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Shifter Sisters: Sex and the Single Werewolf

Page 5

by Sierra Dafoe

  “Do what?” she asked mischievously, closing her hand around his rigid cock. “This?” She moved her hand up and down. Sean groaned.

  Jesus, it was even bigger than it’d looked. Her fingers barely closed around it -- and she had big hands. It felt like hot velvet, gliding against her palm, hot velvet over a core of iron. His pulse beat so hard it made his shaft flex in her grip.

  “All right, yeah,” he admitted, his voice rough with desire. “Yeah, sometimes I do that.”

  And didn’t she know it. Grinning in the darkness, seeing him outlined by the moonlight spilling through the window, Lu was still struck by the unreality of it all. She was here, here, with him! With Sean. With no glass between them and his hard, warm body pressed close against hers, his fingers trailing over the curve of her breast, teasing her nipple to a tight, aching point…

  “Or did you mean this?” she murmured, pulling him on top of her. God, she was so ready for him! Her cunt was a maelstrom of liquid fire, begging to be pierced. Grabbing his hard, rounded buttocks, she tugged him closer, and that delectable cock slid between her thighs, its tip gliding through the sodden slickness of her folds.

  “Yes,” he rasped. “Yes, lass, I meant this. Christ Almighty, you feel good, Lu.”

  “I feel even better inside,” she whispered, and raised herself up to meet him as he sank into her, groaning.

  Jesus! No man had ever filled her like this. His cock spread her open in one hard, almost painful thrust as he pushed in to the hilt. She could feel his balls, so distended with come they felt almost rigid, pressing against the sensitive skin between her cunt and her rectum. Tilting her hips, she pulled him even closer, reveling in the hoarse gasp she drew from him.

  “Oh, so you like that, Sean O’Shaughnessey?” Sliding her hands up the muscular sides of his ribcage, she could feel his chuckle.

  “Like it? The woman must be daft.” Lifting his head, he looked down at her, and Lu could see moonlight in his cobalt-blue eyes. “I don’t like it, Lu -- I’d die for it.”

  It was as if the entire world hung suspended -- she couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t speak. Couldn’t do anything but feel his heartbeat thundering through his broad chest, the echoing pulse of his cock in her cunt, the tender exultation that flooded through her, both deeper and warmer than even the lust burning in her groin. Then he flexed his hips, driving his cock home again, and Lu tossed her head back, letting the cries spill from her throat as he took her, and took her, and took her…

  “Oh, God, Sean!” she screamed as her orgasm hit her, exploding outward in a tsunami of hot, creamy bliss. Her muscles clamped down, dragging him deeper, urging him on as he rammed in to the limit, filling her utterly. His shaft was a hard, thrusting center around which she melted, her cunt pulsing with rapture. He rocked forward, and she could feel his cockhead so deep inside her she’d have sworn it was buried up to her navel.

  “Oh, so you like that, Luna… Shit!” He froze inside her, and she stared up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Sean, you ass, you don’t even know her last name! And you bring her back here and shag her like she’s just some --”

  “Sean!” She grabbed him, holding him between her thighs, not letting him pull out as he’d started to do. “It’s Howell. All right?”

  “Luna Howell,” he repeated, and gazed at her skeptically.

  “You’re one to talk, Sean O’Shaughnessey.”

  “True. Well, Luna Howell, shall I stop, or --”

  “If you do,” she stated flatly, “you will die for it.”

  He grinned. “Your wish is my command -- or is it, your command is my wish?”

  Damn, they really aren’t kidding about that touch of the Blarney.

  So Lu allowed herself to do what she’d been dreaming of since the first time she saw him -- she buried her hands in those thick, jet-black curls, dragged his mouth down to hers, and found other uses for his tongue than talk.

  So smoothly it almost felt like magic, he slid back inside her, his cock prodding deep between her silken folds. Lu wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close as he moved inside her. His rhythm was slow, steady, rocking her gently like waves in an ocean. She felt buoyant, adrift but somehow utterly secure in the anchoring circle of his arms. Lifting her head, she laid her cheek against his strong neck, moving with him as their bodies merged, her warmth embracing him, his heat pushing inward, deeper…

  Her breathing grew heavier. So did his. She could almost feel the need building inside him, pulsing, growing stronger with each blissful stroke. He leaned his cheek against her forehead, nuzzling her hair as he whispered mindlessly, “Lu, Lu, oh Lu…”

  No man had ever said her name while making love before.

  But then again, had she ever really made love? For all the times she’d let herself get obsessed with a man, none of them were even remotely like this. She and Sean clung to each other, their hearts speeding in unison, sweat slicking their bodies as they tried with every fiber of their beings to meld their bodies into one. His voice was deepening, growing hoarse as the tension inside him flared to match her own. Gripping him inside her, she rocked her hips, urging him on. She could feel his climax straining, swelling his balls, tensing his muscles; he was so close, so close…

  So was she.

  Then he paused above her, and Lu whimpered, nudging hungrily with her hips, screaming silently, God, don’t stop now!

  “No, wait, Lu. I’ve got to…” Gritting his teeth, he pulled out of her, and she cried aloud at the sudden emptiness. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice rueful in the darkness. “I really should have earlier, but…” A warm chuckle followed his words, and Lu heard a rustle as he fumbled in the nightstand drawer, then a small, unfamiliar ripping sound. When his cock nudged back between her legs, feeling strangely artificial, Lu finally understood.

  A condom. He’d put on a condom. No man she’d been with before had ever bothered. Had ever bothered to care if she wound up pregnant, or sick, or infected with something…

  Lu felt tears stinging behind her eyelids as Sean eased into her. He did care about her. He hadn’t even asked her -- he’d simply done it. No half-hearted “Are you on the pill?” to which she’d always nodded in reply -- it was easier. No fumbling excuses, no nothing. This was a man who treated his woman right. No matter what.

  Although, in this case, there was really no need. Long experience had proven she couldn’t catch or carry human diseases any more than she could “catch” pregnant.

  Which, given my history, is a damn good thing, she thought wryly.

  The rubber felt strange, reminding her too much of the window, the glass separating them as she’d watched him, hungry for the feel of flesh against flesh. She wanted to tell him, to feel him naked inside her, feel the hot, pulsing flow of his semen as he climaxed. But how could she explain?

  So she bit her lip and said nothing, and the condom stayed between them, as insubstantial and yet as isolating as a secret.

  It wasn’t the same. It was still really good, but it wasn’t the same. She was way too conscious of that thin layer of latex, Saran Wrap instead of silk against the walls of her passage. And when he came, groaning as his body arched above her, she felt a strange, hollow emptiness deep inside, as if her body was still waiting for that flood of hot come, filling her, fulfilling her… Her cunt spasmed and gripped as he thrust in again, and she cried out as her peak crested inside her -- but instead of warm, creamy waves it felt more like shattering glass; one hard, sharp bolt of ecstasy. Then it was gone.

  Even as Sean slumped on top of her, gathering her tight in his arms as he kissed her cheeks, her forehead, and finally her lips, Lu felt a strange sense of dislocation. A sense that something was missing. And it wasn’t him, she realized slowly. It wasn’t him holding back -- it was her.

  Chapter Seven

  Carefully, Sean withdrew, reaching down to hold the condom in place as he pulled out of her. Sliding it off, he looked at it ruefully. “Now there’s
one shocked little rubber,” he chuckled, and dropped it in the trash can.


  Sean looked down at her, his grin slightly embarrassed. “I think it gave up on me two years ago.”

  “Two years? Yeah, right.”

  “Sad but true.” He stretched out again beside her, kissing her forehead lightly before rolling onto his back. “Almost three, actually.”

  Propping herself on one arm, Lu glared at him disbelievingly. “Exactly how many women have you slept with?”

  “Four. Five, now.”


  He glanced at her, his brow wrinkling. “Why?”

  “Because… Because.” Because no man who looks as fine as you do has turned down that many offers. No way in hell. “Fine,” she snapped. “How many have you been in love with?”


  She stared at him. He grinned. “Feel better now?”

  “No,” Lu muttered sulkily. Sean laughed, and pulled her closer so her head rested on his shoulder. Raising her hand, he laced his fingers through hers, his long, callused thumb idly stroking her palm. Slowly, Lu felt the tension ease from her body. “It’s so strange,” she whispered. “I mean, I hardly know you…”

  “Ask me anything you like.”

  Lu glanced up at him. “Anything?”

  “Anything.” He stretched, arching his back and spreading his muscled arms wide, then settled her again with her head on his chest. For a moment they simply lay, listening to each other’s heartbeats. “The truth of it is,” he said eventually, “I’ve only fallen in love three times in my life.”


  He nodded solemnly. “The first time was with my second grade teacher. Miss Perrodin.”

  “Tell me she wasn’t one of the ones you slept with.”

  He chuckled, then sighed in exaggerated nostalgia. “She had the most lovely penmanship I’d ever laid eyes on --”

  “What is that, a bad pun?”

  “It’s heaven’s own truth. Like poetry, her handwriting was all loops and curlicues. Ah, I remember how she used to lean over me, guiding my hand…”

  He was putting on the brogue for her, trying to amuse her. “You’d better be talking about penmanship,” Lu growled -- and it was Sean who laughed. “All right, then, who was the second?”

  “Maggie Givens.” Suddenly, Sean’s voice had no laughter in it at all, and she saw his jaw clench in the moonlight. “She…”

  Lu tried to forestall him. “You don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want.”

  “Lu, I told you, you can ask me anything. I don’t believe in secrets.”

  A hot flush of guilt -- or was it shame? -- burned through her. Lu dropped her gaze, but Sean didn’t seem to notice. He folded his hands behind his head, and she trailed her palm lightly over his chest as he spoke.

  “She was the first girl who… I was eighteen. We were together for five years, engaged for three. I wanted to marry her as soon as we both turned twenty-one, but she kept saying, ‘No, wait.’ I should have known then, just from that… Anyway, two months before the big day, she left town. With company, they tell me.”

  “Oh, Sean…”

  His lips twisted in a rueful grimace. “None so blind as those who won’t see, hey? But I’m glad, Lu. I wasn’t at the time of course, but… She wasn’t right. It wasn’t right. If it had been, she’d never have hesitated the way she did. She’d never have run out on me. She’d never have…”

  “Lied,” Lu finished. He nodded. Lu felt a sinking feeling in her gut.

  Oh, God. I should never have said yes. I should never have started this.

  Of all the things she’d thought about, all the objections she’d raised in her own mind, the one thing that had never occurred to her was the possibility of hurting him.

  What was she going to do?

  End it. End it, Lu. Now. Before either one of you gets hurt any worse than you have to.


  He tilted his head, looking down at her, then brushed his lips against her hair in a feather-light kiss. “Mm-hmm?”

  “Sean, I…” His arms slid around her again, holding her close. One hand slipped under her arm and fondled her breast. “Sean, stop that!”

  “All right. Would this be better?” Rolling onto his side, facing her, he lowered his head, cupping her breasts together as he tongued her nipples.

  “Oh, yeah… no, I mean, no! I mean… Sean, we were talking!”

  He glanced up at her, grinned, and said, “So talk.”

  “I…” The words wouldn’t come. She ought to say them -- she knew she ought to say them -- but her throat seemed to freeze solid each time she tried. His gaze wandered dangerously back to her cleavage and Lu scrambled frantically for something else to say.

  “Okay, that’s two. Who was the third?”

  “Ah, the third… I’m not ready to talk about that one yet.” He went back to licking her nipples, and Lu was finding it harder and harder to keep her concentration.

  “I thought you were so big on not keeping secrets.”

  “It isn’t a secret. I’m just not ready to talk about it. And that’s not what you were going to say.”

  “Fine. I’ll tell you what I was going to say when you tell me about the third one.”

  “Fair enough.” He turned his attention back to her breasts, rolling her nipples between his deft fingers even as he lashed his tongue over their hypersensitive tips. Lu moaned, loving the stimulation, feeling desire flare again in her groin as her clit rose, swelling. But at the same time she was screaming at herself, Coward! Coward!

  There was no way this would ever end well.

  When do they ever?, her mutinous libido wanted to know.

  That’s beside the point! The point is, this is Sean, not some inconsiderate prick like Gary or Doug or… or… or…


  Yes, damn it! Rick! That was a cheap shot, a pathetically low blow. Just because she hadn’t thought of him in weeks didn’t mean she didn’t remember his name.

  And she knew what the right thing to do was, damn it! She knew it as well as she knew what Sean was doing to her, right now, his mouth tugging on her full, aching nipple like he was ravenous, like he couldn’t get enough of her…

  Wouldn’t it be kinder to let them both have this one night?

  That’s rationalization of the worst sort, Lu, and you… you…

  Her conscience shut up abruptly as Sean suckled harder, sending a jolt of sheer lust straight into her womb.

  Ah, hell. “Sean?”


  Grabbing his hands, Lu held them still. “Sean, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  With a flattering reluctance, he loosed her breasts, propped himself up on his arms and looked down at her.

  “Sean, I…”

  The seemingly endless number of things she could have said whirled tumultuously in her mind. I have to go. Don’t fall in love with me. I’m a werewolf. I think I’m falling in love with you.

  What came out was, “Sean, I can’t have children. I can’t get pregnant.”

  His face twisted in a wholly unfeigned grimace of sympathy. Lu was shocked to realize she was nearly in tears. Tenderly, he drew her into his arms. “Oh, lass, lass…” He held her so gently, and Lu let a grief she had never acknowledged pour through her, safe in the shelter of his arms.

  He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her eyes, murmuring comfortingly till her tears started to ease. Finally she shook herself, dashing them away impatiently, and shrugged. “So now you know. I’m damaged goods.”

  “Don’t talk that way!” Sean’s voice was sharp, and she looked up at him, surprised. The line of his jaw was strong, almost stubborn -- she hadn’t noticed that before. Why hadn’t she ever noticed that before? “You’re not. You’re not, Lu. You’re everything you need to be.”

  His eyes were fierce, and Lu felt a small, furtive emotion unfold in her heart -- a feeling of being protected, defend
ed… No man had ever done that before either. Lifting her hands, Sean cupped them in his, kissing the back, then the palms as he said, “And it’s not like there aren’t thousands of children who need a good home.” He smiled at her gently.

  “That’s true.” Then she added, more lightly, “Besides, there’s one other upside that hasn’t occurred to you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, you know that condom you just threw away?”


  Lu grinned. “I think his mates are going to be very disappointed.”

  Sean’s eyes widened a moment, then a slow, broad grin broke across his handsome features. “Oh, lass. Now that is an upside.” Raising an eyebrow, he slid his hand toward her crotch, running his fingers through the soft fur on her mons before dipping lower to find the hard nub of her clit. She gasped as he pressed it, rubbing in small, controlled circles. Then, his eyes gleaming wickedly, he slid down on the bed and settled himself between her thighs.

  No. No, this wasn’t how this was supposed to go. She was the one who was supposed to be pleasing him, not… Not…

  Oh. Oh, my.

  Lu’s back arched automatically as his tongue found her clit, lapping eagerly at it as he trailed a finger between her folds. Helplessly, she dropped her hands to his warm, sturdy shoulders, exploring their broad, hard planes and angles, the ridge of his collarbone, the firm swell of his deltoids. Spreading her outer lips gently, Sean trailed his tongue downward, prodding her opening, and Lu gasped, her hands sliding automatically to his thick black curls, clenching in their heavy softness as he drove his tongue deeper. He groaned as he tasted her, his voice husky with lust, and Lu’s head dropped back bonelessly, her thighs falling open.

  Do what you want, Sean, she whispered inside her head. Do anything you want with me. Oh, sweet God!

  His tongue delved deeper, warm and wet inside her, devouring her hungrily. His thumb glided intoxicatingly up and down her clit, working it till it was so hard it ached. Then he raised his head and closed his lips around it, suckling exactly as he’d suckled her nipples. White light exploded behind Lu’s eyelids.


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