Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Page 20

by Maryann Jordan

  “I…was just trying to meet some of the Senator’s friends,” she said awkwardly, wondering who the man was.

  “Well, if I know Senator Reno, he definitely has friends that are looking more to strike up a conversation with the Hollywood elite than a beautiful hometown woman. And that tells me how ridiculous some of our politicians are.”

  “I’m sorry. Have we met?” she asked, looking back and forth between the suave gentleman and his escort.

  “Forgive me. I am Michael Gibbons and this is my charming wife, Carmella. I own Gibbons Real Estate and can tell you from experience that some of these politicians, who are among my closest friends, truly are stodgy old men.”

  She laughed as she shook his hand. “Well, thanks for the warning. I can’t compete with Hollywood it seems. But there’s always tomorrow. Good evening.” Smiling graciously, she began to look for Sherrie again when she felt eyes on her. This time it felt right. She turned and saw him across the room. Gabe. Her Gabe. Tall, huge, built. Her giant. She smiled again when she remembered what she called him when they first met.

  What’s he doing on the inside? He must have come in looking for me. She took him in. All of him. From his handsome face with those green and gold eyes staring back at her to his square jaw. His tux fit him perfectly and she knew it was made just for him. Her heart began pounding and her legs began moving toward him of their own will.

  He had looked over and saw her from across the room. God, what a beauty. Her dress showed off her figure and her blonde curls framed the porcelain face that filled his thoughts and dreams. Before he knew it, she was walking toward him and he smiled as he walked to meet her, never taking his eyes off of hers.

  She approached and stood a respectable distance knowing he was working, when she wanted to throw herself into his arms.

  “I want to kiss you, Mr. Malloy,” she said softly, smiling up at him.

  “Not as much as I want to kiss you, Ms. Lambert. And kissing you would just be the start,” he added, just as softly.

  “I won’t be staying much longer, but I wanted to tell you that I love you.”

  He reached out and touched one of her blonde curls framing her face. “You’re beautiful, you know.” His face became serious, saying, “Absolutely, fuckin’ beautiful.”

  Gracing him with one of the smiles that took his breath away, she turned around to leave.

  “Gabe, darling, I’ve missed you,” came the seductive voice from the side.

  Jennifer turned to see Alicia Morgenstern approaching Gabe. The reporters were beginning to snap photographs of the beautiful actress and the handsome man standing with her.

  “You don’t seem glad to see me,” she accused.

  “I’m not. I’m with someone now and since we were never involved, you need to just keep moving on.”

  “Don’t tell me that little blonde doll that was just here is who you’re involved with,” she bit out.

  “Watch it, Alicia. The reporters just might get a glimpse of the real you if you’re not careful,” he whispered. With that, he turned and walked away hoping like hell that Jennifer had already left.

  Jennifer ducked into the ladies’ room before she and Sherrie left. After finishing her business, she was surprised to look up into the mirror and see Alicia Morgenstern walk up behind her.

  “Well, if it’s not the little garbage-crawler. I suppose this hick town will let anyone into these events.”

  Jennifer’s eyes flashed but, determined to maintain her composure, she dried her hands and began to walk away.

  “Where did you get that dress, by the way? It looks like a Walmart special.” One of Alicia’s cronies giggled behind her and the two of them moved to the door.

  Jennifer stood at the mirror for a long time. She knew Alicia was a bitch extraordinaire, but her words still hurt. Sighing, she turned to leave, the weight of the events of the past few weeks pressing on her.

  Sherrie noted her mood and quizzed her. “I’m just tired,” she said. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, I saw Vinny earlier and told him that we were leaving.”

  As the women received their wraps, they stepped back into the ballroom to say goodbye to the Renos. Hearing a commotion, Jennifer turned to see Alicia draping herself over Gabe, pretending to stumble. She saw his strong arms come around the woman and steady her. As Alicia continued to appear weak, he kept his arms around her. The cameras began to flash and Alicia preened on Gabe’s arms for the cameras.

  He’s just doing his job, but the memories of the film’s love scenes intertwined with her thoughts of the two of them together were more than she wanted to deal with. Turning to leave, she grabbed Sherrie and said, “Let’s get out of here.”

  Thirty minutes later she climbed up the steps to her old apartment. Entering, she heard Cora holding a crying Ross. Hurrying over, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “He’s been throwing up for the past half hour. I’m so glad you’re here. He’s been crying for you,” she said.

  “Oh Cora, I’m sorry.” Taking Ross from Cora, she cuddled her brother, rubbing his back. “It’s so late, go on to bed,” she said to the elderly woman. “I’ve got this.”

  The older woman bent to kiss her head and went back to her apartment. Well, there’s no going back to Gabe’s tonight.

  Just then, Ross began to throw up again. She managed to get him to the bathroom, but some of his vomit splattered the front of her dress. Holding his head over the toilet, she grabbed a wet cloth and held it to his face.

  Finally getting him back in bed, she ran into her tiny room to change. She looked in the full-length mirror hanging on the back of her door. Her hair was in disarray and her dress was a mess. A tear began to escape as she realized that at that moment she truly did look like Cinderella…after the ball, when the magic disappeared. Sighing heavily, she wiped her stray tear as she pulled her dress off. Sliding on a t-shirt and shorts, she washed the evening’s makeup off of her face. With her curls pulled into a messy bun, she decided that this was how she was comfortable. I’m no starlet. No reason to even try.

  Hearing Ross again, she quickly went back to his bed and hurried him into the bathroom. Sitting on the cold tile floor, she knew it was going to be a long night.


  Jennifer passed out on the foot of Ross’ bed in the middle of the night so that she could be near if he continued to be sick. After getting him to bed she had scrubbed the bathroom and the kitchen, trying to disinfect the area. Feeling something shake her, she tried to pry her eyes open.

  “Jennybenny, wake up,” her brother’s voice said.

  “What is it, honey?” she asked sitting up, realizing that the sun was coming through the blinds.

  “I want a piece of toast. I got the bread out of the bag but haven’t toasted it yet.”

  “Okay, baby,” she said pulling herself up. Walking into the kitchen, she plugged in the toaster and opened the refrigerator as Ross piled up on the sofa and turned on the TV.

  After a moment of still trying to rise from her exhausted, foggy mind, she heard a cry.

  “Noooo!” Ross yelled at the TV. Looking around the corner to see what he was upset about, she saw the morning news show with scenes from last night. And there was Gabe. With Alicia. Hanging onto his arm, pressing her body next to his. Scene after scene. So much so that the local news anchorwoman wondered who the mysterious escort was and if there was a romance for Alicia blooming in Richland.

  “He’s not supposed to do that,” Ross accused, his eyes angry. “He supposed to only do that with you.”

  “Honey, it’s all right,” Jennifer lied, burying her hurt. “That’s just his job.”

  “Well, I don’t like it. And I don’t like him,” Ross announced.

  Jennifer grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Same thing. Another channel. Same thing. What the fuck? There’s no news in Richland except for Alicia Morgenstern’s boobs?

  Ross jumped up and ran to his room, slamming the d

  Jennifer stood in the middle of their tiny living room. She could hear Ross crying, her apartment still smelled like vomit, she needed to wash his sheets, the residents were still recuperating from their stomach virus which had undoubtedly been given to Ross and she was probably next on the rotation. The paperwork at her job was piling up at an alarming rate. Someone at her office seemed to be sabotaging her. Even the gala had not provided her with the contacts that Senator Ross had seemed to think would be there. She had been assaulted, had a city inspector threaten to shut the residence down, and now she was faced with Alicia Morgenstern’s boobs on her boyfriend’s arm on all the news stations.

  Her phone beeped. Gabe. Oh hell, no. She answered and began talking before he had a chance to say anything. “No Gabe. Just no. Don’t say a word. I don’t have time for this right now. I’m up to my eyes in my own problems and don’t want to hear it. You were right, though. I should have never gone. And I’m sick at heart that I did. But I don’t have time for you or us now. So just NO.” With that, she hit disconnect and turned her phone off, tossing it on the sofa.

  She battled the urge to open the door, run down the stairs and continue running down the street until she could not run anymore. Heaving a huge sigh, she stooped to pick the remote off of the floor and tossed it to the sofa next to her phone as she walked to Ross’ room.


  Gabe stared at the phone in his hand, lifting his eyes to his brother.

  “Didn’t go well?” Vinny asked.

  “Didn’t go at all,” was the answer. “Jesus, she’s pissed and I’ve never heard her this pissed.”

  Tony walked over as the debriefing finished. “Go home, get some sleep. All of you,” he said to the gathering. Looking at Gabe, he said, “Last time. No more.”

  Gabe nodded, understanding what Tony meant. No more of Alicia and no more escort cases like this one. I’ll face dodging bullets any day rather than dealing with the Hollywood set.

  Vinny threw his arm around his brother, getting ready to drive him home when his phone rang. “Hey mom,” Vinny answered. He listened for a moment before interrupting. “Mom, mom. No Gabe isn’t engaged to Alicia Morgenstern. I don’t care what the news programs say. No, he’s very much still with Jennifer. In fact, he’s over there right now with her. Yeah. Yeah. I’ll tell him, mom. Love you.”

  Gabe stared at Vinny. “You’ve got to be shittin’ me? Even mom believes that load of—”

  “Look, man. It’s all over the morning news. Alicia and her handsome, new, personal co-star.”

  Gabe looked down at his shoes, not knowing who he was madder at—Alicia or the reporters who made it their business to put a spin on everything. And if mom’s seen the news…oh fuck. Heaving a sigh, he looked up at Vinny. “What the fuck do I do now?”

  Vinny looked disconcerted, running his hand through his already messy hair. “I have no idea, bro. Maybe she needs some space. Or maybe she shouldn’t have any space. Oh hell, I’m not the one to ask.”

  “We’ve been on missions that have lasted for days without sleeping. Tension. Life or death. Decisions that had to be made hard and fast or someone could die. And swear to God, brother. I can’t remember being so tired as I am right now.”

  “What are you gonna do?”

  Looking in Vinny’s concerned face, he chuckled ruefully. “I’m heading to her place since it’s obvious she didn’t go back to our place last night.” Turning, he walked out of the door, the sound of Vinny’s laughter ringing in his ears.


  Jennifer had managed to get Ross to stop crying long enough to strip his soiled sheets and put fresh ones on. She once again had a bit of vomit splattered on her t-shirt but had not had time to change. The knock on the door was welcome, sure that either Henry or Cora would be offering some assistance.

  She flung open the door and stared at the chest of…Gabe. Lifting her tired eyes to his, she simply turned and walk away.

  “Baby,” he started.

  She threw her hand up in the air and without looking at him said, “No, Gabe. I told you over the phone, just no.” Right then, Ross called for her again and she ran to his bed, holding his head. He was only dry-heaving at this point, but it hurt nonetheless.

  “Come on, baby. I told you to just sip the water. Just a sip at a time.”

  “My stomach hurts so bad,” he cried. He looked up at Gabe standing in his doorway and shouted, “What are you doing here? I hate you. You went on a date last night with someone else.”

  “Ross, I told you that’s not what happened,” Jennifer said, fatigue about to take her over the edge. “Now lay back down and let me run the sheets to the washing machine downstairs.”

  Moving to the door she pushed against Gabe’s chest, moving him backward so that she could slip out of the room. Walking back to the pile of soiled sheets, she bent to pick them up. She found her arms gently pushed away as Gabe moved in to gather them.

  “Gabe, I’ve been up all night with Ross. I’m so tired I can’t see straight and the world is falling down all around me. The last thing I want to do is talk to you right now.”

  “Okay. No talking. But just tell me where the laundry room is,” he said quietly.

  She stood, trying to hold back the tears, and said, “Those sheets have puke on them. Do you really want to hold those in your hands?”

  “You think I haven’t washed puke sheets before? Now tell me where to go.”

  “The room to the left of the kitchen.”

  He turned and headed down the stairs. Making his way into the laundry, he shoved the sheets in with some detergent and started the washing machine. As he turned around, he ran right into Cora.

  Throwing his hands up in defense he said, “It’s not what you think.”

  She stepped closer and looked him in the eyes. “I know. You were doing a job. In fact, I told Henry this morning that you looked miserable on the TV, as though that woman was the last person you wanted to be with.”

  Glancing behind him toward the washing machine, she said, “You’re a good man, Gabe.”

  “Yeah, well tell it to that stubborn woman upstairs.”

  “Oh, she knows. Right now, she’s got too much on her plate, but I’ve known Jennifer for two years now. She’ll sort it all out and be right as rain soon enough. But don’t doubt that she knows you’re a good man. Come into the kitchen and I’ll fix a tray for you to take upstairs.” With that, she turned and headed for the kitchen.

  Fifteen minutes later, he re-entered the apartment. The small windows were thrown open and the curtains were billowing as the cool spring air blew in replacing the stale odor. He saw Jennifer come out of Ross’ room and she gently shut the door.

  “How’s he doing?”

  “Better. He nibbled some crackers and then fell asleep. I’m going to let him sleep for as long as he will.” She eyed the tray. “What’s that?”

  “Cora thought you’d like something to eat. I was hoping you’d eat and then lay down to sleep yourself.”

  She walked over and lifted the cover, the scent of biscuits with butter and jam along with hot tea smelled divine. “I need to be awake in case Ross needs me.”

  “I’ve got it covered, baby.”

  Taking a huge bite of the biscuit with the melted butter dribbling down her chin, she said, “Oh, I don’t think so. You’re not exactly his favorite person right now.”

  Fighting the desire to lick the butter off of her face, he just kissed the top of her head instead, saying, “I’m on it. Not going to let it fester and get worse. When he’s awake, we’ll talk. Man to man.” Seeing her raised eyebrow, he continued, “Baby, he’s not too young to understand that things are not always what they seem.”

  She just nodded as she sipped her tea and finished her biscuit. He watched as her eyes began to droop. Taking her hand, he pulled her out of her chair and into her tiny bedroom. He lifted her t-shirt over her head and tossed it in the laundry basket. Turning to her dresser, he pulled out a clean one and
slid it over her body. She crawled silently into the bed and he covered her. She fell asleep immediately. He watched her for a few minutes, her face resting in slumber. Even the dark circles under her eyes could not mar her beauty. Kissing her forehead, he went back to the living room and made himself as comfortable as possible on the sofa. Then sleep overtook him as well.


  Hours later she woke, hearing low voices in the background. She pulled herself out of the bed and glanced at the mirror before leaving the security of her bedroom. Oh Jesus. What a wreck. Too tired to care, she quietly opened her door. Not intending to snoop, she could not help but stop in her tracks and listen to the voices.

  “But you said you love sis. And I saw you on TV. You were with some other woman and that hurt my sister.”

  “I know, buddy, and I’m so sorry. But when you love someone, you need to give them a chance to explain if something doesn’t seem right. A chance to make things right if they can. And when you find out everything, then you can decide if you want to still be their friend. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yeah,” came the child’s voice.

  “One of the things I have to do in my job is sometimes be around people to make sure they are safe. Last night, there was a big party and Mr. Tony’s men were there to make sure all the people were safe and no one was going to come in and hurt them.”

  “Like bad guys?”

  “Yeah, like bad guys.”

  “What about that lady? She looked like your girlfriend.”

  Jennifer could hear a deep sigh and she leaned a little farther out of the room. “Buddy, there are people in this world who are not very nice. They like to make trouble for other people and they don’t care who gets hurt.”

  “I know some kids like that. They’re just mean and I sometimes get mad when they’re being mean to another kid.”

  “Good for you, buddy. You should always take up for those who can’t take up for themselves.”

  “So was that lady not very nice? I didn’t like the way she looked.”

  “No, she’s not very nice. She said some mean things and was acting mean.”


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