an endless bounty of delight. He gave silent thanks for the fact that Linnet was no shy maiden, nor a simpering miss who played foolish, teasing games. If she meant to have him—and it seemed she did—she would meet him head-on.

  But when she sucked his tongue into her mouth, Anthony froze, stunned by her untutored passion. She stilled against him, mouth to mouth, chest to chest, and he could feel the wild beat of her heart. A moment later, lust surged through his veins and he yanked her even deeper into his embrace.

  But it was too late. Linnet began thrashing in his arms, suddenly desperate to escape. She dodged his mouth and clamped her hands against his shoulders, trying to force him back.

  “Please, stop,” she exclaimed in a breathless, trembling voice. “Let me go.”

  Anthony had to bite back a snarl as he locked down his frustration. Slowly, he opened his hands, practically having to pry his fingers from where they had dug into her shoulder blades. When he started to ease her away, she pushed and staggered to her feet.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped as she regained her balance. “What am I doing?”


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