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The Cowboy From Down Under (Cowboys After Dark: Book 2)

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Jimmy loves your daredevil photos, and he’s tired of the usual pictures, he wants something different. He’s convinced you’re the person who can give it to him.”

  “Six months? That’s a long time, Ben, but jeez, what an offer.”

  “Here’s the second part of the deal,” he continued. “After the tour HBO wants to do a special focusing on you, Emma Harrison, and follow you around on one of your crazy-ass shoots. You know, hanging off cliffs, walking on rope bridges, all that stuff you do.”

  “You’re not serious. Me?”

  “Yep. You’re gonna be famous kid, not to mention rich.”

  Emma had been so involved in her conversation she hadn’t noticed Derrick standing in the door frame, but as she paused, digesting the extraordinary offer, she felt his gaze, and lifting her eyes she stared back at him.

  “Emma? Emma are you there?”

  “Yes, Ben, I’m here,” she replied, her eyes not moving from Derrick’s.

  “The thing is,” he continued, “we need a commitment right away. Jimmy wants you to meet up with him in Southeast Asia early next week. We need contracts signed, you need inoculations-”

  “Ben, I’ll have to get back to you,” she said abruptly, interrupting him.

  “What? When?” he pressed.

  “I need time. Let me think about this on my flight back. I’ll call you the second I land,” she promised, and without waiting for a response, she placed the phone back on the receiver.

  “I don’t know what that was all about, but it sure sounded important. A big break for you, am I right?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Very.”

  “We have a word over here, ripper, that means, excellent. You deserve it.”

  Slowly Emma rose from the bed and walked over to him, a hot lump developing in the back of her throat. Words failing her, she rested her head against his naked chest, fighting the tears. Dropping his arms around her, he held her closely, then leaning down he whispered in her ear.

  “Whatever you’ve gotta do in your life, Em, you’ve got my blessing,” then releasing her, he walked slowly into the bathroom.


  Emma used the adjacent bedroom to shower. Not only did she need the space, she didn’t want Derrick to hear her cry, and she wasn’t at all sure she’d be able to stop herself. She shampooed her hair, then stood under the shower head, letting the hot water wash over her.

  This is impossible. How can I say no to such an amazing offer, but how can I say yes? If I accept this job I won’t see Derrick again for almost a year.

  Leaning her head against the hard tile, she pounded it with her fist.

  This is so unfair. Why is this happening? I meet the man of my dreams, and then get offered the chance of a lifetime. Why should I have to choose?

  Feeling no better, she stepped from the water and toweled off, then ran a comb through her hair. She knew he’d be downstairs waiting for her, the tea made, and taking a deep breath she wrapped a towel around her and headed back into the bedroom to dress. Opening her suitcase she found a pair of jeans and a light sweater, and was about to head downstairs when she saw a photo of Fred and Jennifer on his dresser. They were glowing, just as they’d been glowing the day she’d first seen them at the airport, and then again at their house.

  It just gets better and better, and honestly, Emma, I have never felt so secure and so loved.

  Jennifer’s words echoed through her mind. Could she have such happiness with Derrick?

  Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, she left the room and trotted down the stairs. As she’d expected the teapot and cups were ready on the table, and he was pottering around the kitchen, pulling bits and pieces together to make them something to eat.

  “I feel like an Aussie,” she smiled.

  “You do,” he asked, not looking up. “Why is that?”

  “The first words I wanted to say were, I’m dying for a cuppa.”

  “It’s all ready,” he said, turning and shooting her a wink. “I’m making us some spaghetti. I have some great sauce that Jennifer made.”

  “That sounds absolutely perfect,” she declared, sitting at the table and pouring the tea.

  Derrick dropped the pasta in the steaming pot, and Emma realized he’d kept the water boiling waiting for her to arrive.

  “I want to tell you about the offer,” she said quietly.

  “I’d love to hear about it,” he replied, moving to the table to join her.

  “It’s two offers. Jimmy Valentine wants me to tour with him through Southeast Asia as the official tour photographer, and the tour itself is going to become an HBO Special. It’s six months on the road.”

  “Sounds like an amazing trip,” he said soberly, but managing to force a smile.

  “The second part is even more incredible,” she continued. “HBO wants to do a special focusing on me.”

  “Doing what?” he pressed, sensing a hesitation.

  “I’m not sure how you’ll feel about it,” she sighed.

  “It doesn’t matter how I feel about it,” he said seriously. “It’s your life, your career. Ultimately it’s up to you.”

  “They want to follow me around and film me doing my, uh, crazy stuff, you know, hanging off the side of a cliff to get a picture.”

  “Or standing in front of a sandstorm waiting to be eaten up?”

  “Yes, exactly,” she nodded.

  “For how long?”

  “A month probably,” she answered, sipping her tea.


  “I think that would be up to me,” she replied. “I’m not sure about that part, but probably.”

  “My goodness, Emma Harrison, a famous photojournalist and a star in her own right. I can tell all my friends I knew you when,” he smiled.

  “I’m not even sure I’m going to accept,” she said quietly.

  “If you did, when would it start?”

  “That’s the thing,” she said awkwardly. “Jimmy Valentine wants me to meet up with him in Southeast Asia next week.”

  “Ah, I see,” he nodded, reaching for his tea. So no time to spend any extra time with me then.

  Standing up, he moved to the stove to stir the pasta, fighting the overwhelming desire to beg her to stay, to think twice about such a grueling trip, to say no to the dangerous project, just being made so she would risk her life to grease the pockets of the cable network executives, and he had no doubt the presence of the cameras would push her into perilous situations.

  “You were already going back to the States, so now you’re going back to the States and then some,” he remarked, trying to break the heavy feeling in the air.

  “Like I said, I’m not sure…”

  Her voice trailed off, and she stared down at the table. She wasn’t sure about anything; the offers, her life back in the States, or the intense emotions washing through her heart. Looking up she saw him tap the plastic spoon on the side of the saucepan, and placing it carefully on the counter by the stove, he walked back to the table and sat down.

  “I know you think you’re in an impossible position. I suspect you’d like to stay here a little while longer, or at least know you have the freedom to come back soon for another visit, am I right?”

  “Yes, I would,” she whispered.

  “We’ve developed feelings for each other, and you’re afraid if you accept such a long commitment it might spoil this amazing thing that’s happened between us.”

  “That’s it exactly,” she breathed, fighting the tears. “I don’t want to lose you, I’ve only just found you. Six months is such a long time, and then there’s all the work involved in producing the book itself.”

  “Do I want you to stick around for a bit? Of course I do. Is this a fantastic opportunity? Of course it is. Life is about choices, and you have one to make now, but sometimes the most difficult decisions can be the easiest to make.”

  “How can that be?” she asked.

  Standing from the ta
ble, he walked around to her chair.

  “Give me your hand,” he directed, reaching out his.

  Putting her fingers against his palm, she felt the familiar twirl in her stomach as he pulled her to her feet.

  “Listen to me,” he said softly, taking her face between his hands, locking her eyes.

  “The big decisions are the easiest because we already know the answer. I can’t tell you which path to take, but I can tell you this; you’re thinking about it too hard.”

  “I am?”

  “You am,” he smiled. “Stop fretting. The right thing will come to you, and when it does, you’ll have my total support, whatever it is.”

  His warm brown eyes glittered down at her.

  “Derrick, you’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and I, uh, I-” I’m so in love with you it hurts.

  “You what?” he frowned.

  “I’m so lucky to have met you,” she sighed.

  “Goes both ways,” he breathed, and I love you just as much.

  His mouth fell on hers, and gripping her wet hair, he kissed her, lingering his lips to draw her into him, and as she surrendered, as her soft, full, moist mouth responded, she felt her heart skip and her body press itself against him.

  “My goodness, young lady,” he murmured, breaking apart. “You’re going to make me overcook that pasta.”

  Unable to speak, she managed a smile, and watched him amble back to the stove. His kiss had made her knees weak, but she felt better, and instinctively she knew he was right; the answer would come.

  “Can I help?” she asked.

  “Um, sure, why don’t you get some plates. There are some white bowls in the cabinet behind you.”

  After retrieving the bowls and setting them on the table, she found the wine glasses, then the cutlery, and finally retrieved the parmesan cheese from the refrigerator, pouring some in a small container with a spoon.

  “So civilized,” he grinned, draining the pasta and adding the sauce from a pot on the stove.

  “We’re worth it,” she smiled, besides, it’s my last meal here until who knows when, and I want it to be special.

  “Yes, we are,” he agreed, and probably our last dinner here for a while, so I want it to be memorable.

  As she watched him ladle the spaghetti into the plates, then pour the wine, she felt an odd tugging at her heart.

  “Don’t worry,” he said softly, seeing the conflict on her face, “these things have a way of crinkling out.”

  Flashing back to Suzy, while it hadn’t ended as he’d hope back then, it dawned on him it had been a youthful love, full of idealism and unrealistic expectations. She had ultimately found her Prince and the glamorous life she’d pined for. Looking across at Emma, a woman who had made her own way in the world, he was filled with pride and respect. If she came back to him he’d be overjoyed, if she didn’t, he would mourn her loss and move on, though he knew it would take a long time, and be very difficult.

  Later that night, his resignation didn’t prevent him from blindfolding her, tying her to the bed with scarlet ribbons, and devouring her with a desperate fervor. Even after they had both clung in erotic glory, and were laying breathless and drained, he was loathe to untie her.

  “I want to keep you prisoner here and never let you go,” he whispered in her ear, moving his lips down her neck.

  “Please do, please make it impossible for me to leave,” she gasped.

  I hope I have, he thought, moving his lips to her mouth, I hope you will listen with your heart.


  The drive into Sydney hadn’t been an easy one. When she’d hugged Bounder goodbye she’d fought back the tears, and though she’d only ridden Josie that one time, when she wrapped her arms around the horse’s neck she felt as though she was leaving a close friend.

  “They’ll both be here when you come back, whether that’s in a month or a year,” Derrick had promised, holding her tightly, “and so will I.”

  Though they’d both done their best to be upbeat and positive as the miles had flashed by, the mood in the car had remained somber.

  Her flight was leaving late in the afternoon, and Derrick had suggested they leave early enough to have lunch in the city. When she’d asked that they have it at the hotel he’d agreed immediately. Not only did it feel right, it would be convenient for her if she wanted to freshen up after their meal, or if they wanted some quiet time together.

  The hotel was warm and welcoming, and after Derrick had greeted the staff, they made their way into the restaurant where they sat at a table against the window. The waitress brought Derrick his usual glass of beer, and Emma, though she rarely drank during the day, ordered a Pimms and lemonade. The drinks had just been placed in front of them when Emma spied Fred and Jennifer.

  “Derrick, look,” she declared.

  “Blow me down,’ he exclaimed.

  Across the room, Fred spotted them immediately, and breaking into a smile he waved enthusiastically, and grabbing Jennifer’s hand, moved quickly through the dining room to say hello.

  “What are you two doing here?” Derrick asked.

  “Jen had to come in for a last minute appointment so I thought I’d tag along,” Fred grinned. “Hey, Emma.”

  “I was going to call you but everything happened so fast,” Emma apologized. “I’m so glad to see you. Can you join us?” she asked, as Jennifer walked around the table to give her a quick hug.

  “Sure, as long as we’re not intruding,” Jennifer replied.

  “You’re not,” Derrick smiled.

  “I take it you’re heading off,” Jennifer continued as she sat down next to Emma.

  “I am,” Emma sighed. “The time has gone by so fast.”

  “You had a full trip. I heard about the tornado,” Jennifer remarked, rolling her eyes. “That must have been so scary.”

  “Kind of, but I had Superman here,” she smiled, gazing up at Derrick, “so I wasn’t too worried.”

  “Did you get all the photo’s you wanted, everything you needed?” Fred asked.

  “I have some amazing pictures,” she nodded, and did I get what I needed? Oh, yes, and so much more.

  In the company of Fred and Jennifer the mood lightened, and as the food was served Derrick saw the troubled look leave Emma’s eyes. He watched her as she told them tales of the adventures she’d had, her hands gesticulating and her eyes lighting up. She was a marvelous storyteller, and they were a captive audience. When she and Jennifer left to visit the Powder Room, Fred took a swig of his beer, and with a serious look on his face, turned to Derrick.

  “You’ve got it bad, old son.”

  “That obvious, huh?” Derrick sighed.

  “Yep. Why are you letting her go?”

  “I have to. She knows how I feel about her. If she wants to stay longer she knows I’d love it,” Derrick lamented. “It’s up to her.”

  “You sure she knows?” Fred pressed.

  “Yes, I’m sure she knows,” Derrick quipped. “The thing is, she’s been offered a mega-job. Six months on the road with Jimmy Valentine.”

  “Oh, shit,” Fred grimaced.

  “Yep, oh shit,” Derrick repeated, taking a long gulp of his beer.

  A similar conversation was taking place between Emma and Jennifer in the Powder Room, except the hot lump had returned to Emma’s throat and had dissolved into tears.

  “This is so hard,” she sniffled. “I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing, but how can I say no to such an incredible opportunity?”

  “Maybe that’s what you’re doing,” Jennifer whispered under her breath.

  “What did you say?” Emma managed.

  “I said, maybe that’s what you’re doing,” Jennifer declared. “Maybe the opportunity is here. Sorry, it’s none of my business, but you two are crazy about each other.”

  “I have to go back to the States anyway. I have a deadline to get this book out, and I have all my equipment there…and…my life…” she whim
pered, running out of words.

  “If you guys are meant to be together, then you will be,” Jennifer reassured her. “Keep the faith, that’s what my mother always said.”

  “I don’t want Derrick to see me crying,” Emma said, wiping her tears, “and this is ridiculous. I mean, it’s not as if I’ve been going out with him for months.”

  “True, but if you think about everything you’ve just gone through together, it may as well have been,” Jennifer remarked.

  “Yeah, I guess that’s kind of true,” Emma agreed. “If I can’t stop this blubbering maybe I should just take a taxi to the airport by myself.”

  “Don’t you dare. You need to say goodbye to him when you leave, not here,” Jennifer scolded. “That wouldn’t be fair.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Emma nodded. “I’m just being a coward.”

  “Splash your face with some water and take a few deep breaths. Don’t forget, you’re only twelve hours away, and there’s the phone, and skype.”

  Turning to the wash basin Emma did as Jennifer suggested, and feeling a bit more composed, her tears under control, she walked back to the table, but Derrick wasn’t fooled; he recognized the evidence of her breakdown the moment he saw her.

  “I’m into some pudding. What about you guys?” he asked, hoping it might help her somehow.

  “Too right,” Fred declared. “Let’s get something really gooey and decadent.”

  “With ice-cream,” Emma interjected. Maybe it will stop this burning in my throat.

  Glancing at his watch, Derrick saw they had just enough time, and signaling the waitress he ordered a sampling of each of the desserts on the menu.

  “I think that should cover all the bases,” he grinned.

  As the sweet treats were placed on the table, and they each spooned a sampling, Derrick could see the distraction of the comfort food was helping, but the bandaid came off as Jennifer and Fred said their goodbyes.

  Finally back in the Range Rover, as he pulled away from the curb, he saw Emma take a long swallow of the bottled water she’d brought with her from the hotel. Having a difficult time holding it together himself, he decided pretending everything was okay was no longer working.


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