Jenna's Closure (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 2)

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Jenna's Closure (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 2) Page 4

by Missy Redstone

  Kris broke the silence. “Kris Fletcher, the friend of Dr. Jenna Harper? Friend?”

  Jenna laughed. “Don’t look at me. I didn’t write the story. I can’t believe it. No one from the hospital said anything about her being the mother of Amelia Davies. Even if they did know, they had to keep it confidential.”

  Kris gave a treat to Jax to stop him from howling. “Let’s get back to the real story here. I’m your friend?”

  Jenna knew she was never going to hear the end of this. “Friend with benefits?” Jenna asked with a coy undertone. “Get over here, Ms. Fletcher.”

  Chapter Six

  Weeks later, the news story was still a sore spot with Kris. Even if Kris tried, her friends wouldn’t let her forget about it. Jenna was still in pain, but now she asked Kris for help if she needed it. Kris went back to work, but she made sure she was available for Jenna’s appointments with her surgeon.

  Jenna had started physical therapy at home. She had a tough therapist, Layla, who worked her hard. Jenna made sure Layla didn’t cut her any slack. She wanted to get rid of the crutches as soon as she could. Kris thought Layla was a little too hands-on with Jenna, but Jenna tried to reassure her that it was part of the job.

  When Layla first met Kris, she held out her hand and said, “Hi, you’re Dr. Harper’s friend from the news,” which didn’t help the situation.

  One day while Kris was at work, Jenna received a phone call from the hospital. Amelia Davies wanted to meet her. The hospital wanted to know if it was okay to give Ms. Davies her number. This caught Jenna off guard. She told them it was okay, but she figured Ms. Davies was just trying to be polite. However, to her surprise the phone rang again ten minutes later.

  Jenna was working on her knee-strengthening exercises and was getting annoyed with the interruptions. She sighed and answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hello,” the female voice responded. “May I speak to Dr. Jenna Harper please?”

  “This is Dr. Harper speaking,” Jenna replied as she continued her leg lifts.

  “Dr. Harper, this is Amelia Davies. I wanted to personally thank you for helping save my mother, Mrs. Pearl Winslade.”

  Jenna almost dropped the phone. She sat up straight and tried to remain professional. “I’m glad Kris and I were there to help. I do hope your mother is feeling better, Ms. Davies.”

  “Yes, she is thanks to you and the care she received at your hospital. Please, call me Amelia.”

  “Then, I must insist that you call me Jenna. That is wonderful news. Tell her that I wish her a speedy recovery.”

  “Thank you, Jenna, I’ll tell her. How are you feeling?” Amelia asked.

  “I’m at home recuperating. The physical therapist is working hard to get me back to work as soon as possible.” Jenna glanced down at her knee. It was throbbing from the leg lifts.

  “Good to hear, and how is your friend, Ms. Fletcher?”

  Jenna rolled her eyes. “Kris is my girlfriend.” Jenna felt the need to correct her.

  “Too bad,” Amelia mumbled.

  “Excuse me?” Jenna asked. She felt herself getting jealous. Thoughts of Kris's ex, Susie, flooded her mind.

  Amelia corrected herself. “I said I hope her injuries weren’t too bad.”

  Jenna knew that wasn’t what Amelia had said, but she pretended to ignore it. She had read the rumors in the gossip magazine Allie had given her. The article referred to the fact Amelia Davies had never married, and stated Amelia had kissed one of her female costars outside of a club in Paris. “Kris is fine. She burned her arm trying to help get your mother out, but it’s healing well. Thank you for calling Amelia. Please tell your mother we wish her well.”

  Amelia wasn’t finished with the conversation yet. “I’d like to invite you to dinner next week to thank you in person. Oh, and bring Ms. Fletcher. I would like to thank her also.”

  I bet you’d like to thank her, Jenna thought. She didn’t want to go to dinner with Amelia Davies, especially after the comment she made about Kris. “Thank you, but that isn’t necessary,” Jenna answered back.

  Amelia wouldn’t take no for an answer. “It’s the least I can do for the two women who saved my mother’s life. Please say yes, please.”

  Jenna agreed with reluctance. “Okay, but really it’s not necessary.”

  Amelia cut her off, “Great, I will have my assistant set it up and get back to you with the information. Goodbye, Jenna.”

  Jenna opened her mouth to respond, but Amelia had ended the call. She placed the phone down on the coffee table and hoped she would never hear from Amelia Davies again.

  A few hours after the phone call, Kris had come home for lunch. “Have you missed me?” she asked as she gave Jenna a kiss on the cheek.

  Jenna followed Kris into the kitchen. “Of course, but Layla kept me tied up…I mean busy.” She smiled even though she knew Kris wouldn’t find the comment funny.

  Kris punched the top of Jenna’s shoulder. “Ha, ha. You think you are so funny.”

  Jenna eased down into the chair and propped her leg up on the chair that was beside her. “I got an interesting phone call this morning. You will never guess who it was.”

  Kris smirked as she untwisted the tie from the bread. “Was it Layla wanting to extend your sessions so she can tie you up again?”

  “No, but it was another woman calling to invite me to dinner and I accepted.”

  Kris looked up from the sandwiches she was preparing. “Oh really? A woman invited you to dinner and you said yes. Anyone I know?”

  “Well, you know of her, but you don’t know her personally.”

  Kris slammed the plate with Jenna’s sandwich down on the table and carefully placed her own plate down across from Jenna. “Should I be jealous?”

  Jenna smiled and raised an eyebrow, “If I told you I was going to dinner with Amelia Davies would that make you jealous?”

  Kris whirled around causing water to spill from the glasses she had been carrying. “What? Amelia Davies called? You’re going to dinner with Amelia Davies?”

  Jenna remained nonchalant and took a bite from her sandwich while Kris sat on the edge of her chair waiting for more details. “Oh, by the way, she invited you too.” She took another bite.

  Kris's chair screeched as she slid closer to Jenna and pushed Jenna’s plate away. “You aren’t getting it back until you tell me what happened.”

  “She wants to thank me and ‘my friend’ for saving her mother. I tried to get out of going, but she insisted. She said she would have her assistant call me with further information. Must be nice to have an assistant, huh?”

  Kris grabbed Jenna by the shoulders. “You tried to turn her down? Are you crazy? Oh, I can’t wait to tell Allie.” She jumped up and ran out to get her phone.

  “Well, at least one of us is happy about going,” she called out to Kris as she leaned over and pulled her plate back towards her. Of course, Kris had no idea about the comment Amelia had made that sparked jealousy in Jenna. Jenna just wanted to get the dinner over with and forget about it. She convinced herself Amelia wouldn’t make a move on Kris while she was there with them.

  Jenna shouted to Kris “Don’t get too excited. No one has called back about the details yet.”

  Jenna’s hopes were short-lived. Amelia’s assistant called that evening to finalize the plans.


  Kris drove to the restaurant with Jenna to meet Amelia. Jenna wore a black skirt and white blouse. A skirt was the easiest thing for Jenna to wear to dinner due to the leg brace, and even that was difficult to put on. Kris had to help her slide into it.

  Kris wore navy blue dress pants with a pale blue blouse leaving the top few buttons open. The outfit Kris had chosen pleased Jenna. The more Kris covered up for the dinner with Amelia, the more relaxed Jenna was. However, once Jenna saw the suit on Kris her fears returned. No amount of clothing could hide how beautiful Kris was, especially when she flashed her perfect smile.

  Amelia had chosen a
swanky and private reservations-only restaurant near the beach. The spectacular views of the ocean and its proximity to the weekly fireworks during the summer made it well-known even though few could afford to dine there. Amelia had chosen tonight because it was the last fireworks of the season. She requested a private section near the back of the restaurant where almost the entire wall was glass so they would have an unobstructed view.

  The hostess escorted Jenna and Kris to the back, which was empty except for Amelia who stood to greet them. Jenna forced a polite smile at the sight of Amelia wearing a tight black miniskirt that strained to cover the essentials. She paired it with a black and white sleeveless printed top with a plunging neckline that dropped down in a point ending between her breasts. She might as well have worn a flashing sign that said, ‘Hey, look at my boobs.’ Jenna wasn’t the least bit interested in Amelia, but Amelia’s ample cleavage stretching the fabric beyond its limits didn’t escape Jenna’s gaze.

  Amelia walked towards them with her arms open. She hugged Jenna first and then Kris. “It is such a pleasure to meet the two of you. Mother sends her regards, but she’s still recovering at home.” She motioned for them to have a seat at the booth in the corner.

  It was a U-shaped corner booth with a magnificent ocean view. Jenna had Kris slide in first, and then Jenna slid in next to Kris. She wanted to wedge herself between Kris and Amelia just in case. At least she could enjoy dinner as much as possible without having to worry about Amelia making physical advances towards Kris.

  A young man appeared as soon as they sat down. Jenna rolled her eyes at Kris as the young man stumbled through the process of taking Amelia’s drink order. She was surprised he knew there was anyone else at the table besides Amelia. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her and her bosom twins.

  “What would you ladies like to drink tonight?” he asked Jenna and Kris without looking at them.

  “Just water for me,” Jenna replied. The last thing she needed was alcohol to mix with her medications. She was already on edge sitting between Amelia and Kris.

  “I will have water also,” Kris said.

  Jenna could tell Amelia disapproved of their drink order, but she didn’t care.

  Amelia reached across and touched Kris's left arm. “How is your arm, darling?”

  To Jenna’s surprise, Kris lowered her gaze and blushed. Jenna felt an undeniable streak of jealousy rising up within her. She shot Kris a puzzled look. She was glad she was between them.

  Kris smiled at Amelia. “It’s healing. The doctor said I should only have a minor scar near my wrist where the flame caught my sleeve.”

  Jenna placed her hand on the table and grabbed Kris's hand. She wanted Amelia to know Kris was already taken, even if Kris wasn’t doing a good job of showing it herself.

  Amelia glanced down at the two of them holding hands. “Good, I’m glad to hear that. Don’t worry about any scars. In my opinion, I think battle scars are sexy.” She winked at Kris.

  Jenna tightened her grip on Kris's hand. She couldn’t believe Amelia was flirting with Kris right in front of her. She couldn’t wait to get dinner over with and get rid of Amelia Davies once and for all.

  Amelia turned her attention to Jenna and slid closer to her in the booth. “So, Jenna, how are you healing? You injured your right leg, is that correct?”

  Jenna flashed a fake smile. “Yes, Amelia, you’re correct. I’m pushing myself as hard as Kris will let me, and I should be getting out of this brace next week.” That was as much small talk as Jenna could stomach at the moment. She tried to sound polite, but she didn’t care if she was convincing enough.

  Amelia took a sip from her drink and studied Jenna. “That is great news. I’m sure Kris is taking excellent care of you. Thank goodness you didn’t hurt your left leg too, that would have made getting around so much more difficult.”

  “Kris has been wonderful to me. She has been such a huge help.” Jenna felt Amelia’s leg press against her left leg. Jenna couldn’t move any closer to Kris. It was like she was an invisible obstacle between Amelia and Kris. She caught a glimpse of Amelia licking her lips. This woman is unbelievable.

  The waiter and another waitress appeared with their food. Amelia placed her napkin on her lap and rested her right hand on Jenna’s left knee. Jenna thought she was imagining things. With a discreet glimpse, she looked down beneath the tablecloth as she placed her napkin in her lap. She saw Amelia’s hand resting on her knee. She smoothed the napkin out over her lap pushing Amelia’s hand away at the same time. That is when she realized Amelia wasn’t after Kris, she was after her. Jenna had placed herself right beside Amelia without knowing she was the target of Amelia’s desires.

  Jenna tried to remain calm. Kris was already suspicious of the physical therapist, Layla, who had only been doing her job. Jenna didn’t want to add another person to Kris's paranoia. She reminded herself that Amelia was only in town while her mother was recuperating. Amelia would most likely be leaving soon and Jenna would never have to deal with her again. In the meantime, Jenna had to get through the rest of the evening. She narrowed her eyes at Amelia and shook her head letting her know she wasn’t interested.

  Kris remained oblivious to the situation occurring between her two dinner mates and Jenna thought it best to keep it that way. Jenna kept herself busy with her meal, but she wanted to grab Kris and leave. Amelia must have gotten the hint because she kept her hands to herself the remainder of the time. Just when Jenna thought the dinner was over, Amelia persuaded Kris to stay for dessert and watch the fireworks. Jenna knew how much Kris loved fireworks and how much she had looked forward to this dinner, so she agreed to stay for Kris. A few more minutes couldn’t hurt anything, or so Jenna thought.

  Dessert was on the table soon afterwards, and the fireworks began over the beach and under the table. Kris turned to get a better look out of the window. As soon as Kris had turned, Jenna felt Amelia’s hand again. This time Amelia didn’t stop at Jenna’s knee. Amelia was halfway under her skirt before she could stop her. She grabbed Amelia’s hand with a stern grip and pushed it away. Jenna leaned over and whispered to Amelia so Kris wouldn’t hear her. “If you try that one more time, I will break every one of your fingers. I don’t care who you are.” Jenna finished her glass of water and slammed it down hard on the table within an inch of Amelia’s other hand.

  Kris jumped and turned back around. “Are you okay?” She asked Jenna.

  “Everything is fine, honey.” Jenna said with a smile.

  Chapter Seven

  Four months after the accident, Jenna was back at work full time no longer limited to short surgeries. Layla and her surgeon had already given her permission to ease into jogging, but unfortunately it was January. New England winters can be brutal, and this year was no exception. The bitter cold was hell on Jenna’s knee. She had a scar and occasional pain, but at least the pain was bearable now. She still jogged as much as she could, but Kris refused to let her if it had snowed or there was ice. Kris worried about Jenna re-injuring her knee.

  All the buzz surrounding their brush with fame had died down, except for the occasional teasing of the news labeling Kris as Jenna’s friend. Jenna was glad she hadn’t heard from Amelia Davies again. She never told Kris what happened underneath the table, especially since Kris's unfounded jealousy over Layla never disappeared.


  Kris turned the alarm clock off before it had a chance to go off, and she straddled Jenna’s waist. She leaned forward and held Jenna’s wrists firm against the pillow.

  Jenna opened her eyes and gave Kris a quizzical look. “What are you….”

  Kris leaned down further until her lips found Jenna’s.

  Jenna’s tongue met Kris's and she moaned. Even though they had shared many kisses before, each one was a new experience that sent warm sensations through Jenna’s body. She felt Kris's pelvis grind slow against her. Jenna closed her eyes and succumbed to Kris.

  Kris continued to hold Jenna’s arms pinned down
to the pillow as she continued to rub against Jenna. Kris buried her face against Jenna’s neck and pressed her lips and tongue against Jenna’s warm skin. She could feel Jenna’s pulse quicken against her lips signaling Jenna’s excitement. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Jenna shook her head. “No, forget the alarm clock. I like the way you wake me up much better.”

  Kris released Jenna’s wrists and slid Jenna’s shirt off before lowering her hands to Jenna’s breasts. Jenna arched her back to meet Kris's fingers. Kris became more aroused by Jenna’s moans, as she manipulated Jenna’s hard nipples between her fingers. She could feel Jenna’s breathing quicken underneath her fingertips. Kris lowered her tongue and accepted a nipple into her awaiting mouth.

  Jenna with her arms still above her head began grinding against Kris. They found their rhythm. She felt her nipple slide past Kris's teeth. She licked her own lips, as Kris's tongue flicked against her stiff nipple.

  Kris caught a glimpse of Jenna’s tongue and wanted more. She found Jenna’s lips and plunged her tongue between them. She slid her hand down to Jenna’s panties running her hand over top of them.

  Jenna opened her thighs further and pushed against Kris's hand, as she broke away from the intense kiss they had been sharing. Jenna took the opportunity to catch her breath. Kris's long hair framed her beautiful face that was now flushed. Jenna could see in Kris's eyes how much she wanted her. No one had ever looked at her that way before.

  Jenna placed her hands underneath Kris's thin tank top. She lifted the top up and over Kris's head. Jenna slid further down in the bed until she was underneath Kris's bare breasts. She cupped them in her hands and worked Kris's nipples using her thumbs and forefingers. Jenna watched as Kris closed her eyes and threw her head back while increasing the frequency of thrusting her pelvis against Jenna. The sight of Kris above her was almost enough to send Jenna to the brink of an orgasm. Jenna’s mouth took over where her fingers had been. She used her teeth and tongue to tease Kris's swollen nipples.


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