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The Secret of Site G

Page 1

by Elvira Bathory

  Praise for Elvira Bathory

  "Elvira captures your attention from the first page of Blood-Bio. Paranormal romance lovers won't want to put it down till they've devoured every page."

  — USA Today Bestselling Author Isis Pierce


  "After the supernatural been exposed to the humans a team of specialized shifter doctors were bring together to help the paranormal community. But there was more involved. There was a mystery behind Aleah Macleod and a very important one. Interesting and intriguing short story with mystery, different Paranormal, hot sex and team work issues. Voluntarily reviewed this story with a plot development that left me eager for more. Hope there is another book soon."

  — dora la exploradora


  Praise for Elvira Bathory

  "This story was a little slow to get going but I think it was due to setting things up. She did a great job of detailing the different medical professions so well in so little words. And as a Medical Lab Scientist myself, she was superb on the details of blood drawing and tests. It was so neat to hear about Aleah's blood under the microscope. I will be looking into this author's work. I hope this story will be continued. I would really like to know about the different supernaturals. There really wasn't any closure in the end. It was written as though it's just a taste of a bigger story. Not to give it all away but I really liked how she solved the problem of getting a blood sample from the vampire."

  — Lisa B.


  The Secret of Site G

  May 2018

  ISBN: 978-1-77357-048-8

  Copyright ©2017 Elvira Bathory

  Edited by Kristina Lichtenwald

  Cover by EmCat Designs

  Published by Naughty Nights Press LLC

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Excerpt from Paranormal Anatomy

  About the Author

  Where to Find More of Elvira Bathory


  This is dedicated to all of my fans because without you I wouldn’t be the author that I am today, and to my immediate family because they cheer me on daily

  There are some shout outs that I have to include as well:

  A huge shout out goes to my amazing editor Kristina (Eagle-Eye) Lichtenwald who not only makes sure that my books sparkle but also keeps me on task so that I can finish them by their deadlines

  The next one has to go to my best friend, Chelsea Crumbaugh, who has given me some of the best writing advice I have received over the years

  And last but certainly not least is Gina Kincade, who continually takes a chance on me even when I feel I don’t deserve it.

  Arabella Rossi couldn’t believe the situation she found herself in and all because she just had to go to the shores of Arcadia Beach. Her best friend, Lachlan Storm, had warned her to stay away from the shoreline or she would eventually be picked up by the humans who ran the notorious Site G, but she had laughed him off.

  Now, Arabella finds herself in the clutches of the enemy, in fear of being turned into a military experiment, her home thousands of miles away.

  With no hope of ever seeing her family again, Arabella finds an ally at Site G, and she must trust that Adahy, another paranormal but so different than she, has a surefire escape plan.

  Will they be able to rejoin their families again? Or will they be at the mercy of those running Site G?

  The Secret of Site G

  A Paranormal Shifter Romance

  Elvira Bathory

  Chapter One

  Arabella Rossi woke feeling groggier than she could ever remember feeling, with her head pounding harder than she had ever known possible. The last thing she could remember was having a drink with her best friend, Lachlan Storm, at the School of Spirits, the local watering hole but she didn’t remember getting that drunk.

  She opened her eyes and was met with the harsh glare of unforgiving light which caused the pain in her head to intensify. Ouch! Did someone get the license plate of the dolphin that fucking hit me?

  As Arabella moved her right hand to rub the back of her neck in an attempt to ease some of the pain, she was met with resistance. Discovering that her hands were bound behind her back caused her to panic and instantly become fully aware.

  Where the Hells am I? And, bigger concern, what the fuck do they want from me? Arabella frantically thought.

  She wasn’t sure why she was convinced that it was a they that had captured her, but Arabella had learned a long time ago not to ignore her instincts. She knew she needed to get a better look at her surroundings, maybe get a clue as to where she was being held, but the tidal wave of pain that had taken up residence in her head wasn’t slowing down.

  She heard footsteps approaching and fear made her heart race. Arabella closed her eyes until they were only open a slit, appearing to be sleeping to the casual onlooker. She attempted to calm her breathing while trying to locate the source of the sound against the onslaught of the fluorescent lights.

  Who are these people?

  Trying to find a door or a window, Arabella discretely searched the room but only found white, empty walls. There was some sort of system that was pumping air into the room because the small hairs on the back of her neck moved slightly in a cool breeze. A quick glance showed a small metal vent above her head. The witty mermaid supposed a trip through the ventilation system would be a quick escape if nothing else presented itself.

  Oh shit! Lachlan was right! My curiosity is going to get me killed. Quite possibly sooner than he anticipated. Lachlan
had warned me not to get too near the shore on Arcadia Beach today, pleading with me that he didn’t have a good feeling about it. I should have listened to his warning, listened to his instincts as I listen to my own. But I couldn’t help it! I just love playing with that little girl. And she expects me to come to the shoreline when she is on the beach, Arabella thought as she continued to search the blank walls through the slit she had made of her eyes.

  It was a fight to slow her breathing as everything went silent as a tomb. Arabella strained her ears, listening for some sort of sound, anything other than her own terrified breaths, but she heard nothing. The silence itself almost became as loud as the water moving through the East Australian current.

  Arabella concentrated on her breathing for a few minutes, trying to prevent hyperventilation, finally reaching a level of calmness by lying to herself; It’s only my imagination working overtime. Waking up in a small, windowless room with my hands tied behind my back has caused me to hear things that aren’t really there. Slow, deep breaths, girl. In and out.

  Just as her breathing had returned to normal and her heartbeat had slowed, those supposedly non-existent footsteps sounded again. They were closer than the first time Arabella had heard them and her heart leapt into her throat while she tried to determine just how close they actually were.

  “Yes, that’s fine. Just make sure he doesn’t have a chance to escape again. I’d really hate to watch you take the same path of your predecessor.”

  The voice on the other side of the wall was that of a woman and carried an authoritative tone, “No! I said… Oh, never mind. Let me see to our newest guest and ensure that she is in one piece. I know how overzealous your recovery team can get.”

  As she heard a click and a sliding sound, Arabella forced her eyes open against the sting of the fluorescent lights, causing her headache to protest in earnest. A rectangle of the wall slid open, disappearing neatly into the wall. They hid the door inside the wall. There isn’t a knob or handle so there must be a special way of opening it. I have to hand it to these guys, they know how to discourage their prisoners.

  Arabella wanted to face her captor without showing her fear. There were no amount of lies that she could tell herself to convince her otherwise when she could feel the fear coursing through her body like the electric current from an eel. Although she was afraid, she refused to give her captors the satisfaction of seeing her cowering in the corner she was undoubtedly in. As the door swung open wider, Arabella sat up as straight as the ropes tightly binding her wrists would allow.

  The woman who walked into the tiny room wasn’t very tall, standing at about five foot four, and she was wearing a gray-tailored suit with a white dress shirt, complete with black, low-heeled loafers. Her raven black hair was cut boy short and slicked back. It didn’t appear as though the woman was trying to look masculine, only that she needed to dress like that to gain respect from the persons she was in charge of. Despite the suit, loafers and slicked back hair cut so short, or perhaps because of it all, she was a lovely sight to behold. Add in her creamy skin tone and Arabella found the woman quite striking, and knew her attire meant she would be all business.

  The woman closed the rectangle of a door with a sigh, leaning against it for a moment. Arabella watched as her captor closed her eyes, holding her breath and afraid to move least she bring attention to herself before she was ready. Yes, she wanted to know what these people wanted from her, but she didn’t want to be too confrontational until she was one hundred percent at her best. To do anything else would be suicidal.

  After what felt like an eternity, but in truth was only about five minutes, the woman opened her eyes and locked gazes with Arabella, “Ah, so you’re awake. Good. That’s really good. I was afraid I would have to wake you up and that wouldn’t have been particularly pleasant. For either one of us.”

  She grabbed a chair that was sitting next to the concealed door, brought it about a foot away from where Arabella was tied down and had a seat, “I’m glad to see that you’re in one piece and relatively unharmed. My employees can be rather, oh how can I put this? Enthusiastic? Yes, enthusiastic, when it comes to their recovery orders. To see that you are well helps me breathe a little easier since I didn’t want to have to reprimand anybody else tonight. How are you feeling?”

  Arabella stared at the woman in front of her, disbelief clearly written on her face. How was she feeling, indeed.

  How the Hells does she think I’m feeling? I woke up bound in a small room on land with no explanation as to what is happening to me or why, Arabella thought as she sized up the woman in the chair.

  Instead of responding with what she was thinking, she smiled sweetly and answered with her voice dripping sarcasm, “My head is pounding like waves on a shore during a tsunami, but other than that I’m just peachy. Think you might be able to help me with the headache?”

  The other woman chose to ignore the tone of voice her captive had used when she replied, “Well I can get you some aspirin if you’d like. Though I doubt it will help you much.”

  Arabella thought back to some of her research on humans to see if she could remember what aspirin was. She vaguely remembered something she’d read in an anatomy book she’d found in a sunken ship that she had searched in her need to understand the humans who lived on land. That book had stated that the air-breathers used aspirin as a means to rid themselves of aches and pains. Arabella was surprised that this woman had done her homework on the paranormal. While ingredients in the man-made medicine wouldn’t get rid of her headache all together, it would certainly take the edge off, helping to chase away some of the fog and allow her to think more clearly.

  “While you’re right that it won’t help much, that would be lovely. It will at least dull the excruciating pain and make it easier to understand what is happening. Thank you,” Arabella answered in that same sticky sweet tone as her gaze flitted around the room.

  The woman waved her hand, encompassing what there was of the small space. “Of course, I’m sure you’re curious about your accommodations and how you came to be here. Before I allow you to ask any questions, let me get you that aspirin.”

  She leaned to her right and pushed a button on the wall that Arabella hadn’t noticed in her cursory look around the room. A few seconds later, the wall opened and a man wearing what looked like a security uniform stepped into the room.

  Standing, the woman turned to the man at the door, “Can you please bring me two aspirin and some water for our guest? It seems that she has a terrible headache.”

  The man gave her a short nod as he went back out of the rectangle he entered through, making sure it clicked closed behind him. Arabella could only assume that the man had gone to find her some aspirin.

  Once the concealed door was closed tightly, the smartly dressed woman turned around so that she was facing her captive once again. “Where are my manners? My name is Doctor Cara Stevens and you’re going to be enjoying the hospitality of the infamous Site G.”

  Arabella’s smirk turned into a look of shock. She’d heard the stories about Site G and other facilities just like it, of course. Everyone in the paranormal world had, but she’d always dismissed them as the fairy tales parents would tell their children to make them behave. To find out that it was real made her already aching head spin; to discover that she had been captured and was in the clutches of the doctors in the military research facility iced the blood in her veins.

  “Site G?” Arabella asked, her voice hitching and giving away the fear she had tried so hard to hide.

  Dr. Stevens didn’t seem to notice the slight tremor in her captive’s voice.

  In fact, the good doctor hadn’t heard her speak at all because she had continued with her explanation, “You see, Site G, and other places like ours, have been around for seventy years or more. Ever since we discovered that we weren’t the only ones occupying the Earth. And, as it happens, beyond.”

  Dr. Stevens paused and began pacing the length of the small room
in front of Arabella, seeming to forget about her audience as she was lost in her own thoughts.

  What does she mean and beyond? Arabella thought in confusion.

  Perhaps sensing her guest’s growing frustration the doctor stopped her pacing and looked down at her.

  Taking a deep breath, she began to speak once more, “Back in 1947, there was a mysterious crash in Roswell, New Mexico. Despite the government’s efforts to make sure the general public remained misinformed, there have been leaks throughout the years. Some of them were most likely intentional, while others were probably just mishaps.”

  Dr. Stevens began pacing again, moving her right hand in a dismissive gesture. “I’m sure you’ve heard the speculations surrounding that crash and have come up with your own theories, as have most of the human population, but I can tell you the truth of the matter because my great-grandfather was there and he kept meticulous notes.”

  She turned back around and looked at her captive, a dreamy gaze on her face as she remembered the hours it had taken her to dissect her great-grandfather’s notes. “I have gone through all of his files and read them like an instruction manual since I was seven years old. In fact, those files are the reason I became a doctor and found myself in this field. Believe it or not, there are other life forms out there. Here on Earth as well as in space.”

  Shock rippled through Arabella as the doctor seemed to take her into her confidence. Her instincts were telling her that it was not a normal human move for a military research facility staff member to give so much information to an inmate; at least not one that they were going to release.


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