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The Cowboy From Down Under (Cowboys After Dark: Book 2)

Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  Ooooh, this is so sexy. I feel so…controlled…in such a strangely wonderful way.

  Finding a fresh pair of jeans, she pulled them on, zipped them up, and had lifted out a bra when he came up behind her.

  “Your choice, but I would really like it if you didn’t wear that.”

  “But, my nipples?”

  “You worried they might show a bit?” he whispered, his mouth at her ear.


  “Would that bother you, or turn you on?”

  “I, uh, don’t know.”

  “Up to you, but maybe you’d like to find out the answer to that question.”

  He moved away to finish dressing, and Emma stared down at the neatly packed clothes in her suitcase. She had a checked blouse that she sometimes wore without a bra. The pattern made it a little less obvious if her nipples should pucker, and delighted that she’d brought it she pulled it out.

  Covertly watching her from his closet, he saw her don the blouse sans her bra. He smiled, relieved that she’d chosen to do as he’d asked. Emma had a reputation as a tough, controlling, demanding perfectionist who had to be in charge, but it was obvious to Derrick that she was a soft, yielding submissive, and had been aching for the right man to whom she could surrender.

  “Ready?” he asked, walking out of his closet.

  “Uh-huh,” she nodded, “but I’m feeling a bit, uh, strange.”

  “You mean, about facing Fred? I promise you-”

  “No,” she interrupted. “I mean, wearing this ribbon thing.”

  “Do you want me to take it off?” he asked, giving her an out. “Before you answer that, if you choose to continue wearing it there’s a condition; if it stays now, it stays until I say it can come off.”

  You are the sexiest man I’ve ever met. I love what you’ve done to me. I absolutely love it.

  Derrick could see the erotic heat coursing through her. She was enamored with the ribbon, with his control and his firm hand, and she wanted more.

  “So? What’s it to be?” he pressed.

  “I’ll continue wearing it,” she nodded.

  “I’ll continue wearing it, Sir,” he corrected, pushing the envelope.

  “I’ll continue wearing it, Sir,” she breathed, and I loooove calling you Sir.

  “Good. Shall we?” he said, extending his hand.

  “We shall,” she smiled, slipping her fingers between his.

  The drive was just across town, and while Derrick’s home was a traditional Victorian, his partner’s was the opposite; a contemporary architectural with sharp angles, large windows, and a flat roof.

  “Wow. It’s so strange to see something so modern out here,” Emma remarked as they pulled into the driveway. “It’s completely incongruous.”

  “There are plenty who love it, and just as many who don’t. Jennifer’s a designer, very talented, and the house was her concept. It’s quite beautiful, you’ll see.”

  “She works?” Emma asked. “I’m surprised.”

  “Jennifer is very successful. Why are you surprised?” Derrick frowned.

  “I guess I thought being in a DD marriage she’d be a happy homemaker, you know, baking and cleaning.”

  “I’m sure there are marriages like that, but DD simply means one partner is subject to discipline, rules must be followed, consequences given and received.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “No worries,” he smiled, opening the car door.

  As he walked around the Range Rover she wriggled in her seat, feeling the soft but agitating ribbon rub her clit, and as he held her hand, walking to the front door, she could feel the satin moving against every part of her.

  “You were right,” she murmured, squeezing his hand.

  “About what?” he asked, pushing the doorbell.

  “The ribbon, it’s taking my mind off other things.”

  He chuckled quietly, and leaned his lips to her ear.

  “You’re being such a good girl I might just give you an Australian kiss when we get home.”

  She looked up at him quizzically, and was about to ask what he meant when the door opened, and she found herself looking at the man who’d almost spanked her at the hotel.

  “Emma, we meet again,” he smiled, “but under much nicer circumstances. Hey mate,” he greeted Derrick, slapping him on the shoulder.

  “Hello,” Emma replied, feeling a flush creep across her face.

  Fred’s beautiful blonde wife stepped into the foyer, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

  “Sorry, just washing some lettuce. It’s so nice to meet you,” Jennifer smiled. “I have your books. You’re an amazing photographer.”

  The woman was so warm and genuine Emma liked her instantly, and in spite of her embarrassment, she felt herself beginning to relax. Derrick had been right; the initial awkwardness was quickly evaporating.

  “Can we please get the kangaroo out of the room,” Derrick began as they ambled through to the lounge. “We all know what happened at the hotel swimming pool, it’s over and it’s no big deal.”

  “Done,” Fred replied. “I was about to say the same thing. You want a long neck, Derrick?”

  “Sounds good,” Derrick replied, then glancing down at Emma added, “that’s a beer.”

  “Really? And here I was thinking Fred had just asked if you wanted an ostrich for dinner,” Emma remarked with a deadpan face.

  “Good one,” Jennifer giggled, “and perfectly delivered.”

  “You’re in a cheeky mood,” Derrick winked.

  “I’m always in a cheeky mood,” Emma retorted.

  “What about you, Emma, would you like some Aussie wine? We have an excellent Chardonnay,” Fred smiled.

  “That sounds perfect,” she replied.

  “Jen, why don’t you take Emma on a quick tour and I’ll open a bottle,” Fred suggested.

  “I’d love to,” Jen smiled. “Come on upstairs, Emma.”

  Emma had been hoping she’d be able to snatch a few minutes alone with Fred’s wife, and delighted it was happening so soon, she followed Jennifer up the stairs to the second story.

  “We spend quite a bit of time in Sydney,” Jennifer remarked, as she led Emma down a wide hallway, “but Fred grew up here. We enjoy the city, but it’s always good to come back.”

  “It’s a fabulous house,” Emma remarked.

  “Thank you. When we built it we raised a few eyebrows,” Jennifer declared. “Most people like it now, but this is a very traditional place. Do you know about the hot air ballooning?”

  “I know you have it here. I was going to ask Derrick about it.”

  “I don’t have the stomach for it, but based on your books I suspect you’d have no problem standing in a basket and letting the wind take you away.”

  “I would love to experience it,” Emma nodded. “Call me crazy.”

  “This is the master bedroom,” Jennifer announced, opening a door.

  “Wow, incredible,” Emma sighed.

  A dark, mahogany four-poster bed with a cream satin comforter stood on a thick white rug, laying on top of dark wood floors. It was a dramatic statement, and not lost on Emma.

  “I know we’ve just met, but can I ask you something very personal?” Emma said quietly.

  “Sure,” Jennifer smiled, and suspecting what was coming decided to make it easy for her. “Did Derrick tell you the kind of marriage we have? Is that what you want to know about?”

  “Do you mind?” Emma asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  “Not at all, I’m happy to talk about it. What do you want to know?”

  “I’m not sure where to start. Is it difficult? Does he demand a lot, or is it not like that?”

  “I don’t think any relationship can be called easy, but it’s the smoothest one I’ve ever had. There are no power struggles, not really, and no, he doesn’t demand anything, except that I follow certain rules, but they’re all very reasonable.”

  “And if you don’t?” Emma asked.

  “I think you know the answer to that,” Jennifer grinned.

  Just the thought of it sent Emma’s butterflies springing to life.

  “This is true,” Emma laughed.

  “I’d often fantasized about a relationship like the one I have with Fred,” Jennifer confessed, “but I’d never met anyone I loved enough, or respected enough. Fred though, Fred…” her voice trailed off, and Emma could feel the powerful feelings Jennifer held for her husband. “It just gets better and better,” she sighed, “and honestly, Emma, I have never felt so secure and so loved.”

  “You guys do seem really happy,” Emma said softly.

  “We are. It’s not for everyone, but it is for me,” Jennifer finished. “Do you want to know anything else?”

  “No, you’ve been very kind to share all that with me,” Emma replied, and as the ribbon gently massaged her sex, and the memory of Derrick pulling her across his knee flashed through her mind, a warm, delicious chill shuddered down her spine.


  Jennifer served John Dory that had been marinated in a chili sauce, wrapped in foil and barbecued, and a salad coated in a creamy lemon dressing. It had been a light delicious meal, and as Jennifer and Fred cleared the plates, disappearing into the kitchen to retrieve the dessert, Derrick leaned across the table and whispered in Emma’s ear.

  “Put your hands under the table, unzip your jeans, remove your ribbons and hand them to me.”

  “Here?” she asked, wide-eyed.

  “Better do it quick, before they come back,” he winked.

  “Do I have a choice?” she begged.

  “You always have a choice,” he replied.

  “What if I don’t?”

  “You really have to ask that question?” he declared, a glint in his eye.

  “Then I don’t have a choice,” she protested.

  “You’re wasting time, and yes you do.”

  Gulping, she slipped her hands under her skirt, and though she was fumbling nervously she managed to untie the knots. Pulling the ribbons out from under her, she discreetly handed them over to his waiting hands.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?” he smiled, stuffing them in his pocket, “now spread your legs.”

  “Why?” she squeaked.

  “Are you aware that you’re going to get spanked when we get home?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “I guess I am now,” she gulped, “and they’re spread.”

  “Good girl,” he crooned.

  She wanted to tell him she wasn’t a girl, she was a full grown woman, but when he fixed her with his mesmerizing gaze, and moved his fingers against her sex, she melted into his touch, all thoughts evaporating.

  “Oh, Derrick,” she moaned, “what are you-?”

  “I believe it’s called testing and teasing,” he interrupted, moving his fingers against her slick wetness.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing to me,” she breathed, squirming against his touch.

  “On the contrary, I know exactly what I’m doing,” he corrected her, then withdrawing his hand he leaned in and kissed her.

  “Okay you two, get a room,” Fred declared as he approached the table. He was carrying a tray with four individual serving bowls filled with a dessert, Jennifer at his side with a large bowl of whipped cream and spoons.

  “This is an Aussie pudding that I know you’ll love,” he declared. “Apple and passionfruit crumble.”

  “Passionfruit, that’s terrific,” Emma exclaimed, attempting to compose herself. “I’ve been wanting to try passionfruit for ages.”

  “I asked Jennifer to make it because I like the name,” Fred chuckled, pecking his wife on the cheek. “It’s also incredibly delicious.”

  “You are such a scoundrel,” Jennifer teased, “but I must admit, passionfruit is an interesting name for it. I’d love to know how that happened.”

  “Yes, I am a scoundrel,” Fred admitted, and you wouldn’t have it any other way,” he quipped.

  “No, I wouldn’t,” she grinned.

  As Emma spooned the rich sweet into her mouth, she thought it was one of the most delicious desserts she’d even eaten, and when she rolled her eyes as she told them so, she saw Derrick smile warmly.

  “No-one makes it better than my Jen,” Fred remarked. “She doesn’t know this, but it’s why I married her.”

  Everyone laughed, but as Emma attempted to join in the lighthearted conversation, she found it far more difficult than when she’d been wrapped in the ribbons. Her nether regions felt oddly naked, and all she could think about was being between the sheets with Derrick. By the time they were strolling to the front door and saying their goodbyes, she felt weak with an aching need.

  “Do you remember what I asked you before we left the house?” Derrick asked, as he backed the car on to the street.

  “I’m not sure,” she murmured, unable to think of anything except the longing between her legs. “Derrick?”


  “I really, really want you.”

  “Is that so,” he grinned, “then that answers the question, which was, how do you feel?”

  “That’s how I feel,” she moaned.

  “And you will definitely have me, but first I have to spank you,” he said firmly, moving the car swiftly through the empty, dark streets.

  “Why?” she whimpered.

  “You know why. No weedling.”


  “Trying to get out of it,” he translated.

  Emma leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  I’m in a tornado. I’m in a Derrick tornado, I’m being totally swept off my feet and I’m loving every, single second. God, why aren’t men like this back in the States. I’ve only got a few days with him. I can’t stand it.

  Derrick glanced across at her. She was wriggling in her seat, her face was flushed, and he knew she was in desperate need, but so was he. His cock had been at half-mast throughout the evening, and when she’d pulled off the ribbons and handed them over, his member had jumped to attention.

  “Are you tired?” he teased.

  “What? No,” she replied, opening her eyes and turning to face him. “Far from it. I’m impatient to get home though.”

  Home, she used the word home, and she’s only been there one night.

  Don’t read anything into it. That’s an every day saying.


  “You won’t have to be impatient for very long,” he promised, pressing his foot on the accelerator.

  A short time later he was pulling into the garage, grateful he lived in a small town. Jumping from the car he moved quickly to open her door, then putting his arm around her shoulders he walked her into the house. Bounder and Bonny raced up to greet them, then ran ahead, up the staircase.

  “I guess we’re not the only ones happy we’re home,” she smiled.

  Pausing at the bottom of the stairs, he pulled her into him, hugging her tightly, pressing his hardness against her. She moaned, clutching him tightly.

  “I love how I feel when you hold me,” she whispered.

  “Back at ya,” he breathed in her ear, and taking her hand, led her up the stairs.

  When his strong hand had wrapped around her fingers, her butterflies had sprung to life, and as they approached his room, she felt a shiver of anticipation.

  If those ribbons were designed to make me a crazy person, it worked.

  “You have a choice,” he said softly as they entered, interrupting her decadent thoughts. “I can take off all your clothes, spank you, then have my way with you right now, or you can shower and change into something slinky for me, then I’ll spank you and jump on your bones. What’s it to be?”

  “Ravage me right now,” she begged. “I can’t wait another second.”

  “Good answer,” he smiled.

  “First things first,” he declared, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Take off your jeans and lay across my knee.”

lly?” she whined.

  “You just bought a few extra swats for that,” he said firmly. “You want to add some more?”

  “No,” she muttered, hurriedly removing her jeans and pouring herself over his lap.

  He ran his hand across her perfect moons; she’d been testing him all night and he wasn’t going to disappoint her. Raising his hand he began to spank her, just enough to bring a bright pink blush to her skin, and to cause her to wriggle against his legs.

  “You’ll find it much easier to just do as I ask,” he remarked, his hand bouncing from cheek to cheek.

  “I will,” she promised. “Honestly.”

  “You will for a while, then I’ll have to remind you again,” he proclaimed, adding a few very hard smacks to underscore the statement.

  “I will for a long time,” she wailed.

  Ignoring her vow, he dropped his fingers between her legs, teasing her for several minutes, enjoying the delightful sound of her moans, then spanked her a few more times for good measure, then ordered her off his lap and on to the bed.

  “I’m going into my closet for a minute,” he murmured, watching her roll on to her back, “and when I return I want to find you naked.”

  “Derrick, you make me absolutely crazy,” she confessed. “Is it okay for me to say that?”

  “Too right,” he nodded, leaning down and kissing her.

  She watched his tall, muscled body move away from her. He turned the lights, but left a small lamp burning in the corner of the room, then disappeared into his closet. Quickly removing her clothes, she pulled down the bedspread and crawled between the sheets to wait for him.

  What am I doing? This is nuts. I’m falling head over heels for this guy and I have to leave him in just a few days? Am I being completely stupid?

  “Hey girl,” he said, in a voice that made her toes curl, “are you ready for me?”

  Looking up she saw him moving towards the bed, and though his lean, powerful body was drenched in shadows, his cock, standing at attention, was clearly visible.

  “So ready,” she murmured as he approached.

  “I’m going to blindfold you,” he said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed, and then I’m going to give you that Australian Kiss I promised you.”


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