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The Secret of Site G

Page 6

by Elvira Bathory

  Adahy leaned close, wrapping his left arm around the mermaid’s waist. “As soon as we are out of the airport, I will return to my true form and we will make our way to Arcadia Beach. The warriors my father said he would send should be meeting us inside the building of the main terminal, and they will escort us to be sure we are not captured again. Xaxantos will meet us there and we’ll convene with our two peoples together then. I assume my father has gotten in touch with your father and they have already begun to hash out battle plans. I just hope the humans haven’t beaten us there.”

  Arabella nodded. “Agreed. Though, if they have made it to our homes before us they won’t find anything. That is why it was so urgent to get the message to our families.”

  The centaur could feel the slight tremor that ran through the stunning creature’s form when their feet touched the ground. He gave her an encouraging smile as they made their way through the large building.

  “Adahy! Over here!” Came a shout from their right.

  The couple turned in that direction, Arabella curious as to who would be calling her companion.

  Adahy leaned down and whispered into her ear, “That would be the warriors I was telling you about. My father would have only sent the best.”

  To the two large men approaching he said, “Dante! Am I glad to see you, my friend. And I see father wasted no time in having Bresor accompany you in this task.”

  The men gripped each other’s forearms in a form of greeting and the centaur turned his attention to the other man standing there. “How have you fared these last few months, Bresor? How is the family?”

  A faint smile appeared on the stern looking man’s face. “The family is well, Adahy, and I have fared rather well without you here to cause trouble.”

  Adahy snorted. “I suppose you would see it that way. Let us be on our way then.”

  Arabella watched the two men, so different from her centaur, take the lead and wondered at the centaur race. They seem close knit. Closer than the merfolk, surely.

  “What are you thinking, my love?” Adahy’s voice so close to her ear brought the mermaid out of her musings.

  Turning to her companion with a smile she replied, “I was just thinking of how close you three seem. I’ve never known a paranormal species to be so close.”

  The centaur looked at his mermaid in surprise. “The merfolk are not close?”

  Arabella shook her head. “Not like the three of you. Is this how your whole tribe is?”

  Adahy nodded. “Definitely. It helps to keep us off of the humans’ radar. If we were fighting each other we would not be able to protect ourselves as well as we do. I’ve always believed the in-fighting among the paranormal races and each other is what has made it so easy for the humans to capture their kind.”

  The mermaid nodded thoughtfully. “This is something that should be addressed with Daddy. Since he and my mother are the commissioners of Paranormal Federation, their voice carries some weight with all of the paranormal creatures. Perhaps if they can convince every creature to get along with each other to some civil degree, not only in the community as a whole but within their own people, humans wouldn’t be able to get their hands on us so easily.”

  The centaur nodded his head as they exited the building. His mermaid was on to something and he would be sure to make it come to light with her family.

  Chapter Eleven

  Arabella grew more and more agitated the closer the group got to Arcadia Beach. There are so many ways this plan of ours could go wrong. Daddy may not even allow me to join the meeting, much less hear what I have to say. He has never listened to me before, so why should this situation be any different?

  Adahy leaned close to the mermaid. “We are almost there, love. Are you excited to be returning home?”

  Arabella took a shaky deep breath. “Not as much as one would think, my centaur. I’m worried that even if the humans haven’t beaten us to our homes, they will follow shortly after we arrive. Not only that, but there is much to discuss concerning what the military faction is pursuing and how we can prevent them from achieving those goals. I’m afraid Daddy won’t listen to what we have to say and everything we have been through will be for naught.”

  The centaur pulled the mermaid into his arms, hugging her tightly. “If Conway won’t listen to reason coming from your lips, then myself or my father will find a way to get through to him.”

  He glanced at their chaperones then whispered in her ear, “Have you thought anymore on what we were discussing on the airplane?”

  Arabella gave him a small smile. “I have, but now is not the time and this is certainly not the place to discuss it.”

  Adahy gave her a secret smile. “I have been known to sneak off from escorts a time or two. Shall we ditch the supervision and talk about it?”

  The mermaid looked at the backs of the two men who were escorting them home. She really wanted to discuss her decision with the centaur, and maybe experience a little more pleasures of the flesh before they returned home and they told her father about the two of them, but she didn’t see a way to escape their guards.

  Her mouth turned up in a beautiful smile that took him off guard. “And how, pray tell, are we going to be able to do that?”

  The centaur stopped and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of their escorts. “Guys, Arabella needs a few minutes rest before we can continue. She isn’t as used to walking or being in human form as long as we are.”

  Dante stopped walking and turned, looking at his watch. “I supposed we can take a few moments. Bresor and I can scout ahead while she catches her breath. I don’t know about the two of you, but I certainly don’t want to return the princess to Conway in a worse for wear shape.”

  Bresor nodded and jogged off in the direction the group was heading, Dante taking off after him a few minutes later.

  “That is how you get away from your bodyguards, love,” Adahy told Arabella as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

  Leaning his head down, he claimed her mouth with a searing kiss, their tongues caressing as the mermaid moaned.

  When they finally came up for air, the centaur took the mermaid’s hand and pulled. “Come with me! I know of a great place where we can talk.”

  Arabella laughed gleefully as the two raced over the wet grass, looking forward to having a few moments alone with him. A giant oak tree came into view and the two slowed their pace until they were standing right under its enormous branches.

  Adahy had a seat, pulling the mermaid down with him. “I sometimes come here when I have a lot on my mind. It is a peaceful place where you can get your thoughts and ideas together before approaching an important meeting. My father taught me at an early age that the best strategy to have when meeting with other factions is to keep a clear head.”

  The mermaid had a seat on the centaur’s lap and snuggled closer to him, relishing his warmth. “That is not bad advice, Adahy. Your father seems like a very wise man.”

  She sat up straight as if she had been prodded with a fire poker on her ass. “Not that my Daddy isn’t wise. I mean, he is one of the commissioners of the Paranormal Federation, after all. He just doesn’t like to take advice from anybody. Is Xaxantos preparing you to take his place one day?”

  Adahy nodded. “Oh, yes. As I am sure your parents are doing with you, though your responsibilities are much greater than mine.”

  He brushed her silver hair back away from the right side of her neck, placing light kisses along the slope.

  Arabella leaned into his touch, enjoying the gooseflesh that rose on her body with his kisses.

  Adahy moved his lips lower, licking the top of her collarbone while running his hands down her sides.

  The mermaid sighed in contentment as she turned her head and claimed his mouth. Moving so she was straddling the centaur as their kissed deepened.

  Adahy pulled on her shirt. “You have too many clothes on, love. What do you say we take care of that?”

  Arabella raised he
r arms over her head as her lover pulled her shirt off, and kissed a scorching trail down the front of her body. Adahy rolled her right nipple between his fingers as he sucked on her left one. Her head fell back as she ran her fingers through his hair. Tingles began to run up and down her spine as she anticipated what was going to come next.

  Her centaur lover stood, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He laid her down on the ground underneath the oak tree, pulling his shirt off over his head before making his body flush with hers.

  The mermaid placed her hand on his chest, trying to slow things down for a few minutes. “How long do you think we have before our bodyguards return?”

  Adahy pushed himself up into a push up position as he considered her question. “Well, if Dante and I are still as in sync as we used to be, we should have twenty minutes or so. If we aren’t…”

  He shrugged before continuing, “If I’ve been gone as long as I think I have, then we may only have about ten minutes. Does it really matter? I want to feel your pussy tightening around my cock and revel in the fact of knowing I can make you cum.”

  Adahy gave her a crooked smile and Arabella laughed. “I suppose it doesn’t really matter, but I would prefer your buddies not see me naked in my human form.”

  The centaur gave her a nod before kissing his way down the front of her body. She lifted her hips as he pulled the jeans off and settled himself between her thighs.

  Adahy took a deep breath. “It’s a shame we don’t have more time. I would love to taste you, Arabella.”

  The mermaid could feel her juices pooling between her legs and knew her lover could smell her arousal. She reached down for him, coaxing him up so she could give him a kiss. The centaur covered the mermaid’s body with his own, showing her just how happy he was to be there. Arabella lifted her hips, moaning as she felt Adahy’s cock slide inside. They quickly found a rhythm and soon they were falling over the edge of pleasure together.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Yo, Adahy! We need to get going, man,” Dante’s voice broke Arabella and Adahy’s kiss.

  “Heh, sorry bro,” Dante apologized as he rounded the corner.

  Adahy clapped his friend on the back, “That’s quite all right, my friend. You’re right, as always, we do need to get moving.”

  Arabella blushed as she noticed the look the bodyguard was giving her and started to twist a small piece of her hair. “I’m all rested and rearing to go now. Thanks for the break.”

  Dante gave her a nod. “I had an idea about how we could get to the beach faster; why don’t we change into our true forms and fish-girl can just ride you the rest of the way.”

  Adahy frowned. “She has a name, Dante, and it isn’t fish-girl, but that is a great idea. What do you say, love? Want to ride me again?”

  The mermaid’s blush deepened at the husky sound of the centaur’s voice and a warmth had started in the pit of her stomach when he had defended her to his friend. “Yeah, I think that might be the best idea, seeing as we should have been at the beach by now. I bet everyone is waiting and Daddy is the most impatient person I have ever known.”

  Dante nodded. “You would be correct. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, is waiting on the beach for your arrival. Xaxantos just contacted me and said there have been sightings of humans close to the meeting point. He would like us to get there, like, yesterday.”

  Adahy gave a quick nod of his head and let the magic surround him. “Go on ahead, Dante, and take Bresor with you. We are not far behind.”

  The centaur watched his friend as he raced off to meet the other guard, then turned to his mermaid and held his hand out to Arabella after the magic was done restoring him to his true form of half-man half-beast. “Shall we, love?”

  The mermaid took his offered hand and climbed up onto his back. “Let’s. It’s time to show these humans that we are not to be messed with and kept in cells for their experimentations.”

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders once she was on his back, letting him know that she was ready to go. Adahy reared up and then took off at a trot. Arabella’s mind was racing with all of the horrible scenarios she was afraid she would see when they arrived at their destination. As they rounded the corner, she saw her parents standing next to Xaxantos. Her gaze swept the area and she located Dante and Bresor. Everyone looked so serious that Arabella was almost afraid to join the party. She had always been anything but serious.

  Adahy reached back and patted her left hand. “Everything will be all right, love. We are almost home and the humans brought the fight to us, which was their first mistake. Never take the fight to your enemy’s territory.”

  The humans were the least of her worries. Once her Daddy saw her with Adahy, and how close they were, he was going to flip his lid. Arabella wasn’t sure if there would be a way she would be able to convince Conway she and her centaur were meant to be together, but that was a problem for a different time. Movement to her right caught her attention and she saw a human carrying a weapon.

  Tapping Adahy on his shoulder, she nodded in the direction she had seen the human. “What is he carrying? And how much damage will it cause to our people?”

  The centaur turned his attention to where the mermaid nodded. “That’s a crossbow, my favorite choice of weapon if I’m being honest, and it can do a pretty decent amount of damage if the wielder knows how to use it.”

  The mermaid nodded. “That’s what I was afraid of. Let’s shrink this distance between us and our people and let them know that the humans have arrived.”

  The centaur smiled. “My father has already done that, love. Don’t you remember the conversation we had with Dante a few minutes ago?”

  Arabella laughed. “Oh yeah! You must have fucked me stupid because I’m pretty sure I knew that.”

  Adahy picked up his pace and raced over the last of the distance between them and their people. “The humans are in the forest! They’re in the trees and they are armed. Everyone to battle stations.”

  Conway stopped talking to Xaxantos and began scanning the trees that surrounded them. Xaxantos lifted his head and sniffed the air, trying to pinpoint the humans’ locations. The other centaurs followed their leader’s example and did the same.

  Dante was the first to locate something. “I’ve found one, sir! Permission to attack.”

  Xaxantos shook his head. “No! We will not provoke these humans into battle. There will be no war while I’m leading this tribe. Are we understanding each other?”

  Adahy’s friend huffed. “Completely, sir, but they need to know that they can’t get away with capturing us and using us as experiments.”

  The leader of the Malean Centaurs tribe nodded. “Aye, they do, but that will not be today.”

  Dante stomped off, not too far from the group he was in but far enough away that he wouldn’t be reprimanded.

  Adahy came to a stop before Conway and reached back to help Arabella down. “Your daughter is safe and sound, sir.”

  Conway gave a nod. “Thank you, Adahy. Now, I think it’s time for us to head to my castle and discuss the recent events. There we can come up with a game plan on how to defeat the humans without killing them.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Laguna, Arabella’s mother, rushed over and embraced her daughter. “I was so worried about you, my darling!”

  Arabella squeezed her mother tightly. “How are the centaurs going to accompany us under the ocean?”

  Xaxantos laughed. “With scuba gear, of course. Though, we have to be in our human form to swim.”

  All of the centaurs on the beach let the magic loose and in a few moments they were in their human forms.

  Conway lead the way. “Then let’s get to our castle before the humans decide to attack. Arabella, you and I need to have a talk. Laguna, dear, would you mind taking our guests to our home while I have a discussion with our only daughter?”

  Arabella’s mother gave a brief nod then lead the way into the ocean, looking back to be sure the
y were all following her.

  When she noticed that Adahy hadn’t left her daughter’s side, she walked over to them. “Arabella will be fine. She’s a tough cookie. Now, come with me.”

  The centaur shook his head. “I would prefer to stay with Arabella until Conway is done talking. I do have a question of my own before I leave, if you don’t mind. She was very nervous to return to home.”

  Laguna gave a regal nod. “As you wish, darling. I will not make any promises as to Conway’s mood, now or later.”

  Arabella’s mother lead the rest of the centaurs down the beach and into the water.

  As soon as the last of them disappeared, Conway wrapped Arabella up in a tight embrace. “Oh, my girl! I missed you! Don’t ever do something like this again! Do you understand me?”

  The young mermaid nodded, her voice muffled as she answered, “I’m so sorry, Daddy! Please don’t be mad at me! I was just so bored sitting in the castle all of the time.”

  Conway released her from the hug and set her back on the ground, holding her at arm’s length. “Oh, guppy, I’m not mad at you! Not even a little bit. I was just so worried and terrified that something horrible had happened to you.”

  Arabella gave a small smile. “Something horrible almost did happen to me, Daddy. If it hadn’t been for Adahy, I don’t think we would be having this conversation right now.”

  At the mention of his name, the centaur stepped forward. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Rossi.”

  Conway turned to the creature holding his hand out for a shake. “Thank you for returning my girl home to me, Adahy.”

  The merman gripped the centaur’s outstretched hand and did something that Arabella hadn’t been prepared for; he pulled Adahy into a tight hug.

  Adahy gave the mermaid a shocked look. “It’s my pleasure. You have raised quite the young woman, sir.”

  Conway laughed. “Aye, that I have. Come, let us join everyone and discuss strategy to prevent something like this happening again to any of our people ever again.”


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