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Spy (Battle Born Book 8)

Page 10

by Cyndi Friberg

  His features were tense, yet inscrutable. “This attitude is unusual for humans. Is there a reason you feel this way?”

  She sighed. Would he find her old-fashioned ideas as laughable as so many others? “I was raised in the church. My parents were extremely conservative. I’m not as devout as they were, but faith is still important to me.”

  “And your belief in a deity prevents you from enjoying physical pleasure?”

  Here it came, the disbelief and mockery. She was so tired of defending her beliefs. Everyone demanded tolerance and open mindedness when it came to their kinks, but wanting sex to be sacred was reason for scorn. “I can enjoy sex just as much as anyone else, but I happen to believe that sex should be the ultimate expression of emotion between two loving people.”

  “As do I.”

  There was no sarcasm in his tone or expression, but he couldn’t mean what he said. They’d known each other for a matter of hours, yet he obviously wanted sex. How could he have deep feelings for her? It simply wasn’t possible.

  “You’re my mate, Lexie. Nothing about this is wrong.”

  “We just met,” she cried. “That makes this feel wrong.” Actually, it felt wonderful and exciting, which made her conscience scream even louder. She’d always prided herself in rising above the temptation of casual sex. Yet here she stood, shirtless with a veritable stranger.

  She quickly uncrossed her arms as he pulled her against his chest. “I’d give you more time if I could, but this is necessary. It’s not just a ploy so I can see you naked.”

  “I know.” She sighed. Anything that impeded Libby’s rescue was unacceptable. Kaden had promised he wouldn’t do more than mark her, and she had no reason to doubt him. Ever since they met, he’d given her choices and accommodated her wishes as much as possible. If kissing was all they were going to do, she was being silly. She eased out of his arms and quickly stripped down until only her underwear remained. “Now who’s overdressed?” she tried to sound playful and almost succeeded.

  He smiled, then shed his pants, revealing his underwear, a skintight garment that left nothing to the imagination. She glanced at the considerable bulge created by his erection then quickly looked away as a fiery blush exploded across her cheeks. Her self-consciousness was starting to piss her off. It wasn’t like she’d never seen a naked man before. And Kaden wasn’t even naked. No wonder he’d asked if she was a virgin. She was acting like an adolescent fool.

  Without looking at him, she pulled back the covers and crawled into bed. The sooner they got started, the sooner this would be over. The thought made her shake her head. This wasn’t a root canal. She was about to exchange kisses and touches with an extremely attractive man.

  He slipped in beside her and spread out on his side, one of his arms under her neck. “You still look ready to bolt.”

  “I’m on a spaceship, inside an alien outpost, and I’m in bed with a man I just met. Why would I be upset by that?”

  A warm chuckle rumbled through his chest and his fingers skimmed along her neck. “You’re right. This has to be overwhelming. What can I do to make you more comfortable?”

  “Just kiss me and I’ll sort through my feelings later.”

  His mouth covered hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He kept the kiss light and soothing until she started to relax. Gradually his lips became more demanding and his tongue pushed deeper into her mouth.

  She tried to push thoughts of Libby from her mind. In a strange way she was doing this for Libby. Without Kaden’s scent marking her, any efforts they made to rescue the captives would be greatly limited. It was nonsense and she knew it. She was kissing him because she wanted him, wanted to lose herself in the consuming heat she’d felt the first time they kissed.

  His hand slid down her neck and squeezed her shoulder. Her breasts ached and her nipples tingled. Why hadn’t she taken off her bra? She wanted to rub against his chest, or better yet, feel the firm suction of his mouth.

  As if he heard her muddled thought, he dragged her bra strap down her arm, then lowered the cup, exposing her hardened nipple. “Oh gods,” he muttered as his thumb teased the gathered peak. “So pretty.” Then his lips were there, working her needy flesh just the way she wanted. Each firm pull sent sensations radiating through her body. She arched her back and pressed herself deeper into his mouth.

  He took advantage of her arched position and quickly unfastened her bra. She slipped her arms free from the straps and he tossed it aside. Her fingers burrowed into his thick hair as he moved from one breast to the other. His lips adored her nipples while his hands continued to explore.

  She touched him as boldly as he was touching her. He was hot and hard, yet soft all at the same time. She wanted him over her and inside her, filling the emptiness that erupted each time they touched. She moaned, panting harshly as the urgency built.

  “Kaden, please. I need…” She bit off the rest of the sentence, humiliated by her weakness.

  “I know, love. I feel it too.” He kissed her again, his hand returning to her breasts. “Can I touch you, ease the ache?” His damp lips moved over hers as he spoke.

  He was still touching her breasts, so she knew what he was asking. Could she be that selfish? “Only if you let me touch you too.”

  He groaned into her mouth and kissed her urgently. “Whatever you want, and nothing more. That’s what I promised you.”

  She ran her hand down his chest then slipped it inside his underwear. He tensed then shuddered as her fingers found his thick shaft. He felt enormous and steely within the circle of her fist. She stroked him twice then gasped as he returned the favor.

  His hand eased beneath her panties and nudged her inner thighs. “Open for me, Lex. Let me in.”

  She moved her legs farther apart, lost in the surging demand. Another gasp escaped as one of his fingers accepted her invitation. She was seriously wet and his finger slid easily in and out. She stroked him faster, imagining his entire length buried deep inside her. Spasms rippled along her inner walls. She was almost there and he hadn’t even touched her clit. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before, intense and elemental.

  Their kiss became frantic, expressing the urgency their hands were creating. His thumb lightly circled her clit and her entire body shook, instantly on the verge of climax. His tongue moved in her mouth as his fingers worked between her thighs, making her desperate for a greater penetration.

  He caressed her with his thumb, drawing heat and tension into her core. She gasped and trembled, struggling to maintain her rhythmic strokes while he obliterated her control.

  “Just let go,” he ordered. “I’ll come after.”

  The authoritative snap in his words sent her over the edge. She arched and trembled as pleasure blasted through her. He caught both her wrists and drew her arms above her head as he moved to kneel between her thighs.

  A surge of panic burned away the rest of her sensual haze. “Wait. We can’t—”

  His mouth silenced her and he pressed his erection against her mound. Two layers of fabric still separated their bodies, so she forced herself to relax. He’d promised not to take more than she’d offered and he’d done nothing to betray her trust. Bending her knees, she pulled her legs up along his sides and creating a better angle for his sex.

  He rocked his hips, sliding against her as she returned his kiss. She wanted to touch him, but he wouldn’t release her wrists, seemed to need control over her movements. He’d given her pleasure before he worried about his own, so she allowed his dominance.

  His mouth grew more demanding and the pressure of his pelvis became almost painful. Suddenly he turned his head to the side, gasping for breath. Then he ground against her and shuddered again and again.

  After a soft, lingering kiss, he rolled to her side and draped his forearm over his eyes. “Are you all right?”

  She rolled toward him and smiled, knowing he couldn’t see her. “I’ll survive.”

  He moved his arm and looked at her
. “Did I hurt you?”

  His concern seemed real, so she didn’t conceal her smile. “Do I really look that fragile?”

  “No, but I didn’t mean for this to go this far.” He licked his lips then sighed. “You’re harder to resist than I thought.”

  “So are you.” She propped her head on her hand, finally unconcerned with her nudity. “Am I adequately ‘marked’?”

  He inhaled deeply then grinned. “Oh yeah. No one will doubt that you’re being courted.”

  The old-fashioned term made her laugh. “Is that what you call this?”

  “What would you call it?”

  “Seduction.” She scooted closer and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m being ruthlessly seduced by a single-minded Rodyte.”

  He didn’t argue with her terminology. He pressed his face against her hair and whispered, “My days start early. We better get some sleep.”

  Chapter Five

  True to his word, Kaden awakened early the next morning. He carefully disentangled his limbs from Lexie’s and crawled out of bed. He paused at the bedside and looked at her, unable to deprive himself of her loveliness. Despite her obvious reluctance, she’d surrendered so sweetly to his touch. It was all he could do to keep his word and not pressure her for a full joining. For years he’d heard stories about bonding fever, but never expected to experience it himself. He was battle born. According to Rodyte society, he was inferior, fit only for menial labor or warfare. Few Rodyte females would subject themselves to the only life a battle born mate could provide. So how had this happened? A potential mate was sleeping in his bed, covered in his scent.

  All he had to do now was convince Lexie to spend the rest of her life with an alien.

  He sighed and walked into the utility room. By the time he showered and dressed, she was awake and sitting up in bed.

  “I don’t suppose you have something similar to coffee?” she asked with a sleepy smile.

  “Define similar. Civata brew is a popular morning drink, but most humans find it bitter.”

  “Can you load it up with cream and sugar, or the Rodyte equivalent?”

  Her hair was a tousled mess, framing her delicate features, and her bare shoulders and arms made it hard to keep his gaze on her face. “Let me see what I can do.” He left the bedroom and went to the nutri-gen kiosk in the dining area. Fintarel cream was richer than that produced by Earth’s bovines. Hopefully, it would smooth out the bitterness. He ordered a large mug of cream-laced and sweetened civata brew and carried it back into the bedroom. “If it’s still too bitter, I’ll toss it out. You won’t hurt my feelings.”

  Carefully tucking the sheet under her arms, she took a tentative sip, and then another. “It’s not bad. Like you said, a little on the bitter side, but I think I can gag it down.”

  Her colorful description made him chuckle. “Take your time. You need clean clothes. I’ll go see what I can scrounge together.” At the door he paused and told her, “If you want to take a shower, the commands are hatatzi tallin to turn it on, and wontal tallin to turn it off.” He had her repeat the phrases back to him until he was confident she’d retained them, and then he left her to enjoy her civata brew.

  The Intrepid was a research vessel that had only recently been acquired by the military. It was also one of the few ships in the battle born fleet that had female crew members. Most of the females worked in the lab, so that was where he went to ask for garments. Half an hour later he returned to his cabin with three outfits from which Lexie could choose. If the rescue mission was as complicated as he feared, she might need all three.

  Judging from her damp hair and rosy cheeks, she’d successfully triggered the shower. Still, everything would be easier if she’d accept the translator nanites.

  She’d snooped through his closet and borrowed the long-sleeved shirt that went with his dress uniform. Now she sat at the dining room table, finger combing her long brown hair.

  He crossed the room and handed her the small stack of clothing he had draped over his arm. Then he went to the utility room and returned with a hair groomer. The semi-rigid bristles were too widely spaced to qualify as a brush, yet unlike a comb, they were arranged in multiple rows.

  “Why are all of these dresses?” She sounded curious not judgmental. “Don’t Rodyte women wear jeans?”

  “Jeans are a human invention, but Rodyte females don’t wear pants of any kind.”

  “Seriously?” She sounded more amused than insulted as she held up one dress and then the blouse that went with one of the skirts. “These won’t cover me from chin to heel, so it’s not a modesty thing. What’s the objection to pants?”

  “Unlike on Earth, on Rodymia male and female roles are distinct.” He headed off her objections by continuing his explanation. “Yes, I know we’re not on Rodymia and you are human, but Rodyte males still find a female in pants distasteful.”

  “That didn’t seem to stop you last night?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” He grinned. “I found you much more appealing once you took off your pants.”

  Her only response was a bright blush. He found her embarrassment endearing. On the surface she was bold and unafraid, yet any mention of sex eclipsed her confidence. It was a contradiction they would explore at length once this crisis was over.

  She selected one of the skirt outfits and hurried into the utility room. She emerged a few minutes later, dressed and holding the end of her newly woven braid. “Do have any idea where my hair tie ended up?”

  It took him a moment to remember when he’d taken it off, but quickly found it on the end table beside the sofa. Rather than handing it to her, he took the end of her braid and fastened it with the stretchy hairband.

  “You look lovely,” he told her. The blouse was emerald green, with tiny flowers and the jewel-toned skirt flared from waist to ankle.

  “Thank you. Did you borrow shoes, or should I just wear my boots?”

  “I didn’t think to ask. I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged then smiled. “No need to apologize. My boots are fine. It feels wonderful just to be clean.”

  His gaze lingered on her flushed face for a moment longer, before he forced his mind back onto the activities awaiting them. “Rex Dravon is back. I asked security to notify me the moment he arrived. I figured we’d go see him right after we have something to eat.”

  Excitement ignited in her eyes. “I’m not very hungry. Why don’t we go now?”

  “You won’t be any good to Libby if you make yourself sick. You will eat something and then we’ll go.”

  “Yes, sir.” She ended the sentence with a playful salute.

  After they ate a quick breakfast, Lexie put on her boots and they headed out to the main concourse. Kaden motioned toward the Marauder, which had docked down near the end. Unlike the clean lines and sleek angles of the Rodyte vessels, the Marauder had been engineered to appear larger than its actual size. Kaden thought it might be of Linusian design, but it had been heavily modified. It was larger than a shuttle, yet far smaller than the Rodyte ships. “I don’t think Dravon speaks English, so I’ll have to translate for you. It’s probably best if you let me do the talking anyway.”

  She shot him an annoyed look. “And why is that?”

  “He’s undisciplined and crude. There’s no telling how he’ll react to you.”

  “Can you take him?”

  Shocked by the question, he looked at her. “You want me to fight for you?” When she didn’t immediately object, he smiled. “You’re more like a Rodyte female than you realize.”

  “I was kidding,” she insisted, but lovely color spread across her cheeks again. He loved how easy it was to make her blush. In contrast to her feisty personality, the tendency was endearing.

  He wanted to settle things with Rex Dravon then find somewhere to be alone with Lexie. Waking with her in his arms had been a sweet temptation, and sensing his mark on her now was adding fuel to a simmering fire. He wanted to claim her, ensure that she wou
ld belong to him alone, forever.

  Rather than complicate the situation with possibilities she wasn’t yet ready to consider, he led her up the gangplank and told the mercenary guarding the hatch to notify Dravon of their arrival. According to the roster Dravon had submitted at Raylon’s insistence, Dravon commanded a crew of eleven. Six were Rodyte, while the other five were a combination of species from all over the galaxy.

  “Do you have an appointment?” The merc flashed an indolent smile. Kaden didn’t recognize his species, though he was clearly not Rodyte. With greenish-yellow skin and solid black eyes, the merc appeared reptilian, though not as much so as a full-blood Linusian. Likely he was a hybrid.

  “Just tell Dravon that Commander Kaden Lux of the Intrepid would like to speak with him.”

  The merc looked at Lexie and masculine interest warmed his gaze. Apparently his species was sexually compatible with humans. “And you are?”

  “With me,” Kaden cut in. “That’s all you need to know.”

  After tapping his earpiece and muttering something in a language Kaden’s com-bots failed to translate, the merc moved to one side of the hatch and motioned them inside.

  The interior corridors were narrow and boxy, yet surprisingly clean. Despite Dravon’s unconventional appearance, he seemed to run a tight ship. They passed another crewmember similar in appearance to the one guarding the hatch. He pointed toward the corridor branching off to the right. “Rex is sparring with Baylor.”

  Kaden nodded, acknowledging the tip.

  The corridor led to an empty cargo bay that had been transformed into a makeshift gym. In the center of the room a small crowd had gathered around the two men who were “sparing”. With long dark hair and flashing eyes, both appeared more or less Rodyte. They’d stripped to the waist and each wore padded gloves to dampen the impact of blows. They certainly weren’t pulling their punches. The fight was violent, ruthless, yet somehow playful as well. They exchanged insults as often as kicks or punches, and they seemed evenly matched.

  Then Dravon attacked with a sudden surge of aggression, flipping his opponent completely over and slamming him against the deck, which was cushioned by a thin layer of padding. A low thud resonated through the room as Dravon stood over the other man, fists planted on his hips. “Had enough?” he asked in crisp Rodyte.


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