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Key to Magic 04 Emperor

Page 10

by H. Jonas Rhynedahll

  The time for schemes, spies, and assassin's knives was passed. Traeleon must use the hammer blow of the Brotherhood's military might to crush all opposition and immediately establish his reign over the entire Principate. The Mhajhkaeirii must not be given time to gather their strength. Bhrucherra's Inquisitors believed that in as little as a year, the Apostate's allies could create an armada of flying boats that would swamp the Brotherhood like a flood.

  Traeleon knew that this was the critical moment. While some were in open rebellion, many of the Princes of the Sister Cities were vacillating, neither declaring openly for the Apostate's renegades nor for The Greatest City in All the World's new rulers. There must be a war, a holy war, a war dressed in ideological trappings that would stoke the fanaticism of the Brotherhood's lower ranks and insure the immediate annihilation of all opposition.

  "The Work requires that those who serve the cause of the Restoration eradicate all who declare opposition to Holy Magic. This shall henceforth be known to be the Duty of All Men.”

  Traeleon made the sign of the Tripartite to drive home the pronouncement. Death to all Unbelievers! would now be an official article of faith among the brethren.

  "Martial Director, you will make immediate provision for an operation to conquer the princedoms of the eastern coast. This operation shall have the highest priority. Allocate all resources and Relics accordingly. I will provide you with written schema detailing the scope and magnitude of the tactical movements this afternoon. This operation shall begin within the fortnight.

  Lhevatr, his face impassive, made the imperial salute. "As you say, Preeminence."

  "Brother Bhrucherra, you will coordinate with the Martial Director to insure that all segments of our fraternity act in concert."

  The First Inquisitor bowed his head. "It shall be done, brother."

  "Deacon Zheltraw."

  "You have only to say it, Preeminence." The First Promulgator had returned to the Conclave subdued but unswerving in his reprehensible conviction that magic, and its prophet Phaelle, should be worshipped.

  "The coming battles shall burn off the dross and reveal the purity of Holy Magic. I deem it fit that you, as first among the College of Promulgators, should go before our armies to demonstrate the fearlessness of those who have submitted themselves to the Duty of All Men."

  This manufactured honor, Traeleon expected, would finally rid the Conclave of the Deacon's irrational interjections and create a fresh martyr to enervate the Salients. Traeleon's new course had rendered Zheltraw's other possible uses irrelevant. The Archdeacon had already made plans to have Vice-Deacon Kleghaier succumb to a sudden, unexplained illness and further begun maneuvers to usher his own candidate, a brother with a more realistic attitude and demonstrated obedience, into the deaconate of the Promulgators.

  Zheltraw, enraptured by the great privilege that had been bestowed upon him, expressed his joy by means of his customary -- and thoroughly ridiculous to Traeleon -- practice. The dolt fell to his knees and began to pray.

  Disregarding the deacon, Traeleon turned with imperious grace and swept down from the review stand, making directly for his waiting carriage and the mounted Salient guards. He left the members of the Conclave and the rest of his entourage to follow in his wake. The Seat of Government was within easy walking distance, no more than twelve hundred paces north up the Transverse March, but the use of the carriage lent a greater stateliness to the process of the movement of the person of the Archdeacon. Of late, Traeleon had made a point of emphasizing the dignity of his position in order to enhance the conception, both to any Mhajhkaeirii witnesses and to the members of his own fraternity, that although he was technically first among equals, he possessed and deserved the status of a prince among the Phaelle'n.

  The open carriage, drawn by matched ebony geldings, had belonged to some absconded noble and was a marvel of silver inlaid white woods and red leather upholstery. While entirely too ostentatious for his taste, the carriage had precisely balanced springs and made for a most comfortable ride. Ascertainer Plehvis, bearing a satchel containing the morning's far talking dispatches and martial reports, waited alongside the carriage step and opened the low door when he arrived. As soon as Traeleon had climbed aboard, the secretary mounted the coach and took the opposite seat.

  The members of the Conclave and the remaining brethren would march in procession behind the carriage in strict order of rank. This was another recent innovation. He knew that the common populace of the city would not readily relinquish their superstitious conceptions and had instituted such pretentious displays as this in order to cater to their illogical myths. While the teachings of the Great Phaelle concerning the Restoration of Magic were clearly not, regardless of the perversions of the Brohivii and their ilk, categorically religious in nature, he had come to the conclusion that some semblance of religious practice would be required to supplant the existing religious structure. A secondary benefit would be the fostering of the conception that the brethren -- and in particular the Archdeacon -- should be revered as priests.

  Leaning back into the well padded seat, Traeleon spoke to the black-armored driver. "Veteran Brother Trhai, let's be off."

  "Yes, Preeminence."

  The burly Salient flipped the reins and the geldings moved forward at a slow walk, flanked by the score mounted Salients in commendable form. Horsemanship not being a prime focus of Salient drills, Traeleon was pleased at the exhibition of proficiency and made a mental note to compliment the Coordinator in charge.

  The carriage made a slow circle around the near empty plaza and then glided north up the Transverse, passing shuttered villas, looted shops, and deserted apartments. Any faster would have required the procession to scurry, and, while Traeleon could envision that some internal political benefit might be derived from such a humiliation of his entourage, it would not do to allow the Mhajhkaeirii to observe senior members of the Brotherhood of Phaelle being so denigrated.

  The scant passers-by, mostly merchants, factors, advocates and similar menial persons scurrying about their businesses, quickly moved aside to make way. A few put on smiles and waved in a subdued fashion at the carriage, but most simply ducked their heads to avoid the Archdeacon's gaze. The First Inquisitor had informed Traeleon that rumors abounded that he was a proficient sorcerer -- and thus a demon of the Outerworld made flesh -- and many Mhajhkaeirii feared that direct eye contact would subject them to a hexing. In time, this misconception would need to be dissuaded, but for now it would enhance their apprehension and thus their obedience.

  With the carriage in motion, Plehvis opened his satchel and retrieved the sheaf of pages inside.

  After the fiasco with the conflicting orders given to Whorlyr and the Shrike force pursuing the Apostate, Traeleon had mandated that succinct daily status reports be communicated directly to him from all military units. He replied to those reports with his own direct orders, and this process had had the effect of marginalizing the Martial Director's authority. While Lhevatr continued to exercise routine direction of logistics and training, Traeleon had assumed the core duties of the post of Martial Director and taken personal tactical control of all Phaelle'n land, air, and naval forces.

  If the Archdeacon had simply replaced Lhevatr, as had been his original impulse, he would have had to contend with the problem of promoting one of the competent legion commanders, which might present a new set of difficulties as competent men also tended to be ambitious, or one of the incompetent ones, in which case he would have been compelled to closely oversee the entirety of the new Director's duties to prevent that incompetence from disrupting operations.

  The solution that Traeleon had chosen, while not elegant, would insure that the next time he ordered an attack, it would actually take place.

  Following standing instructions, Plehvis had sorted the pages in ascending order of importance, so that missives pertaining to the most routine matters were on top. Traeleon had established this system to insure that no situation, however minor
, would suffer neglect due to the urgency of the more significant.

  "From Brother Zheigmh, Subdeacon, College of Coordinators," Plehvis read, summarizing, "in charge of grain tithe in the Plydyrii'n province of Bryehdhael. Final tally: seventy-six thousandweight of corn. Expected contribution: one hundred six thousandweight."

  "Subject random land owners to Scrutiny, the Question being the source of the discrepancy, no more than one in six to suffer death," Traeleon decreed.

  Plehvis made a note. The next half dozen sheaves came from other scattered locales across the subjugated princedoms of the Bronze Archipelago and were similar mundane concerns that local Phaelle'n bureaucrats had deemed of sufficient importance as to require the specific attention of Archdeacon. In general, these bureaucrats were capable, realistic, and sensible -- at least in so far as their instinct of self-preservation was concerned -- and it was seldom necessary that Traeleon send a rebuke for something that did not fit his criteria of "important." He dealt with each of the referenced issues according to his customary fashion, ordering executions in only two other cases.

  "The Holy Trio has anchored in Charcoal Bay and repairs on The Work are nearing completion" Plehvis read.

  In preparation for the offensive against the recalcitrant Sister Cities, Traeleon had ordered the magical ships to sail east to a secured harbor at the periphery of the Archipelago. Their further usefulness at Mhajhkaei was insignificant and their extreme vulnerability to air attack made them more of a liability than an asset in the current situation.

  "Knight-Commander L'Ghevh requests a posting to a forward command."

  "He is the Mhajhkaeirii turncoat who gave us access to the Citadel?"

  "As you say, Preeminence."

  Traeleon thought a moment. His impulse was to discard the traitor, but that might discourage future beneficial betrayals. "Send him out to the forces suppressing the provinces. Let Lazssri and his cohorts deal with him."

  The next ten were status updates from various security commands within the city and from a number of the recently established outposts in the province that immediately surrounded it. None of these required action.

  Plehvis reached the next to last missive. "From Brother Lazssri. 'As instructed, have finalized investment of the line of the Lower Gray with secondary forces and completed all entrenchments and strong points. All bandit activity south of the line has been completely suppressed. Only minor bandit activity detected north of line in more than a month. Request permission to detach the 6th, 13th, 18th and 19th Fraternal Legions along with entirety of Fifth Battlegroup and advance north once more into the province of Llorhm with the objective of seizing and holding Elboern. This town should be considered the key to capture of all the northern provinces.'"

  Brother Lazssri's requested force represented all of the Salient Combatants in the advance force and three quarters of those stationed at Mhajhkaei, a considerable risk of Traeleon's only unquestioningly dependable armsmen, but it was clear that Lazssri had no desire to attempt the assault with doubtful conscripts.

  "Veteran Brother Trhai, halt the coach," Traeleon directed in instant decision. "Brother Plehvis, inform the First Inquisitor that I wish him to ride in the carriage for the remainder of the journey."

  Brother Bhrucherra showed no reaction to the summons. Traeleon knew that his fellow Salient had begun to take umbrage at the peremptory manner in which he was ordered about, but the First Inquisitor never revealed this ire. It was possible that Bhrucherra was simply dedicated to the fundamental objective of the Brotherhood and willing to endure indignities in order to maintain peace within the fraternity, but Traeleon rather believed that his underling submitted to these minor insults now because he intended to recompense them all later in one fell swoop -- by removing the Archdeacon with the point of a blade.

  "First Inquisitor," Traeleon inquired, "Why was I not informed that the Mhajhkaeirii raiders had withdrawn?"

  "We have only received confirmation this morning from our agents at the renegades' camp that Captain Mhiskva and his armsmen had returned." Bhrucherra's expression remained unapologetic. "Communication with the brethren at the 'Monolith' is erratic and slow, given that messages must be smuggled out physically. You will recall, Preeminence, that you declined my request to allocate a set of far talking disks to the task."

  Traeleon made no reply to this implied rebuke. Disks with sufficient range to reach the northern camp of the renegades were especially rare and all sets that the Brotherhood currently possessed were dedicated to a fixed network that linked all of the lands currently under Phaelle'n control. This, of course, Bhrucherra new full well.

  "What information do you have of the Mhajhkaeirii'n defenses above the fortified line held by Commander-of-Legions Lazssri's expedition?" Traeleon asked.

  "Local commanders have begun to concentrate their limited forces at Elboern and intend to defend the town. There does not appear to be regular communication between these and the renegades, though there has been some contact."

  The Archdeacon turned to speak to Plehvis. "Signal Lazssri that his request is approved, issue orders to the affected legions, and command him to advance within three days time. Detach a flight of Shrikes in support." He swung his gaze back to Bhrucherra. "Infiltrate a Congregation of Advance Scouts into the town and have them make preparations to sabotage the defense. You are authorized to make use of the Emerald Gate for the initial transport."

  "It shall be done as you command, Preeminence."

  "What progress has been made in the suborning of the renegade leadership?"

  "The Senior Coordinator in charge of our spies within the renegade camp does not believe that any of the regular officers can be approached successfully. However, a person with potential influence has made overtures to one of our operatives."

  "The identity of this new turn coat?"

  "Lady Rhavaelei nhi’ Burgh."

  Traeleon though a moment. "Senator, head of the Merchant House of Trajhen, possible paramour of Lord Ghorn?"

  "As you say, Preeminence."

  "Pursue the connection, but take steps to limit damage if Lady Rhavaelei chooses to betray us instead."

  Bhrucherra inclined his head.

  Brother Plehvis quickly scanned the next item. "Senior Brother Fhsuyl and his party have returned from the western expedition. He waits in the Senate Hall to present his report."


  Traeleon had dispatched a Shrike, newly modified with the addition of a wooden and leather passenger compartment slung underneath, to retrieve the expedition. He was eager to hear of its results.

  The remainder of the ride passed in silent reflection. Traeleon felt no need to discuss anything further with Bhrucherra and the other two passengers were constrained from sharing a conversation in the Archdeacon's presence by accepted convention. At the main entrance of the Seat of Government, Traeleon descended the carriage without any further word to either, was quickly surrounded by his guards, and proceeded without stopping to the Senate Hall. Plehvis would automatically detour to the far talking station in the northwestern tower and send the Archdeacon's latest batch of orders.

  Fhsuyl had taken a seat in the row of chairs in front of Traeleon's desk (the Senate podium and platform had been removed until such time as the Archdeacon felt it should meet again) that served as a waiting area. The scholar had long been known to Traeleon as a rational follower of the teachings of Phaelle, meaning that the man had demonstrated a clear recognition of the inherently non-supernatural nature of magic. It had been his readily accepted suggestion to employ the special convert to attempt to navigate the previously impenetrable maze protecting the underground tomb of Maastruul.

  Gealollhaerii'n legend described Maastruul as a great and hideous sorcerer, guilty of truly horrendous and magnificent feats of magic. The Gealollhaerii also believed that the extensive labyrinth of quarried chambers and corridors that interdicted his burial chamber had been constructed and continuously added to over some centuries not t
o deter grave robbers but rather to prevent the escape of the sorcerer's vengeful spirit.

  While his guards deployed to their unobtrusive posts, he went to his desk and waved Fhsuyl forward.

  "Was the special convert able to lead you to the primary sepulcher?" Traeleon asked as he took his seat.

  "Yes, Preeminence," Fhsuyl confirmed. "His foresight guided us through the maze without fault. There were two ingeniously concealed levers, one in the northeast Spiral and one at the start of the Second Inner Tract. These released a hidden door in the Enfolding Flower of the First Inner Tract. Even then we had to excavate a dozen paces of backfill from the access tunnel."

  "And the state of the burial chamber?"

  "Unfortunately, Preeminence, the tomb contained only ancient bones and some useless pottery. If the stories of Maastruul's magic are indeed true, then none of his devices were interred with him."

  Traeleon allowed a shrug. "If naught else, the exercise has proved the utility of the special convert's limited prophetic abilities. We must simply determine how best to apply them. Make a study of the Archives and compile a list of any other conundrums that he might unravel for us."

  "Yes, Preeminence. By your leave, there is one other matter that may be of interest to you."

  "That being?"

  "During our return, the special convert produced a prophecy."

  "Indeed? Very well, let me see it."

  Brother Fhsuyl frowned slightly. "He has not put it to paper, Preeminence. He has stated that it is for the ears of the Archdeacon only. As you have forbidden him Scrutiny, we have been unable to convince him to divulge it."

  Traeleon considered this for a moment, then made a sweeping gesture with one hand. "Clear the room. Send for the special convert."

  While he waited alone, for the sake of caution he touched the ring with the large peridot on his right hand that activated his personal ward.

  The special convert had not been far, and arrived within moments. When the large doors closed behind him, Traeleon pulled his feet up under his chair and settled his weight on the balls of his feet, preparing to maneuver if necessary.


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