Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Page 19

by Maryann Jordan

  Seven men came in from the other room and stood with their backs against the height chart. “Take your time,” Matt instructed. “Look carefully.”

  Jennifer knew immediately which man it was, but did what she was told. She looked over each man carefully and came back to the man who had stood in front of her that night in the alley. Tall, broad shouldered. Dark hair. And angry eyes.

  “Number five. It’s number five,” she said.

  Suddenly, she felt her legs grow weak and Matt grabbed her as Gabe’s arms came from the back to encircle her as Matt let go to get a chair. Sitting down, she tried to steady her breath, but all she could see was that man hitting her.

  Gabe gently pressed her neck forward, forcing her head down. He said softly, “Put your head all the way between your knees, baby and breathe with me. In through your nose…out through your mouth…in through your nose…”

  Through the fog, she heard someone say, “Get some water,” and she felt Gabe lift her head slightly, pressing something to her lips. “Take a sip baby.”

  She dribbled more than she sipped, but the fog was beginning to lift. Continuing her deep breathing, she could hear voices in the background distinctly as Gabe’s presence became sharper. The feel of his hands rubbing her back, pulling her hair out of her face, whispering softly to her.

  With one final deep breath, she lifted her head and peered around. Gabe’s face was directly in front of hers, concern had replaced the anger from earlier. Matt and Shane were on either side of him as well as a uniformed policewoman that was standing next to Shane.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, embarrassment flooding her face.

  “Don’t be sorry, darlin’,” Shane said. “You did real good.”

  Standing on weak legs, supported by Gabe, she said, “It was number five, I’m sure of it.”

  Nodding, Shane said, “We got it. He’s being taken to the interview room and we’ll have a go at him. You managed to claw at his hand that was on your neck that night, so we’ll threaten him with a DNA sample.”

  Sucking in a ragged breath, she looked up and said, “I really need to get to work. I made a call when I was here, but I’m buried in paperwork and have got to get into the office.”

  “You need to go home, baby.”

  “No, I can’t. I’ve had so many days out already, I haven’t even had a chance to talk to Senator Reno to see what’s going on with the budget, and I need to talk to Roy and Sybil. Some strange things are happening in the office and I want to know what is going on.”

  Gabe’s fingers flexed on her shoulders as he tried to control his frustration. He felt Vinny’s presence approach. “Bro, she’s safe. She’s in good shape. She needs to do something normal, not be coddled.”

  Gabe’s head swung around as he looked at Vinny incredulously. “So you’re now the expert on women and relationships?”

  Vinny’s grin was infectious as he leaned over and kissed Jennifer’s head. “No, man. Just you and your relationship.”

  Jennifer couldn’t help the giggle that escaped when a chuckle erupted from Gabe as he shook his head.

  The three of them left the station and dropped her off at work. As she entered the DSS building, she felt a strange sensation of eyes on her. Turning around, she saw the twins driving away and assumed it must have been them. Moving toward the elevators, she missed the eyes that were following her. Angry eyes. Determined. Vengeful.


  Santo took the phone call from his office.

  “Cops got Frederick’s man. Seems Ms. Lambert recognized him, followed him and called the fuckin’ police.”

  Goddamn it. “How the fuck did she recognize him? He shouldn’t have been anywhere near her.”

  “Don’t know. According to his partner from that night, he may have been trying to get back in Frederick’s good graces.”

  Santo thought for a moment, quietly deciding the course of action. “I’ll take care of it,” he said, hanging up and then quickly dialing again. “Frederick? Your man was picked up by the police. It seems Ms. Lambert saw him and his ass is now in jail. Take care of him. Yeah. Permanently.”


  “Jennifer,” Cora’s voice sounded weak on the phone. “I don’t want you to worry, but honey we’ve got a problem. Some of the residents are sick…it seems that they have a stomach virus and someone from the health department is here causing problems.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Arriving at the center, Jennifer jogged into the building and straight into the kitchen. She saw a man talking to Henry and she headed directly to them.

  “Is Cora okay?” she asked Henry, ignoring the man from the Health Department.

  “Yeah, just a little weak,” Henry answered, the fatigue showing on his face. “The problem is this here man,” he said jerking his thumb at the stranger.

  She turned, putting her hand out to him and identified herself. The man looked down at her and ignored her extended hand. “You’ve got mice in the kitchen. I’m still identifying other problems.”

  “We do not,” she stated definitively. “It’s an old building, but we’re inspected each month and there have been no problems.”

  “What do you call this?” he asked, holding up a bag containing a mouse caught in a trap.

  Henry shouted, “Now hold on. I was in that pantry this morning and there was nothing there. This fellow shows up and goes in there and suddenly there’s a mouse in his hand. If you ask me, that’s real fishy!”

  The man stepped closer to Henry and Jennifer instinctively stepped in front of him. “Henry, go check on Cora and the others. I’ll be in to see her in a few minutes.”

  Henry shuffled away and Jennifer looked up into the dark eyes of the inspector standing directly in front of her, before dropping to his name tag. “You want to take a step back, Mr. Burton? Threatening posture will get you nowhere with me.” Pulling out her phone, she glanced at the numbers and placed a call. He looked at her suspiciously.

  “Bob? Jennifer Lambert here. Can you come to the center now? It’s an emergency. Got someone from the Health Department who just showed up and I need you. Yeah? Thanks.”

  The man, who had stepped back a few paces, continued to hold her stare. “Who’d you call? I represent the Health Department.”

  “The grant that I have to run this facility has someone from the State Health Department who comes monthly to do inspections. He knows the building and our business. He’s also the one approved by the state to do our inspections. Not you. So you want to tell me why you’re here? Who called you? Who sent you? And why the fuck you are messing with these people?” Her voice had risen with each word and the last was shouted.

  “You okay, honey?” came a voice from behind. As Jennifer turned around, she realized that a number of the residents had come out to the see what was happening.

  “All I know is that my department got a tip that there was food poisoning here and I was to investigate.”

  “Food poisoning? There are residents with a stomach virus which is not the same. If a doctor or hospital had diagnosed food poisoning, there would have been a lot more involvement than you just being here. And haven’t you read the paper lately? The flu is going around affecting the whole area. Are you visiting all the places with flu calling it food poisoning? So. Who. Sent. You?” The last words were punctuated with a tiny finger poking his chest.

  Anger flashed in his eyes and for a second she felt fear. Something’s not right.

  Before she could question him further, he abruptly turned and said, “I’m writing up a report. If possible, I’ll get you closed down.” With that he walked out of the back door into the alley.

  She was surrounded by the residents all clambering to know what was happening. Rubbing her forehead to still the headache looming, she calmed them down, sending them back to the common area. Heading up the stairs to Henry and Cora’s apartment, she knocked and entered. Cora was sipping tea, looking pale.

  Both she and Henry wanted to
know what was going on and Jennifer explained as best as she could. “I swear it’s like someone is out to get us!” she exclaimed with frustration. Another knock on the door had Henry rising to let Bob Tolsen in. After greetings all around, he sat down at the table with the other three and they went over the morning’s events.

  Henry explained that there was a stomach flu that had gone through the residents but that no doctor had mentioned food poisoning. Bob nodded and took notes as he asked questions.

  “It wouldn’t be food poisoning. If it had been, then most of the residents would have been affected at the same time. This went through the residents slowly as though they were passing it along, just as you said…a stomach flu. I don’t know who sent this man, but I’ll follow up with the Richland Health Department and see what I can find out. It makes no sense that he’d just show up without the official paperwork giving him authority to investigate or inspect.”

  Jennifer’s brain began working overtime. What is going on? Why would someone want us out of this building? It’s an old building, not worth anything to anyone else. That was one of the reasons they were able to afford to get the building with the grant. Rubbing her forehead again, she knew the headache was coming.

  “Bob, I’ll walk you out.” Kissing Cora and Henry goodbye, she and Bob made their way to the ground floor and stopped on the front stoop. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m afraid it seems like someone is trying to sabotage this project. And I swear if it was just me? Sure I’d be pissed, but whatever happens is affecting the wonderful people who live here.”

  “I’ll check into it, I promise,” he said, shaking her hand.

  Watching him leave, she decided to make an impromptu appearance to The State Capitol once more. And I just dare Monty to get in my way!


  For the first time that day, things were going her way. Monty was not at his desk and Senator Reno ushered her into his office. It just so happened that his wife was visiting as well and her friendly face made the horrible day seem better.

  “I will be honest, Ms. Lambert,” the Senator said. “The budget hearings are not going as well as I had hoped.” Seeing her face, he quickly added, “That doesn’t mean anything to you right now. I’m just letting you know that the state’s budget is very tight. But, I’m fighting for you.

  Mrs. Reno looked at Jennifer and the evidence of stress was on her face. “My dear, I have a perfect idea. The Senator and I will be attending a gala on Friday night for the opening of the movie that was filmed here months ago. We have two extra tickets and would love to have you and a friend attend as well. You look like you could use a night out.” Smiling she added, “And perhaps there is a special young man who would like to escort you?”

  “I…I don’t know,” she stammered. The premier? Jesus, Gabe will be there. But so will Alicia Morgenstern. But I probably won’t even see her.

  Mrs. Reno interrupted her thoughts. “I can see you are thinking of all the reasons to not attend, but I insist.” Leaning in as though to whisper, but knowing her husband could hear, she added, “And these events often turn out boring for me because they usually become work events for my husband. You might be able to make some more converts for your project.”

  With that enticement, Jennifer’s mind was made up. Smiling, she agreed. “I would love to attend. My…um…well my boyfriend actually works for the security company that will be there, but I have a girlfriend that I would love to invite.”

  “Perfect,” Mrs. Reno exclaimed.

  Thanking them both, she hurried out of the office…and ran straight into Monty. Bouncing off of him, she felt his arms reach out to grab her arms to steady her.

  “Well, well, Ms. Lambert. What a surprise to see you here, unannounced with no appointment,” he said sarcastically.

  Jerking away, she was getting ready to retort when Mrs. Reno approached from behind. “Oh Monty, I see you’ve met the lovely Ms. Lambert.”

  Monty’s eyes flashed, but his voice was even as he said, “Yes, we are well acquainted.” Giving Jennifer a pointed look he smiled at the Senator’s wife and returned to his desk.

  “See you on Friday night,” Jennifer said to Mrs. Reno in a voice loud enough that Monty had to have heard. Take that, you bully.

  As she walked out of the building, she called Sherrie and invited her to go to the gala. Thrilled that Sherrie accepted, they made the arrangements. As Jennifer walked to the bus stop, she began to think about the event, wondering what to wear. Slowing her steps, she realized that she had nothing in her closet that even came close to formalwear. Glancing at her watch, she realized that she had to get Ross off of the bus and had no time to worry about it now. I’ll find something tomorrow.


  The next two days passed in a blur. Between Gabe working night shift duty and Jennifer’s involvement with the center, they barely saw each other. She had managed to buy a beautiful dress at a consignment shop near where she worked. She hated spending the money on it but knew that she needed something striking. She told Gabe about attending but he was not happy about it.

  He just stared for a second as she quickly explained how it came about. Fuck, just what I need. I’ll be outside and she’ll be in where Alicia is.

  “Honey, I’ll be with the Senator’s wife. This will give me the opportunity to talk about the budget with some of the others there. Maybe I can drum up more support for my project.”

  Okay, he thought. She won’t even be around the Hollywood types, but he hated the idea nonetheless.

  The night of the event, he kissed her hard and wet before leaving the house. She got dressed and stood looking at her appearance in the mirror. Her mind raced with thoughts of the evening to come. He’ll be working outside and won’t even see me. I’ll be with Sherrie and we won’t even be close to the stars so I’ll never have to see Alicia. The feeling that this evening had disaster written all over it would not leave her, but there was no backing out now.

  She left Ross with Henry and Cora and was now standing in front of her mirror putting on the last touches of makeup. The doorbell rang as Sherrie was there to pick her up. The two women exclaimed over each other’s outfits.

  Sherrie looked resplendent in her black evening dress, one shoulder exposed and the fitted bodice tapered to a flared skirt that extended to her ankles. Her sky-high heels gave her a Hollywood appearance and Jennifer knew that her friend could rival any of the women that would be there that night.

  Sherrie was staring at Jennifer, thinking the same thing. Jennifer’s blonde curls were pulled up around her face and then cascading down her back. Her beautiful face with large blue eyes gave her a fairy princess look and the blue dress fitted perfectly to her figure. It too had a princess look with a jeweled bodice and layers of silk flowing to her ankles. Silver pumps completed the look. “You look like Cinderella,” Sherrie gushed. Seeing Jennifer’s questioning face, Sherrie quickly continued, “You’re gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.”

  The two ladies caught a cab and headed out into the night.


  “Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” Gabe asked, staring at Tony.

  “I wish I was,” came the sharp retort.

  Tony had just informed him that Jobe and BJ had become ill with the same flu knocking out so many. “Both tried to come, but can barely move. I’ve moved some of my less trained men to the outside, but I need you and Vinny on the inside. I’m sorry, man.”

  Gabe rubbed his hand across his neck trying to reduce the tension building. “Jesus fuck. I didn’t even tell you that Jennifer’s gonna be here. And now, just being anywhere in the vicinity of Alicia…fuck me.”

  “You’re not on her detail. In fact, she has no detail. You’re just around the dignitaries and officials. On the perimeter of the room, that’s all.”

  Gabe nodded. There was nothing that could be done now. As he walked away, Tony called out, “Sorry, man.” Gabe nodded once again, saying, “It’s okay. We don’t call ’em, we just take the missi
ons, right sir?”

  He pulled out his cell phone and tried to call Jennifer. It went straight to voicemail. Fuck me. Leaving her a text, he headed into the building.


  The evening so far had gone without a hitch. Jennifer and Sherrie sat near the back of the theater, viewing the movie. She had wished for the scenes with Alicia to be horrible and ugly but, of course, they were not. Overall, the movie was enjoyable but it had been a really long time since Jennifer had been to any movies and she had forgotten how realistic the love scenes were. Seeing Alicia almost nude on the big-screen did not make her feel better, even though she was with an actor. Thoughts of Alicia and Gabe together made her cringe. She had shared their story with Sherrie and could feel Sherrie’s sympathetic gaze on her more than once.

  Finally, the end came and she heaved a sigh of relief. Looking over at her friend, she said, “Now, I can go hang out with some of the officials and see if I can talk business!”

  Sherrie laughed, saying, “Go get ’em, tiger.”

  The two women walked arm in arm out of the theater and up toward the ballroom. Jennifer’s eyes lit up when she saw Tony and she nudged Sherri to point him out. “Looks good in a tux, doesn’t he?”

  Sherrie’s gaze cut over and her breath caught in her throat. “Yeah, he does,” she whispered to herself. She diverted her eyes so she never noticed that he did not take his off of her.

  Entering the ballroom, she found the Senator and introduced Sherrie to his wife. They stood for a few minutes before the Senator asked Jennifer to accompany him to meet a few others who may be interested in helping her. After about thirty minutes of chatting with some officials she had not met previously, she could tell they wanted to move over to meet the celebrities. I guess talking about the plight of elderly homeless just isn’t the conversation they want to have.

  “And what would a beautiful, young woman such as yourself be doing with these stuffy politicians?” came a smooth voice from her side. Turning she saw a middle-aged man with a perfectly coiffed woman on his arm, smiling at her.


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