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Mad, Bad & Dangerous

Page 10

by Cat Marsters

  Nuala nodded. “Very sensible. All right, we won’t say anything.”

  The footmen opened the double doors again and Wilden opened his mouth to announce Bael, who walked straight past him, threw his arms wide, dropped his bag on the floor and cried delightedly, “Kett!”

  And Kett’s hormones performed a standing ovation. Gods’ pieces, she thought as her body straightened up and her feet carried her over to him without her brain intervening. It’s only been a few hours since I saw him. And he’s a certified lunatic. I just told my family so.

  Which was why, for sure, she walked right up to him and kissed him hard on the mouth, her arms going around his hot body, her legs trembling as he licked into her mouth and ran his fingers through her tangled, smoky hair.

  “I’m pleased to see you too,” he said, grinning.

  Kett’s heart was thumping so loudly she almost couldn’t hear the rest of the room.

  He’s here. He’s hot. You forgot to ask him about the cave and the symbols.

  Yes, that was why she was clinging to him like a limpet and breathing in his scent with her eyes closed. Because she wanted Bael for information.

  “Sure you don’t have a boyfriend,” her brother said. One of the girls giggled. The duchess muttered something under her breath about impropriety.

  Kett decided something. Curling her arm around Bael’s neck, she murmured in his ear, “If you can get Duke and Duchess of Fuck-off out of here,” she indicated them with a flick of her head, “I will go down on you the minute we’re in private.”

  Bael didn’t hesitate. Swinging around, he presented his hand to the duchess.

  “Howdy,” he said cheerfully. “Wow, what a wig. I didn’t know dead cats were in fashion.”

  * * * * *

  There was silence until they heard the front door slam behind the duke and duchess.

  Her father broke it. “I don’t know who the hell you are,” he said to Bael, “but I like you.”

  “Amen,” Tane chimed in. “Why were they still here?”

  “Short of calling the guards, I’d run out of ideas,” Nuala apologized.

  “Question still stands,” Beyla said.

  “Big, mad and loud, eh?” Eithne gave Bael an up-and-down. She grinned.

  Kett scowled.

  “Bael, this is my family.” She faltered in the face of their delighted smiles. “Family, this is Bael.”

  He beamed at them all. “Hiya, folks.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you,” Nuala said with a little more fervor than Kett might have liked.

  “It’s even more wonderful to meet you,” he replied, bestowing on Nuala a smile that actually seemed to be genuine.

  “Kett’s never brought a boyfriend home before,” Beyla told him.

  “Usually for understandable reasons,” Tane said.

  “Am I your boyfriend?” Bael asked Kett brightly, and she groaned.

  “Hey, anyone who gets rid of a pair like that is okay by me,” Tyrnan said, which Kett considered rather rich considering his almost-allergic reaction to Eithne’s boyfriend—who was a garda, a fine, upstanding pillar of the community, and who had the honorable intention of marrying her.

  Unlike Bael, who’d just been described as a lunatic, snogged Tyrnan’s daughter until her body turned to liquid then been so insulting that the thickest-skinned duchess in the Realm had nearly vomited in disgust.

  Yet her father liked him. Well, he was Tyrnan of Emreland.

  “Come to think of it,” Kett enquired of her famously indelicate father, “why didn’t you tell them to fuck off?”

  “Your father has refined his manners of late,” Nuala said.

  Kett blinked.

  “I know, we were shocked too,” Beyla said.

  All five of them regarded Bael, to whom Kett realized she was still clinging. Crap. Well, it wasn’t as if they thought she was still a virgin, she thought glumly. And at least Bael looked good—far too good, considering the journey he must have had, sans dragon.

  Really good, actually.

  She cleared her throat and tried to disentangle herself from him. He held on, grinning like a maniac.

  “So, you’re Kett’s family,” he said. “Nice to meet you. This is a great house. Sorry I was so insulting but Kett promised me filthy things if I got rid of them. And hey, you don’t look too upset so I guess it’s all okay, right?”

  Kett covered her eyes.

  “Hey, your dad likes me,” Bael said, hugging her to him. “Right? Sorry, Kett didn’t give me anyone’s names. It’s almost like she’s ashamed of me or something.”

  “Not ‘almost like’,” Kett muttered. She opened her eyes to see Nuala beaming at Bael. Ah, crap. Nuala’s greatest mission in life was to make people happy. Since getting married and having babies had made her so blissful, she was determined that it would work for everyone else too.

  There was a light in her eyes that Kett didn’t like one bit.

  “All right,” she sighed. “This is my dad, Tyrnan of Emreland. He used to be a highwayman and owns a sword that can kill kelfs.”

  Bael looked like a little boy at Yule. “Really? The Naimlà? You’re kidding.” He gave Kett a delighted look. “You didn’t tell me your dad was a kelf-killer!”

  “He’s not,” Kett said.

  At the same time her father said dangerously, “I’m not.”

  “Tyrnan has a sort of informal treaty with the kelfs,” Nuala put in quickly. “He holds the sword in safety and promises not to let anyone else use it.”

  “Oh,” said Bael, deflated. “Why?”

  “Because he’s normal,” Kett said, in the face of overwhelming evidence. One of her father’s best friends was a kelf. Tyrnan had grown up in the sort of house where the serving kelfs were considered affectionately, as sort of pets. Not real people, but nice to have around and quite useful, like horses.

  Quietly thanking the gods that kelfs were not indigenous to the Realm of Peneggan, she continued, “And this is my stepmother, Nuala.”

  She didn’t add that Nuala was a princess. That sort of thing was only useful for impressing people, and she really didn’t want to impress Bael.

  Bael kissed Nuala’s hand and she dimpled prettily at him. “You hardly look older than Kett,” he said gallantly, and Tyrnan snorted.

  “She isn’t,” Kett said drily.

  “Just as well then,” Bael grinned. “And you must be twins,” he said to Beyla and Eithne, who giggled in harmony.

  “Triplets,” they chorused.

  “There’s another one of you?” Bael asked happily.

  “Yep,” Tane said. “Me.”

  Bael put his head to one side and regarded the petite blonde girls, just like their mother, and the dark, stocky boy, much more like his father.

  “Right,” he said. “You look like Kett.”

  “I do not,” he and Kett yelped at the same time.

  Bael grinned. “You have this two-part harmony thing going on here,” he said. “It’s cute. Well, folks,” he picked up the duffel bag he’d slung on the floor earlier, “not that it hasn’t been wonderful to meet my darling girl’s family,” here he gave Kett a squeeze, which made her scowl and Nuala beam, “but I really need some private time with her. Shall we retire, sweetheart?”

  “I, er…” Kett panicked, remembering her earlier promise to him. “I haven’t finished eating.”

  “I’ll have a tray sent up,” Nuala said.

  “And Bael will need a room,” she attempted, because she knew if they shared one, she’d end up sleeping with him again. And while sleeping with Bael was always going to be wonderful, she really didn’t want to deal with the whole mate issue anymore. Best to make it clear to him that—

  “Oh come on, Kett, don’t be coy,” Tyrnan said, and she glared at him.

  “Yes, darling, we don’t mind at all,” Nuala said happily. “You’re an adult now, and you can have whomever you like to stay.”

  “I’m an adult,” Eithne piped up. “Why c
an’t I?”

  “You’re an adult when I say so,” her father said, making Eithne scowl.

  “That shirt is really transparent,” Bael said to Kett, who winced and gave in.

  “Okay,” she said. “Night, everyone.”

  They wished her good night, Nuala even going so far as to give Bael a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was absolutely glowing with happiness, Kett thought glumly as they left the Gold Salon. She’d be so disappointed when Kett broke the news that Bael wasn’t really her boyfriend.

  “So,” Bael said as the doors closed behind them and they stood in the grand lobby. “Does this count as private?”

  “There are six footmen within sight,” Kett said. “What do you think?”

  “I think you promised to go down on me, and I can’t wait,” he said happily, as Kett turned red and tugged him toward the stairs.

  Her bedroom hadn’t changed since the last time she saw it, which made it unique in Nuala’s house. Wisely, her stepmother had eschewed her usual decorating taste and furnished Kett’s room in neutral shades with plenty of texture coming from warm woods, rugs and leather upholstery. Kett, against all her expectations, felt more comfortable in this room than in any other.

  Bael strode in like he owned the place, tossed his duffel on a wingback chair and threw himself at the bed.

  “I am knackered,” he announced.

  “So you’ll just want to go to sleep?” Kett asked, not sure if she was hopeful or disappointed.

  He cracked open one eye. “Eventually,” he said, and grinned.

  Chapter Seven

  He watched the heat come into her face. Damn, she really was pretty, even if she took pains not to be. He had the feeling Kett would bite the head off anyone who dared her to be pretty.

  He sat up and pulled his sweater off. Outside it was freezing, but since he’d only gotten dressed just outside the door, he hadn’t bothered to put a lot on.

  “How did you get here?” Kett asked as he stood and toed off his boots.

  “Same way you did.”


  If only she knew. Bael just smiled at her and unfastened his fly. Kett’s gaze flickered down to it and she swallowed, which made him smile even more. Pretty much the instant she’d whispered in his ear he’d gotten hard as a rock and his erection hadn’t gone down since. Just the thought of those lips wrapped around it was making him cross-eyed.

  She folded her arms across her chest, but not before he’d seen the way her nipples had gone hard.

  “Aren’t you cold?” she asked as he stripped off his shirt.

  “Nope. Right now I’m very hot,” he said. He glanced at the fire, which had been smoldering away quietly, and it suddenly flared into life.

  Bael paused. That had never happened before.

  But right now he had other things on his mind. “Aren’t you hot?”

  “No,” she said.

  “You look pretty hot to me.”

  Kett swallowed again. “Look, Bael, we need to talk about the—”

  “Not backing out, are you?” He kicked away the last of his clothes and looked her up and down. In the subdued light cast by the fire and the single low-burning gas lamp, her skin gleamed and her eyes shone, glittering like starlight. Her brows were drawn down, her jaw was stiff and she wore her usual look of tight, barely controlled anger.

  Maybe it was the mate in him talking, but Bael had never seen a more desirable woman.

  “I never back out,” she said. Then, as if it had just occurred to her, “But do you really want me to suck your cock just because I made a promise?”

  “I don’t care why you suck my cock,” Bael said. “Why doesn’t interest me at all.” He took a step forward. She backed against the door and seemed surprised to find it there. “I’m all about the sucking. The licking. The thrusting. I can’t wait to feel your lips swallow me down,” he said, and she licked said lips, her eyes darting down again to where his cock bobbed, hard and swollen for her.


  He closed the distance between them and ran his hands lightly over her shoulders. “You really ought to get out of these wet things,” he said, the back of his hand brushing her breast. She shivered, but he didn’t think it was because of the temperature.

  “I’m fine,” she said, her voice tight, her eyes mutinous.

  “You know,” he leaned closer just to breathe in her scent, which right now contained a lot of smoke, “you really shouldn’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”

  “I don’t. Didn’t,” she amended, lifting her chin.

  The leather over her thigh brushed the desperately sensitive skin of his cock and he exhaled sharply.

  So did she.

  Her eyes were glittering, challenging him to force her to go through with it. Her chest was heaving ever so subtly. She was breathing fast and practically quivering. She was wound up like a spring, he realized. And she was being incredibly defiant. Being Kett, if she really didn’t want to suck his cock then she’d most likely have just kneed him in the groin and thrown him out the window.

  She wouldn’t have wasted time arguing about it.

  A smile threatened Bael’s mouth. She wanted to suck his cock. She just didn’t want to admit she wanted to. To herself or to him.

  “Fine,” he said abruptly. “It’s okay. I don’t expect you to. Wouldn’t make you do something you didn’t want to.”

  There was a moment of silence while Kett regarded him warily. Then relief came over her face, but she was a rotten actress and he caught the definite undertone of disappointment.

  “You sure?” she asked doubtfully.

  “Yep,” he said, stepping back as if he didn’t care. “No fun if your heart’s not in it. Ah well.” He ruffled her hair and watched her scowl instantly return.

  “Right then,” Kett said, her voice faltering a little. “Well, good. I’m…glad we’ve sorted that out.” She tugged on her shirt as if to straighten it, then realized it was damp and filthy and sighed irritably. “Right,” she said again.

  Bael turned away so she wouldn’t see him smiling. He pulled back the wonderfully soft, clean-scented covers from the bed, leaving them turned down as he stretched out. Damn, this was a comfortable bed. Way more comfortable than that lumpy mattress he’d slept on last night. Not that he’d minded much at the time, what with Kett there, naked in his arms.

  His cock throbbed at the thought and he slid one hand down his stomach toward it.

  “Are you going to stay there?” Kett asked suddenly, and Bael stilled his hand, pausing a beat before he looked up at her.

  “Did you want me to sleep on the floor?” He looked dolefully at the bare boards, then back at her.

  “There are dozens of other rooms,” Kett said, her eyes lingering on his body. On his cock, to be precise. Bael couldn’t really blame her; as dark and hard as it was, it did rather draw the attention. “I’ll just go and find—”

  “No no,” Bael sat up, “I’ll do it.”

  He moved toward the door and had his hand on the knob before she rushed to stop him.

  “Ain’t you gonna get dressed?” she hissed.

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure my clothes would even fit over this,” he said, pointing at his enormous erection.

  He watched the panic flit over her face at the thought of him wandering her stepmother’s house completely naked with a huge hard-on, and almost laughed. He’d do it too. Nasc didn’t have the same issues about nudity that humans did.

  Plus, it was hella fun annoying her.

  Her eyes narrowed. “You bloody would, as well,” she said, stepping back, relenting. “Okay, you can stay here.”

  Bael smiled. He knew as well as she did that they’d be unable to share a bed without touching.

  “But you sleep there.” She pointed to the studded leather chesterfield.

  It looked uncomfortable.

  Well, he didn’t actually have any intentions of sleeping there, so it didn’t matter all that muc
h. Bael smiled and sauntered over to stretch out on it. It was, however, too short to stretch, so he lay with his knees bent and open, and reached down to adjust his cock.

  “Right,” Kett said, standing frozen by the door as if totally unable to move.

  “Night then,” Bael said, smiling encouragingly.

  She swallowed, then nodded as if shaking herself out of it and moved mechanically toward the bed. She pulled her clothes off with jerky, defiant movements and Bael watched unashamedly as each new bit of fascinating flesh was revealed.

  His cock throbbed when she turned her back and presented her fantastic ass to him. He patted his uncomfortable member soothingly, and when she turned around again, stroked it with deliberate movements.

  “Do you mind?” Kett asked, her voice taut.

  “Not at all,” Bael replied, moving his fingers up his shaft. Her eyes flashed at him. “I can’t sleep like this,” he said—fairly, he thought.

  Her nostrils flared and she grabbed a blanket from the bed, throwing it at him. “Here.”

  “Thanks,” he caught it with his free hand, “but I’m really too hot for that.” He rolled his head back and arched his spine, thrusting gently into his hand. He wasn’t really working it, but then the point of the exercise was not to get off. Not by himself.

  Kett growled and threw herself into bed. Her breasts jiggled wonderfully as she moved, and Bael’s cock twitched and jerked in response. He couldn’t help a little gasp of pleasure. Damn, what he wouldn’t give to have those breasts in his hands instead of his own flesh. To suck a tight little nipple into his mouth. To rub that firm flesh all over his cock.

  He closed his eyes, trying to block that image. It’d have him coming in seconds if he thought about it much more.

  He heard the mattress move as Kett shifted in bed. What if she was touching herself? His breath quickened. What if she was even now sliding her own hands over her breasts, pinching at her own nipples, skimming her flat stomach, dipping her fingers between her legs?

  Bael realized he was panting and opened his eyes, because closing them clearly hadn’t worked.


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