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Gunner (Devil's Tears MC Book 1)

Page 22

by Daniela Jackson

  “You’re the best brother I could wish for,” I say, my throat thin, strangled by emotions.

  “Do yourself a favour and be happy. Like really happy.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  We shake hands and I walk out of my flat. My eyes roam over the surroundings as I settle myself on the Harley-Davidson Charlie bought for me abroad. I start the engine and the bike moves towards the main road, passing the police station and my favourite cafe.

  I rev up and shoot forward to reunite with my woman whether she wants to reunite with me or not.

  Chapter 14


  I spend the night in a cheap hotel by the motorway, rolling in bed. My bottom and muscles are so sore from the ride that I can’t find a position to rest. I wake up, looking like a zombie, and continue my journey before the sun appears on the horizon.

  Charlie will take care of my old life. He’s a professional. I have followed his every guide so everything should be fine.

  Coyote will find my goodbye letter soon. He’ll learn that I’ve decided to commit a suicide. Charlie will push my car into the canal where many people died but their bodies were never found. The world will mourn over Seafra for a while then everybody will forget me.

  Ten hours later, I park my bike in front of a red-bricked house surrounded by a devastated garden. My heart thumps in my ears.

  I remove my helmet, jump off the bike, stretching my aching muscles, and move towards the front door, knocking on it. The rasp of the lock makes my throat tighten. The door creaks open and dizziness fills my head as my eyes meet hers.

  Eavan looks at me like I’m a ghost.

  And fucking hell I look at her like she’s a ghost too.

  “What the fuck,” she mumbles.

  “Is the baby mine?” That’s all I can articulate at the sight of her pregnant belly.

  Her palm travels to her stomach and she steps back. “You have to leave.” She clutches the door and sweeps it but I jerk my leg forward and block it with my foot, entering the house.

  “Is the baby mine, Eavan?”

  She moves back along the magnolia wall of a narrow hall opening into a kitchen.

  “Get out of my house,” she hisses.

  I leap towards her and grip her arms. She writhes like an angry animal so I enclose her with my arms and bury her in my embrace. She cries and wriggles, tramples my foot, but I lower to the floor and immobilise her. Her back is resting against my chest and I’m blocking her with my legs. She breathes heavily and stops moving.

  “Calm down, Eavan. The baby—“

  “You have to leave,” she cries out.

  “I’m not going anywhere, do you understand?”

  “Seafra, please. It’s not—“


  She gulps as her chest shakes.

  “I fucking know that, Eavan. But that’s okay. I won’t let you be in this shit on your own. Is the baby mine?”

  “Of course he’s yours.”

  Joy fills my veins. I will have a son. “Listen to me, Eavan.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “I still don’t understand a few things but I know enough now. My brother is a private investigator, you know. He worked as a cop, but they fired him for screwing up one job. He dug deep enough to find you. I know what you’re dealing with and that’s fine. From now on we’re in this shit together.”


  “There is no Seafra. Seafra is dead. There is Adam Budny and his girlfriend. What is your current name, by the way?”


  “So Adam Budny and Samantha. Nice, don’t you think?”

  “It’s too dangerous.” Her body shakes and I can feel every muscle of her chest strain to block the cry forcing its way up. “I can’t even think that something bad might happen to you.”

  “I know the risk, Eavan. Charlie was very informative. Nobody will find us, I promise.”

  Eavan curls into my chest and sobs as her fingers dig into my back. “They put a bomb into the car because my father screwed with them. He made a bad decision and changed his mind. He wanted to go to the police, but it was too late. The people of mafia don’t forgive things like that. They don’t care about your remorse.” She takes a long wheezy breath. “Ruby and I wanted to pee so my father stopped and let us out of the car.” Her voice falters and I can barely understand her. A gasp follows her every word. “Strange, isn’t it? We both wanted to pee at the same time.” She squeals then kills her cry. “I walked first, Ruby a few steps behind then the bomb... The impact threw her at another car. It crushed her legs. Jack... They were in the area, thank God. Jack... he saved her... Us. He said later that they’d watched my family for a while.” She shudders in my arms like a drenched bird. “Ruby screamed so loud. So loud, Seafra. But, that night was a salvation. Ruby and I would have ended up as the mafia boss’s fucktoys if he hadn’t blown up the car. I sometimes feel so guilty, so terribly guilty for being grateful for that bomb.”

  “Hush baby.” I stroke her back and draw her even closer to me. “I’m here to look after you.”

  Fuck. Ruby and she have gone through hell. My life seems like a fairy tale compared to theirs. I don’t know whether I’m doing the right thing or not, but those two girls deserve happiness and peace. They deserve love so I’m here to love them both and my baby, by the way.

  Somebody clears their throat above my head. I raise my eyes to meet Ruby’s mischievous glance.

  “What’s the plan?” she asks.


  I put my elbows on my lap as Ruby nudges my chest with her elbow and offers me a sandwich. We’re sitting in the sofa in the living room and watching TV.

  The news presenter I met some time ago is informing the whole world about my death.

  “Very smart,” Ruby says.

  “Are you fucking mad?” Eavan growls.

  “I’m mad about you,” I say.

  “But your career, your life,” Eavan raises her hands dramatically. “That’s just insane.”

  “I don’t want my career if you can’t be with me,” I say. “I love singing, but I love you even more. I will always choose you, Eavan.”

  She nods at me, her lower lip trembling, and her hands clenched against her stomach. “We can’t stay here.”

  “I will take you to a safe place. I have a good plan.” I take Eavan’s hand and plant a kiss on her knuckles. “Trust me, I know what to do.”

  “I will pack our belongings,” Ruby says.

  “Ruby, stop,” Eavan rises to her feet and starts pacing around the room. “We have to think about it. Natalie—“

  “She’ll be here in four days,” Ruby says. “We can manage. You heard Seafra. It’s a good move.”

  “Nobody knows about this place apart from me and Charlie,” I say. “It lies in the middle of nowhere far from the entire civilisation. Nobody will find us there, I promise.”

  “Ruby and I can’t use the identities Natalie provided us with,” Eavan says. “The police will track us in an instant.”

  “Take a few shots of Ruby and you and Charlie will provide you with new passports and driving licences,” I say. “He’s already supplied me with the national insurance numbers and birth certificates for you both. They didn’t require your photos.” I toss my hair back. “Everything will be fine, Eavan. We just need to stick to the plan.”

  “Why do you want to risk everything,” Eavan says, putting her hand on the back of her neck. “Why?”

  “Well, I’ve already told you,” I say. “I love you, you stubborn woman. Haven’t you noticed?”

  Ruby chuckles and clings to my chest. “I love you for loving my sister.”

  I kiss the top of Ruby’s head. “I love you for being you.”

  “Okay,” Eavan says. “Let’s do it.” She bobs her head as her hands tremble. “Let’s do it.” She huffs out, her face pale, her lips a bit purple.

  “She loves you too,” Ruby whispers into my ear.

“Good to know,” I say.

  “Ruby,” Eavan starts in a cold voice. “Pack two bags.” She looks at me, her face stripped of emotions. “Are all the documents of a good quality?”

  “My brother is a professional,” I say. “And they cost me a fortune. I have no money left in my bank account for your information, just two hundred in my pocket. I paid Charlie’s expenses and the rest went to charities so my suicide looks genuine.”

  I’m poor as a church mouse, but somehow more excited, more focused. Full of hope. Scared like hell but the girls shouldn’t know about this. I’m the man here. It’s my job to be tough and give them support.

  Eavan’s lips part into a smile. “I have some savings, not a lot, but it will be enough for a month or two.”

  Ruby rises from her seat, shoots me a tired glance before climbing the stairs, as Eavan settles herself next to me.

  “We’ll take a train in the morning,” Eavan says. “Just a short distance. Then we’ll rent a car.”

  “You’re the boss here.” I sweep a wisp of her hair away from her face and cup her cheek. “I thought I’d go mad. You should have told me, you know.”

  “I couldn’t afford to have a normal life. I couldn’t tell you even though I wanted to.”

  I nod as one burning need seizes my mind and body. “I want to touch you.”

  “I’m seven months pregnant.”

  “So what?” I run my palm up and down her stomach and the baby kicks me. “Wow.”

  “Yes, wow.” Her lips form a line and her eyebrows rise.

  We stare at each other for a few moments, then I cup her face in both my hands and her lips part.

  My dick grows hard and I lean towards her, covering her mouth with mine. I need to touch her otherwise, I’ll go mad. I slide my hand under her t-shirt and palm her full breast. Fucking hell, her breasts are enormous.

  “I want to fuck you,” I rasp, no sense of control left inside me.

  “Okay,” she says, her voice low, edged with a slight rasping. “Let’s fuck.”

  She rises to her feet, takes my hand and pulls me towards the stairs. We climb them slowly, my hands pulling at her t-shirt. I take it off her and toss it onto the floor, cupping her breasts as my mouth touches her neck. She smells exactly as I remember.

  We enter a bedroom and Eavan wiggles out of her trousers. My eyes roam over her pregnant belly and warmth washes over my heart as she lies down on the bed and turns on her side. Her mysterious eyes pull me to her like a magnet.

  A light knocking on the door diverts my attention and my glance travels to Ruby standing in the doorway.

  “I packed the bags and I’m going to bed,” she says. “Take your time, you two.” She steps forward and hugs me. “I’m happy you’re going to take care of us.”

  “Yes, Ruby, I’ll take care of you two,” I say as emotions strangle my throat. “ Out the best I can.”

  Chapter 15


  Ruby goes to her room as I strip and lie down beside Eavan, my chest resting against her back.

  I kiss her shoulder. “There was no woman in my life after we’d had sex in that B&B.”

  “You don’t have to—“

  “No, I want you to know. I want everything to be clear between us. You left, but it was like you were my girlfriend. I was faithful to you.”

  She sighs and turns on her other side to face me. “I was faithful to you even though we were apart.” She takes a deep breath. “You don’t know how happy I am that I can be honest with you, that I can trust you. Ruby and I had nobody. Our parents... We were ghosts in our own house. My mother was a sad puppet controlled by my father, condemned to her fate at birth. Like Ruby and me.” Her voice falters. “It doesn’t matter now. Ruby...” Her eye twitches and her jaws clench.

  I kiss her forehead. “We have a lot of time for talking.”

  “No, no, you need to know this. There was a man, Jack. He was dear to Ruby. Well, we both loved him. He was our friend.” She stops and watches me with her eyes narrowing. “It’s not what you’re thinking about. He was a cop designated to watch over us. Ruby and him... Well, it happened that he died. Ruby buried him in the deepest part of her heart. Never talk to her about him. She may mention him, but you never ask her any questions.”

  “I understand, Eavan.”

  She exhales as her face softens. “We are not normal, you know. Neither Ruby nor me.”

  “That’s good. I don’t want to have a strictly normal life. I’m not a regular guy, either.”

  She bursts into laughter and glides her palm over my head. “I hate arguments. My parents fought all the time. Their marriage was a disaster.”

  “We’re very much alike. I hate arguments too.” I stroke a path down the side of her chest, then over her ass cheek and stop on her outer thigh, admiring her perfect curves.

  I hold my weight up on my elbow and my eyes sweep over her scars. I love each of them. They belong to me as does Eavan.

  “We should get to know each other better,” I say. “Your favourite colour. You favourite music. Your favourite food. That kind of stuff.”

  “We’re stuck together,” she says with sarcasm and turns her back to me. “Even if I hate you we’ll have to stay together.”

  I unhook her bra, releasing her breasts. “Kiss me.”

  She removes her bra and turns her face to mine, her lips parted, the tip of her tongue pink against the whiteness of her teeth.

  I bend my neck forward and close her mouth with mine, our tongues stroking against one another.

  “Ruby likes me,” I say.

  “Yes, she does.”

  “Do you like me?” I pull her panties down and she wiggles out of them.

  “I do.”

  “Do you like me enough to spend your life with me?”

  “Yes, I like you enough.” The tempting raspiness of her voice makes my heart race and my dick ache.

  “You will be my wife. Hope you’re aware of that.”

  “Very aware.”

  I stroke my cock then run my fingers up and down her wet slit. My arm slides under her neck and I cup her breast. “I love you, Eavan.”

  “I know,” she hums and pushes her ass against my groin.

  Well, it would be fair if she told me that she loved me too.

  I run the head of my cock up and down her slit, circling it around her entrance. Eavan takes a sharp breath and exposes the side of her throat for me.

  “Tell me you love me,” I growl.

  “You know I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment we met.”

  I push my cock into her and her divine wetness sheaths me like hot heaven.


  He buries his length inside me and stops. The sounds of our ardent breaths fill the evening’s silence around us.

  I nuzzle his cheek with my nose and he kisses my neck. A tingle spreads across my skin.

  I missed his touch so much.

  A moan escapes my mouth as his finger circles my nipple and his lips caress the side of my neck.

  He strokes my pregnant belly then moves his hips against my ass. Flutters of pleasure radiate from my pussy.

  “Good?” he murmurs into my ear, nibbling on my earlobe.

  “Good,” I gasp.

  His chest slides against my back as he pumps his cock in and out gently. I bend my knees and raise one, to give him access to my mound as his fingers search for my clitoris.

  “You’re so soft,” he murmurs into my ear then lets out a guttural growl.

  “You mean I’m big.”

  “I mean,” he says, rubbing his finger against my clitoris, “that you’re really pleasant to touch now.”

  I gasp, open my mouth, but my brain is unable to form a sensible reply.

  It’s different now. Every nerve of my body seems to be hypersensitive. Every stroke of his cock, every circle of his finger around my clitoris sends me into shivers, gives me bliss, and makes me rise higher and higher.

  I arch against his chest,
our bodies moving in a feverish dance, rubbing, slapping against one another. My sweat blends with his; the smell of my arousal is intense, heavy around us.

  “You’re pregnant, woman,” he says like he’s gritting his teeth. “Slowly.”

  His words bounce off the cloudy wall of my desire. I’m pure wild sensation.

  I push his hand away and massage my swollen clitoris with my middle finger as Seafra thrusts into me faster, harder. His breath puffs into my neck, scorching, enslaving. His mouth grazes the angle of my jaw as he cups my breast and pushes into me deep. A husky moan leaves his mouth as his cock twitches inside me, and he fills me up with his come. I rise into my white forgetfulness, shake, and moan his name.


  She’s asleep.

  Coldness stabs me like an icy dagger at the thought that I could lose her again.

  No fucking way.

  It will work.

  Fuck concerts, fuck my career, and fuck my old life.

  I’m an outcast like Ruby and Eavan, a fugitive like them. A ghost for the society.

  It’s a bit unnerving, but I’m more focused on my new role. I’m responsible for Eavan and our baby, responsible for Ruby.

  I pull Eavan into my arms and she shudders in her dream.

  “I’m here, baby,” I say and she turns her face to mine, her sleepy eyes locked on mine.

  “Stay with me forever,” she whispers.

  “I will. Forever.”

  We have a nap, get up as the day is about to dawn and walk out of the house. I dispose of my bike on the outskirts of the town, then we catch a taxi and travel to the train station. Ruby looks very excited, but her eyes cloud with sadness from time to time and she seems to drift away to somewhere far from here.

  As we settle ourselves into our seats and the train pulls forward, Eavan watches the beach stretching along the railway tracks. Boats sway on the greyness of the seawater.

  “Everything fine, Ruby?” I ask.

  “Sort of,” she says.

  “You can talk to me,” I say.

  “There are things I want to have buried inside me and don’t want to share them with anybody,” she says. “They need to be buried otherwise, I won’t be able to be happy again. And I want to be happy. I want to be happy for the baby, for you and for my sister.”


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