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Lightning Lost

Page 15

by Miranda Hardy

  “Emilian.” I pause. “How are you? How are you dealing with your new life?”

  “This is where I belong.” He smiles. “I’ll deal with it one night at a time.”

  I nod. We all became normal humans while he still lives amongst the supernatural world. I’m not sure how I’d feel in his shoes, but as long as he’s happy, that’s all that matters.

  He smiles once more and disappears.

  Driving home, I think about my family and all we’ve endured to get where we are. Although I wish things had turned out differently, like having this baby know his/her father, I’m lucky to have those who care about me by my side.

  I pull into the driveway of the house Kyle bought and know exactly why he decided to live here, at the end of a dead-end street, surrounded by woods. The back is part of a reserve, and no one will ever build there. He bought ten acres, giving us a huge yard. The closest neighbor is a mile away. The only light is the one I left on in front of the door, so the stars shine brightly every night when the clouds cooperate.

  Coming into a silent, empty house feels nice. The wedding photo of Kyle and me sits next to the star urn his ashes are in. “I’m home.” I see his sparkling, happy topaz eyes staring down at me. He didn’t look at the photographer when the picture was taken. “The stars look amazing tonight. That’s one thing I look forward to teaching our child, so I’m learning about all the constellations now. I wish you were here to teach me.” I kiss two fingers and touch it to the picture.

  Colin’s signature two knocks bang on the door.

  “Come in,” I say.

  “Hey, beautiful! Do I have to come over every night to be sure you lock your front door?” He grins. “How was your day?”

  I giggle. “Long.”

  He carries the bag in a new wooden cradle.

  “Do you like it?” he asks. “I didn’t paint it, since we don’t know the sex, yet, but I was thinking of a neutral color like a sea green, maybe.”

  “It’s amazing,” I smile. “It’s perfect until he/she outgrows it. I feel like I’m carrying a giant.”

  “Here, take a seat and put your feet up.” He leads me to the couch and places my feet in his lap as he sits on the coffee table. He rubs them, massaging the ache out of them.

  “Oh, that feels nice.” I lean back and rest my head on the cushion.

  “I was wondering if tomorrow, since you’re off, if you’d like to have a beach picnic with me?” Colin’s chestnut eyes appear hopeful. He’s been asking me to go out with him for the past two months, but I always decline.

  My eyes drift to Kyle, and a calmness settles in me that I don’t recall feeling the last six months. The worry and anxiety give way to anticipation and hopefulness.

  “As long as there’s no bird poop involved.” I smile.

  We laugh, remembering the first time we were at the beach together. It seems like so long ago. A bird found particularly good timing to poop on his head in the ocean.

  “Supposed to be a lovely day tomorrow,” he says. “No rain in the forecast.”

  “And no one around to control it.” I grin. “And no one around to growl at me, either.” All of them lost their ability to shift, but Colin seems happy about that.

  “Just you and me and some mean fried chicken.” Colin smiles.

  “Sounds perfect.” Although life doesn’t always turn out the way we’d like, happiness does find its way into our lives with the people who love us.

  Saint’s Grove

  Once you visit Saint’s Grove, you won’t want to leave…

  With madness comes truth… with truth comes sorrow.

  Also By Miranda Hardy


  Lightning Struck

  Lightning Lost



  Hearts Aligning



  Death Knocks


  Death Returns



  Delicate Thorns

  Jagged Feather

  Iron Petals



  Shore of Graves

  Nether Tears

  Make sure to join my Facebook Group and newsletter to get updates and learn about new releases!


  Lightning Lost was one of the most challenging books to write. My treasured characters will be missed.

  Thank you to my family, who supports my endeavors and is always there when I need them. I’m honored, and privileged to be in a wonderful family.

  I’d like to thank my editors, Keith B. Darrell, Cynthia Shepp, and Tawdra Kandle, who took the time to read my story and help make it shine.

  A special thanks to Rebecca Frank, who is the wonderful and amazing cover designer. Not only is her work fantastic, but she is a pleasure to work with.

  This story has become stronger with the help of my gracious and fabulous beta readers and critique partners. Thank you for your insight.

  Thank you to Amy Wright, who is not only my biggest fan, but also my best friend. I wouldn’t be where I am without you by my side in this journey. I’m glad you cried!

  Finally, I’d like to thank the readers who honor me by finishing Elysia’s story. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  About the Author

  Miranda Hardy writes literature to keep the voices in her head appeased. When she’s not in her fantasy world, she’s canoeing in alligator infested waters, or rescuing homeless animals. She goes to coffee shops to do most of her writing while drinking tea. Unable to reveal too much, she has the most boring superpower ever (hint: you have to be a close relative for it to work). She resides in south Florida with her two wonderful children, and too many animals to mention.

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