Jenna's Closure (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 2)

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Jenna's Closure (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 2) Page 5

by Missy Redstone

  Kris was panting at this point. She felt Jenna try to slide down further, but she stopped her. Instead, she grabbed Jenna’s hand and placed it inside the waistband of her panties. She lifted her hips to give Jenna more room to play. Kris kissed Jenna long and hard and let her lips linger on Jenna’s, as Jenna parted Kris's delicate lips below. Her teeth grazed Jenna’s lower lip as she felt Jenna’s fingers slide over her slippery surface. Kris was so close, but she didn’t want to get there before Jenna.

  Jenna wanted nothing more than to make Kris scream with pleasure, but Kris had the same plan for her. Jenna grabbed the sheets with her free hand, as she felt Kris's fingers make their way underneath her panties. Jenna raised her hips to meet Kris's fingers, and she moaned into Kris's ear when she felt Kris begin to caress the spot that always made her climax.

  Kris began stroking her fingers up and down underneath Jenna’s panties. When she felt her own orgasm building to a crescendo beneath Jenna’s fingers, she intensified the pressure and began making small circles. She could tell Jenna was right there with her ready to explode at any second.

  Kris was seconds ahead of Jenna’s release. She collapsed on top of Jenna with a smile. “We should start every morning like this.”

  Jenna pushed Kris's hair back and kissed her forehead. “I don’t think we’d ever make it to work if we did.”


  Kris came back from her early morning walk with Jax to find Jenna in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She came up behind Jenna and kissed the back of her neck. “Thank you for making breakfast, but I know what you’re up to.”

  Jenna turned around with a faint smirk on her lips. “What do you mean?”

  Kris pulled at the stretchy fabric of Jenna’s thermal running pants. She let go and the spandex-like material snapped back against Jenna’s ass. “Dr. Jenna Harper, you aren’t fooling me. You’re trying to butter me up so I will let you jog to work this morning. Next time you might want to wait and see what my answer is before changing into your running gear.”

  Jenna turned back around and slid the eggs onto the plates. “But I look good in this, right?” She spun around to show Kris every angle. “Don’t make me change. Can I jog to work this morning?”

  Kris raised an eyebrow and whistled. Jenna was right about that, she did look sexy. “Okay, it has been a while since you jogged with all the snow we’ve had. I think it’s safe, but pay attention. I don’t want you overworking yourself or getting hurt again like last month when you slipped on black ice.”

  “Yes, mother. I promise I’ll pay attention. Should I look both ways before crossing the street also?” Jenna asked as she placed the plates on the table.

  “Don’t make fun of me for worrying about you,” Kris said as she pulled her chair out and sat down.

  Jenna faced Kris and sat on her lap straddling her. She placed her arms around Kris's neck and kissed her forehead. “You’re so sweet. I love you Kris Fletcher,” a mischievous smile formed on her thin lips, “friend of Dr. Jenna Harper.”

  “Real funny.” Kris tried to push Jenna away, but Jenna bent down and kissed her on the lips. It escalated into a heated kiss before Jenna finally broke away.

  After a quick breakfast, Jenna sprinted out the door. She loved running in cool weather even though her knee didn’t share her enthusiasm. When she arrived at the hospital, she showered and changed into scrubs. She had a long and busy day ahead of her.


  Around ten that evening security called to inform her she had a visitor. She didn’t know who it could be. All the guards knew Kris by now. They would sign Kris in and send her up without asking her permission.

  “Who is it?” Jenna asked.

  The security guard responded, “Dr. Harper, um, I think it’s better if you come down.”

  Jenna thought immediately of Amelia. If it was Amelia Davies, she didn’t want to deal with Amelia alone. She thought it was best to deal with her downstairs with someone supervising. “Okay, I will be down shortly,” Jenna said.

  The elevator doors opened and Jenna stepped out. Her sneakers squeaked on the tile that the cleaning crew had just waxed. She saw the back of a woman sitting in the lobby, but it didn’t look like Amelia. The lobby was otherwise empty. She walked up to the security station and knocked on the thick glass causing the guard to jump. He had been staring at the woman in the lobby and hadn’t seen or heard Jenna approach.

  The guard stepped out into the hallway to talk to her. He looked at Jenna’s name badge and then he looked up at her like he was studying her. He then looked back at the woman waiting in the lobby who still had her back towards Jenna. “Dr. Harper?”

  “Yes, Tony it’s me. You know it’s me.” Jenna was losing her patience. “Why did you call me down here?”

  The guard scratched his head and made a face like he was contemplating something. “Dr. Harper, do you have a sister?”

  Jenna took a step back and crossed her arms. “Tony, this isn’t funny. You told me I had a visitor. Why do you care if I have a sister?”

  The guard looked back at the woman and then back at Jenna who looked like she was about to attack him. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words didn’t come out.

  Jenna turned to walk back to the elevator cursing as her shoes continued to squeak. Her finger had just released the button to summon the elevator when Tony found his voice. “She said she is your sister, Doc.”

  Jenna shook her head. “I don’t have time for this.” She was furious. Someone was playing a cruel joke on her and she wanted to know who. She bolted back down the hallway and swung the door to the lobby open so hard it bounced off the wall behind it.

  The woman who was the cause of her fury jumped out of her chair and turned around with an alarmed look on her face. Jenna froze. She began trembling. It felt like the blood in her veins had frozen and turned to ice. Jenna was staring at the mirror image of herself.

  The woman took a small step towards Jenna and held out her open arms. “Jenna, it’s me Kim.”

  Jenna couldn’t move. “Kim?” she repeated with uncertainty.

  The woman stepped closer and put her hands on Jenna’s shoulders. “It’s me, Jenna. It’s really me.”

  Jenna broke down sobbing and put her arms around Kim. She held Kim tight as they both cried. Jenna grabbed a tissue from a nearby table. She sat down and handed it to Kim and took one for herself.

  She couldn’t stop staring at Kim. Her emotions overwhelmed her and she was full of questions, but didn’t know where to begin. “You look good,” Jenna joked.

  Kim laughed and glanced down at herself and then back at Jenna. “I’m not sure your opinion counts here since we’re identical twins, but thank you. You’ve done pretty good for yourself. I’m proud of you.”

  Jenna picked at a string that was loose on her white coat. “Thanks.” She studied Kim’s manicured nails and scanned her left hand for a wedding ring, but Kim didn’t have one. There were so many things she wanted to know, but then the memory of Kim being dragged into the car screaming flashed through her mind. She shuddered at the thought of what Kim had been through. “I’m so sorry, Kim. We looked for you. We tried to find you. What happened?”

  Kim leaned across the chair and gave Jenna another hug. “We have a lot of catching up to do, but let’s talk about it later. It’s late and we have plenty of time to catch up. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Jenna checked her watch. “You’re right. Let me call Kris. She’ll come pick us up and take us home. You’re staying with me.”

  Kim shook her head. “No, I don’t want to intrude. I have my bags in my rental car out front. I have a hotel booked already.”

  Jenna stood up in front of Kim. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Kim grinned. “Okay, okay. You win. I had forgotten how persistent you were back then. I guess that much hasn’t changed. I can drive you home. Are you ready now?”

  “Almost, I’ll be back down in a minute,” Jenna said as she dashed off. As she
ran past the guard’s station, she caught Tony’s eyes and mouthed, “Sorry.”


  It was a quick ride back to Jenna’s house. Jenna didn’t bother calling Kris ahead of time. It would have taken too much time to explain over the phone. When they arrived, Kris was in the office.

  Kris heard the door shut and then Jax began to bark. Kris's heart raced. Her ears strained to hear footsteps. She thought someone had broken in. Jenna was at work, and Jax wouldn’t bark at Jenna anyway. She reached for the phone to dial the police.

  “Kris, come here,” Jenna shouted.

  Kris took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She stood up and placed the phone back down on her desk. “What are you doing home? Why didn’t you call me?” She entered the family room. “You scared me to death. What the….” Her voice trailed off as she examined the two Jennas standing in the middle of the room. She rubbed her eyes and blinked hard trying to clear her double vision.

  Kris took an apprehensive step forward. Her brain broke free from its stupor and she realized one Jenna had scrubs on, so she assumed that was her Jenna. Jax stood barking in front of the stranger who looked like Jenna, but had her hair down instead of in a ponytail. Kris was speechless.

  Jenna walked over to Kris and put a reassuring arm around her. “Kris, this is my sister, Kim.” Then, Jenna turned to face her sister. “Kim, this is my girlfriend, Kris.”

  After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Kris wiped the tears in her eyes with the back of her unsteady hand. She walked across the room and wrapped her arms around Kim in a warm embrace. It felt strange to hug someone who looked just like her lover. She took a step back and looked at Kim’s eyes, and face, and hair. “Wow, it’s unbelievable how much you look like Jenna. I don’t mean to stare, but wow.” She shook her head. “I’m babbling. I’m sorry. It’s nice to meet you Kim.”

  Jenna pulled Kris's hand and guided her to the couch where they both sat down. Jenna threw a toy into the dining room to keep Jax occupied and quiet.

  Kim sat in the chair across from them. “So you two are dating? I saw the news report about Amelia Davies’ mother. It said you were friends.”

  Jenna put her arm around Kris and squeezed her shoulder. It was still a sore topic for Kris even after four months. Jenna responded, “Yes, we’re together and this is our house. We just purchased it about 7 or 8 months ago, and that’s about how long we’ve dated.”

  Kim sat back and rested her hands on the arms of the chair. “Oh, okay. Did you meet while looking for houses?”

  Jenna shook her head. “No, I met Kris almost a year and a half ago at the hospital. She was my patient, but enough about us. What happened to you? Where have you been?”

  Kim leaned forward to stand. “We can talk about me tomorrow. It’s been a long day.”

  Jenna stood up. “Of course. Let me show you the guest room.” She picked up the two suitcases that were by the front door.

  Kris took them from her. “Give them to me. I don’t want you getting hurt again.”

  Jenna and Kim followed Kris up the stairs to the guest room. Kris placed the suitcases on the bed and walked back into the hallway.

  Jenna pulled the curtains closed and turned back to Kim with a worried expression. “Have you talked to Mom and Dad yet? Do they know you’re here?”

  Kim busied herself unzipping the suitcases and didn’t bother to look up. “No. I wanted to see you first. This is all kind of strange. You and I were always close. It’s silly, but I have mixed feelings about….”

  Jenna felt her heartstrings tug when she saw the tears in Kim’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” She gave Kim a hug and squeezed her tight. “You get some rest and we’ll talk some more tomorrow. We are right across the hall if you need anything.”

  Jenna paused in the doorway and watched Kim unpacking. She pinched herself and sighed. No, this wasn’t a dream. She had Kim back. “Goodnight Kim,” she said as she shut the door behind her.

  Kris was already in bed, but from the wide-eyed expression on her face Jenna knew she wouldn’t get much sleep. Jenna sat down on the edge of the bed and laid backwards resting her head in Kris's lap.

  Kris loosened Jenna’s ponytail and ran her fingers through her hair. “What happened? Tell me everything.”

  Jenna yawned. “She just showed up in the lobby. I got a call from security to come down and there she was. I honestly don’t know any more than you do right now. All I know is I have her back, and I will do whatever it takes to protect her from now on.”

  Kris bent down and kissed Jenna’s forehead. “I’m so happy for you.” Her mind wandered as Jenna stood up to change out of her scrubs. She was happy for Jenna, but she couldn’t help feeling a little uneasy. It was weird having a complete stranger in the house even though it was Jenna’s sister. They had only shared seven years of their lives together as children. That was a short amount of time to know someone. The fact that Kris couldn’t tell them apart didn’t ease her nerves.


  Kim opened her purse and pulled out her gun, making sure the safety was still on. She pulled back the slide forcing a round into the chamber before adding another to the magazine giving her a total of eight. She placed the gun back in her purse. She had purchased it from someone off the street years ago, but had never used it other than target practice. It made her feel powerful to carry it around, not to mention it was nice to have for protection.

  Several years ago, she had become addicted to painkillers. Of course, she had to obtain them through illegal channels so having the gun made her feel safer. One of her exes, Tommy, had been addicted to several different types of drugs. Alcohol, marijuana, and painkillers were her weaknesses. She sobered up and cleaned up two years ago, but every now and then she gets a craving especially in stressful situations or when she is having a major mood swing. She had never received counseling for what she had went through with her kidnappers. There were times when she would completely “lose her shit,” as she would say. During those periods of time she would become irate and unable to think logically. She would act on her emotions and feelings without thinking about the consequences. Adding alcohol or drugs during those times was like adding fuel to a fire.

  As long as she stayed sober and clean, she was better able to control herself. However, seeing Jenna on television triggered a flood of unpleasant memories of her kidnappers. It sent her in a tailspin and she was unable to function. She had resisted her urge to return to her prior path of destruction so far, but she did get fired from her job waitressing. That’s when she decided Jenna owed her. It was her fault. Jenna was the one who was able to live a normal life. She was the one who was a big-shot doctor now. It was time for Jenna to share some of her good fortune with her. She packed up what little she had in a rental car and headed north to claim what Jenna owed her.

  Of course, that wasn’t the version she would be telling Jenna. Kim laid back on the bed and started rehearsing the story in her head. On the drive up, she had came up with what she was going to tell Jenna. Most of it would be lies, but she sprinkled in some truth here and there.

  Chapter Eight

  Kris and Jenna both had a hard time sleeping. Jenna had finally fallen asleep a few hours before dawn, but Kris tossed and turned. She decided to get up and take Jax for his early morning walk. When she returned, she smelled coffee coming from the kitchen. She strolled into the kitchen where either Jenna or Kim stood facing the counter. Kris recognized Jenna’s robe. “Jenna?” Kris guessed.

  Jenna turned around and laughed. “Yes. It’s me, Kris. It’s crazy. This reminds me of growing up and my parents always guessing which one they were talking to.” Jenna poured the two of them coffee and sat the cups down on the table in front of Kris. She bent down and kissed the top of Kris's head.

  Kris wrapped her arms around Jenna’s waist and pulled her into her lap.

  Jenna put her arms around Kris's neck and rested her forehead against Kris's. “I love you.”

  “I love you more,” Kris said. She kissed Jenna again. Kris looked up to find Kim standing in the doorway.

  “Sorry to interrupt. You two are so cute together,” Kim said.

  Jenna stood up and cleared her throat. “Would you like some coffee?”

  Kim walked towards the coffee pot. “Thanks, but I can get it. Go sit down.” She grabbed the coffee cup Jenna had left for her on the counter. “I slept so good last night. Thanks again for letting me stay here.” She joined Jenna and Kris at the table.

  “You’re welcome. You can stay as long as you would like.” Jenna took a quick sip of coffee. She felt nervous around Kim, but tried to hide it. Kim didn’t make her feel uncomfortable, but she felt uneasy about finding out what had happened to her. “Kris has a few things to do this morning, but I have the day off. I look forward to catching up with you.” She paused and took another nervous sip. “I’ve missed you so much.” Jenna stopped before she got too emotional.

  Kim placed her hand on Jenna’s. “I know. How are Mom and Dad?”

  “They’re good, but we don’t talk much. Losing you took a toll on us all,” Jenna grumbled. “Everything changed after that. They are different now, but maybe now that you’re back things will change.”

  Kris felt out of place. She was curious about what had happened to Kim, but she thought Kim would appreciate being alone with Jenna. “I should get going. I have that big closing on the O’Neil house this morning.” She stood and kissed Jenna. “Maybe we can all meet for lunch.” She placed a tentative hand on Kim’s shoulder. “I look forward to hearing any stories you have about Jenna. She has told me quite a few about you, but now is your chance to defend yourself.” She gave Kim a friendly smile. Kris grabbed her bag and looked back at the two identical twins waving at her. “Love you,” she said before closing the door behind her.


  After hearing Kris's car leave the driveway, Jenna took a deep breath and with a tremulous voice she asked, “Did the people who kidnapped you hurt you?”


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