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Sovereign Stone

Page 45

by David Wells

  Alexander started with his second sight and then described in detail all of his magical experiences one by one. He left nothing out, from the precognition that had only happened three times in his life to his two brief forays into the netherworld. He told them how the firmament felt and sounded, how he projected his awareness to the other side of the world, and what it felt like when it was scattered into the firmament by Phane, the fortress island, and the Reishi Keep. He described the process he used to reach the firmament and how his other talents didn’t require him to connect to the firmament at all. They sat and listened patiently while he scrupulously recounted his entire life history of magic.

  All of the men at the table looked from one to the other. By silent consensus, they settled on the man two seats to the right of Balthazar.

  He leaned forward and fixed Alexander with his golden eyes.

  “I am Constantine, the Third Reishi Sovereign. You are the rarest of all types of wizard. You are an adept.”

  Balthazar nodded, deep in thought. “It makes sense. No other calling would have the necessary magic to form the bond without first undergoing the mage’s fast.”

  Alexander was excited. Finally someone knew something about his magic. “What’s an adept?”

  “An adept is a wizard who can’t cast spells in the conventional sense,” Constantine said. “Instead, an adept develops abilities that naturally draw on the power of the firmament. The more you use your magic, the more your natural abilities will manifest and develop. As for what those abilities will be, it is difficult to say.

  “One thing is certain: The power of an adept, within the confines of his abilities, is greater than even that of the most accomplished arch mage. For example, you said you’ve used your clairvoyance to see and hear places on other islands thousand of miles away. I was an arch mage of considerable power and I knew how to cast a clairvoyance spell, but I could only look at a place within a hundred miles, and at that distance, I could only maintain the spell for a short time.”

  “I had a bad experience with my clairvoyance the other day,” Alexander said. “When I tried to return, there was a dark spirit from the aether that had taken possession of my body and killed two of my men. Is there any way to protect myself when I’m using my clairvoyance so that never happens again?”

  Constantine nodded. “That’s always one of the dangers when projecting your consciousness away from your body. There are opportunistic spirits that will take advantage of your vulnerable position. The solution is to draw a magic circle around yourself when you project your mind. Any wizard can draw a circle that will protect them, provided they place the symbols correctly.”

  “Will you show me?”

  Constantine smiled and waved his hand. On the table in front of him appeared a magic circle drawn in light. It was actually two circles, one within the other. Between the two circles were seven symbols. Each was arcane and complex.

  Alexander studied the image closely and committed it to memory as best he could. He closed his eyes and saw the circle in his mind’s eye, then checked the image again to be sure he had it right. If nothing else, he could always come back or even ask Lucky; he would probably be able to help him.

  Alexander nodded and the image faded away.

  “Practice sending your mind into the firmament every day,” Constantine said. “Focus on a place and concentrate your awareness there. Look at the place for a moment and slip back into the firmament, then move on to another place. By exercising your abilities, you will expand them.” He paused and thought for a moment.

  “My brother was an adept, one of only two known to exist during the entire reign of the Reishi Empire. He studied his calling quite extensively and wrote a great deal about what he learned. His keep was in the high mountains on the southernmost island of Ithilian. I don’t know if it’s still there, but if it is, you may find much better information there than we have to offer.”

  Alexander nodded thoughtfully. He had many more questions but decided there would be plenty of time later. He nodded for Balthazar to continue.

  “Next, you are the master of the Thinblades. You can cause any of them to be destroyed at will in a violent explosion of magical energy. I would caution you not to use this power lightly. The Thinblades are precious beyond measure, not only as weapons but as a means of establishing your authority over the Island Kings. As the Reishi Sovereign, the Thinblades cannot harm you.”

  “I’m not certain, but I think there are only two left, Ruatha’s and Ithilian’s.”

  Balthazar turned to Malachi. “How many Thinblades did you destroy?”

  Malachi sat defiantly.

  Alexander snapped, “Answer him.”


  “Which ones?”

  “Zuhl, Fellenden, Karth, and Andalia,” Malachi said.

  Alexander turned to Balthazar and nodded for him to continue.

  “What a loss,” Balthazar said, shaking his head sadly. “The Thinblades are priceless beyond measure. At any rate, there is more to the Stone that you must be aware of. After some time, it will allow you to access its Wizard’s Den. This is a place beyond the world of time and substance, a sort of pocket world where only one room exists. It’s an ideal place to store things of value, and it provides a place to sleep in complete safety if you happen to be traveling. No one can access it except you.”

  Alexander whistled. His mind was spinning with all the possibilities such a place had to offer. No more guard duty. Faster travel because they wouldn’t have to carry their packs. The idea of having such a place at his disposal was beyond his wildest imaginings. He remembered Mage Cedric’s Wizard’s Den in the top room of the highest tower in Blackstone Keep and idly wondered at the contents that he had yet to fully investigate.

  Balthazar continued and brought him back to the present. “You are the master of the Reishi Keep as well. There are many magical defenses and capabilities built into the walls and halls of the Keep and a number of secret areas that can only be accessed by the Sovereign.”

  “Mage Cedric left me the Keep Master’s ring of Blackstone Keep. With it I can see anywhere within the Keep in my mind’s eye.”

  “You have that ability with the Reishi Keep as well, in addition to many others. The final power the Sovereign Stone confers upon you is control of the Reishi Gates. With the Stone back in the world of time and substance, the Gates are once again active,” Balthazar said.

  “What?” Alexander was suddenly alarmed. He remembered Phane telling him his plans to use the Gates to move his army from Karth to Ruatha. If the Gates were active, soldiers could be pouring into the heart of Ruatha at this very moment.

  “How do I shut them down?” Alexander asked urgently.

  Balthazar looked a little alarmed at Alexander’s sudden concern. “The main Gate is in the Reishi Keep and allows control of all the island Gates. From there you can shut the Gates down entirely so that only you may access them, limit access to holders of the Thinblades, or allow open access to anyone. Otherwise, you must go to each individual Gate to restrict access to it.”

  Alexander’s mind was racing. He feared the worst. Phane would have known this was going to happen. He would have been ready.

  Alexander could only hope that his father had taken adequate precautions to defend against invasion through the Gate. He knew from his last clairvoyant visit to Blackstone Keep that there was at least a legion dug in at the Gate. He only hoped that would be enough.

  “Phane said he was going to use the Gate to move his army from Karth to Ruatha. I have soldiers at the Gate on Ruatha, but I’m not sure if I have enough.”

  “Where is your body right now?” Balthazar asked.

  “I’m in one of the three tallest towers in the Reishi Keep at the level of the sky deck.”

  “When you face north on the sky deck, the master Gate is in the tower directly in front of you, five levels up,” Balthazar said. “It’s guarded by a shield, but it will yield to you.”

The light emanating from above momentarily turned blood red, then returned to a soft white glow.

  “The bonding is complete,” Balthazar said. “Alexander Reishi, you are the Seventh Sovereign of the Seven Isles. Walk out of the circle of light and you will find yourself back in your body. If you wish to return, simply hold the Stone in your bare hand and think of this place and you will be here. Go to the master Gate quickly and restrict access to the Gates to you alone until you can determine if those who hold the other Thinblades are friend or enemy.”

  Alexander stood quickly. “Thank you,” he said as he turned away from the table and walked into the darkness. He had so many more questions but they would have to wait. Right now he had more pressing concerns.

  Chapter 53

  Alexander opened his eyes. He was sitting with his back to a wall. There were Rangers all around the room. Anatoly and Lucky were nearby. Chloe was sitting cross-legged on his knee, looking up at him.

  “You were gone again, My Love,” she said in his mind. “I was worried.”

  “I was within the Sovereign Stone. It’s bonded to me,” he said to her without speaking. She looked at him with surprise and then buzzed up to look him in the eye.

  “You do have the eyes of the Reishi, My Love,” she said in his mind.

  Then he saw Commander P’Tal standing not ten feet away with his back to him. Alexander quickly and quietly slipped the Sovereign Stone around his neck and under his armor before he got to his feet and drew the Thinblade. Chloe buzzed up into the air circling his head in a wide orbit.

  “Turn around,” Alexander growled to the man who had been hunting him.

  Jataan P’Tal turned and stood before Alexander with his hands clasped behind his back. He appraised him for a moment before nodding once deferentially.

  “I am General Commander Jataan P’Tal of the Reishi Protectorate and I am at your service, Lord Reishi. This is my lieutenant, Boaberous Grudge.”

  Alexander was at a loss for words. He stood pointing the Thinblade at his adversary and tried to come to terms with the situation. The Sovereigns told him that the Reishi Protectorate would serve him now that he was bound to the Stone, and Commander P’Tal’s colors said he was speaking the truth, but Alexander had learned an abundance of caution, largely due to Jataan P’Tal’s unwanted tutelage. Then Jataan went to a knee, and the giant who was his companion bowed as well.

  “Stand up,” Alexander snapped.

  Both men stood without a word.

  “You killed my brother,” he said with an undercurrent of rage and menace.

  “Regrettably, I gave the order to assassinate your brother,” Jataan said. “He was a clear threat to my charge and I was bound by duty to eliminate any legitimate threats to the Reishi Sovereign and his line. I have since learned, to my horror and deep sorrow, that your brother was in fact Reishi. You have my sincere apology even though I recognize that my words are hollow and powerless. If you wish to take my life for my crime, I will submit to your will, although I believe such an action would ultimately prove self-destructive.”

  Alexander surveyed the situation. He saw Lucky sitting with Anatoly and was relieved to see the encouraging nod for the well-being of his old mentor. Rangers were arrayed around the room, and Jack stood off to the side watching the confrontation.

  He looked to Jack. “How long have I been out and what’s happened?”

  “You slumped to your knees when you touched the Stone just over five hours ago. Not long after, Commander P’Tal attacked with a squad of Lancers. He drove through our defenses and bested Anatoly, injuring him severely. He was within striking range but when he saw that the Stone was bonding to you, he abruptly stood down and helped kill the Lancers when they threatened you. We moved you and Anatoly down one level in the tower because this level is more easily defended. A squad of Lancers led by Nero attacked; four were killed and the rest were driven off by a squad of Rangers assisted by Lieutenant Grudge. The wyvern riders have sent a large force of reinforcements, but so far they haven’t attacked.” Jack sounded almost like Anatoly giving a report.

  “What of these two? Do you trust them?” Alexander asked, motioning to Jataan and Boaberous.

  Jack shrugged. “From the moment they realized you were bonding to the Sovereign Stone, they’ve acted to protect and preserve you. After the past several months, I’m skeptical but hopeful. Alexander, how is it that the Stone bonded to you?”

  “Apparently the Reishi line is an offshoot of the Ruathan line. I’ll tell you the rest later.” He turned to Lucky. “How bad is it?”

  “He’ll mend by morning well enough to travel, although it will be several days before he’s fully recovered. I gave him the healing potion from your pouch.”

  “Good. Lieutenant Wyatt, report,” Alexander said to the Ranger commander.

  “I have fourteen Rangers, none are injured. We’ve successfully repelled the Lancer attack from below but didn’t pursue the three that fled. I have a scout upstairs who reports that the wyvern riders are swarming around the Keep, but they’ve made no attempt to enter or attack.”

  Alexander turned back to Lucky. “Can Anatoly be moved without killing him?”

  “Yes, but I’d rather not. Moving him now will delay his healing.”

  Alexander shook his head. “The Gates are open. Phane’s army on Karth is probably pouring into Ruatha as we speak. I have to get to the Gate Room and I don’t want to divide our forces. Lieutenant Wyatt, make a stretcher with spears and a blanket. I’m going upstairs to get my bearings.”

  Alexander started for the staircase. Jataan nodded to Boaberous who went ahead while he followed behind. Alexander stopped and faced Jataan.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We’re protecting you, Lord Reishi.”

  Alexander studied his colors for a long moment but saw only sincerity. He turned without a word and went upstairs. Boaberous was crouched down next to the door leading out onto the sky deck, peering into the night. A Ranger scout was at the door leading onto the balcony. A wyvern streaked by outside as Alexander and Jataan made their way to the Ranger.

  “Report,” Alexander said.

  “Lord Alexander . . .” the Ranger said but before he could continue, Jataan cut him off.

  “He is now Lord Reishi. Please address him as such.”

  Alexander frowned and the Ranger blustered a bit, “I’m sorry, Lord Reishi, I meant no disrespect,” he said with a look of confusion.

  Alexander shook his head and put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Titles mean very little to me, so don’t worry about it. For what it’s worth, I’m just as confused by this turn of events as you are. What are the wyvern riders up to?”

  “I count over fifty, now that their reinforcements have arrived. Most are perched on the towers and battlements, but a few continue to circle the Keep. They’ve made no move to attack, so I suspect they intend to wait for us to leave.”

  Alexander nodded and started to go out onto the balcony, but Jataan stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “What do you intend to do, Lord Reishi?”

  Alexander’s anger flared and he didn’t try to hide it. “I need to see the stars, so I can figure out which way north is.”

  Jataan nodded and slipped out onto the balcony. He looked up to the sky for a moment, then dodged to the side with frightening speed as a javelin dropped from above almost straight down on his position. It missed by only a few inches and buried six inches into the stone floor. Jataan returned to the cover of the room.

  “North is that way,” he said, pointing as if nothing had happened.

  “Where’d that javelin come from?”

  “There’s a rider on top of this tower.”

  Alexander nodded. “We have to get to that tower,” he said, pointing to the tower where Jataan and his men had been waiting when Alexander arrived the evening before. Boaberous stood and made a move toward the sky deck.

  “Stop!” Alexander commanded.

  The giant stopped
dead in his tracks and looked at Alexander with confusion.

  “The sky deck is trapped. If you set foot out there, you’ll be cut in three. We need to find another way to get over there.”

  Boaberous looked at Alexander and then at the sky deck and the carnage of the dead wyvern and nodded slowly.

  They returned to the level below and found that the Rangers had secured Anatoly to a makeshift stretcher, and two of their biggest men were ready to carry him. Alexander didn’t want to risk any further injury to Anatoly but he knew that every passing moment meant more enemy soldiers on Ruathan soil.

  They moved slowly and carefully. There was no telling if the wyvern riders had dismounted and were moving to attack. Boaberous led the way on an unspoken order from Jataan P’Tal. They descended several levels until they came to one with a bridge leading to the tower containing the master Gate. Perched on the bridge was a wyvern with a woman sitting on its back. Boaberous peeked around the corner and stopped those behind him with a hand signal. Alexander slipped up beside the giant and sent his all around sight through the wall to assess the situation.

  The woman was watching the doorway intently as if she expected them to try to pass. Alexander decided he wanted to send a message to the wyvern riders. He held the Sovereign Stone inside the doorway for a moment, dangling it by its heavy gold chain so she could see it glowing softly, and then he put it back around his neck and under his armor.

  “I am Alexander Reishi, Seventh Sovereign of the Seven Isles,” he said loudly. “I command you to stand down and permit us to pass.”

  There was silence for several long moments before she answered. “You lie, Phane. You are the only male Reishi left in the Seven Isles. You may have recovered the Stone, but you will never make it off this island alive.”


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